Those who insist Christians are attempting to establish a theocracy....

A school, with biblical verses decorating the halls, is in no way indicative of an attempt to overthrow our current constitutional republic and replace it with a THEOCRATIC form of government.
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Yeah I read it the first time.

It is absolutely not evidence of any attempt to establish theocracy in the US.

Here let me help you:


noun \thē-ˈä-krə-sē\ : a form of government in which a country is ruled by religious leaders
: a country that is ruled by religious leaders

plural the·oc·ra·cies

Full Definition of THEOCRACY

: government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided

: a state governed by a theocracy "

Theocracy - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

And here is some more, to help you:


noun (Concise Encyclopedia)
"Government by divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided. In many theocracies, government leaders are members of the clergy, and the state's legal system is based on religious law. Theocratic rule was typical of early civilizations. The Enlightenment marked the end of theocracy in most Western countries. Contemporary examples of theocracies include Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Vatican. "

Oboy! An edit! :happy-1:

Thank you so much for that definition. Is this one of those what they call "words"? How illuminating.

Now here's your own title read back to you:
Those who insist Christians are attempting to establish a theocracy....
followed by:
Please provide your evidence.

So I did. Et voilà and la and la and :lalala: Fat lot of good it did. /unsubscribe
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You didn't lead me to water. You posted nonsense, and I exposed it as such.

That's your mo when you attempt to enter into actual debate. It doesn't work with me. The school in Sabine Parish is largely minority, and they decorated their halls with biblical references. Whether or not you agree with this, it is in no way indicative of an attempt to overthrow the government and establish a theocracy here in the US. They had their hands slapped and now they're going to go charter, so they no longer have to deal with this bs.

It's still not an indication that anyone is attempting to establish a THEOCRACY. What a ridiculous leap.
Sorry, oh confused one. It's your job to prove that people ARE attempting to establish a theocracy in the US, and to post your evidence.

This thread has been going for what...a year? And so far...nada. The Sabine Parish school painting biblical verses in the hallways is not an indication of an attempt to overthrow our current government and replace it with a THEOCRACY.

Read the definition of theocracy until you understand it. Or not. At this point, I think your ability to comprehend is limited and has already been maxed out.
Ps didn't provide any evidence of Christians attempting to establish a theocracy.

Unless you think the Sabine Parish students are gearing up for battle in order to place a divine ruler in the White House? Painting biblical verses is not an attempt to overthrow the government and establish a theocracy.

Try, try again. And again, and again. You won't ever prove it, because it's not happening.

Thanks for allowing me to prove that. Again.
What on earth did I make up?

Has anyone proven there's a movement to establish a theocracy in this country?

duhs certainly didn't, with her garbled reference to 18th century England (wtf?)

Nor did Pogo who obviously thinks he's really made a point by bringing up a story about a school where there's Christian graffiti painted on the walls of the schools (and was reprimanded and the school fined as a result).

I have yet to see a theocracy established by school kids quoting scripture in the schools....particularly when the schools are told to knock it off.

So in the case of the school...who exactly was attempting to establish a THEOCRACY? Who did they propose take the place of the President, as a divine ruler, chosen by God to rule via the Bible?

Names, please. And quotes! And the proposed legislation. If you have it, I would like to know when these theocracy-minded rebels gathered and threatened the existing national government, and would like to see the documents in which they proclaimed their intent to do so.

Thank you.
Talk to you in about 6 months when the next retard thinks he's going to make a big splash with more stupidity.
Yea, anytime someone repeats the words of some Muslims and reminds people that some have claimed that their plan is to spread out and multiply until they become the majority, the left rushes to their defense. Sharia law around the world is the goal. Someone invariably posts that Christians have done that forever. Hmmm. This country has been predominantly Christian for over 200 years and yet everyone remained free. No terrorist attacks on people for being non-Christian.

The abortion issue continues despite it being law. Most just don't feel that they should have to pay for others to have one and then get the leftie response that they may as well or they will be responsible for paying to raise the child. I just love how the left points at tax payers and says that this or that person is going to make really stupid decisions and that we are responsible for paying, so we better allow the solution that will save us some money. It's all on us no matter what other people do. Never mind what your conscience tells you to do, liberals will decide for you.

It seems that Christianity has been under attack for a long time. Even though the majority claim to believe in God, we are expected to bend over for the minority who claim to be offended by the sight of a nativity scene or a cross. Somehow we are not supposed to be offended when traffic is held up for hours while Muslims pray on the city streets.

Liberals staunchly defend Muslims regardless of the fact that Muslims would see them as the biggest infidels. They like them because they hate Christians. Don't take my word, read some reliable news sources about the continued killing of Christians in Muslim countries.

Muslims have a far more violent record than Christians and have admitted that they want a world that is all Muslim and living under Sharia law. I see no contributions to our country from Muslims. They are not part of our history. If they had been a force in this country from the start, we wouldn't be posting here today. There would be no freedom of religion. There would be no freedom, period.

Yet, with Christians being the founders and keepers for decades, we became the greatest country ever. Only now are we sliding down the same slimy slope that other foolish leaders chose for their people. It's not due to Christianity. It's because of ignorance, laziness and a lack of moral compass.

we get it, you dont like muslims.
You think their is a persecution of Christians as well.
you are a moron
Atheists certainly think so, Sunshine, but abortion policies are political and moral and religious in scope but not exclusively so. To suggest otherwise reveals a sense of unbalance, a lack of awareness of the scope and depth of the issue.

Seeing that laws against murder are similar to the Ten Commandments, does this mean that laws against murder at unconstitutional? How about laws against theft?
You are right. But it's individuals like the poster that started the thread that like to make shit up to push their agenda.
It gives fuel to their whining status to give everyone else hell over nothing.

Nobody's insisting that, that's your problem.
if it hasn't occurred to any new posters on this thread to op is a raging psychotic.
she makes he claim that she's always correct...that in and of it's self is evidence of mental illness...
the facts

American Theocracy
Who is Trying to Turn America Into a Theocracy?

An Introduction to the Christian Theocratic / Nationalistic Movement

“I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good… Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.” Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, in The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana 8/16/93
“So let us be blunt about it: We must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they will be get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.”
–Gary North, quoted in Albert J. Menendez, Visions of Reality: What Fundamentalist Schools Teach, Prometheus Books, 1993

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness. But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice. It is dominion we are after. Not just influence. It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time. It is dominion we are after. World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less... Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ." From The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action by George Grant, published in 1987 by Dominion Press

Some Christians do not like democracy. As Betty Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International and founder and director of Kids on Fire summer camp in North Dakota, noted in the Jesus Camp documentary, democracy is a problem because it "treats everyone as equals." Therein lies the fundamental reason why Christian Nationalists are striving to turn America into a theocracy (literally, "rule by God"): the belief that (certain) Christians should receive preferential treatment in America and control the judicial system. What do they view as the greatest obstacles in elevating Christians to elite, ruling status? Pluralism and "secular humanism."

American Theocracy: Who Wants to Turn America into a Theocracy?

NOW MARVEL MY FRIENDS AT rationalizing ...
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What on earth did I make up?

Has anyone proven there's a movement to establish a theocracy in this country?

duhs certainly didn't, with her garbled reference to 18th century England (wtf?)

Nor did Pogo who obviously thinks he's really made a point by bringing up a story about a school where there's Christian graffiti painted on the walls of the schools (and was reprimanded and the school fined as a result).

I have yet to see a theocracy established by school kids quoting scripture in the schools....particularly when the schools are told to knock it off.

So in the case of the school...who exactly was attempting to establish a THEOCRACY? Who did they propose take the place of the President, as a divine ruler, chosen by God to rule via the Bible?

Names, please. And quotes! And the proposed legislation. If you have it, I would like to know when these theocracy-minded rebels gathered and threatened the existing national government, and would like to see the documents in which they proclaimed their intent to do so.

Thank you.
really kosher hag? my post was any thing but garbled

MORE EVIDENCE The Puritans "Purify": Theocracy in Massachusetts

The Puritans "Purify": Theocracy in Massachusetts
by Murray N. Rothbard

Citation: Conceived in Liberty, Volume 1 (Mises Institute, 1999 [1975], pp. 174-181.

The Puritans had no sooner landed in the New World than they began coercively to "purify" their surroundings. As early as John Endecott’s arrival in Salem, the Puritans had surprisingly shifted from their loyal opposition within the Anglican church and had severed themselves from the Anglican communion. In this way, they became to a large extent as Separatist as the Plymouth Pilgrims they had previously despised. This act of separation was accomplished in 1629, with Francis Higginson and Samuel Skelton as the guiding ministers. Two Puritan members of the Council, John and Samuel Browne, balked at this radical departure from Puritan beliefs, and moved to form an Anglican church of their own. This prompted the government to move quickly, in the first act of "purifying" the colony’s spiritual atmosphere. Governor Endecott protested that the Brownes’ speeches and activities were "tending to mutiny and faction," and promptly deported them to England—thus serving notice that any Anglican worship in Massachusetts would be speedily prosecuted
The Puritans "Purify": Theocracy in Massachusetts

to anyone reading this, kosher hag has gender Identification problems she's suffering under the delusion that I and several other posters are women or socks...
also kosher hag it was the 17th century
a tip: The 17th century was the century that lasted from January 1, 1600, to December 31, 1699,
the 18th century 1700- 1799
the 19th century 1800- 1899
the 20th century 1900-1999
Even Christians don't agree on much. How many different Christian denominations are there? Every time someone disagrees about facial hair, they split off into another denomination.
also kosher hag it was the 17th century
a tip: The 17th century was the century that lasted from January 1, 1600, to December 31, 1699,
the 18th century 1700- 1799
the 19th century 1800- 1899
the 20th century 1900-1999

Actually no. 17th century would be 1701 to 1800 and so on. The 00 year is the last year of the century. When you count items you start with "1", not zero.
also kosher hag it was the 17th century
a tip: The 17th century was the century that lasted from January 1, 1600, to December 31, 1699,
the 18th century 1700- 1799
the 19th century 1800- 1899
the 20th century 1900-1999

Actually no. 17th century would be 1701 to 1800 and so on. The 00 year is the last year of the century. When you count items you start with "1", not zero.
according to you!:lol::lol::lol:
(that was my best kosher hag impression)
also kosher hag it was the 17th century
a tip: The 17th century was the century that lasted from January 1, 1600, to December 31, 1699,
the 18th century 1700- 1799
the 19th century 1800- 1899
the 20th century 1900-1999

Actually no. 17th century would be 1701 to 1800 and so on. The 00 year is the last year of the century. When you count items you start with "1", not zero.
according to you!:lol::lol::lol:
(that was my best kosher hag impression)

No no, it's more like this:

Believe me the poster has always shown their true hand. Insanity was something always in the forefront of all the posts.
It seemed they are always being persecuted and pushed into a corner for any odd reason.
Therefore, no real credence was ever given to the original poster in any manner.

You are right. But it's individuals like the poster that started the thread that like to make shit up to push their agenda.
It gives fuel to their whining status to give everyone else hell over nothing.

Nobody's insisting that, that's your problem.
if it hasn't occurred to any new posters on this thread to op is a raging psychotic.
she makes he claim that she's always correct...that in and of it's self is evidence of mental illness...
the facts

American Theocracy
Who is Trying to Turn America Into a Theocracy?

An Introduction to the Christian Theocratic / Nationalistic Movement

“I want you to just let a wave of intolerance wash over you. I want you to let a wave of hatred wash over you. Yes, hate is good… Our goal is a Christian nation. We have a biblical duty, we are called on by God to conquer this country. We don’t want equal time. We don’t want pluralism.” Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, in The News-Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana 8/16/93
“So let us be blunt about it: We must use the doctrine of religious liberty to gain independence for Christian schools until we train up a generation of people who know that there is no religious neutrality, no neutral law, no neutral education, and no neutral civil government. Then they will be get busy in constructing a Bible-based social, political and religious order which finally denies the religious liberty of the enemies of God.”
–Gary North, quoted in Albert J. Menendez, Visions of Reality: What Fundamentalist Schools Teach, Prometheus Books, 1993

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness. But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice. It is dominion we are after. Not just influence. It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time. It is dominion we are after. World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish. We must win the world with the power of the Gospel. And we must never settle for anything less... Thus, Christian politics has as its primary intent the conquest of the land -- of men, families, institutions, bureaucracies, courts, and governments for the Kingdom of Christ." From The Changing of the Guard: Biblical Principles for Political Action by George Grant, published in 1987 by Dominion Press

Some Christians do not like democracy. As Betty Fischer, director of Kids in Ministry International and founder and director of Kids on Fire summer camp in North Dakota, noted in the Jesus Camp documentary, democracy is a problem because it "treats everyone as equals." Therein lies the fundamental reason why Christian Nationalists are striving to turn America into a theocracy (literally, "rule by God"): the belief that (certain) Christians should receive preferential treatment in America and control the judicial system. What do they view as the greatest obstacles in elevating Christians to elite, ruling status? Pluralism and "secular humanism."

American Theocracy: Who Wants to Turn America into a Theocracy?

NOW MARVEL MY FRIENDS AT rationalizing ...
Actually no. 17th century would be 1701 to 1800 and so on. The 00 year is the last year of the century. When you count items you start with "1", not zero.
according to you!:lol::lol::lol:
(that was my best kosher hag impression)

No no, it's more like this:


Okay you two ... the least you can do is spell it correctly:



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