Though not all whites are racists, which is obvious....

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
The white race must be pacified and taught that respect for the humanity of others doesn't just mean whites respecting other whites, but it also involves recognizing and respecting the humanity of non-whites as well. If this were to happen, racism would be all but nonexistent. In other words, they must be reprogrammed not to look down on nonwhites and this reprogramming must not be carried out by fake white liberals who wish to use to race problem to their own advantage as a means to an end.
The white race must be pacified and taught that respect for the humanity of others doesn't just mean whites respecting other whites, but it also involves recognizing and respecting the humanity of non-whites as well. If this were to happen, racism would be all but nonexistent. In other words, they must be reprogrammed not to look down on nonwhites and this reprogramming must not be carried out by fake white liberals who wish to use to race problem to their own advantage as a means to an end.

Charlie, everyone - no matter what their color - needs to recognize the humanity of others. Racism is not limited to white people.
Negroes must also be reprogrammed likewise, to stop listening to fake white liberals, especially Jewish liberals who use the race problem to their advantage. The reason the fake white and Jewish liberals keep the race problem an issue is too keep black people from being self reliant and instead be reliant on them[fake white liberals and Jewish liberals], that way, the fake white liberals and Jewish liberals stay rich and Negroes with no understanding of whats going on stay dumb and looking for a handout. The fake white liberals and Jewish liberals are very greedy people who want others to give to them and refuse to give up their piece of the pie, though they preach the opposite.
The white race must be pacified and taught that respect for the humanity of others doesn't just mean whites respecting other whites, but it also involves recognizing and respecting the humanity of non-whites as well. If this were to happen, racism would be all but nonexistent. In other words, they must be reprogrammed not to look down on nonwhites and this reprogramming must not be carried out by fake white liberals who wish to use to race problem to their own advantage as a means to an end.

Charlie, everyone - no matter what their color - needs to recognize the humanity of others. Racism is not limited to white people.

True, but the evil white fake liberals and Jews have perpetuated this problem on a worldwide scale, deceiving all races to help them in their control of the world, thats why Americans of all colors are fighting a nonexistent war on terrorism, which in reality is nothing more than the Jews of AIPAC and Zionists using the US military as a private militia. If fake white liberals and Jewish liberals are not stopped, God will judge and destroy us all for being deceived by the beast and anti-Christ

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