Cops salute Mayor DeBlasio

It shouldn't be newsworthy that Police are behaving in a manner that's expected of them.
When there is contention between them then it certainly is though.

My question is weather or not this is standard protocol though. I can only see 5 officers and it doesn't mean anything if this is what normally occurs. Now, if this is some officers going out of their way to show that they still stand with the mayor - that is a different story. The article really seems like a rather poor job of reporting.
Authorities said they believe the Millers were acting alone but they espoused an "anti-government, anti-police" ideology with militia and white supremacist overtones.

Investigators were looking into possible links between the couple and some of the groups that converged on rancher Cliven Bundy's property during his armed standoff with federal rangers over land rights.

Two Cops Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree - NBC News

Texas father and son kill N.C. couple wound officers in crime spree - Yahoo News

Also let me add, this isnt a case of police getting in the way of these guys they were HUNTING police with purpose.

So we have one incident where cops were killed and one where some cops were injured.
You really want to call that a national emergency when that's an an average day for black thugs?

No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago
Authorities said they believe the Millers were acting alone but they espoused an "anti-government, anti-police" ideology with militia and white supremacist overtones.

Investigators were looking into possible links between the couple and some of the groups that converged on rancher Cliven Bundy's property during his armed standoff with federal rangers over land rights.

Two Cops Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree - NBC News

Texas father and son kill N.C. couple wound officers in crime spree - Yahoo News

Also let me add, this isnt a case of police getting in the way of these guys they were HUNTING police with purpose.

So we have one incident where cops were killed and one where some cops were injured.
You really want to call that a national emergency when that's an an average day for black thugs?

No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.
You are a racist peice of don't care about white crime as you never comment on it, asshole. And quit talking to the white ladies like that, race traitor.
So we have one incident where cops were killed and one where some cops were injured.
You really want to call that a national emergency when that's an an average day for black thugs?

No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago

Oh really? Post up your proof or STFU.
You go ahead and let me know when you see white people looting and burning down businesses in protest when some dumb fucken white dude gets his shit blown away.
No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago

Oh really? Post up your proof or STFU.
You go ahead and let me know when you see white people looting and burning down businesses in protest when some dumb fucken white dude gets his shit blown away.
White people invented protesting and looting, idiot.
So we have one incident where cops were killed and one where some cops were injured.
You really want to call that a national emergency when that's an an average day for black thugs?

No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.
You are a racist peice of don't care about white crime as you never comment on it, asshole. And quit talking to the white ladies like that, race traitor.

Maybe if 13% population wasnt committing the majority of crime in America your white rants might get a little more traction.
And like I've said time and time again...I dont give a rats ass if a some black cops shoots some white guy because he more than likely deserved it.
The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago

Oh really? Post up your proof or STFU.
You go ahead and let me know when you see white people looting and burning down businesses in protest when some dumb fucken white dude gets his shit blown away.
White people invented protesting and looting, idiot.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago

Oh really? Post up your proof or STFU.
You go ahead and let me know when you see white people looting and burning down businesses in protest when some dumb fucken white dude gets his shit blown away.
White people invented protesting and looting, idiot.

Blacks invented slavery,idiot.
Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago

Oh really? Post up your proof or STFU.
You go ahead and let me know when you see white people looting and burning down businesses in protest when some dumb fucken white dude gets his shit blown away.
White people invented protesting and looting, idiot.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.

...In your mind. Yet you downplay a chips murder justa page ago

Oh really? Post up your proof or STFU.
You go ahead and let me know when you see white people looting and burning down businesses in protest when some dumb fucken white dude gets his shit blown away.
White people invented protesting and looting, idiot.

Blacks invented slavery,idiot.
Really...when...the 1700's? 1600's. 200 AD? 0 AD? Sometime BC? When?
Cops SALUTE Bill de Blasio at wake for slain NYPD officer Wenjian Liu - after commissioner urges them to respect the mayor and stop turning their backs on him

By Mia De Graaf and Kieran Corcoran For

Published: 13:41 EST, 3 January 2015 | Updated: 15:49 EST, 3 January 2015

I reject your premise that there is a corruption problem in the NYPD. And this isn't a positive step towards healing the fractured relationship between the NYPD an de Blasio. All this is is a ceasefire until after officer Liu's funneral on Sunday.
Cops SALUTE Bill de Blasio at wake for slain NYPD officer Wenjian Liu - after commissioner urges them to respect the mayor and stop turning their backs on him

By Mia De Graaf and Kieran Corcoran For

Published: 13:41 EST, 3 January 2015 | Updated: 15:49 EST, 3 January 2015

I reject your premise that there is a corruption problem in the NYPD. And this isn't a positive step towards healing the fractured relationship between the NYPD an de Blasio. All this is is a ceasefire until after officer Liu's funneral on Sunday.
That is what Serpico's detractors said too!
Cops SALUTE Bill de Blasio at wake for slain NYPD officer Wenjian Liu - after commissioner urges them to respect the mayor and stop turning their backs on him

By Mia De Graaf and Kieran Corcoran For

Published: 13:41 EST, 3 January 2015 | Updated: 15:49 EST, 3 January 2015

I reject your premise that there is a corruption problem in the NYPD. And this isn't a positive step towards healing the fractured relationship between the NYPD an de Blasio. All this is is a ceasefire until after officer Liu's funneral on Sunday.
That is what Serpico's detractors said too!

I lived in New York most of my life. I have family that are police officers, I have friends that are in the NYPD. I have my finger on the pulse of what goes on here. Police do not always do policing by the book because it impractical and ineffective in large part, but they are putting themselves in danger to protect people, Which is their main function. They do their job and they do it well.
Authorities said they believe the Millers were acting alone but they espoused an "anti-government, anti-police" ideology with militia and white supremacist overtones.

Investigators were looking into possible links between the couple and some of the groups that converged on rancher Cliven Bundy's property during his armed standoff with federal rangers over land rights.

Two Cops Three Others Killed in Las Vegas Shooting Spree - NBC News

Texas father and son kill N.C. couple wound officers in crime spree - Yahoo News

Also let me add, this isnt a case of police getting in the way of these guys they were HUNTING police with purpose.

So we have one incident where cops were killed and one where some cops were injured.
You really want to call that a national emergency when that's an an average day for black thugs?

No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.'re the can't debate without calling names because you're so dumb you can't come up with anything of substance. You're so uneducated you have to resolve to tough talk that nobody takes serious......go take a hike, dumbass.
So we have one incident where cops were killed and one where some cops were injured.
You really want to call that a national emergency when that's an an average day for black thugs?

No of course it's different. .. they are white. Which is always treated better than when the shooter isa black person.

Suddenly cops being shot isn't a big deal I guess.

The big difference being? Whites want those responsible prosecuted and executed.
You stupid fucks want to to turn the gunman into a hero.

Yep sure.....that's why the incident in Ferguson got resolved by the police and DA....the hell with the Constitution and the way we are supposed to handle crime in the only want blacks and minorities prosecuted and executed...those are the facts.

STFU Bimbo.
I've said dozens of times I dont give a shit what color they are. They commit crimes like we're talking about here? Put em down.
The fucken idiot ghetto blacks canonize common street thugs.'re the can't debate without calling names because you're so dumb you can't come up with anything of substance. You're so uneducated you have to resolve to tough talk that nobody takes serious......go take a hike, dumbass.

And I'll say it again. STFU Bimbo!

You want to put words in my mouth you can go fuck yourself.

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