Those in power want to depopulate the world

Quite the contrary, the ONLY reason why the shortages aren't worse then they actually are is most people don't live like Americans. Most of the world's population lives like THIS.

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That's changing now that the world's two most populous countries, China and India, approach a standard of living closer to the west. But the world doesn't have enough natural resources to sustain this forever.
Keep on thinking like that I'm sure you will be happy when they start taking things away from you "for the common good". Of course the people taking won't give up shit.
good thing no one is talking about that. They are talking about- gasp - introducing family planning and contraception to slow population growth. GASP.

The privileged few will always have enough to eat and places to live.

Everyone else, not so much.
The problem is family planning and contraception sounds good but doesn’t reduce the population all that much quickly.

Soaring growth vs. ominous climate impacts
Even if family planning is widely adopted across the globe, a recent study suggests that the effects on climate change will be minimal in the near term.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide in Australia found that even dramatic population reductions would not be enough to have much of an environmental effect for most of the 21st century.
Keep on thinking like that I'm sure you will be happy when they start taking things away from you "for the common good". Of course the people taking won't give up shit.

Uh, the One Percenters have been taking stuff away from you for Decades, Cleetus, you are just too stupid to notice.

The problem is family planning and contraception sounds good but doesn’t reduce the population all that much quickly.

Actually, it does just fine. Japan, Europe and the US have their population growth under control because of contraception and abortion. We are basically just at replacement rates.

Of course, because nature abhors a vacuum, for Europe and the US, it just means third world people are moving into replace them. Japan pretty much keeps people out and they are going through a demagraphic death spiral.

China probably took it too far with the One Child policy and forced abortions.
Uh, the One Percenters have been taking stuff away from you for Decades, Cleetus, you are just too stupid to notice.

Actually, it does just fine. Japan, Europe and the US have their population growth under control because of contraception and abortion. We are basically just at replacement rates.

Of course, because nature abhors a vacuum, for Europe and the US, it just means third world people are moving into replace them. Japan pretty much keeps people out and they are going through a demagraphic death spiral.

China probably took it too far with the One Child policy and forced abortions.
Nope they haven't taken shit away from me, maybe you give up shit but I never have. Of course your answer is kill babies and replace the population with third world imigrants. Europe is seeing a huge spike in their crime rate and Japan's has always been low, why do you think that is ?
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Nope they haven't taken shit away from me, maybe you give up shit but I never have. Of course your answer is kill babies and replace the population with third world imigrants. Europe is seeing a huge spike in their crime rate and Japan's has always been low, why do you think that is ?

You are too stupid to realize what has been taken from you, that's on you. But as long as you have more than the darkies, you are happy, I guess.

Fetuses aren't babies, and until all you pro-lifers start implanting the 400,000 unwanted embryoes in cold storage into yourselves, you really have no business talking to me.

Japan and Europe have low crime rates because they don't let every idiot own a gun.
You are too stupid to realize what has been taken from you, that's on you. But as long as you have more than the darkies, you are happy, I guess.

Fetuses aren't babies, and until all you pro-lifers start implanting the 400,000 unwanted embryoes in cold storage into yourselves, you really have no business talking to me.

Japan and Europe have low crime rates because they don't let every idiot own a gun.
Name one thing that a rich person has taken from me. I know you loons think something is owed to due to the fact that you are breathing, but nobody owes you shit. I was married to a Black Women and have mixed race kids you fucktard your not going to stop an argument with me by subtly calling me a racist

If it has a heart beat and brain activity its a human.

There is a reason Japan has less crime than Europe.
Name one thing that a rich person has taken from me. I know you loons think something is owed to due to the fact that you are breathing, but nobody owes you shit. I was married to a Black Women and have mixed race kids you fucktard your not going to stop an argument with me by subtly calling me a racist
The middle class and your rights as a worker, dummy.

And if you support trump, there's nothing subtle.

If it has a heart beat and brain activity its a human.
Nope. You aren't a person until you are viable.
Uh, the One Percenters have been taking stuff away from you for Decades, Cleetus, you are just too stupid to notice.

Actually, it does just fine. Japan, Europe and the US have their population growth under control because of contraception and abortion. We are basically just at replacement rates.

Of course, because nature abhors a vacuum, for Europe and the US, it just means third world people are moving into replace them. Japan pretty much keeps people out and they are going through a demagraphic death spiral.

China probably took it too far with the One Child policy and forced abortions.
While you have your opinion and are entitled to it, I think I will go with the opinion in the article I linked to from the Scientific American.

Um, that article agrees with what I am saying...
So you are in no hurry to reduce the population.


The researchers wrote, "Even if the human collective were to pull as hard as possible on the total fertility policy lever (via a range of economic, medical and social interventions) the result would be ineffective in mitigating the immediately looming global sustainability crises (including anthropogenic climate disruption), for which we need to have major solutions well underway by 2050 and essentially solved by 2100."
Oh, i suspect the population is going to 'reduced' by ecological crises because the right wing didn't act.
You mean like Global Warming.

The predictions were that by this time snow would be a rare event. Buffalo was setting snow fall records just a few days ago.
You mean like Global Warming.

The predictions were that by this time snow would be a rare event. Buffalo was setting snow fall records just a few days ago.

Weather isn't climate... and Winters aren't nearly as cold as they were when I was a kid growing up in the 1970's.

Heck, I'll be happy if we have Snow at Christmas, we haven't had that in years here in Chicago.
Weather isn't climate... and Winters aren't nearly as cold as they were when I was a kid growing up in the 1970's.

Heck, I'll be happy if we have Snow at Christmas, we haven't had that in years here in Chicago.
I actually believe the climate is warming and our species has some responsibility for that fact. However, I believe foolish predictions do more harm than good.
I actually believe the climate is warming and our species has some responsibility for that fact. However, I believe foolish predictions do more harm than good.

I don't disagree with you... the crazy talk bout New York being flooded in 10 years is silly and doesn't help when NY remains unflooded.

BUt the problem IS serious over the long term. Trying to get the average idiot to understand it is difficult.

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