Thor's A Chick

my mistake,, she was on spiderman and fully supported tony and also spiderman,,,

you should really go back and watch them again and remember its a comic book movie,,
I have seen all of the movies up to Endgame multiple times ( minus Captain Marvel because it’s boring and it’s an unrelated insert anyway.)

Not sure why it being based on comics has to do with anything?

I shouldn’t have to use my imagination to fill their plot holes and character inconsistencies.
for a guy who says you dont read comics you sure seem to have a little knowledge you do read them...
I taught myself how to read before 1st grade by reading comics.
I bought comics when I was a kid.
Last time I checked one of my editions was worth $250 and I only paid 15 cents for it.
I had a whole box full of first edition comics from Marvel.
But by the time I hit 17yrs I felt they had become silly.
Bunch of guys in tight suits talking while they're punching each other out.
Seemed sort of Gay.
Nobody's having a tantrum, dickwad.
The point I've been trying make is not only is the gender stuff horse shit but it's becoming ridiculous.
And I don't give a flying-fuck if the comics have been featuring this shit for a couple of decades....I stopped reading them before I left H.S. in 1974.....and none of this PC crapola was happening in them....which makes me glad I don't waste my money on those worthless rags anymore.
pepper doesnt have anything to do with the gender issue,,

and I wouldnt use a comic book movie to make this point,,
I have seen all of the movies up to Endgame multiple times ( minus Captain Marvel because it’s boring and it’s an unrelated insert anyway.)

Not sure why it being based on comics has to do with anything?

I shouldn’t have to use my imagination to fill their plot holes and character inconsistencies.
comic books are all about using your imagination because its not real,,,
pepper doesnt have anything to do with the gender issue,,

and I wouldnt use a comic book movie to make this point,,
Pepper has everything to do with the gender bender bull shit.
Do you think they're just switching faces making male actors look like women on Facebook on a goof?
They're trying to turn us in to a bunch of pussies so when they start a war with us they can kick our asses.
It's pure Psychological Warfare....and the idiots in Washington are taking billions from the Chinese to go along with it.
Pepper has everything to do with the gender bender bull shit.
Do you think they're just switching faces making male actors look like women on Facebook on a goof?
They're trying to turn us in to a bunch of pussies so when they start a war with us they can kick our asses.
It's pure Psychological Warfare....and the idiots in Washington are taking billions from the Chinese to go along with it.
pepper started out as a girl and is still a girl,,,
comic books are all about using your imagination because its not real,,,
Not when assuming things that are not written in the books or shown on screen. The Marvel movies did not show Pepper as a superhero or interested in being one. She ran Tony’s company.
No he wasn't.
The only one I remember was Sue Storm the Invisible Woman.....and she was just the love interest of Mr Fantastic.
he sure was....who created the first black super hero in 1966?.....he did that in a time when it wouldnt have been accepted.....he started including more woman and minorities along as the years went on...he was very much for including "different" types of people in his stories...
Not when assuming things that are not written in the books or shown on screen. The Marvel movies did not show Pepper as a superhero or interested in being one. She ran Tony’s company.
the books had very few pictures and it was expected that the reader fill in he rest,,,
he sure was....who created the first black super hero in 1966?.....he did that in a time when it wouldnt have been accepted.....he started including more woman and minorities along as the years went on...he was very much for including "different" types of people in his stories...
By 66' I had been reading comics for years.

I thought we were talking about girls in tights....not race relations.
Did you know Nick Fury was one of my favorites. SGT Nick Fury and the Howling Commandos.
All of the sudden he's black and has an eye patch.


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