Zone1 Thomas Sowell: "Systemic Racism has no meaning".


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Thomas Sowell dismantles "Systemic Racism" during this telling and important interview.

Thomas Sowell dismantles "Systemic Racism" during this telling and important interview.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You guys talk about Joe Bidens age and dementia but a senile 92 year old black man can tell you what you want to hear and he dismantled something.

Sowell is a joke. He is an example of how whites on the right maintain a racist system to further their agenda.

Why The Arguments Of Thomas Sowell Do Not Refute The Issue Of Racial Inequality In America​

When discussing the racial disparity and systematic racism as a major set back for the black community in America, there is a reason why the likes of Thomas Sowell nearly always never leave the comfort zone that reinforces their narrow arguments about the realities of African Americans.

For one, it is not that other commentariats never acknowledged some of his views which; as are accepted to a degree, it’s because his school of thought, much like those who reinforce his claims hook, line and sinker fall in the face of even more efficient and empirical research that is obtainable today.

One of his prevailing arguments is that the absence of fathers in homes is significant to be blamed for the impoverishment in and lack of progress in African American homes.

If you read the study; Race and Economic opportunity in The United States, led by researchers at Stanford, Harvard, and the Census Bureau, income inequality between blacks and whites is driven entirely by what is happening among these boys and the men they become.

This is despite the backgrounds African American men come from – which is to say irrespective of their parents being in the top 1% – millionaires – or not. This is also to say whether they are intelligent, hardworking or as dedicated as their White, Asian, or Hispanic counterparts.

Another very insightful finding in this broad research of 20 million people across 30 years shows that differences in family characteristics – parental marriage rates, education, wealth – and differences in ability explain very little of the black-white gap.

When the study compared the outcomes of Black and White men who grow up in two-parent families with similar levels of income, wealth, and education, they continued to find that the Black men still have substantially lower incomes in adulthood. Hence, differences in these family characteristics play a limited role in explaining the gap.

Sowell is wrong, but you need him in order to continue living in denial.
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:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You guys talk about Joe Bidens age and dementia but a senile 92 year old black man can tell you what you want to hear and he dismantled something.

Sowell is a joke. He is an example of how whites on the right maintain a racist system to further their agenda.

Why The Arguments Of Thomas Sowell Do Not Refute The Issue Of Racial Inequality In America​

When discussing the racial disparity and systematic racism as a major set back for the black community in America, there is a reason why the likes of Thomas Sowell nearly always never leave the comfort zone that reinforces their narrow arguments about the realities of African Americans.

For one, it is not that other commentariats never acknowledged some of his views which; as are accepted to a degree, it’s because his school of thought, much like those who reinforce his claims hook, line and sinker fall in the face of even more efficient and empirical research that is obtainable today.

One of his prevailing arguments is that the absence of fathers in homes is significant to be blamed for the impoverishment in and lack of progress in African American homes.

If you read the study; Race and Economic opportunity in The United States, led by researchers at Stanford, Harvard, and the Census Bureau, income inequality between blacks and whites is driven entirely by what is happening among these boys and the men they become.

This is despite the backgrounds African American men come from – which is to say irrespective of their parents being in the top 1% – millionaires – or not. This is also to say whether they are intelligent, hardworking or as dedicated as their White, Asian, or Hispanic counterparts.

Another very insightful finding in this broad research of 20 million people across 30 years shows that differences in family characteristics – parental marriage rates, education, wealth – and differences in ability explain very little of the black-white gap.

When the study compared the outcomes of Black and White men who grow up in two-parent families with similar levels of income, wealth, and education, they continued to find that the Black men still have substantially lower incomes in adulthood. Hence, differences in these family characteristics play a limited role in explaining the gap.

Sowell is wrong, but you need him in order to continue living in denial.
Let's see, who am I to believe Thomas Sowell or IM2? Boy that's a tough one, hmmmmm I think I'll go with Thomas Sowell.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

You guys talk about Joe Bidens age and dementia but a senile 92 year old black man can tell you what you want to hear and he dismantled something.

Sowell is a joke. He is an example of how whites on the right maintain a racist system to further their agenda.

Why The Arguments Of Thomas Sowell Do Not Refute The Issue Of Racial Inequality In America​

When discussing the racial disparity and systematic racism as a major set back for the black community in America, there is a reason why the likes of Thomas Sowell nearly always never leave the comfort zone that reinforces their narrow arguments about the realities of African Americans.

For one, it is not that other commentariats never acknowledged some of his views which; as are accepted to a degree, it’s because his school of thought, much like those who reinforce his claims hook, line and sinker fall in the face of even more efficient and empirical research that is obtainable today.

One of his prevailing arguments is that the absence of fathers in homes is significant to be blamed for the impoverishment in and lack of progress in African American homes.

If you read the study; Race and Economic opportunity in The United States, led by researchers at Stanford, Harvard, and the Census Bureau, income inequality between blacks and whites is driven entirely by what is happening among these boys and the men they become.

This is despite the backgrounds African American men come from – which is to say irrespective of their parents being in the top 1% – millionaires – or not. This is also to say whether they are intelligent, hardworking or as dedicated as their White, Asian, or Hispanic counterparts.

Another very insightful finding in this broad research of 20 million people across 30 years shows that differences in family characteristics – parental marriage rates, education, wealth – and differences in ability explain very little of the black-white gap.

When the study compared the outcomes of Black and White men who grow up in two-parent families with similar levels of income, wealth, and education, they continued to find that the Black men still have substantially lower incomes in adulthood. Hence, differences in these family characteristics play a limited role in explaining the gap.

Sowell is wrong, but you need him in order to continue living in denial.
The difference is: Brandon is suffering from dementia. It’s crystal clear. Sowell isn’t.
Thomas Sowell dismantles "Systemic Racism" during this telling and important interview.

You claim that the only racism that currently exists in America is individual racism correct? That none of the alleged 'individual" racism is due to the history of the United States' legal system which stated that whites are superior to blacks, and that black people were not deserving of anything other than second class citizen status although originally SCOTUS ruled that the black man had no rights that a white man need respect and was not a citizen of the U.S

So how did institutional racism work before it "went away"? And what caused it to "go away"? It had to have been something other than the laws because when the Brown versus Board of Education was decided, a lot of racist instead of complying with the ruling doubled down on their racism. I just posted in another thread about how they created the White Citizen's Council in order to plan organized terrorism and economic destruction of the lives of black people and any whites who opposed or tried to change the white status quo.

So when did those strong feelings against black people go away and we were welcomed into society? And how?

Do you consider two or more people conspiring to deprive black people of any of their rights "institutional" or is that in your mind, still only racist individuals? What if they need someone working within a financial institution to carry out their plan, like calling in the mortgage of cancelling their credit, etc.? Does the involvement of a financial institution now make it "institutional racism" or is it still only individual racism even though at least 2 racist and another racist working within a bank or mortgage company is now involved?

Just curious about how you arrived at this conclusion.
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Systemic Racism Doesn’t Exist Because I’m Not Racist


What we call “systemic racism” is problematic because it uses the word “racism”, which most white people will never accept themselves as being. Systemic racism partially implies that a lot of people are racist and don’t even know it, and herein lies the fundamental problem with the phrase. Systemic racism is in some cases conscious and malicious, but more often requiring unconscious participation by people who would otherwise never think of themselves as ‘racist’. When used by itself, “racism” implies an active dislike of other races, so it’s inclusion in “systemic racism” will trigger many white people into assuming they have no role in it. You can’t call these people racist and expect them to accept it because by their definition ‘racism’ requires conscious participation.

For our purposes here, let’s expand the definition to include a ‘lack of respect’ as opposed to an active dislike. Some have pointed to the problem of meritocracy, where the relatively well-off (even the poorest of the whites may fit this category) assume that those at the bottom are there because of a lack of hard work as opposed to a lack of access to resources. That is, the fact that many blacks live in poor conditions is the clearest evidence that they are not worthy of the chances given. White people of course don’t realize the extent to which those chances are lacking.

In reality, the very fact that black people are excluded is the clearest proof of systemic racism. For the sake of this argument, it doesn’t matter WHY they’re excluded, just the fact that they ARE excluded. Certain people have been shunned by the system, so we call it systemic. Those people belong to a certain race, so we call it racism.

Maybe ‘racism’ is too harsh for white peoples’ ears. Systemic Racial Exclusion?

Racism does not have to be an active hatred of another race, it can be a lack of respect leading to inaction. Black people have been saying for a long time that there are problems. They have been saying that they are outraged, feel dehumanized, and acutely feeling the attempts at being broken down. They are pointing out that there is large-scale exclusion at the institutional level (loan/banking access, policing disparities, health care access, educational opportunities, etc). Since this exclusion is built into the way the system functions, we call it systemic. Since it happens along racial lines, we call it racism.

Maybe someone isn’t racist, but they still have to explain why blacks are excluded. Are they bad? Do they lack intelligence? Are they lazy? If not, then we still don’t have an answer. Maybe racism is other things besides lynchings. Maybe racism is other things besides Neo-Nazis.

Yawn. That chart was made 6 years ago. and it shows that 99,987 blacks out of every 100,000 blacks did not commit murder or manslaughter.
Yet they did commit those things at 9 times the rate of white people.
Thomas Sowell dismantles "Systemic Racism" during this telling and important interview.

He's absolutely right too!

America elected a black guy as POTUS- twice! In addition, he used to tell everyone that he was "born in Kenya"
Yet they did commit those things at 9 times the rate of white people.
Not really. When the totals for that year came out blacks dd not commit 9 times the murderss than whites did. And when you factor other violent crimes, Whites led by a huge percentage.

You guys cling to per capita when it suits you because threre are more of you so the numbers will be exaggerated by the population disparity. But if you have 5 dogs and 1 cat, the likelihood of you getting bit by a dog is much greater than it is by a cat. The fact that 5 times more whites exist than blacks makes whites the greater threat. Now you guys have continued lying to yourselves about your crime problem but that's got t stop.

It's just like everything else is here with a certain part of the membership. Nothing but excuses, diversions and dodges. The comes the racist claims about blacks.
Race hustlers keep squawking about "systemic racism"
The most notable example of systemic racism is in the higher education system, where lower admissions standards are applied to blacks, higher admissions standards applied to whites, and even higher admissions standards applies to Asians.

That admissions decisions are adjusted based on race is a violation of the equal protection clause, and the SCOTUS will take up a case next term that will likely put a stop to the systemic racism occurring at the college and graduate school levels.
Systemic racism has been the law of the land for decades.

It is called Affirmative Action.

Beyond that, we have EXTREME double standards for judging behavior, where white people are heavily scrutinized lest they utter an imaginary "microaggression" whereas blacks can vent their racial hatred with complete impunity..
Interesting quote from the OP's linked article:

Sowell has also opined on the issue of racism in America, explaining in 2012 that “racism is not dead, but it is on life support — kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as ‘racists.’”
The most notable example of systemic racism is in the higher education system, where lower admissions standards are applied to blacks, higher admissions standards applied to whites, and even higher admissions standards applies to Asians.

That admissions decisions are adjusted based on race is a violation of the equal protection clause, and the SCOTUS will take up a case next term that will likely put a stop to the systemic racism occurring at the college and graduate school levels.

Zone 1 is USMB's nod to AA

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