THOUSANDS of NYPD Turn BACKS to Commie Bill, for the second time!!!


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
KUDOS to the boys in Blue!

Buddhist monks lead Chinese funeral ceremony for slain Brooklyn cop Wenjian Liu as thousands of officers ignore Commissioner Bratton's plea and turn their backs on de Blasio
  • Tens of thousands of officers flocked to the funeral of slain NYPD cop Wenjian Liu, 32, on Sunday from across the country
  • Liu was gunned down alongside partner Rafael Ramos by Ismaaiyl Brinsley on December 20
  • Ramos' funeral a week ago among the largest in NYPD history, with more than 20,000 officers from around the country on hand

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Defied orders: Law enforcement officers stand, with most turning their backs, as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks on a monitor outside the funeral for NYPD officer Wenjian Liu
de Blasio and all the anti -police activists are playing a dangerous game by losing the support of the NYPD.

In what amounts to an unofficial strike the police arrest rate has plummeted by about 90% and only serious crimes have been followed up.

NYPD have taken the right action in turning their backs on de Blasio and all those stupid activists!:thup:

The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.
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The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

Someone need to set fire to your ass! You like spouting off, and those officers have the same CONSTITUTIONAL protection a deranged piece of fecal matter, like you, has!
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

what a brilliant comment! :rolleyes-41:

you must be an anarchist because what you "so wisely" are saying would mean a complete breakdown of Law and Orden in New York.

Yes! They must be punished! Two of their brothers were slaughtered, the Mayor and the hardcore Left are making them out to be the enemies, they're worried about their safety and that of their families, so they decide to silently protest -- they must be punished!!! Intimidation must rule! You must submit!

Defied orders: Law enforcement officers stand, with most turning their backs, as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks on a monitor outside the funeral for NYPD officer Wenjian Liu
"De Blasio and Bratton entered the funeral home together for the wake as officers stood guard by the entrance, saluting both men as they went in.

"The murders frayed already strained relations between the police force and de Blasio, who sharply criticized the NYPD's 'stop-and-frisk' tactics during his 2013 campaign.

"The liberal mayor also offered qualified support for the wave of protests triggered by the two black men's deaths in New York and Ferguson, Missouri, and has said he talked to his bi-racial son, Dante, about interacting with police."

Maybe NYPD cops should turn their backs on stop and frisk?

Read more: Officers ignore Commissioner Bratton s plea and turn their backs AGAIN on de Blasio at funeral for slain Brooklyn cop Wenjian Liu Daily Mail Online
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The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.

what a brilliant comment! :rolleyes-41:

you must be an anarchist because what you "so wisely" are saying would mean a complete breakdown of Law and Orden in New York.

I'm sorry, cops who choke unarmed people to death or shoot an unarmed man 45 times are not contributing to "Law and Order". Probably like the oppossite of that. When people are more afraid of the cops than they are of the crooks (because, hey, at least the crooks will be punished), you have a breakdown in civil order.
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why? What specifically has he said h e should apologize for? That he has a legitimate worry his black son might get killed by a rogue cop? Frankly, that's a reasonable fear parents of young black men have in this society. Probably more so after Garner, Brown and Martin.
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.

He should apologize because, politically, it's the expedient thing to do. It would also cause dissension within a currently united NYPD.
He should apologize because, politically, it's the expedient thing to do. It would also cause dissension within a currently united NYPD.

When unelected police can bully ELECTED officials, we need to be kind of worried.

Now you might not like De Blasio, but he won an election of his fellow New Yorkers. And he won it being VERY CLEAR that the fascist police state tactics of Guiliani and Bloomberg were no longer acceptable.

So it's really the police who need to change their attitudes.
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.

He should apologize because, politically, it's the expedient thing to do. It would also cause dissension within a currently united NYPD.

It's not like he doesn't mean what he says, and the cops aren't going to buy it.

What would you rather have - A hardcore leftist Mayor who was honest about his negative feelings about cops, or a hardcore leftist Mayor who kept it hidden and acted on those feelings without your knowing through other channels?

Hey, at least everyone's suspicions have been confirmed loud and clear, and this has inspired other hardcore lefties to voice their anti-cop concerns. Now there is no doubt as to their loyalties. Hell, they won't even admit when (certain) people break the law at this point.

I'd think many cops would be insulted if he tried that crap.

The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.


Ok, I understand what you are saying, but de Blasio is not just an ordinary man with ordinary responsibilities, he's the freaking mayor of the city. His words, wether he believed in what he was saying or not, were reckless and irresponsible for someone in this position. The atmosphere became so bad that cops were attacked, even killed. IM not saying everything was directly caused by him, but was it self evident is he didn't do a good job in the leadership department. He did a great job of dividing and taking a side, and for that I think he owes an appology.
Its a shame because it only makes a bad situation worse. I've read and watched what de Blasio did and said and he was not wrong. Using these funerals to cause unrest and anger is irresponsible and shows a total lack of respect for what those poor families are going through. They need to man up, clean up and behave like responsible adults.
He should apologize because, politically, it's the expedient thing to do. It would also cause dissension within a currently united NYPD.

When unelected police can bully ELECTED officials, we need to be kind of worried.

Now you might not like De Blasio, but he won an election of his fellow New Yorkers. And he won it being VERY CLEAR that the fascist police state tactics of Guiliani and Bloomberg were no longer acceptable.

So it's really the police who need to change their attitudes.
It has nothing to do with who I like or don't like. I think di Blasio made a stupid political blunder and now he needs to somehow make amends. If he can, it may already be too late. Either way, his career as a politician is over.
The ball is now in de Blasio's court to correct the situation.

You're right. He needs to find out who the instigators are and fire their asses.

What he needs to do is apologize.

Why should he apologize?

I never get this "apology" stuff.

He meant everything he said, his feelings on cops are clear, and now he's getting a reaction.

What they should NOT do is try to get him to quit or try to destroy his life just for expressing his opinion. That's what the PC Police do, not the REAL police.


Ok, I understand what you are saying, but de Blasio is not just an ordinary man with ordinary responsibilities, he's the freaking mayor of the city. His words, wether he believed in what he was saying or not, were reckless and irresponsible for someone in this position. The atmosphere became so bad that cops were attacked, even killed. IM not saying everything was directly caused by him, but was it self evident is he didn't do a good job in the leadership department. He did a great job of dividing and taking a side, and for that I think he owes an appology.
I understand that. The only tangible potential benefit such an act could bring would be to reverse the efforts of the PC Police and reduce tensions in the "Black community". That might mean a reduced chance of other problems, who knows.

It's just tough for me to understand any other value of having someone apologize for saying something that they meant.


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