Thought Experiment: After the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation battle, should American men be afraid?

Not afraid, since I'm retired, self-employed, and don't work in a hostile corporate environment where everyone is lawsuit-happy.

In fact when I go to Walmart and see a pretty woman, my eyes are usually fixed on her titties, which causes most women to break out in a little smile.

And if they have a problem with that, well screw 'em. :biggrin:
You know...they don't talk.
If you are going to cite medical records as evidence against someone, then you should put up or STFU.
Dr Ford would have never levied these untrue allegations at a private citizen....there are libel protections in place for private citizens and she as well as her attorneys would be in big trouble...and still may be in know she still refuses to turn over her polygraph and Dr notes regarding her so called high school would think she would turn them over right away....she's a liar folks...
There is no benefit to turning over any portion of one's medical records outside of a legal court proceeding. In fact, doing so voluntarily I believe invalidates any privacy protections if I recall the porcedures correctly.
If you are going to cite medical records as evidence against someone, then you should put up or STFU.
I've already explained that there is no benefit to doing so outside of a legal proceeding HOWEVER, a witness interview as part of an FBI investigation would have provided an opportunity for her evidence to be presented.

Nothing like telling an investigator that X, Y & Z have the evidence that they're seeking and then having them ensure that they never speak with X, Y or Z.
The FBI would have simply handed over the records to those who have asked for them 4 times.
Again, if you are going to use stuff as evidence against someone, hand over the stuff or STFU. The stuff she attempted to use to bolster her non existent case clearly does not support her claims, just as her witnesses and friend did not.
Well if I were male I'd be leery.

Any woman can make an accusation of sexual misconduct. Anytime. Anywhere.

I'm sure they wouldn't wait 36 years to report it either. They won't care if its true or false and that can land the male in a damned mess trying to fight it.

Yeah. I'd be leery as hell.
The FBI would have simply handed over the records to those who have asked for them 4 times.
Again, if you are going to use stuff as evidence against someone, hand over the stuff or STFU. The stuff she attempted to use to bolster her non existent case clearly does not support her claims, just as her witnesses and friend did not.
I heard there is no statute of limitations in the state of Maryland where this occurred. For all we know she and her attorney whom I'm fairly certain is advising her against releasing her medical records could be planning to pursue this in court which means that no it is not in her best interest to waive her privacy rights in this regard simply to satisfy the blood lust of the public.

You don't like the way our laws work, then work to change them, telling people to STFU is not productive.
The FBI would have simply handed over the records to those who have asked for them 4 times.
Again, if you are going to use stuff as evidence against someone, hand over the stuff or STFU. The stuff she attempted to use to bolster her non existent case clearly does not support her claims, just as her witnesses and friend did not.
I heard there is no statute of limitations in the state of Maryland where this occurred. For all we know she and her attorney whom I'm fairly certain is advising her against releasing her medical records could be planning to pursue this in court which means that no it is not in her best interest to waive her privacy rights in this regard simply to satisfy the blood lust of the public.

You don't like the way our laws work, then work to change them, telling people to STFU is not productive.
There is a SOLs - it was changed some years ago but is not applied retrospectively. The SOL on this alleged event expired about 35 years ago, and I State again, if she wishes to use stuff as evidence she needs to show that ‘evidence’ to the other side, or STFU already :beer:
You are the one afraid of women, not me.

Laws and rulings written or judged by liberals, have the power of the State behind them, and fuck up men's lives.

YOur pretense that this is just "fear of women" is insanely dishonest of you.

You are lying about the issue, because you want to use emotion to protect and advance an agenda you cannot defend with Truth.

YOu are vile scum.
Never had a problem with women because I'm not scum. Maybe you are?

Your pretense that this is about bad men actually doing bad things and being punished for it, is a lie designed to fool only the willfully ignorant. And you can shove it up your ass.

My point stands.

The way the law is enforce right now, God Forbid the way you fucktards want to make it even worse,

is already fucking up the lives of men, for no reason(s) or no good reason(s).

Unfortunately, this is about bad men doing bad things and society covering it up so that they don't get punished. No one ever complains about men (or women) who mind their manners and keep their hands to themselves. I've been pinned against a wall and groped, had someone bite me in the ass through my jeans, etc. but there was no one to report it to at the time who would take it seriously. Do you actually expect women to take this abusive shit without complaint?

The trashy little whore in the Oval Office just actually apologized to the drunken bully being sworn in "on behalf of the nation," saying nothing about or to the millions of women who have been subjected to this abuse. Bullshit.

You talk about "the truth," without saying what the truth is, but you can't handle the truth.

HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.
Laws and rulings written or judged by liberals, have the power of the State behind them, and fuck up men's lives.

YOur pretense that this is just "fear of women" is insanely dishonest of you.

You are lying about the issue, because you want to use emotion to protect and advance an agenda you cannot defend with Truth.

YOu are vile scum.
Never had a problem with women because I'm not scum. Maybe you are?

Your pretense that this is about bad men actually doing bad things and being punished for it, is a lie designed to fool only the willfully ignorant. And you can shove it up your ass.

My point stands.

The way the law is enforce right now, God Forbid the way you fucktards want to make it even worse,

is already fucking up the lives of men, for no reason(s) or no good reason(s).

Unfortunately, this is about bad men doing bad things and society covering it up so that they don't get punished. No one ever complains about men (or women) who mind their manners and keep their hands to themselves. I've been pinned against a wall and groped, had someone bite me in the ass through my jeans, etc. but there was no one to report it to at the time who would take it seriously. Do you actually expect women to take this abusive shit without complaint?

The trashy little whore in the Oval Office just actually apologized to the drunken bully being sworn in "on behalf of the nation," saying nothing about or to the millions of women who have been subjected to this abuse. Bullshit.

You talk about "the truth," without saying what the truth is, but you can't handle the truth.

HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.
Never had a problem with women because I'm not scum. Maybe you are?

Your pretense that this is about bad men actually doing bad things and being punished for it, is a lie designed to fool only the willfully ignorant. And you can shove it up your ass.

My point stands.

The way the law is enforce right now, God Forbid the way you fucktards want to make it even worse,

is already fucking up the lives of men, for no reason(s) or no good reason(s).

Unfortunately, this is about bad men doing bad things and society covering it up so that they don't get punished. No one ever complains about men (or women) who mind their manners and keep their hands to themselves. I've been pinned against a wall and groped, had someone bite me in the ass through my jeans, etc. but there was no one to report it to at the time who would take it seriously. Do you actually expect women to take this abusive shit without complaint?

The trashy little whore in the Oval Office just actually apologized to the drunken bully being sworn in "on behalf of the nation," saying nothing about or to the millions of women who have been subjected to this abuse. Bullshit.

You talk about "the truth," without saying what the truth is, but you can't handle the truth.

HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.

But you "conservative" guys have never come up with any defense whatsoever as to why you protect males who actually have molested females. Is there something that you don't want us to know? Bear in mind that female people do not ask for this. And we DO NOT run around referring to males as "c#nts," "poontang," "twats," "sn#atch," "ho's," etc. This is all done by males who have no respect, no manners, and who apparently were products of two people who met in a barroom and knew each other for about 15 minutes.

Take some personal responsibility.
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Your pretense that this is about bad men actually doing bad things and being punished for it, is a lie designed to fool only the willfully ignorant. And you can shove it up your ass.

My point stands.

The way the law is enforce right now, God Forbid the way you fucktards want to make it even worse,

is already fucking up the lives of men, for no reason(s) or no good reason(s).

Unfortunately, this is about bad men doing bad things and society covering it up so that they don't get punished. No one ever complains about men (or women) who mind their manners and keep their hands to themselves. I've been pinned against a wall and groped, had someone bite me in the ass through my jeans, etc. but there was no one to report it to at the time who would take it seriously. Do you actually expect women to take this abusive shit without complaint?

The trashy little whore in the Oval Office just actually apologized to the drunken bully being sworn in "on behalf of the nation," saying nothing about or to the millions of women who have been subjected to this abuse. Bullshit.

You talk about "the truth," without saying what the truth is, but you can't handle the truth.

HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.
No one wants to live in fear, and most people don't aspire to have others live in fear of them, in my opinion. However if this fear results in a reckoning regarding the how women have traditionally been treated by men in society, then something positive may come of it

Fear is not a pleasant thing, but transformation usually requires it. Coupled with empathy, it might lead men to imagine how women must have felt for eons — always fearful that they would be branded as sluts, or forced to give birth against their will, or experience sex as violent assault. Women carry these anxieties in their emotional DNA.

Some men are now finding out that it’s not fun to be afraid.​

It's very simple, you treat everyone with respect. Period.

And when all else fails you do a Swaggart



Both are scum!

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