Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az

NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

Are you claiming that fellow N. and S. American nations devalue their children so much they would force them into refugee status?
NOGALES, Ariz. - Three hundred more unaccompanied migrant children — with more on the way — were transported Saturday from southern Texas into a makeshift way station set up in a Border Patrol detention facility in Nogales, Ariz., as government agencies took additional steps to improve the living conditions there.By today, more than 1,000 children are expected to fill the detention center as the government continues to deal with the surge of unaccompanied minors apprehended crossing the border illegally in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas.

Thousands of Illegal Immigrant Children Over running Border Patrol, Tx, Az. What an awful situation! 300 in one facility with 4 showers, more kids on the way. Being bussed to different states and being dropped off. Border patrol releasing pictures secretly because something needs to be done. Now having their phones confiscated at work so they can't take anymore pictures. No room at the Inn.

Why this sudden influx, of even 3 yr olds with their older siblings? Could this be the result of Obama' policy change, and their not knowing all the details, maybe just hearing those 16 and younger can get a sort of amnesty? That is the only thing I can possibly think could cause this. Whatever it is these kids need to be put jn better conditions now. And why have the agents had to leak to the press to hope to get any action?

Are you claiming that fellow N. and S. American nations devalue their children so much they would force them into refugee status?

Where did I claim that? You love putting words in people's mouths that were never there. Why is that, Moonglow? Could it be agenda driven?
I posted a thread about this a week ago, and nobody gave a fuck.

But, this could be the end of America at a much accelerated pace. What's going on here is the word has gotten out that Obama Asswipe won't deport children, so they're showing up at the border in droves.
Obviously the game is, if they can stay, their parents will then ask to be reunited with their children.

I'm telling you folks, if we don't do something soon we will lose this country to the uneducated brown people who refuse to learn English and become assimilated.

You have to get hold of your lawmakers now, and for god's sake stop voting for Dimocrats, they will destroy this country if we don't take a stand at the polling booth !!!


assimilate those children

get them out of the hands of the government

and get them adopted out to conservative families

If you like the idea so damn much, why don't you take a couple?
You RWs should be ashamed. Some of you preach that you're "christians" when all you really are is sub-human monsters. Turn off your hate/racism for just a moment and really look at the reasons for this.

These children are not Mexican and they are not being brought here by President Obama. They are South American refugees from drug and political violence and sex traffickers.

Then maybe they should come in the legal way!
Why doesn't Arizona just give them bus tickets to San Francisco, Seattle, Boston, D.C, Burlington, Portland, Chicago etc? Give the left a taste of their own medicine. If they want them they can have them, and bear the cost of them as well. If they want to play these petty vindictive games, then Arizona can as well.

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