Those of you who defend “transgenderism”, I dare you to answer this question honestly…

Would you ever marry a transgender?

  • I'm a heterosexuals' man, and would only ever consider marrying a real woman.

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • I'm a heterosexual man, and I would consider marrying a “trans woman”.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a heterosexual woman, and I would only ever consider marrying a real man.

    Votes: 4 23.5%
  • I'm a heterosexual woman, and I would consider marrying a “trans man”.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm a homosexual, therefore to morally fucked-up for my opinion on this to be of any relevance.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Polygamy likely is the normal for tens of millions of years of human evolution.
Hunter/gatherers have the men out hunting, while women stayed in the village, doing the gathering and child raising.
It makes sense that a woman then would do better with more than one man hunting for her and her children.
There are no other primates known to be monogamous.
So it is very unlikely humans were or are really monogamous.
Sounds fine if you want to live like a monkey.
Donald Trump is an adulterer ... and the Old Testament calls for the death penalty for such crimes ... I don't, as I cannot stand in that judgement ... Carter, Reagan, Bush XLI, Clinton, Bush XLIII, Obama ... flithy heathens ...

Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth II is pure and clean as the driven snow ... the last ... sigh ...

My God, you need to put down the People magazine and learn to think. Everything in life is not about "whose cult of personality can I make this about?"
How are we defining "marriage" ... I support Pope Frances' definition ... one man, one or more women, and PERMANENT ... that's Christian marriage ...

Or are we defining marriage as a financial partnership or contract? ... then contract law is applied and discrimination based on sex is a violation of the 14th Amendment here in the United States ...

There's babies being murdered everyday here ... why are you being pissy with the gays? ... they don't get pregnant ... this is like condemning Hilter for killing white people, who the hell cares? ...


Divorce ruined marriage ... not the gays ...
They do actually get pregnant---and they harass others demanding more rights and everyone cater to their various mental illnesses.

Most people don't care if you are gay-------I know I don't, but when you are a guy who dresses as a woman stealing womens scholarships and invades womens restrooms--I got an issue with you. Same goes with demanding entry into the military---the military forbade gays not because of gays sex's lives so much but because gays are notorious for committing treason and losing their minds acting in ways that harm their fellow troops. Most gays are a threat to fellow troops and all trannies are----as they are notorious for severe mental issues. Then you have the we want special rights priviledges groups that gays are now a member of...insisting that gays with obvious mental problems be put into positions where they can harm and discriminate against others. Then you have the adoption thing---a child is better off in hetero home----gays should not ever become before hetero home for an infant. Best home for the child, not we want to cater to a special interest group with mental issues. Oh let's stop with the lying to yourselves and then demanding everyone else take part in your fantasies. If you are a guy in a dress, sex change or not, you are still a guy in a are not a she and you are not a they. You are a he or an it and both are singular.
There is no such thing as ‘transgenderism’ – whatever that’s supposed be.

And it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to defend transgender Americans from the bigotry and hate of the right, from hateful, bigoted, ignorant conservatives seeking to disadvantage transgender Americans and violate their civil rights.

So, it is essential to defend something that does not exist, from the “bigotry” of those of us who correctly recognize that it does not exist?
Polygamy likely is the normal for tens of millions of years of human evolution.
Hunter/gatherers have the men out hunting, while women stayed in the village, doing the gathering and child raising.
It makes sense that a woman then would do better with more than one man hunting for her and her children.
There are no other primates known to be monogamous.
So it is very unlikely humans were or are really monogamous.
plz show me which one of us claimed having multiple wives was ok......~S~
Spoken like white trash ... still fighting the 14th Amendment? ... try moving to Canada ... no black people there to offend you ...

Ah, so you're a racist bigot. We already knew that, loser. Now go watch some more of that tranny porn you're addicted to and keeping dreaming of the day you can get the shit with 8 year old porn stars you can wank off to, freak.
I feel bad for the parents nowadays. You have to able to explain the birds and the bees .... The bees and the bees .... The birds and the birds .... The birds that used to be bees .... The bees that used to be birds .... Plus bees that look like birds but still have a stinger!!
How are we defining "marriage" ... I support Pope Frances' definition ... one man, one or more women, and PERMANENT ... that's Christian marriage ...

Or are we defining marriage as a financial partnership or contract? ... then contract law is applied and discrimination based on sex is a violation of the 14th Amendment here in the United States ...

There's babies being murdered everyday here ... why are you being pissy with the gays? ... they don't get pregnant ... this is like condemning Hilter for killing white people, who the hell cares? ...


Divorce ruined marriage ... not the gays ...
Marriage is still a contract between consenting adults. The state is not a party to the contract.
There Was a time when
Interracial marriages were illegal
Marriages between faiths could lead to punishment from the church

Those people would have never considered marrying into another faith or to a person of another race...

'The times they are a-changin"
Not 1 person voted for marrying a tranny including you.
Let the record show that as of a week after I posted the poll, not one single vote has been cast to indicate a willingness to marry a “transgender”. All the votes that have been cast are either from men, indicating that they would only ever marry a real woman, or from women indicating that they would only ever marry a real man.

This in spite of a few pro-“transgender” freaks posting to indicate that there is something wrong or “bigoted” about anyone who would not consider a “trans” to be a viable marriage partner. It seems that even those degenerate freaks who would condemn someone for rejecting a fake man or a fake woman as a possible spouse are not, themselves willing to consider such a spouse for themselves.

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