Those who insist Christians are attempting to establish a theocracy....

Right wing Republicans insist they are "Christians". They were holding guns to the heads of Iraqi's and could have made them write pretty much anything they wanted into their constitution. What they did was enshrine "theocracy" into the Iraqi constitution under Article 2. Only it wasn't a Christian Theocracy, but a hard core right wing Islamic theocracy. They couldn't even get that right. Not even that. Pathetic.

Bush botched every aspect of the invasion of Iraq including the victory. Instead of engaging the Iraqi people in the freedom, Bush and the boys from the Blackwater, Haliburton, et al, tried to force the Iraqi's to sell their oil and their factories to US interests.

The whole Iraqi War, with thousands of American lives lost and over 100,000 Iraqi's killed, tortured or missing, was a huge cash grab for Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and the boys. Shock and awe to terrify the Iraqi's so badly that they could loot the country before anyone noticed. But the Iraqi's noticed the Americans and the Saudis getting bags of cash while they starved and the Iraqi's fought back - hard.

They destroyed the public health system in Iraqi. People were hungry under Saddam, but they starved under Bush. Bush, Cheney et al drove the Iraqi people into the arms of the Imans. That clause in the new Constitution, was a sop to appease the Iraqi people while Bush stole their oil. It didn't work.

Actually, Saddam poisoned the water and killed hundreds of thousands in one fell swoop.
Almost two weeks after creating this thread for everybody to post their evidence that Christians in the US are seeking to establish a theocracy...

Still...nothing. Nada. Zip.

Go figure.
Right wing Republicans insist they are "Christians". They were holding guns to the heads of Iraqi's and could have made them write pretty much anything they wanted into their constitution. What they did was enshrine "theocracy" into the Iraqi constitution under Article 2. Only it wasn't a Christian Theocracy, but a hard core right wing Islamic theocracy. They couldn't even get that right. Not even that. Pathetic.

Bush botched every aspect of the invasion of Iraq including the victory. Instead of engaging the Iraqi people in the freedom, Bush and the boys from the Blackwater, Haliburton, et al, tried to force the Iraqi's to sell their oil and their factories to US interests.

The whole Iraqi War, with thousands of American lives lost and over 100,000 Iraqi's killed, tortured or missing, was a huge cash grab for Bush, Rumsfeld, Cheney and the boys. Shock and awe to terrify the Iraqi's so badly that they could loot the country before anyone noticed. But the Iraqi's noticed the Americans and the Saudis getting bags of cash while they starved and the Iraqi's fought back - hard.

They destroyed the public health system in Iraqi. People were hungry under Saddam, but they starved under Bush. Bush, Cheney et al drove the Iraqi people into the arms of the Imans. That clause in the new Constitution, was a sop to appease the Iraqi people while Bush stole their oil. It didn't work.

Actually, Saddam poisoned the water and killed hundreds of thousands in one fell swoop.

Actually the president and his cronies sold the "fruits of victory" to the multinational corporations at the cost of 40,000 American casualties and the American treasury.
Please provide your evidence. Quotes and links of proposed legislation that seek to establish a theocracy in the US.

Thank you.

Please provide the names of those who are working to create a Christain Theocracy in the U.S. so I too can call for the evidence.
Also, I'd appreciate the names of those whose plan is to repeal the Second Amendment and confiscate the guns of law abiding citizens.

Thanks so much in advance.
As a lifelong christian I dont see the theocracy thing, but ANYONE who denies a plutocracy is a possibility needs to take off the idiot blinders.
There is an abortion thread on here like every day. That issue is based solely on Christian mores.

And of course there are all of the idiotic Wallbuilders crap and anything similar.

I would think that trying to get views blocked on message boards, because one doesn't like the religious viewpoint, might be considered an impulse to establish theocracy.

But, then, maybe it is only evidence of hypocrisy.


Those who try to establish their views by force often get the opposite of what they intended.

Thanks for posting, retards. I see there is still no evidence of Christians attempting to establish a theocracy.

Thanks for the drivel, though, that does nothing more than illuminate your narrow minded stupidity.
Er...after we actually became "the US"..

"Quotes and links of proposed legislation that seek to establish a theocracy in the US"

also note the present tense. Not really interested in Puritans from the 17th century, prior to the creation of this country. But it's cute that you gave it a whirl.
Er...after we actually became "the US"..

"Quotes and links of proposed legislation that seek to establish a theocracy in the US"

also note the present tense. Not really interested in Puritans from the 17th century, prior to the creation of this country. But it's cute that you gave it a whirl.
dodge I knew you'd move the goalposts..

North Carolina May Declare Official State Religion Under New Bill

The Huffington Post | By John Celock Posted: 04/03/2013 12:22 am EDT | Updated: 04/03/2013 10:55 am EDT

north Carolina Religion Bill
North Carolina state Rep. Carl Ford backs a religion bill that would allow the state to declare an official state faith.

Republican North Carolina state legislators have proposed allowing an official state religion in a measure that would declare the state exempt from the Constitution and court rulings.

The bill, filed Monday by two GOP lawmakers from Rowan County and backed by nine other Republicans, says each state "is sovereign" and courts cannot block a state "from making laws respecting an establishment of religion." The legislation was filed in response to a lawsuit to stop county commissioners in Rowan County from opening meetings with a Christian prayer, reported.

The religion bill comes as some Republican-led states seek to separate themselves from the federal government, primarily on the issues of guns and Obamacare. This includes a proposal in Mississippi to establish a state board with the power to nullify federal laws.

The North Carolina bill's main sponsors, state Reps. Carl Ford (R-China Grove) and Harry Warren (R-Salisbury), could not be reached for comment on Tuesday, The Salisbury Post reported. Co-sponsors include House Majority Leader Edgar Starnes (R-Hickory). Another is state Rep. Larry Pittman (R-Concord), who in February introduced a state constitutional amendment that would allow for carrying concealed weapons to fight federal "tyranny."

The bill says the First Amendment only applies to the federal government and does not stop state governments, local governments and school districts from adopting measures that defy the Constitution. The legislation also says that the Tenth Amendment, which says powers not reserved for the federal government belong to the states, prohibits court rulings that would seek to apply the First Amendment to state and local officials.

The bill reads:

SECTION 1. The North Carolina General Assembly asserts that the Constitution of the United States of America does not prohibit states or their subsidiaries from making laws respecting an establishment of religion.
SECTION 2. The North Carolina General Assembly does not recognize federal court rulings which prohibit and otherwise regulate the State of North Carolina, its public schools, or any political subdivisions of the State from making laws respecting an establishment of religion.

The North Carolina state constitution disqualifies those who do not believe in God from public office. The provision has been unenforcible since the 1961 Supreme Court decision in Torcaso v. Watkins, which prohibited such bans.
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I didn't move the goalposts. My OP is perfectly clear.

Is English your second language? Can you show me the proposed legislation that has been offered up to change the US from a Republic to a theocracy? After all, that's what you tards are always saying..

Or were, until I created this thread for you to dump all your "evidence".

I didn't move the goalposts. My OP is perfectly clear.

Is English your second language? Can you show me the proposed legislation that has been offered up to change the US from a Republic to a theocracy? After all, that's what you tards are always saying..

Or were, until I created this thread for you to dump all your "evidence".

see above post....
See OP, oh intellectually challenged one. Then try, try again.
Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

kg has tried this before, denied they existed, and had her backside paddled with their rolled up reports. She whined, she cried, and then screamed.

One sick cow.

Trolling. And lying besides, but still trolling. Serves no purpose, adds nothing to the discussion. Please remove the troll posts. They want the thread killed because it has been sitting for months as a glaring testament to the fact that there has never been any legislation proposed by Christians in the history of the US to change us into a democracy.
See OP, oh intellectually challenged one. Then try, try again.
n psychology and logic, rationalization (also known as making excuses[1]) is an unconscious defense mechanism in which perceived controversial behaviors or feelings are logically justified and explained in a rational or logical manner in order to avoid any true explanation, and are made consciously tolerable – or even admirable and superior – by plausible means.[2] Rationalization encourages irrational or unacceptable behavior, motives, or feelings and often involves ad hoc hypothesizing. This process ranges from fully conscious (e.g. to present an external defense against ridicule from others) to mostly subconscious (e.g. to create a block against internal feelings of guilt).
People rationalize for various reasons. Rationalization may differentiate the original deterministic explanation of the behavior or feeling in question.[3][4] Sometimes rationalization occurs when we think we know ourselves better than we do. It is also an informal fallacy of reasoning.[
There is a big difference between establishing a theocracy and getting aholes to believe in God and salvation and values based living.
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Actually, independent scientific and health journals, along with the cdc, guttmacher's and PP all admit that their numbers are crap and really there are no accurate numbers.

kg has tried this before, denied they existed, and had her backside paddled with their rolled up reports. She whined, she cried, and then screamed.

One sick cow.

Trolling. And lying besides, but still trolling. Serves no purpose, adds nothing to the discussion. Please remove the troll posts. They want the thread killed because it has been sitting for months as a glaring testament to the fact that there has never been any legislation proposed by Christians in the history of the US to change us into a democracy.

My post was from April, not challenged then, and now simply kg trolling. That's all.
Oh, you trolled it back then....sadly, I missed it. I missed it because generally speaking, I, and pretty much everybody else, ignore you fake.

And daws is trolling it now. *yawn*.

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