Thousands of cattle dying due to heat stress. 10k in Kansas alone over last 5 days?

If you had crayons you’d have eaten them. You were wrong. And your internet pride prevents you from just admitting it. It must be worth something to you. Now… till you get some crayons to snack on; get out there, and start stickering posts with emojis…

This from the guy that thinks lack of water does not make heat and humidity worse for a living being.

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

It is people like you that make this forum so entertaining.
You're changing your tune. You were adamant that they died of heat, not thirst. Your about face is noted. At least it finally sank in. Though you’ll never admit it…

We're overdue for a torrential thunderstorm here. Lack of water is a concern. A storm brings sudden cool winds.
They're like Trump. It's always a conspiracy.
Gonna explain to all us why mass numbers of bovine haven't collapsed and died in your global warming conditions in Georgia?


Yeah thought not. I mean really. How could you? Then again you would say something completely contradictory and then the other left wing monkeys would agree with you.
Gonna explain to all us why mass numbers of bovine haven't collapsed and died in your global warming conditions in Georgia?


Yeah thought not. I mean really. How could you? Then again you would say something completely contradictory and then the other left wing monkeys would agree with you.

Georgia isn't Kansas. Georgia has mountains, hills and flatlands in the south and along the coast. We also have trees ..lots of them even in Atlanta. There are creeks everywhere. Where do you live?
Gonna explain to all us why mass numbers of bovine haven't collapsed and died in your global warming conditions in Georgia?


Yeah thought not. I mean really. How could you? Then again you would say something completely contradictory and then the other left wing monkeys would agree with you.

You aren't very bright.
Gonzalo Lira's blog has reference to this thread. Lira's blog also has a fertilizer/DEF thread that links Biden and Obama, two entities who are not your friends.

Thousands of cattle in Kansas have died in recent days due to high heat and humidity, dealing a blow to one of the country’s leading cattle production states as the industry grapples with extreme weather and rising production costs linked to the war in Ukraine.

Huh, the temperatures in that region that killed all of these cattle during these horrible days were as follows.

95, 91, 99, 93 and 90 degrees.

Apparently the cattle couldn't handle that. 10k cattle couldn't handle that cause, cause, of the global warming brought about the whites and their combustion engines living in America. Not the hole in the ozone that has been fixed.

They expect us to believe, and their braindead Muppets will believe it, that cattle cannot handle such heat.

Meanwhile during that same 5 day period where over 10k cattle died in Kansas, at King Ranch in Texas where the largest ranch for cattle in the US, the temperatures were as follows.

102, 103, 96, 96, 99

The cattle there didn't die by the Thousands due to heat.

Soooo, did 10k cattle die in Kansas due to heat in a cooler climate where thousands of cattle DID NOT DIE in Texas?

wouldn't be surprised if the lefties found a way to kill them so they could have an excuse to say

Get rid of all cows... Usher in the days of perfect climate and govt control
Some commentary on the “heat death”, “drought kill” theory some of the head up ass, normalcy bias junta buy into…
Yeah Gator; that’s you…

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Thousands of cattle in Kansas have died in recent days due to high heat and humidity, dealing a blow to one of the country’s leading cattle production states as the industry grapples with extreme weather and rising production costs linked to the war in Ukraine.

Huh, the temperatures in that region that killed all of these cattle during these horrible days were as follows.

95, 91, 99, 93 and 90 degrees.

Apparently the cattle couldn't handle that. 10k cattle couldn't handle that cause, cause, of the global warming brought about the whites and their combustion engines living in America. Not the hole in the ozone that has been fixed.

They expect us to believe, and their braindead Muppets will believe it, that cattle cannot handle such heat.

Meanwhile during that same 5 day period where over 10k cattle died in Kansas, at King Ranch in Texas where the largest ranch for cattle in the US, the temperatures were as follows.

102, 103, 96, 96, 99

The cattle there didn't die by the Thousands due to heat.

Soooo, did 10k cattle die in Kansas due to heat in a cooler climate where thousands of cattle DID NOT DIE in Texas?

Heat stress is killing the cattle? How about Bill's stress.:mad:

Funny how in Texas cattle is not dying like that.

May be they were not given water in Kansas.....who knows what the Globlalists Leftists want to do.
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It takes a long time to die from lack of water, even with the heat.
After 1, 2, or 100 dies, someone should have noticed and do something.
A simple sprinkler ever 1 minute out of every 60 is enough to keep them cool.
It takes a long time to die from lack of water, even with the heat.
After 1, 2, or 100 dies, someone should have noticed and do something.
A simple sprinkler ever 1 minute out of every 60 is enough to keep them cool.

Exactly..... they want the cattle to die.

May they ....all those criminals who did this be cursed....may all the bad Karma will come back to them and their lovesd ones.

Thousands of cattle in Kansas have died in recent days due to high heat and humidity, dealing a blow to one of the country’s leading cattle production states as the industry grapples with extreme weather and rising production costs linked to the war in Ukraine.

Huh, the temperatures in that region that killed all of these cattle during these horrible days were as follows.

95, 91, 99, 93 and 90 degrees.

Apparently the cattle couldn't handle that. 10k cattle couldn't handle that cause, cause, of the global warming brought about the whites and their combustion engines living in America. Not the hole in the ozone that has been fixed.

They expect us to believe, and their braindead Muppets will believe it, that cattle cannot handle such heat.

Meanwhile during that same 5 day period where over 10k cattle died in Kansas, at King Ranch in Texas where the largest ranch for cattle in the US, the temperatures were as follows.

102, 103, 96, 96, 99

The cattle there didn't die by the Thousands due to heat.

Soooo, did 10k cattle die in Kansas due to heat in a cooler climate where thousands of cattle DID NOT DIE in Texas?

This isn't the first time it's been hot in Kansas. It is the job of these ranchers to know the weather and the risks and take care of their animals. This is pure animal neglect and cruelty and laziness.
This isn't the first time it's been hot in Kansas. It is the job of these ranchers to know the weather and the risks and take care of their animals. This is pure animal neglect and cruelty and laziness.

Are you a rancher?

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