Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az

Luddly, enough of your lying!
It's Obama's policies that is drawing them here.
Obama has ordered them driven from Texas to Arizona and dumped there to get back at Jan Brewer for going against his policies.

Luddly, you're such an idiot!!
Yes, close the borders. I'm sure my reasons for it are the same as yours up to a point. And I didn't need to invent anything, you refered to these children as garbage basically, so if you do not hate them because of where they are from & what race they happen to be...maybe next time you should word your posts more carefully...then maybe people won't get that impression.

I apologize if I labeled you a racist to quickly, but living in AZ & having spoke with a plethora of anti-illegal immigration folks, I know there are too many white nationalists piggy backing off a legitmate issue to spread their ignorant bullshit ideas. So excuse me for being a bit prejudiced because of the words you used.

We have problems in america that need our attention and money.

We should not be the garbage can of the world.

Smh... I see your problem. You hate these children because of where they are from. That's pretty obvious. If these were little blonde kids coming from Ukraine or something you'd be all "C'mon fellers! Eeyets save dem thar Aryan baybays"!

No. You're inventing reasons to be obtuse and type funny misspelled words.

I said exactly what I meant. We have problems in america and should not be manipulated like this by people gaming the system. We can't have a 1st world country with open borders. We are a welfare state with open borders and no repercussions for entering...
In fact, we reward illegals.

Are you in favor of closing our borders? Why or why not?
Yes, close the borders. I'm sure my reasons for it are the same as yours up to a point. And I didn't need to invent anything, you refered to these children as garbage basically, so if you do not hate them because of where they are from & what race they happen to be...maybe next time you should word your posts more carefully...then maybe people won't get that impression.

Ok. Maybe I should have worded it more clearly.
We can not be the place the world dumps their illiterate, degenerate, insane, diseased, criminal, misfits...or their children. I said and I maintain that this is a ploy to game the system.
Those "children" didn't just suddenly, spontaneously decide to "walk" to the u.s....and sneak across the border...You don't seriously believe that, do you?

I apologize if I labeled you a racist to quickly, but living in AZ & having spoke with a plethora of anti-illegal immigration folks, I know there are too many white nationalists piggy backing off a legitmate issue to spread their ignorant bullshit ideas. So excuse me for being a bit prejudiced because of the words you used.

That's very gracious. No one apologizes in message boards..LMAO..They have so much of their ego involved that they can't risk "losing face"..LMAO..on line...

I support my culture, traditions and race.
That's how humans are. Tribal and ethnocentric.
It's perfectly natural and normal. If that's "racist" to some people, I'm ok with that.

I believe that negroids and caucasians in america will never coexist peacefully.

Some call people who believe that "white nationalists"...I'm ok with that, too.
It doesn't matter if this was a back door amnesty attempt, if we adopt them out, it's only the kids. The parents abandoned them, therefore they forfeited custody.

I have to disagree. We have plenty of American kids just waiting for someone to adopt them. We need to kindly and gently return all these kids to the government's of their origin and let their respective governments feed, house, clothe, and adopt them out.
Yes it is natural to prefer ones own kind most of the time. Acknowledging that does not make you a racist in my opinion. Or a white nationalist, if that were so, then I am a black nationalist, but I do not consider hip hop or gang bangers as my culture, I consider western culture to be my culture. I am not African American, I am a American that happens to be black. I do claim gospel music & other aspects of traditional black American culture....but not this crap being labeled "black culture" today.

Have a good one.

Yes, close the borders. I'm sure my reasons for it are the same as yours up to a point. And I didn't need to invent anything, you refered to these children as garbage basically, so if you do not hate them because of where they are from & what race they happen to be...maybe next time you should word your posts more carefully...then maybe people won't get that impression.

Ok. Maybe I should have worded it more clearly.
We can not be the place the world dumps their illiterate, degenerate, insane, diseased, criminal, misfits...or their children. I said and I maintain that this is a ploy to game the system.
Those "children" didn't just suddenly, spontaneously decide to "walk" to the u.s....and sneak across the border...You don't seriously believe that, do you?

I apologize if I labeled you a racist to quickly, but living in AZ & having spoke with a plethora of anti-illegal immigration folks, I know there are too many white nationalists piggy backing off a legitmate issue to spread their ignorant bullshit ideas. So excuse me for being a bit prejudiced because of the words you used.

That's very gracious. No one apologizes in message boards..LMAO..They have so much of their ego involved that they can't risk "losing face"..LMAO..on line...

I support my culture, traditions and race.
That's how humans are. Tribal and ethnocentric.
It's perfectly natural and normal. If that's "racist" to some people, I'm ok with that.

I believe that negroids and caucasians in america will never coexist peacefully.

Some call people who believe that "white nationalists"...I'm ok with that, too.
It doesn't matter if this was a back door amnesty attempt, if we adopt them out, it's only the kids. The parents abandoned them, therefore they forfeited custody.

I have to disagree. We have plenty of American kids just waiting for someone to adopt them. We need to kindly and gently return all these kids to the government's of their origin and let their respective governments feed, house, clothe, and adopt them out.

That would be the ideal thing to do ofcourse, and I believe I mentioned that in another post. All Im saying is if some of these kids have nowhere else to go...I guess the little bit of bleeding heart Ive got bleeds for children, I don't have the heart to see it the way you do I guess.
Luddly, enough of your lying!
It's Obama's policies that is drawing them here.
Obama has ordered them driven from Texas to Arizona and dumped there to get back at Jan Brewer for going against his policies.

Luddly, you're such an idiot!!

You got links that PROVE any of that?


Really, none of it is true but isn't the real point that these children are alone, hungry, tired and need of help?

Doesn't "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free ..." include children refugees from South America?

Why is it that its always the RW christians who want kids to die?
Yes, close the borders. I'm sure my reasons for it are the same as yours up to a point. And I didn't need to invent anything, you refered to these children as garbage basically, so if you do not hate them because of where they are from & what race they happen to be...maybe next time you should word your posts more carefully...then maybe people won't get that impression.

Ok. Maybe I should have worded it more clearly.
We can not be the place the world dumps their illiterate, degenerate, insane, diseased, criminal, misfits...or their children. I said and I maintain that this is a ploy to game the system.
Those "children" didn't just suddenly, spontaneously decide to "walk" to the u.s....and sneak across the border...You don't seriously believe that, do you?

I apologize if I labeled you a racist to quickly, but living in AZ & having spoke with a plethora of anti-illegal immigration folks, I know there are too many white nationalists piggy backing off a legitmate issue to spread their ignorant bullshit ideas. So excuse me for being a bit prejudiced because of the words you used.

That's very gracious. No one apologizes in message boards..LMAO..They have so much of their ego involved that they can't risk "losing face"..LMAO..on line...

I support my culture, traditions and race.
That's how humans are. Tribal and ethnocentric.
It's perfectly natural and normal. If that's "racist" to some people, I'm ok with that.

I believe that negroids and caucasians in america will never coexist peacefully.

Some call people who believe that "white nationalists"...I'm ok with that, too.

As long as there is slime like you in the US, that's true but the rest of us get along just fine with folks of other colors.

And I notice that preachy fake christian, @Drifting Sand agrees with you. Disgusting racist scum.
Yes, close the borders. I'm sure my reasons for it are the same as yours up to a point. And I didn't need to invent anything, you refered to these children as garbage basically, so if you do not hate them because of where they are from & what race they happen to be...maybe next time you should word your posts more carefully...then maybe people won't get that impression.

Ok. Maybe I should have worded it more clearly.
We can not be the place the world dumps their illiterate, degenerate, insane, diseased, criminal, misfits...or their children. I said and I maintain that this is a ploy to game the system.
Those "children" didn't just suddenly, spontaneously decide to "walk" to the u.s....and sneak across the border...You don't seriously believe that, do you?

I apologize if I labeled you a racist to quickly, but living in AZ & having spoke with a plethora of anti-illegal immigration folks, I know there are too many white nationalists piggy backing off a legitmate issue to spread their ignorant bullshit ideas. So excuse me for being a bit prejudiced because of the words you used.

That's very gracious. No one apologizes in message boards..LMAO..They have so much of their ego involved that they can't risk "losing face"..LMAO..on line...

I support my culture, traditions and race.
That's how humans are. Tribal and ethnocentric.
It's perfectly natural and normal. If that's "racist" to some people, I'm ok with that.

I believe that negroids and caucasians in america will never coexist peacefully.

Some call people who believe that "white nationalists"...I'm ok with that, too.

As long as there is slime like you in the US, that's true but the rest of us get along just fine with folks of other colors.

And I notice that preachy fake christian, @Drifting Sand agrees with you. Disgusting racist scum.

Which part do you specifically disagree with?

Humans are tribal and ethnocentric and prefer to be around those that are like them?


White people supporting their traditions, culture and heritage?

Which one bothers you so much?
that's not a fair assessment of what he said. It is true that people can sometimes get along fine with other races...I live in a mostly white town, most of my friends here are white...kind of comes with the territory I guess. But at the same time, for example; Im not q deeply religious man but I like to attend worship services because I enjoy the music & joyfullness of it all..I don't find the kind of worship services I like in most white baptist churches, so I drive miles out of my way to attend a black baptist worship service.

And it's natural, I like the rythmn & singing & the keys & well...everything about being in a black baptist church.

Does that mean I am racist & hate white baptists? No, I naturally prefer the sounds that come along with my culture.

The problem with you leftists is you want to change that, because you hate tradition. I don't want my kids children to be of mixed race if I can help it. I am proud of my heritage & want my kids to carry it on & their children to carry it on, so on and so on...

If my kid does marry outside of our race, I won't berate them for it...but admittedly Id be a little disappointed at first, but it's their life ultimately.

Does that make me racist or am I just being true to myself and my culture?
Yes, close the borders. I'm sure my reasons for it are the same as yours up to a point. And I didn't need to invent anything, you refered to these children as garbage basically, so if you do not hate them because of where they are from & what race they happen to be...maybe next time you should word your posts more carefully...then maybe people won't get that impression.

Ok. Maybe I should have worded it more clearly.
We can not be the place the world dumps their illiterate, degenerate, insane, diseased, criminal, misfits...or their children. I said and I maintain that this is a ploy to game the system.
Those "children" didn't just suddenly, spontaneously decide to "walk" to the u.s....and sneak across the border...You don't seriously believe that, do you?

I apologize if I labeled you a racist to quickly, but living in AZ & having spoke with a plethora of anti-illegal immigration folks, I know there are too many white nationalists piggy backing off a legitmate issue to spread their ignorant bullshit ideas. So excuse me for being a bit prejudiced because of the words you used.

That's very gracious. No one apologizes in message boards..LMAO..They have so much of their ego involved that they can't risk "losing face"..LMAO..on line...

I support my culture, traditions and race.
That's how humans are. Tribal and ethnocentric.
It's perfectly natural and normal. If that's "racist" to some people, I'm ok with that.

I believe that negroids and caucasians in america will never coexist peacefully.

Some call people who believe that "white nationalists"...I'm ok with that, too.

As long as there is slime like you in the US, that's true but the rest of us get along just fine with folks of other colors.

And I notice that preachy fake christian, @Drifting Sand agrees with you. Disgusting racist scum.
that's not a fair assessment of what he said. It is true that people can sometimes get along fine with other races...I live in a mostly white town, most of my friends here are white...kind of comes with the territory I guess. But at the same time, for example; Im not q deeply religious man but I like to attend worship services because I enjoy the music & joyfullness of it all..I don't find the kind of worship services I like in most white baptist churches, so I drive miles out of my way to attend a black baptist worship service.

And it's natural, I like the rythmn & singing & the keys & well...everything about being in a black baptist church.

Does that mean I am racist & hate white baptists? No, I naturally prefer the sounds that come along with my culture.

The problem with you leftists is you want to change that, because you hate tradition. I don't want my kids children to be of mixed race if I can help it. I am proud of my heritage & want my kids to carry it on & their children to carry it on, so on and so on...

If my kid does marry outside of our race, I won't berate them for it...but admittedly Id be a little disappointed at first, but it's their life ultimately.

Does that make me racist or am I just being true to myself and my culture?
Ok. Maybe I should have worded it more clearly.
We can not be the place the world dumps their illiterate, degenerate, insane, diseased, criminal, misfits...or their children. I said and I maintain that this is a ploy to game the system.
Those "children" didn't just suddenly, spontaneously decide to "walk" to the u.s....and sneak across the border...You don't seriously believe that, do you?

That's very gracious. No one apologizes in message boards..LMAO..They have so much of their ego involved that they can't risk "losing face"..LMAO..on line...

I support my culture, traditions and race.
That's how humans are. Tribal and ethnocentric.
It's perfectly natural and normal. If that's "racist" to some people, I'm ok with that.

I believe that negroids and caucasians in america will never coexist peacefully.

Some call people who believe that "white nationalists"...I'm ok with that, too.

As long as there is slime like you in the US, that's true but the rest of us get along just fine with folks of other colors.

And I notice that preachy fake christian, @Drifting Sand agrees with you. Disgusting racist scum.

First, that particular poster often posts really vile racist crap. Our world would be better if he and other white supremacists, were not in it.

What you wrote about me "hating tradition" is, of course, divisive and a lie.

Having said that, I believe we - ALL races - are all inherently racist to some degree. Its natural for us - ALL RACES - to seek out those who look, think, act the way we do.

That does not give us an excuse or license to abuse and mistreat people of other races. Nor does it mean we should turn our backs on children who are so desperate for safety against drug and political violence and sexual traffickers that they left their homes.

Instead of spouting hate, how about you so-called christians stepping up to help those kids? Yeah, I know. Never happen because they're aren't fetuses.
Also - a correction -

I've said they came from "South America" but they're actually from Central America.
if he does do that then he is a racist, I don't have enough experience with him to know.
And fair enough, it's rare that I apologize to a liberal, but you're right..I should have said "the left", rather than "you leftists", because that does imply that you yourself hate tradition & so far I don't really have anything to back that up. My bad.

I do feel for those kids, deeply. What do you want me to do about it? Or better yet, tell me what I can do about it at this point in time? I'd gladly help in anyway I can. Do you have some info on how & what I can do? Or are you just grandstanding & taking an opprotunity to admonish people you don't like for not doing something when you know we can't at this point?
that's not a fair assessment of what he said. It is true that people can sometimes get along fine with other races...I live in a mostly white town, most of my friends here are white...kind of comes with the territory I guess. But at the same time, for example; Im not q deeply religious man but I like to attend worship services because I enjoy the music & joyfullness of it all..I don't find the kind of worship services I like in most white baptist churches, so I drive miles out of my way to attend a black baptist worship service.

And it's natural, I like the rythmn & singing & the keys & well...everything about being in a black baptist church.

Does that mean I am racist & hate white baptists? No, I naturally prefer the sounds that come along with my culture.

The problem with you leftists is you want to change that, because you hate tradition. I don't want my kids children to be of mixed race if I can help it. I am proud of my heritage & want my kids to carry it on & their children to carry it on, so on and so on...

If my kid does marry outside of our race, I won't berate them for it...but admittedly Id be a little disappointed at first, but it's their life ultimately.

Does that make me racist or am I just being true to myself and my culture?
As long as there is slime like you in the US, that's true but the rest of us get along just fine with folks of other colors.

And I notice that preachy fake christian, @Drifting Sand agrees with you. Disgusting racist scum.

First, that particular poster often posts really vile racist crap. Our world would be better if he and other white supremacists, were not in it.

What you wrote about me "hating tradition" is, of course, divisive and a lie.

Having said that, I believe we - ALL races - are all inherently racist to some degree. Its natural for us - ALL RACES - to seek out those who look, think, act the way we do.

That does not give us an excuse or license to abuse and mistreat people of other races. Nor does it mean we should turn our backs on children who are so desperate for safety against drug and political violence and sexual traffickers that they left their homes.

Instead of spouting hate, how about you so-called christians stepping up to help those kids? Yeah, I know. Never happen because they're aren't fetuses.
I think that President Cornball is just trolling Brewer due to her stance against illegal immigration. It is the continued degradation of traditional american society, along petty chicago style/passive aggressive liberal revenge, that is characteristic of the Smartest President ever.
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

Seems like a solid place to plunder for resources if you are into human trafficking, organ trafficking, or human sacrifice.
And it is funny, the left paints the narrative says America is an oppressive racist country, yet, we have the highest rate of immigration in the world to our country, from people of all races. The numbers really don't speak to their narrative.

They also say all cultures all equal, yet I don't see White Anglo Saxons immigrating to Asia, Central America, or Africa. Clearly the immigrants see the superiority of our culture, otherwise they wouldn't come here and leave their former countries. White Anglo Saxon Culture is superior and there is nothing wrong with wanting to preserve that by strictly controlling immigration. Otherwise, we will become like the places these poor immigrants came from. Which can't be that great, they left after all.
Feds say no end in sight for policy of 'dumping' illegal immigrants in Arizona, Gov. Brewer says | Fox News
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer said Friday she is “disturbed and outraged” after she was informed by federal officials that not only has the government been shipping illegal immigrants out of Texas and “dumping” them in her state, it has no plans to stop.Federal officials told Brewer Friday that the practice will continue for the foreseeable future, and this weekend more than 1,000 illegal immigrant children will be “dumped” in Arizona. Adults and family units will also arrive, though Brewer was not told how many, her office said.ADVERTISEMENTReports first surfaced last week that scores of illegal immigrants in Texas were being flown, bused and then abandoned out of state in Arizona and elsewhere.* After learning of the practice, Brewer sent a scathing letter to the president on Monday posing a string of questions about the policy. Brewer said Friday what little she has learned since then has made her even more concerned.“This is a crisis of the federal government’s creation, and the fact that the border remains unsecure – now apparently intentionally - while this operation continues full-steam ahead is deplorable,” she said in a statement.Brewer said the federal government never formally informed her administration of the practice and has never explained it.
Hope and change, ya right. This admin is 'dumping' these individuals on the streets, not notifying anyone, no future meal in sight, left to 'fend for themselves. What a humanitarian disaster, law enforcement disaster, and possibly a health disaster! With no real concern for US citizens, nor these individuals.
How will they get their next meal, a place to use the bathroom, shower?
Talk about callousness, down right malfeasance.

This is really f'ed up, pardon my french.
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NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

Seems like a solid place to plunder for resources if you are into human trafficking, organ trafficking, or human sacrifice.

Unfortunately, you are exactly right. This is sick.
I forgot this from the article-

Those sent to Arizona are expected to check in on their own once their deportation process nears completion in an honor system of sorts.
[ame=]Foreign official DHS to stop transporting migrants from Texas to Arizona - YouTube[/ame]
hadn't eaten in days? What happened to all the mre's FEMA has on hand? Supposedly Craig Frigate of FEMA is supposed to now be helping with this. Their little money they had taken from them? By who?

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