Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

Deplorable heads explode. Show me the necessary relationship!

Legislation will mean people currently aged 14 and under will never be able to legally purchase tobacco
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The claims for which you cannot demontrate the attached necessary relationhips are quoted therein.
That you refuse to see the experiences of other developed nations that have lower numbers of handguns and military style semi automatics in private hands is not my fault. Just like the way tobacco lobbyists refused to see lung cancer figures. Invincible ignorance is called invincible for a reason.
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You don't even remember what you claimed.
- Snort-

See post #136
See post #146
See post 1#50

The claims for which you cannot demontrate the attached necessary relationhips are quoted therein.
Link them if you want them addressed.
But your inability to demonstrate the necessary relationships you claim, is.
I have demonstrated that other developed nations with lower rates of handguns and military style semi automatics in private hands have lower rates of firearm crime and firearm homicide. You don't dispute that, rather you have played tobacco lobbyist.
I have demonstrated that other developed nations with lower rates of handguns and military style semi automatics in private hands have lower rates of firearm crime and firearm homicide
This is a lie, as you have done no such thing.
Further, you have not demonstrated the necessary relationship between the effect you cite the cause you claim.
And you wont - because you can't.
Your societal values follow those of most Americans, from what I see, where individual freedoms overrule societal benefit.

Correct. The powers of government are limited, no matter how wonderful the benevolence and benefits of government action is couched.

The personal sacrifice of reducing ease of access to firearms is too great when weighed against other people's school kids.

Correct, the failure of government to perform its duty to provide societal security and dispense justice, is not an argument to restrict the rights of citizens who are not committing crimes.
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Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world.
Those who fight all gun regulations do not live in the real world.

We need intelligent people, who understand the real world, to develop common sense gun regulations to stop the insanity of the gun culture in the USA

For some "common sense" means everyone having guns. For others it mean nobody has guns.

Also the US is lost in a swamp of partisan politics, unless you change this, forget sensible politics at all.
This is a lie, as you have done no such thing.
Further, you have not demonstrated the necessary relationship between the effect you cite the cause you claim.
And you wont - because you can't.

Then I will

USA: 120.5 guns per 100 people. Gun homicides: 4.39
UK: 5.03 guns per 100 people. Gun homicides: 0.02
Germany: 32.47 guns per 100 people. Gun homicides: 0.06
Switzerland: between 28.31 and 41.28 per 100 people. Gun homicides: 0.13
Japan: 0.25 guns per 100 people. Gun homicides: 0 (they get some, 0.4 is the highest year, usually it's around 0 to 0.01.
Spain: 7.5 gun per 100 people. Gun homicides: 0.1

Clearly this is not an exact science. Spain has less guns per 100 people than Germany but a higher number of homicides. There are plenty of cultural things going on. Also, if one person owns one gun, it's different than if they own ten guns. It depends on how countries define how many guns are in the country, legal or illegal etc. Some of these might just be guestimates.

Germany has 5% of people living at home with a gun, Spain has 12%. So, clearly there's something else going on there.

In 2012 after a mass gun killing, Germany found that 1.4 million people owned 5.5 million guns.

However the biggest thing here is easy access to guns. Number of guns doesn't tell us that much, in the US there is such easily availability of guns, whereas countries like German and Switzerland it's much harder to get guns, and people are forced to be much more responsible with their guns.
No, he's really a law professor.
He is a charltran. You need to go back to 1989 and a groundbreaking law review article titled, The Embarrassing Second Amendment. This was a liberal academic's admission that it was embarrassing how wrong he was on the 2nd Amendment and his challenge to other academics to revisit their 2nd Amendment understanding.

And they did, and that fresh scholarship prodded a cabal of prolific anti-individual right "intellectuals" like Carl Bogus and Saul Cornell, Jack Rakove, Michael Dorf, Adam Winkler, Erwin Chemerinsky, Dennis Henigan, to go on writing sprees, throwing everything on the wall (no matter how ridiculous) to try to slow the death of the various "collective right" models.

Bogus' Hidden History in 1998 was just one in dozens of quickly forgotten articles announced in hastily arranged symposiums of anti-gun acedemics through the 90's, trying to quickly build a body of work within leftist academia, with incestuous citations to each other, praying to be cited by some leftist judge somewhere . . .

That Bogus' bogus theory keeps getting resurrected, (in 2013 by Thom Hartmann and then May of 2021 by Carol Anderson), just shows how desperate and defeated the anti-gunner's are.

They have no legal / constitutional argument to stand on, the only reason Bogus' crap keeps getting regurgitated is it fits so many narratives of the cultural Marxists, the anti-Constitution / anti-2nd Amendment authoritarians and of course, the racial arsonists and they all bark at it like Pavlov's dog.
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For any sort of dent in firearm crime or firearm homicide rates the number of firearms in circulation/private hands- specifically handguns and military style semi automatics- will have to be reduced. A buyback scheme seems to be the best road to achieve that.
Except those of us with them aren’t going to sell them back willingly.
The same simple criteria used today. Based on mental health or convicted of a felony. It works fine today. Do you know of anyone who wants to get a gun and should have a gun that is forbidden by a background check.
You are afraid of everything, you are a coward. That is why you own a gun. You are afraid the background check may not be fair. You are scared of other people so you have a gun. You are afraid of the government so you want a gun.
Not a GOOD deflection. Not even fair...1.5/10 at best. Kind of pathetic, actually.

In other words: you are so full of shit that your breath stinks.
I accept your concession.
I believe I have never not conceded Americans are happy to pay the price of other people's school kids in order to retain easy access to firearms. They are a bargain after all.

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