Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az

I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


assimilate those children

get them out of the hands of the government

and get them adopted out to conservative families
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

I wonder if possibly, they are Orphans and the Mexicans are sending them here to be cared for - In any event - they are Children and deserve to be treated with kindness before shipping them back to .... hmmm ....where do you ship them to?
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

I wonder if possibly, they are Orphans and the Mexicans are sending them here to be cared for - In any event - they are Children and deserve to be treated with kindness before shipping them back to .... hmmm ....where do you ship them to?

it is a great opportunity to assimilate illegal immigrants

into the American way
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


assimilate those children

get them out of the hands of the government

and get them adopted out to conservative families

All's that will do is send the message out, and thousands or millions will follow.
They need to be sent back at once, otherwise this will continue.
Round up those law breakers. Next thing you know they will become terrorrist and want to graze cattle on government land

I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


I didn't see your thread and right now these kids living conditions need to be improved until they figure out what to do. And please don't make this into a racist rant.

"Figure out what to do"?

First...close and enforce the border.

Second....No green card, no visa? Get in the truck.
I wonder if possibly, they are Orphans and the Mexicans are sending them here to be cared for - In any event - they are Children and deserve to be treated with kindness before shipping them back to .... hmmm ....where do you ship them to?

If they came across the mexican border, ship them to mexico... Doesn't matter if they're Guatemalan or mexican or nicaraguan, costa rican...or chinese..if they came through mexico...back they go.

If they came through canada, however...back they go!

fuckit...enough is enough.
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


I didn't see your thread and right now these kids living conditions need to be improved until they figure out what to do. And please don't make this into a racist rant.

"Figure out what to do"?

First...close and enforce the border.

Second....No green card, no visa? Get in the truck.

Yes, but those incapable of thinking, consider it racist to enforce the law.
the heart & bravery of these little children is inspiring. If we cannot find their parents, they should be adopted out(probably go to a foster home first)and given full citizenship...wait, try to find their parents, if we cannot, next is to try to find other family to take them in their home country, if that doesn't work adopt them out to American families. With the guts these kids have, they will make it far in life here in America....look how far they've already come.

Yes, something needs to be done and FAST. It's very saddening to see the conditions they're in. Imagine the conditions that mustve sent them on their journeys.
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?
the heart & bravery of these little children is inspiring. If we cannot find their parents, they should be adopted out(probably go to a foster home first)and given full citizenship...wait, try to find their parents, if we cannot, next is to try to find other family to take them in their home country, if that doesn't work adopt them out to American families. With the guts these kids have, they will make it far in life here in America....look how far they've already come.

Yes, something needs to be done and FAST. It's very saddening to see the conditions they're in. Imagine the conditions that mustve sent them on their journeys.
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

You seriously think thousands of children from numerous south american countries just spontaneously decided to "walk" to america?'s a cynical ploy for citizenship by opportunistic people who want to game the system.
"heart and bravery"..LMFAO..really? They were dropped off at the border and told to walk across in order to be used as bargaining chips.

If we CLOSED the border and ENFORCED it we wouldn't have these type of problems.

....but the left wants to keep wages down with cheap labor so more people are dependent on govt programs. More dependent people = more democratic party "voters".

There's also the cloward-pivens strategy being used by anti white/anti american politicians to purposely overload the system so it collapses into chaos.
I don't believe this is by mistake. There's no way that thousands of illegal children will pour over the border unless both the Mexican and American governments are in on it. It's another Obama, Inc. ploy to bring national sympathy to the border situation.

Ah, look at all those poor, helpless, hungry little children that somehow managed to cross the border all by themselves. The plight of the Mexican people must be dire. Therefore, we must let them and their parents and their cousins and their uncles and their aunts and their grandmothers and their grandfathers and their second cousins and the brothers and there sisters come over too. We need to completely open the border and naturalize the entire nation of Mexico. Then we need to raise taxes on the rich and the middle class to pay for their food, housing, medical expenses, driver's licenses, Xboxes, and cell phones. Hooray ... we're heroes.

They say a great many of these kids are coming from South America.

I don't doubt it a bit. I think (if we're really going to show the world how truly concerned we are) that we need to bring in all the poor children living in Afrida, Asia, Europe, South America, Canada, and any other place I might have missed. Hell ... let's invite the entire world to live in the USA. We can afford it.
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


assimilate those children

get them out of the hands of the government

and get them adopted out to conservative families

All's that will do is send the message out, and thousands or millions will follow.
They need to be sent back at once, otherwise this will continue.

the more conservatives all the better

plus once adopted the idea of the ex parents following

to attach to an anchor baby is shot
It doesn't matter if this was a back door amnesty attempt, if we adopt them out, it's only the kids. The parents abandoned them, therefore they forfeited custody.

We have problems in america that need our attention and money.

We should not be the garbage can of the world.
It doesn't matter if this was a back door amnesty attempt, if we adopt them out, it's only the kids. The parents abandoned them, therefore they forfeited custody.

We have problems in america that need our attention and money.

We should not be the garbage can of the world.

Smh... I see your problem. You hate these children because of where they are from. That's pretty obvious. If these were little blonde kids coming from Ukraine or something you'd be all "C'mon fellers! Eeyets save dem thar Aryan baybays"!
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

since the children are abandoned

they should be petitioned to the courts

and adopted out instead of this backdoor anchor baby attempt

Not that many people will be willing to adopt a teenager from a country that is more cave dweller than civilized.
It doesn't matter if this was a back door amnesty attempt, if we adopt them out, it's only the kids. The parents abandoned them, therefore they forfeited custody.

We have problems in america that need our attention and money.

We should not be the garbage can of the world.

Smh... I see your problem. You hate these children because of where they are from. That's pretty obvious. If these were little blonde kids coming from Ukraine or something you'd be all "C'mon fellers! Eeyets save dem thar Aryan baybays"!

No. You're inventing reasons to be obtuse and type funny misspelled words.

I said exactly what I meant. We have problems in america and should not be manipulated like this by people gaming the system. We can't have a 1st world country with open borders. We are a welfare state with open borders and no repercussions for entering...
In fact, we reward illegals.

Are you in favor of closing our borders? Why or why not?
You RWs should be ashamed. Some of you preach that you're "christians" when all you really are is sub-human monsters. Turn off your hate/racism for just a moment and really look at the reasons for this.

These children are not Mexican and they are not being brought here by President Obama. They are South American refugees from drug and political violence and sex traffickers.

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