Those who insist Christians are attempting to establish a theocracy....

Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

kg has tried this before, denied they existed, and had her backside paddled with their rolled up reports. She whined, she cried, and then screamed.

One sick cow.
Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

Jake knows this because he's had his face rubbed in them before, which is why he's pretending now that he's never seen them.

That's not true. There are no accurate US numbers but other countries keep very accurate records.

But you reject everything that doesn't agree with your position as false. Other than the Bible, there's not a lot of stuff out there which supports your insane notion that you know better than everybody else.
Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

Jake knows this because he's had his face rubbed in them before, which is why he's pretending now that he's never seen them.

That's not true. There are no accurate US numbers but other countries keep very accurate records.

But you reject everything that doesn't agree with your position as false. Other than the Bible, there's not a lot of stuff out there which supports your insane notion that you know better than everybody else.

Oh, you mean like AFRICA and CHINA and MEXICO?????

Yeah, they keep great records.

Now shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. I've posted the evidence for this and it is common knowledge...joe and jake are recognized by all as lying asshats, and anyone else who claims we have accurate numbers is a lying asshat as wel..
Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

Jake knows this because he's had his face rubbed in them before, which is why he's pretending now that he's never seen them.

That's not true. There are no accurate US numbers but other countries keep very accurate records.

But you reject everything that doesn't agree with your position as false. Other than the Bible, there's not a lot of stuff out there which supports your insane notion that you know better than everybody else.

Oh, you mean like AFRICA and CHINA and MEXICO?????

Yeah, they keep great records.

Now shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. I've posted the evidence for this and it is common knowledge...joe and jake are recognized by all as lying asshats, and anyone else who claims we have accurate numbers is a lying asshat as wel..

Africa's not a country. Just so you'd know.
Ok, in that case....all of the countries on the continent of Africa keep stellar abortion records, I'm sure.
Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

Jake knows this because he's had his face rubbed in them before, which is why he's pretending now that he's never seen them.

There are no accurate numbers on most things worldwide. I have a friend who was a public health nurse in Africa. There was no way to track STDs there because of the transience of the populations. She said when you asked who they had sex with making the effort to track and notify, the answer would be, 'oh just some girl I met on the road.'
I know...which is why I said initially that we don't have accurate stats re: abortion.
Then why are you being an asshat. And (1) Africa is a continent, and (2) we are concerned about the US and (3) we all know you will lie and swear like a sailor.

Grow up,for your sake.
Good grief, are you drunk? You're making less sense than usual.
Says kg, the liar's liar on the Board.

Well, you have fail, so we can all leave you to rant for several posts.
Oh, you mean like AFRICA and CHINA and MEXICO?????

Yeah, they keep great records.

No, like Canada, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Greenland, Iceland - basically all of Europe and most of Asia. Basically all of the First World nations.

Please note that in most of South America and Africa, rape is illegal except in cases of rape and the mother's health. South Africa is the exception, where abortion is available on demand. Note that you want more strigent rape laws than the countries where women are treated as property.

Now shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about. I've posted the evidence for this and it is common knowledge...joe and jake are recognized by all as lying asshats, and anyone else who claims we have accurate numbers is a lying asshat as wel..

Ah yes, the standard koshergirl dismissal of facts. You got nothing, nothing at all, so you rant.

I will be here to counter your lies and distortions, and your twisting of Biblical references each and every time you try to tell people about all of ppor dead babies you care so much about. The unborn are so much easier to love and than those who are already here.
Dragonlady's words need to be posted again for kg's awareness.

"I will be here to counter your lies and distortions, and your twisting of Biblical references each and every time you try to tell people about all of ppor dead babies you care so much about. The unborn are so much easier to love and than those who are already here."
Right wing Republicans insist they are "Christians". They were holding guns to the heads of Iraqi's and could have made them write pretty much anything they wanted into their constitution. What they did was enshrine "theocracy" into the Iraqi constitution under Article 2. Only it wasn't a Christian Theocracy, but a hard core right wing Islamic theocracy. They couldn't even get that right. Not even that. Pathetic.

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution
Right wing Republicans insist they are "Christians". They were holding guns to the heads of Iraqi's and could have made them write pretty much anything they wanted into their constitution. What they did was enshrine "theocracy" into the Iraqi constitution under Article 2. Only it wasn't a Christian Theocracy, but a hard core right wing Islamic theocracy. They couldn't even get that right. Not even that. Pathetic.

Article 2:

First: Islam is the official religion of the State and it is a fundamental source of legislation:

A. No law that contradicts the established provisions of Islam may be established.

Full Text of Iraqi Constitution

^^Proof positive that progressives are drug-addled, mentally ill, and completely undone by hatred.
Right wing Republicans insist they are "Christians". They were holding guns to the heads of Iraqi's and could have made them write pretty much anything they wanted into their constitution. What they did was enshrine "theocracy" into the Iraqi constitution under Article 2. Only it wasn't a Christian Theocracy, but a hard core right wing Islamic theocracy. They couldn't even get that right. Not even that. Pathetic.

Bush botched every aspect of the invasion of Iraq including the victory. Instead of engaging the Iraqi people in the freedom, Bush and the boys from the Blackwater, Haliburton, et al, tried to force the Iraqi's to sell their oil and their factories to US interests.

The whole Iraqi War, with thousands of American lives lost and over 100,000 Iraqi's killed, tortured or missing, was a huge cash grab for Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and the boys. Shock and awe to terrify the Iraqi's so badly that they could loot the country before anyone noticed. But the Iraqi's noticed the Americans and the Saudis getting bags of cash while they starved and the Iraqi's fought back - hard.

They destroyed the public health system in Iraqi. People were hungry under Saddam, but they starved under Bush. Bush, Cheney et al drove the Iraqi people into the arms of the Imans. That clause in the new Constitution, was a sop to appease the Iraqi people while Bush stole their oil. It didn't work.

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