thoughts on Franken

Let's just go with what Moore has himself admitted. That as a middle aged man, he went out with teenage girls.

That alone is a HUGE red flag. Going out with girls 14, 16, 17 years old How do you defend that?

There's nothing wrong with that. Is there a law against older men dating young women? No. It doesn't need to be defended.

In alabama there's no law against marrying your first cousin either. But that's not the standard for people elected to high office.
A relatively powerful man in his thirties hooking up with high school girls? Sorry, but there's definitely something wrong with that, even if the law doesn't think so.

Republicans defend actions by saying "it's not illegal" therefore it's O.K.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized.

There's a photo of him groping a sleeping woman. You think denying was an option for him?

What makes you think his apology is anything but damage control?

Franken has been among the leaders of ripping Republicans for similar things, including just month, he pounded a judicial nominee for an old tweet, including rejecting the man's apology that it was a poor attempt at humor.

Jesus doesn't love Franken and neither do Jesus' followers. The Bible teaches God hates evil doers, which anyone should realize even if they don't know the verses that teach that. It's sad of you to play the "love your enemies" card without any regard for what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus said the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil doer. Was Jesus lying?

I know I'd rather have Franken out of office. But when the Spirit says forgive, I'm going to listen. Even if others don't
Yes, Jesus was lying. He had many good messages but the biggest one of all (son of God) was the whopper of all time.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized.

There's a photo of him groping a sleeping woman. You think denying was an option for him?

What makes you think his apology is anything but damage control?

Franken has been among the leaders of ripping Republicans for similar things, including just month, he pounded a judicial nominee for an old tweet, including rejecting the man's apology that it was a poor attempt at humor.

Jesus doesn't love Franken and neither do Jesus' followers. The Bible teaches God hates evil doers, which anyone should realize even if they don't know the verses that teach that. It's sad of you to play the "love your enemies" card without any regard for what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus said the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil doer. Was Jesus lying?

I know I'd rather have Franken out of office. But when the Spirit says forgive, I'm going to listen. Even if others don't
Yes, Jesus was lying. He had many good messages but the biggest one of all (son of God) was the whopper of all time.
That was his mum's lie...when she had to explain away an awkward pregnancy.
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized.

There's a photo of him groping a sleeping woman. You think denying was an option for him?

What makes you think his apology is anything but damage control?

Franken has been among the leaders of ripping Republicans for similar things, including just month, he pounded a judicial nominee for an old tweet, including rejecting the man's apology that it was a poor attempt at humor.

Jesus doesn't love Franken and neither do Jesus' followers. The Bible teaches God hates evil doers, which anyone should realize even if they don't know the verses that teach that. It's sad of you to play the "love your enemies" card without any regard for what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus said the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil doer. Was Jesus lying?

I know I'd rather have Franken out of office. But when the Spirit says forgive, I'm going to listen. Even if others don't
Yes, Jesus was lying. He had many good messages but the biggest one of all (son of God) was the whopper of all time.
That was his mum's lie...when she had to explain away an awkward pregnancy.
There were no awkward pregnancies back then. Try again
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized.

There's a photo of him groping a sleeping woman. You think denying was an option for him?

What makes you think his apology is anything but damage control?

Franken has been among the leaders of ripping Republicans for similar things, including just month, he pounded a judicial nominee for an old tweet, including rejecting the man's apology that it was a poor attempt at humor.

Jesus doesn't love Franken and neither do Jesus' followers. The Bible teaches God hates evil doers, which anyone should realize even if they don't know the verses that teach that. It's sad of you to play the "love your enemies" card without any regard for what Jesus was talking about.

Jesus said the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil doer. Was Jesus lying?

I know I'd rather have Franken out of office. But when the Spirit says forgive, I'm going to listen. Even if others don't
Yes, Jesus was lying. He had many good messages but the biggest one of all (son of God) was the whopper of all time.
That was his mum's lie...when she had to explain away an awkward pregnancy.
There were no awkward pregnancies back then. Try again
Using "immaculate conception' as a reason for being pregnant would suggest otherwise.
Still...billions of people have fallen for it I suppose.
I want the INVESTIGATION TO START NOW so that the facts come out in the wash, complete with the EXIF data in the camera, just for starters, because that metadata has already revealed two very interesting issues:

1. Photo taken in 2006 but MODIFIED in 2009, on the very EVENING that Norm Coleman FINALLY conceded (after seven months of legal fighting) to allow Franken to take his Senate seat.

2. The picture was WHOM??
Don't know, because the serial number and owner info of the software was ERASED, how very interesting!

The fact that Ms. Tweeden suddenly remembered how horrifying an experience working with Al Franken was – the fact that the already-disgraced Roger Stone tweeted that it was “Franken’s turn in the barrel” BEFORE Ms. Tweeden came forward with her accusations, the fact that whataboutism is the ONLY defense Republicans can come up with to dispute Roy Moore’s pedophilia is as obvious as it is despicable.

Senator Franken’s actions in terms of women’s rights speak for themselves.

Democrats are buying into that false equivalence being played by the Republicans – and they really should know better.
In the meantime, the Republicans are laughing their asses off at Democrats who think (wrongfully so) that if we “sacrifice” one of our own on the altar of tit-for-tat, we come across as “fair and balanced”.
I stand with Senator Franken on the basis of what he has done, and continues to do, to further the rights of American women, and his willingness to stand with us when it counts.

But you know what? I don't even harbor much ill will toward Leanne Tweeden.
Sure, she just got picked up by Sinclair, sure she contributes on Hannity, yeah yeah yeah I get it.
Sure, I believe she had misgivings about Al Franken, maybe she's even genuine about her beef.
But I actually think she just wanted to pipe up and say "me too" because she felt she had a story. THEN, Roger Stone and Bannon got wind of it and it's almost as if it's out of her hands now and she's not quite sure if she thinks it was a good idea after all, because a lot of it doesn't quite match up.

All I am saying is, although Al Franken is guilty of having acted a bit like a pig dog on one occasion, maybe two, he's not a serial abuser or predator, and we must retain the ability to judge unlike things and underscore the difference between a clumsy man move and outright sexual harassment.

Every grown man on Earth is probably guilty of making a move on a girl that might have been over the top. Most of us get a drink tossed in our face, or an elbow, or we get a kick in the balls or something, or at the very least, we get told "NO WAY" and we lick our wounds and move on.
Once in a while we can't comprehend the notion that we misjudged, or we're careless, but on the whole we're not intending to hurt anyone and we'd be sorry if that was the case.
Al is guilty of behaving like a pig that day? Yeah most likely.

That's not the same as being a serial predator any more than a single unpaid parking ticket would be the same as a DUI enhanced multiple vehicular homicide with felony police evasion during a high speed pursuit.

I can almost compare Ms. Tweeden's situation with the current slaughter taking place on the tax issue in Congress. Sure, Americans wanted their taxes reduced, and Republicans are only too happy to oblige and so Americans awoke this morning to find that the House passed their tax bill, so yippee, hooray...only a moment later Americans also found out that the same bill also eliminates the deductions for medical expenses and student loan interest.

Suddenly those same Americans feel like they've been duped, okey-doked by some weasels who silently inserted a knife in their gut when they weren't looking.

If we assume that Ms. Tweeden felt odd during the skit, and then later thought about it and was angry, that's fine, and I have no problem believing her complaint was valid. Suddenly the next morning she finds out that the entire Republican party, along with Mssrs. Stone and Bannon, are running with this as a full tilt political gambit to unseat a member of the Senate and she is their heroine and martyr, and the phone is ringing off the hook. She has to get an agent to handle the flood of calls and interview requests. She is being asked to press the issue and appear alongside people who want everything from the destruction of Al Franken to the exoneration of Roy Moore and everything in between.
Has Ms. Tweeden been asked for her opinion of Roy Moore yet?
Fair question, because I do not recall her offering one as yet, has she?

Is it possible that Ms. Tweeden, while harboring her own rather normal political ambitions, might just feel like she's been dragged head first into something she did not sign up for and something which she doesn't know how to extricate herself from without damaging her own career irrevocably?

And in the end, if there ARE any improprieties or false circumstances involved, I can guarantee you that they will all come out during an investigation.
That's both good and bad because more than likely Al Franken might just come out of it not only smelling like a rose, but the Republicans will have been made first class fools of by him in the process.
They can forget any future attempts to topple him via sexual innuendo if he ever decides to seek higher office, they will have shot their proverbial wad on this power play, and instead of getting the money shot, the door has swung open and it is THEY who are seated, prick in hand, firing salvos at the naked light bulb overhead (with thanks to Philip Roth)
But in the end that doesn't change the possibility that Ms. Tweeden's complaint might still have had some validity but none of that will matter anymore because in the scuffle, Ms. Tweeden will have become just another Republican casualty, a mere bit of collateral damage, another victim of standing too close to the rotational air output device while Roger Stone's fecal matter was being heaved ho.

And we will have made little or no progress in the most important issue of this whole messy affair, that of emphasizing the importance of respecting women's possession of their own body and their own dignity.
Because I guarantee you, for Republicans, that doesn't mean shee-it.
The only thing that matters to them is destroying Al Franken, and they will gladly sacrifice Leanne Tweeden in the process if they have to.

By the way, when did we start equating angrily pursuing a radio host on an argument that occurred on Bill Maher with "sexual harassment". Send me some more women who are accusing Al Franken of SEXUAL HARASSMENT and stop muddying the waters and changing the subject.
Melanie Morgan is not a sexual harassment victim of Al Franken.
Where are the legions of Franken acccusers?
Well? Where are they? Methinks the SELL BY DATE on that has passed, and Ms. Tweeden has already forgiven the man and does not wish to see him unseated.

Meanwhile way too many people feel that they have the right and the invitation to feel more offended than the actual victim.
You don't.

PS: You watch, in six months, a Rightie won't be able to GET VOTES unless he has a sexual harassment story in his past.
They will actually manage to FLIP the whole thing, bet me any amount of money:

"Why sure he sexually harassed some girls!"
"He's a real man"
"Not one of them LIBERAL faggots!"

You watch and see, I give it six months.
Having a sexual harassment history will become an actual Republican SELLING POINT for a candidate in the very near 2018.
Great the biggest bagger of pussies gets repub nominations
Get out the scorecard
Trump Campaign Coordinator And 'Family Values' Republican Pleads Guilty To Child Sex Trafficking, Faces Life In Prison

Carlos Ballesteros
Newsweek•November 19, 2017

Ralph Shortey, former Oklahoma state senator and a county campaign coordinator for President Donald Trump’s campaign last year, will plead guilty to a child sex trafficking offense for soliciting sex from a 17-year-old boy in March.

In exchange for his guilty plea, government prosecutors have agreed to drop three counts of child pornography against him.

Shortey is scheduled to plead guilty on November 30, two weeks before his trial was set to commence on December 5. Sex trafficking of a minor carries a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison, but Shortey faces the possibility of being sent to life in prison for the offense at a sentencing hearing in early 2018.

Trending: Melania Trump Will Take In White House Christmas Tree Early
Been watching this scandal Franken is in closely. He is, unfortunately, my Senator. When I moved to MN one of the first things I did was register to vote specifically to vote against his reelection. I find him to be a disgusting vile man.

So when the scandal broke i wasn't surprised. It's not like we were ignorant of what kind of man he was before he was elected.

What did surprise me was how fast he apologized. I've been wrestling with whether to support calling for him to resign. That surprises me too. When he apologized I was immediately impressed with the conversation Jesus had with Peter. "How oft should I forgive? Seventy times seven."

Forgiveness is an act of healing. It became clear that the Lord wanted me to forgive him. But I wrestled with what that means. Does that mean I shouldn't call for him to resign? I mean what he did was still horrendous.

Last night I happened to randomly be reading Luke 6. Jesus was exhorting his disciples to love their enemies. A point that struck me was when He mentions that the Father loves even the ungrateful and evil.

I also thought how our nation needs healing. I think we should forgive him. I think we should let him face whatever the Senate ethics panel deems appropriate.

Now I'm sure there will be many who say he will get away with this. Yeah, perhaps. But the world knows now. He can't hide that. I plan on voting against him next time still. Heck, I may run against him if I absolutely have to.

But i think right now, we need to heal. We need to be a people who will take the better path. We need to be filled with the same love God has and that means doing what He would do in this situation. If we can be a people who can love and forgive Franken, I have hope for this nation no matter who is in office.

Did you forgive Trump yet or do you still want him to resign?

I've never wanted trump to resign.

Umm ya, that’s the point.

The man grabbed pussy on the regular yet you have never had any thoughts that it is disqualifying, yet as soon as some one thing comes up about Franken you are all mr.Conflicted.
There are so many faggots in the Democrat party that they decided to just say faggots are normal people doing nothing wrong.
I can't stand franken, never thought he was very funny (some things were but mostly not), think he is just creepy as shit.

The pic was meant as a joke, anyone can see that. He isn't groping/grabbing her boobs, he's pretending to. He's turning looking at the camera with that goofy sophomoric look on his face. Very Animal House-ish. Poor taste? Probably. Funny? Honk, honk I'm honking her boobies! Probably not. Abuse? Nope.

As for the kiss? She said he could kiss her. She didn't like HOW he kissed her (can't say as I blame her for that), but her not liking it/finding it disgusting or gross or whatever doesn't make it abuse or harassment or whatever because she said yes in the first place. She told him to never do it again. As far as I know, he hasn't.

Trying to find the notorious August 2000 Politically Incorrect, a goofy show hosted by another creep, and found this in which Creepy Al "Fish Lips" Franken gets pwnd by Skunk Baxter!

What is hilarious in another episode "Fish Lips" says Bush stole an election, but in fact "Fish Lips" actually stole the election to get his firm term in the senate!
Al Franken was a classless, low level, comic wannabe who was never really funny, just absurd. We tried to tell the voters what he was like. He never pretended to be anything but going for the diaper wearing laugh. They voted for him. Knowing all that, or at least being told, they voted for him and now the public wants to pretend to be surprised!


They knew what they were getting all along.

:rolleyes: Ahem, there are so far no accusations about franken since he became a Senator, and his female staff have all come out and said such, he's been nothing but a professional and treated them with respect.

the only reason you didn't like franken is because his later comedy acts involved making fun of republicans in office....the same Republicans you now claim are "elites" and "establishment" and you don't like them.... :lol:
Did Moore do as he was accused? I have no idea, if he is innocent then he has every right to defend himself..

Let's just go with what Moore has himself admitted. That as a middle aged man, he went out with teenage girls.

That alone is a HUGE red flag. Going out with girls 14, 16, 17 years old How do you defend that?

He said the girl was 19, he was 30 something. Who said I’m defending anyone? Other than you? Does he have a right to defend himself? You bet, if he is guilty, he should go to prison. If that is defending someone, by claiming they are innocent until proven guilty, then I’m living in the wrong damn country.
around 80 percent of the twitter accounts Creepy Franken follows on twitter are locked. that's horrifying. no telling what's hidden in those accounts...
Trying to find the notorious August 2000 Politically Incorrect, a goofy show hosted by another creep, and found this in which Creepy Al "Fish Lips" Franken gets pwnd by Skunk Baxter!

What is hilarious in another episode "Fish Lips" says Bush stole an election, but in fact "Fish Lips" actually stole the election to get his firm term in the senate!

Sorry but I don't see where any owning took place.
Maybe clarify?

And the Norm Coleman issue wasted seven months, and was settled by a court of law.
Did Moore do as he was accused? I have no idea, if he is innocent then he has every right to defend himself..

Let's just go with what Moore has himself admitted. That as a middle aged man, he went out with teenage girls.

That alone is a HUGE red flag. Going out with girls 14, 16, 17 years old How do you defend that?

He said the girl was 19, he was 30 something. Who said I’m defending anyone? Other than you? Does he have a right to defend himself? You bet, if he is guilty, he should go to prison. If that is defending someone, by claiming they are innocent until proven guilty, then I’m living in the wrong damn country.
no, Moore SAID to Hannity that the girls he dated who were still in high school, he asked permission from their mothers to date them.... (unless they failed a grade, there are no 19yr old in High School)

Moore was 32 when he allegedly molested the 14 yr old, he was 38 when he finally got married to Kayla who was only 24 at the time of marriage.... he first laid eyes on her when she was in high school and won or got runner up in the Miss Teenage Alabama contest.
Did Moore do as he was accused? I have no idea, if he is innocent then he has every right to defend himself..

Let's just go with what Moore has himself admitted. That as a middle aged man, he went out with teenage girls.

That alone is a HUGE red flag. Going out with girls 14, 16, 17 years old How do you defend that?

He said the girl was 19, he was 30 something. Who said I’m defending anyone? Other than you? Does he have a right to defend himself? You bet, if he is guilty, he should go to prison. If that is defending someone, by claiming they are innocent until proven guilty, then I’m living in the wrong damn country.
no, Moore SAID to Hannity that the girls he dated who were still in high school, he asked permission from their mothers to date them.... (unless they failed a grade, there are no 19yr old in High School)

Moore was 32 when he allegedly molested the 14 yr old, he was 38 when he finally got married to Kayla who was only 24 at the time of marriage.... he first laid eyes on her when she was in high school and won or got runner up in the Miss Teenage Alabama contest.

Thanks, I haven't really followed the case, nor do I care to, if they have the evidence and want to prosecute him, I'm good with that. If he steps out of the race, I am good with that also, it is up to his constituents to decide his fate.

I hear another Franken accuser has come forth, of course the people in the good state of Minnesota need to decide what they want to do. I'm not sure what the new allegations against Franken are however, it sounds like he would benefit from some behavior training.
A THIRD WOMAN has "come forward" claiming that Al Franken groped her.

Sen. Al Franken groped Arianna Huffington in 2000 photo shoot, NY Post reports

The so called victim:
"Al and I did a comedic sketch for Bill Maher’s Politically Incorrect called Strange Bedfellows, in which the whole point, as the name makes clear, was that we were doing political commentary from bed," Huffington told the Post. "This shoot was looking back at the sketch, and we were obviously hamming it up for comedic effect."
"I’ve been great friends with Al and his wife Franni for over 20 years and there has never been anything remotely inappropriate in our interactions," she said.

The photographer has DECLINED to COMMENT, and yet...

An "unnamed source" described the encounter:
"Franken was clowning around, but it really isn’t funny," said a source from the shoot. "That’s his tactic, pretend like it’s all a big joke. Arianna was pushing his hands away. He was groping her. There was some fun attached to it, but she wasn’t enjoying it. She definitely told him to stop and pushed him away ... "

Now you TELL ME, how DESPERATE are the Republicans when they are pushing "unnamed sources" to be "MORE OFFENDED THAN THE VICTIM" and what does that tell us?
If you're more offended than the victim, or if you're offended even when there IS NO victim, or the "victim" flatly states that they are not a victim and they are NOT offended, then it becomes a statement ABOUT YOU and not the victim at all.

So here we are folks, three so called victims, NONE of them are willing to demand his resignation, and one even insists she is NOT a victim at all.
This ruse, this setup, is getting mighty thin, and thinner by the second.
I say let the Republicans skate with this and keep fucking that chicken till they choke on it.
At this point, Al Franken has already won but I still want that investigation, so he can jam the silver stake right into the chest of the Republican Party on live television.

At this point, I'm also saying that Republicans are MOCKING every woman who actually HAS been sexually harassed.

My fellow Democrats who jumped up and called for Franken to step down now look like complete imbeciles, and they deserve to.
Three claims, NO call from the victims for him to resign, and ONE victim is publicly insisting she wasn't even a victim at all, ever, and that Franken's wife was in on the joke.

So yes, to all my liberal friends who were ready to throw Franken under the bus, you now look like IDIOTS, and you should.
The Republicans are openly MOCKING every woman who has actually BEEN assaulted, and you're helping them.

Learn from this, please....they're just getting STARTED.
If we can't view things objectively, we will lose it all, and most of the damage will be self inflicted.

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