Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

Recently a lot came about King. Posting what has come out is not insulting, it is news.
I am taling about how you racists misuse one line in his I have a drewam speech.

That other stuff is questionable.
Perhaps CON is the operative term.

Why is it that Sowell never seems to discuss the economic impact of racism on black Americans.

There are a multitude of books out about this, but the darling black "conservative" economist doesn't seem to have written one. You would think with all that conservative grant money he's been paid....

Oh yeah, that's the point, don't write about what really happened, write stuff blaming blacks for failing.

Would you name some black economists with the same education he has who disagree with his economic theories?
Nobody serious in the black community respected Thomas Sowell. No-one. That's why you can't name me one black person like Thomas Sowell that is remembered in history.

  • You know who MLK was.
  • You know who Malcolm X was.
  • You know who the black panthers were.
  • You know who Rosa Parks was.
  • You know who Nelson Mandela was.
  • You know who Muhammad Ai was.
Why ? Coz they stood up and fought against and unjust system and were not afraid to die.

Thomas Sowell was a black man who was a senior fellow at The Hoover Institute which is a white supremacist think tank. This guy was a piece of work. He thought that the book "The Bell Curve" (The white supremacist bible which is a book that basically tries to prove how stupid blk ppl are) is a good well written book.

He's made his money from hustling the white supremacists by articulating their racist views for them.
The Bell Curve is a good, well-written book. Harvard. Charles Murray has published two more like it lately; I have them both and am looking forward to reading them. It does indeed show that blacks are fully 15 points lower on the IQ curve than whites, on the average; and Jews are 15 points higher than other whites. All of which certainly explains a great deal about the world as it is . . . .

I don't know why you keep referring to Sowell in the past tense; he's alive and writing, though he is 91. Kissinger is rising 100 and he's still writing too --- people live longer these days, at least if Covid doesn't get 'em.

Thomas Sowell is certainly an economist and perhaps he simply wanted to be an economist, not a race-monger like so many blacks. I respect that. I used to read all John McWhorter's books and audiolectures, could not BELIEVE he was black (no accent, very scholarly about linguistics, nothing about ebonics or any black stuff), had to look him up on Bing before I believed it. He must have been brought up by white parents; or is just very good at languages, which would certainly figure, considering his field. But lately they've scooped him up, too and he's started to write books about race. Though McWhorter does fight back against the leftwing race, race, race crap so many blacks put out. He has a new book out this very month and I've preordered it:

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America

How is it misused? Are you speaking about "content of his character"?
Because he was talking about whites who judge by the color of our skin, while our comments are made based on documented actions and the continuing racist garbage we read from folks like you here in this forum.
Would you name some black economists with the same education he has who disagree with his economic theories?
Would you care to watch the video?
Because he was talking about whites who judge by the color of our skin, while our comments are made based on documented actions and the continuing racist garbage we read from folks like you here in this forum.
Sorry he was talking about men as a whole. There were no colors involved. I have asked you to produce a racist post of mine. You have yet to do it.
I am taling about how you racists misuse one line in his I have a drewam speech.

Whatever you are talking about, that sentence is not in English. There is no way to make sense out of that scramble. If you want to make out that blacks are intelligent by showing that you are, this is a bad way to go about it. I suspect you are just a white male who is trolling.
Sorry he was talking about men as a whole. There were no colors involved. I have asked you to produce a racist post of mine. You have yet to do it.
As happens so often, it falls on the self-appointed to explain what someone really MEANT to say instead of what they actually said. MLK was a public speaker, he knew the value of words and would have indicated he was talking about something different. No, I do believe he was looking forward to a day when skin color doesn't dictate the way someone is treated, but their character does.
Nobody serious in the black community respected Thomas Sowell. No-one. That's why you can't name me one black person like Thomas Sowell that is remembered in history.

  • You know who MLK was.
  • You know who Malcolm X was.
  • You know who the black panthers were.
  • You know who Rosa Parks was.
  • You know who Nelson Mandela was.
  • You know who Muhammad Ai was.
Why ? Coz they stood up and fought against and unjust system and were not afraid to die.

Thomas Sowell was a black man who was a senior fellow at The Hoover Institute which is a white supremacist think tank. This guy was a piece of work. He thought that the book "The Bell Curve" (The white supremacist bible which is a book that basically tries to prove how stupid blk ppl are) is a good well written book.

He's made his money from hustling the white supremacists by articulating their racist views for them.
You're just pissed because Sowell is highly intelligent and you are not. You're on the opposite side of the hump in the bell curve.
Frankly, because he doesn’t care
There is more money to be made pandering to the Conservative right
I think that is spot on. Sowell has made a career of telling people what they want to hear. One can hardly qualify as an "Economist" while subscribing to the theory of libertarianism. For instance, some cool con artists created a libertarian nation state somewhere in South America. They trumpeted how there would be no government involvement in the markets and suckers gleefully purchased plots of land, They ended up buying the equivalent of swamp land, and lost their asses, because there was no government oversight.

Sowell position on charter schools is a good case in point. He starts out by saying the problem is finding equivalent socioeconomic cohorts to study in public school as opposed to charter schools. But he ignores the fact that charter school students have motivated and involved parents, that is how they got in a charter school. And then he comes to the conclusion that charter schools provide better results. I call bullshit. If those parents would have been involved in a public school, the results would not have been the same, they would have been better.
The book, "Republicans and The Black Vote" details the relationship between blacks and the Republican party from the Emancipation Proclamation until at least the 2008 election. It is an indepth study of what republicans have and have not done for black support. Chapter 4 details a strategy by conservatives to find blacks who could counter civil rights leaders.

“Conservative philanthropy-the network of right wing foundations- has had a two sided relationship with black America. On one hand, conservatives have poured millions of dollars into efforts to win over conservative Africa Americans, particularly on issues such as school vouchers, charter schools and gay marriage. On the other hand conservatives have funded think tanks and have supported black and other scholars who produce research that often takes anti-black positions.”

Michael K. Fauntroy

So what we see is that conservatives were trying to create a divide in the black community in order to nullify any additional gains via civil rights. These foundations paid blacks to produce anti black research. During Walter Williams life, he was paid at least 1.9 million in grants by various conservative organizations. Thomas Sowell is another millionaire grant recipient from various conservative foundations. Shelby Steele is another ivory tower black conservative funded by right wing foundations to research and create silly anti-black positions while claiming everything that helped him rise to the place he has is somehow bad, demeaning, unfair and creates a victim mentality on black people. These blacks have done great harm to the black community.
Any objective opinion can be anti-black or anti-white. Facts have no color. The only organization that will never have an anti-black position is a racist organization, or one that is achieving some end by pandering to blacks. An organization that is looking for truths will have positions that favor some groups at times and don't favor groups at other times. In 1950 an organization could truthfully say Muslims have never directly attacked the USA. If the same organization said the same thing in 2002, it would be lying. Same statement, same group involved; different facts.
The Bell Curve is a good, well-written book. Harvard. Charles Murray has published two more like it lately; I have them both and am looking forward to reading them. It does indeed show that blacks are fully 15 points lower on the IQ curve than whites, on the average; and Jews are 15 points higher than other whites. All of which certainly explains a great deal about the world as it is . . . .

I don't know why you keep referring to Sowell in the past tense; he's alive and writing, though he is 91. Kissinger is rising 100 and he's still writing too --- people live longer these days, at least if Covid doesn't get 'em.

Thomas Sowell is certainly an economist and perhaps he simply wanted to be an economist, not a race-monger like so many blacks. I respect that. I used to read all John McWhorter's books and audiolectures, could not BELIEVE he was black (no accent, very scholarly about linguistics, nothing about ebonics or any black stuff), had to look him up on Bing before I believed it. He must have been brought up by white parents; or is just very good at languages, which would certainly figure, considering his field. But lately they've scooped him up, too and he's started to write books about race. Though McWhorter does fight back against the leftwing race, race, race crap so many blacks put out. He has a new book out this very month and I've preordered it:

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America

Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America

The Bell Curve is bunk.

Lol! John McWhorter?

Please. He's a linguist. How about, people who have studied sociology, law, public policy, etc?

Try reading:

White Rage, by Carol Anderson
The Black Tax, By Shawn Rochester
The Color of Money, by Mehrsa Baradaran
The Color of Law, by Richard Rothstein
When Affirmative Action was white, by Ira Katznelson
The Sum of Us, by Heather McGee
The Debt, by Randall Robinson

Then come talk. Blacks have always been "woke". Whites have always opposed blacks who were woke and whites have always used black accomodationists to tell other blacks how it's wrong to be woke.

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