thousands expected in washington dc march

its the aniversary of mlk i have dream speech. hope they have security for this., yikes. this many people in once place their bund to be a problem.
Why would there be any problems with/at a march for brother King?
If only the FBI or CIA or whoever killed him didn't, America would be in a better place today.
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Why would there be any problems with/at a march for brother King?
If only the FBI or CIA or whoever killed him didn't, America would be a better place today.
If King had not been assassinated he would have died in prison or in an alley clutching a bottle of wood alcohol.
There’s a legitamacy to the origin of that as the great emancipating hypocrites of the north relegated migrating blacks to segregated ghettos and neighborhoods, allowing the dialect to sustain. But that was before civil rights.
Post-civil rights, blacks have hypocritically segregated themselves and subsequently maintained the dialect.

Well, they made sure few migrated north, until they needed a lot of scabs after 1910 or so.

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