Those in power want to depopulate the world

I don't disagree with you... the crazy talk bout New York being flooded in 10 years is silly and doesn't help when NY remains unflooded.

BUt the problem IS serious over the long term. Trying to get the average idiot to understand it is difficult.
So you think the crazy talk is foolish too.

All the crazy talk does is to get people to laugh at people in believe in Rev. Al Gore and his Global Warming religion.



their cars
Leftist are free to save the planet and abort themselves by refusing to exhale CO2 at any time if they really believe in Nazi Eugenics like you do.
Wrong, you idiots banned aborting unwanted pregnancies. So now illegals will be dropping many anchor babies & poor minorities population will explode.
Eventually the earth will correct any overpopulation with untold human suffering & death.

Yeah, how about avoiding that? You know, we have the technology.

Let's be straightforward. What kept human populations down was our lack of technology. Women would have six kids because only two would survive into adulthood. But we eliminated diseases, we've made farming more efficient by increasing yields, we've built shelters that protect us from the worst of the elements. We've even reduced the number of people killed in wars.

We have the technology to fight overpopulation through contraception and yes, abortions. It's only because the religious nutters oppose them that we aren't fully employing them.
Every person in the world could live in Texas with a population density comparable to New York City.
But why the fuck would they want to?

The earth is a closed system and every closed system has a hard limit on how many life forms it can sustain.
Eventually God will judge a wicked world and only the righteous will survive. Evil and Population problem (there isn’t one) solved in one day.
Yes, God will smite to death the Republican money changing, warmonger, liars.

Psalms 37:11 — “But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Meekness = righteousness
Wrong, you idiots banned aborting unwanted pregnancies. So now illegals will be dropping many anchor babies & poor minorities population will explode.
That post was so ignorant on so many levels.
Yeah, how about avoiding that? You know, we have the technology.

Let's be straightforward. What kept human populations down was our lack of technology. Women would have six kids because only two would survive into adulthood. But we eliminated diseases, we've made farming more efficient by increasing yields, we've built shelters that protect us from the worst of the elements. We've even reduced the number of people killed in wars.

We have the technology to fight overpopulation through contraception and yes, abortions. It's only because the religious nutters oppose them that we aren't fully employing them.
There is no "overpopulation."
There is no “overpopulation.” Despite your pathetic appeal to emotion, there were starving children 100, 1000, 10,000 years ago. Fail.
According to the WSJ: “Billionaires Try to Shrink World’s Population”.
Among the participants were the late David Rockefeller, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey and many more.

When billionaires say they want to do something you should take them seriously. That means don't falsely call it a conspiracy theory just because you don't want to believe it.

Pleasant dreams.

No Surprise ... Two of the key tenets of implementing Marxism are Economic Degrowth and Population Reduction.
The only hard part is figuring out which one of those two conditions they a slotting or expecting you to suffer under ... :auiqs.jpg:

You have more people than food to feed them all. That's overpopulation.

If that were true, we're be seeing large-scale famines, and large numbers of people starving to death because there is not enough capacity to produce food for everyone.

The only places that we've seen this happening in recent years have been due, not to insufficient food production, but to supply chain disruptions caused by the overreaction to the #CoronaHoax2020.
Long enough for the global population to begin contracting.
Except there's no sign it will contract, really. Even your own "projections" out to 2100 have it continuing to increase.
If that were true, we're be seeing large-scale famines, and large numbers of people starving to death because there is not enough capacity to produce food for everyone.
We are... in many parts of the word, particularly Africa and Asia.

The only places that we've seen this happening in recent years have been due, not to insufficient food production, but to supply chain disruptions caused by the overreaction to the #CoronaHoax2020.
Yes, it was all a plot to bring down Trump, you see....

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