Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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DC has NLt on ignore because NLT spanked him royally. And both dc and sarhag think of veterans as mindless chattel...the same way the left views blacks, and poor women.

allie told me she had me on ignore last night :eusa_liar: but she's reading my posts :rofl:
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busted allie :boohoo:
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Sorry, don't believe that either, you just don't have that personality. You seem more like a bitter old phart with no sense of working towards a goal for the greater good.

That's strike three, Sarah. How do you denigrate a man's service that way? What makes you think you know him? He's right you know. You are a bitch.

There are too many pretenders to believe everyone who claims to be a vet. When questioned, I posted in detail my GQ's job on a navy warship. I'm not suggesting every vet post their DD-214, but claiming they have their discharge on their wall is weak and proof of nothing.

She has every right to question him, and only a misogynist asshole would call her a "bitch" for dong so.

I've had him on ignore for months because he disrespects women. I haven't responded to any of his posts and I don't intend to. If I didn't have him on ignore, I'd be reporting him every other day and I'm not here for that.

He is though.
Sorry, don't believe that either, you just don't have that personality. You seem more like a bitter old phart with no sense of working towards a goal for the greater good.

That's strike three, Sarah. How do you denigrate a man's service that way? What makes you think you know him? He's right you know. You are a bitch.

There are too many pretenders to believe everyone who claims to be a vet. When questioned, I posted in detail my GQ's job on a navy warship. I'm not suggesting every vet post their DD-214, but claiming they have their discharge on their wall is weak and proof of nothing.

She has every right to question him, and only a misogynist asshole would call her a "bitch" for dong so.

^ that

NLT has women issues at the very least. I don't even call allie or Katzndogs bitches even though.....

I knew a couple guys in the military that were termed "Lifers". NLT reminds me of those guys IF he ever served :eusa_whistle:
You should be happy then that the GOP is very possibly be going to run a Canadian for U.S. president. :eusa_shifty:
We've got a Kenyan now, so might as well have a Canadian.
Except for the fact that, unlike Cruz, Obama was actually born in the U.S..

Except for the fact that there is no proof where obama was born, other than a couple two bit, amateurish Adobe Illustrator forgeries, that and his grandmother was there when he was born in Kenya.

The left opened the door for anyone born anywhere to be president when they elected Barry Soetoro from Kenya.

That's strike three, Sarah. How do you denigrate a man's service that way? What makes you think you know him? He's right you know. You are a bitch.

There are too many pretenders to believe everyone who claims to be a vet. When questioned, I posted in detail my GQ's job on a navy warship. I'm not suggesting every vet post their DD-214, but claiming they have their discharge on their wall is weak and proof of nothing.

She has every right to question him, and only a misogynist asshole would call her a "bitch" for dong so.

^ that

NLT has women issues at the very least. I don't even call allie or Katzndogs bitches even though.....

I knew a couple guys in the military that were termed "Lifers". NLT reminds me of those guys IF he ever served :eusa_whistle:

Oh you can call me a bitch any time you want. It's a compliment. I like being a bitch. Bitches RULE!
speak of the devil. Katzy is here. Pole Rider & his Rafael for Prez siggie as well :lol: You rw'ers are comedy gold :)
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We've got a Kenyan now, so might as well have a Canadian.
Except for the fact that, unlike Cruz, Obama was actually born in the U.S..

Except for the fact that there is no proof where obama was born, other than a couple two bit, amateurish Adobe Illustrator forgeries, that and his grandmother was there when he was born in Kenya.

The left opened the door for anyone born anywhere to be president when they elected Barry Soetoro from Kenya.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
He didn't call her a bitch for questioning his status. He called her a bitch because she is one.

And I called him a misogynist and an asshole 'cause he is one. I've read your posts and understand you're a proud member of the far right (correct?), and I shouldn't be surprised with your opinions if in fact my assessment is correct. But, if you're female, why defend a misogynist?
He didn't call her a bitch for questioning his status. He called her a bitch because she is one.

And I called him a misogynist and an asshole 'cause he is one. I've read your posts and understand you're a proud member of the far right (correct?), and I shouldn't be surprised with your opinions if in fact my assessment is correct. But, if you're female, why defend a misogynist?

yeah allie? What say you? Hypocrit much?

Except for the fact that, unlike Cruz, Obama was actually born in the U.S..

Except for the fact that there is no proof where obama was born, other than a couple two bit, amateurish Adobe Illustrator forgeries, that and his grandmother was there when he was born in Kenya.

The left opened the door for anyone born anywhere to be president when they elected Barry Soetoro from Kenya.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Plenty of proof on this thread that Thomas Jefferson was spot on when he wrote, "I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always well informed".
Where's tinydancer to support her claim that thousands stormed the monument? Was she just trolling again?
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