Thousands storm WWII at Mall; Whooooooooo hoooooooooooo!

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The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

Well I am amazed a Canadian snob! So only well dressed, high income people should be allowed to honour those who served in WWII! And only if they can prove that they do not "support the tea party agenda"!

You are a disgraceful DragonLady. Those gallant Canadians who stood with us Brits from September 1939 deserve better than you.

(Of course it's possible that though you live in Toronto you are not Canadian and that the army your brother joined in 1944 was the Wehrmacht. I rather hope that is the case.)
You should be happy then that the GOP is very possibly be going to run a Canadian for U.S. president. :eusa_shifty:

You're such a fucking retard, it's actually funny. No, that was never a flag of the United States. Here is the very first flag of the United States of America: A website dedicated to the Flag of the United States of America - The First United States Flag


The flag you're talking about may not have even existed. Like your knowledge of American history -- it's folklore.

Betsy Ross flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Come again?

You dumbass.
Come again? Sure ... you're a dumb fucking retard. Again, wikipedia is not an authoritative site by any stretch of the imagination.

The first flag of the United States was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1777. Before then, there was no official flag representing the United States. Read AND learn ...

The Truth About Betsy Ross

Ross is so beloved and so deeply embedded in the nation’s memory that somehow it seems unpatriotic, if not vaguely treasonous, to cast doubt on her story. The truth, however, is that nobody can prove that Betsy Ross had anything to do with the first official Stars and Stripes.


Opinions may differ on Ross’s contribution to the creation of the national colors. Yet all parties agree that American revolutionaries were using a variety of flags during the early 1770s to express their distaste for British rule. Some colonists made one that featured a British Union Jack sitting in the upper-left corner of a red field with the words “Liberty and Union” emblazoned in white along the field’s lower half. The tea-tossing Sons of Liberty flew a simple standard with alternating red and white stripes. Another popular ensign sported a coiled rattlesnake on a yellow or red-and-white striped background with the words “Don’t tread on me.” Immediately before the Declaration of Independence, probably the most used unofficial flag of revolution was the Continental Colors. This ensign had a Union Jack in the upper-left corner and alternating red and white stripes. Although unofficial, this banner saw service with American forces. It also had the distinction of being the first American flag saluted by a foreign power.

The Continental Colors, however, had a practical and a symbolic flaw. Because it contained the Union Jack, the flag could create confusion in a battle. When American soldiers raised it outside Boston, British troops thought the conflict was almost over. “By this time, I presume, they begin to think it strange that we have not made a formal surrender of our lines,” George Washington wrote. In addition, this flag did not represent reality. It implied a continuing tie to Great Britain just as a complete break was pending.

Congress recognized that the new nation needed a flag. On June 14, 1777, it passed the country’s first flag law. As legislation goes, it was refreshingly brief: “Resolved. That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” From a twenty-first-century perspective, the Continental Congress’s lack of guidance on the flag’s appearance seems extraordinary. The law said nothing about the flag’s size, shape, or ordering of stripes or the size, type, or arrangement of stars. The legislation implicitly gave flag makers latitude for the creation. So the fledgling United States probably could have used somebody like Betsy Ross to get things organized. The first hint that she did, however, did not surface nationally until almost a century after America declared independence from England. In 1870, her grandson, William Canby, told her story publicly for the first time, delivering a paper titled “The History of the Flag of the United States” to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. According to Canby, Ross’s involvement with the flag began in 1776, a year before Congress passed its first flag resolution.​

Did I make any such contentions? No. Be quiet. My contention was that the Betsy Ross flag was (before the flag law was passed, you dimwit) the most widely used form of the flag until then. It was also the earliest known flag depicting our 13 colonies. I've already explained this to you. You cannot read to save your liberal hide.
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Teabaggers cheered and gloated over shutting down the American government, then wrapped themselves in the flag for a photo-op with veterans. A fiction writer would edit out that scene - he wouldn't think it believable. :cuckoo:

If you hadn't alluded to Gravity's Rainbow I'd have to neg rep you for abject stupidity.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

Well I am amazed a Canadian snob! So only well dressed, high income people should be allowed to honour those who served in WWII! And only if they can prove that they do not "support the tea party agenda"!

You are a disgraceful DragonLady. Those gallant Canadians who stood with us Brits from September 1939 deserve better than you.

(Of course it's possible that though you live in Toronto you are not Canadian and that the army your brother joined in 1944 was the Wehrmacht. I rather hope that is the case.)
You should be happy then that the GOP is very possibly be going to run a Canadian for U.S. president. :eusa_shifty:
We've got a Kenyan now, so might as well have a Canadian.
The Daily Caller said "hundreds of people" not thousands. The pictures posted show a very small group and what struck me immediately is that the crowd is uniformly white and mostly male and not well dressed.

IOW, a small group of low income white males - the die hard Republican voters and TP supporters. Furthermore, none of them looked old enough to have served in WWII. Anyone who served in WWII would be close to 90 years old.

My brother lied about his age to join the army in 1944 at the age of 16 and he would be 88 today if he were still living.

All this does is underline how little support the TP has for their agenda.

Well I am amazed a Canadian snob! So only well dressed, high income people should be allowed to honour those who served in WWII! And only if they can prove that they do not "support the tea party agenda"!

You are a disgraceful DragonLady. Those gallant Canadians who stood with us Brits from September 1939 deserve better than you.

(Of course it's possible that though you live in Toronto you are not Canadian and that the army your brother joined in 1944 was the Wehrmacht. I rather hope that is the case.)
You should be happy then that the GOP is very possibly be going to run a Canadian for U.S. president. :eusa_shifty:

Sure as hell better than a Kenyan

Veterans are now removing the barricades and are bringing them to the White House. Oh I so wish I could see this.

On Sunday, protesting the barricades placed at memorials around Washington D.C. by the vindictive Obama administration, veterans removed the barricades and proceeded to take them to the White House. Multiple people tweeted photos of the barricades being removed and taken for presidential inspection:

Our Vets taking the barricades to the White House #1MVetMarch #T4VETS #T2SDA #MakeDCListen #WETHEPEOPLE
— Sharon Edwards (@SharonEdwards) October 13, 2013

@twitchyteam RT @ZephyrK9 Taking barrycades to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave #1MVetMarch
— Tish (@KamaainaInOC) October 13, 2013

@gretawire @BoSnerdley [MENTION=36773]Boss[/MENTION]HoggUSMC @SWOHCC Vets hand deliver barricades to the White House! !! @Triarius1

— Kohala Dreams (@AKtransplant) October 13, 2013

UStream of the barricades being removed has also been posted:

Wow: vets remove barricades from memorials, carrying them to White House - watch live mlr13 on USTREAM: .
— David Burge (@iowahawkblog) October 13, 2013

Veterans Remove Barricades from Memorials and Bring Them to WH

I hope they have decent insurance so if they hurt themselves, it's taken care of. The government won't pay for injuries incurred while trespassing and/or carrying property not their own.

Trespassing? Property not their own? I'm confused - I thought the WWII memorial and other sites belonged to the citizens of the USA. Are you trying to tell me that they are the personal property or Mr or Mrs Obama?
The echo chamber seems united in the crisis which seems to be unfolding in Washington, and which may be the forerunner of a much worse economic crisis to come.

The echo chamber is much moved by a quote, out of context by Thomas Jefferson, which is posted in full context below with a link to the full letter:

..."Yet where does this anarchy exist? Where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusetts? And can history produce an instance of rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it's motives. They were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. God forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion. The people cannot be all, & always well informed. The part which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive. If they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. We have had 13. states independent 11. years. There has been one rebellion. That comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. What country before ever existed a century & a half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it's liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

Sidebar - Tree of Liberty Letter

Of course our resident members of the echo chamber and the luminaries so loved by the author of the OP will not take up arms, s/he and others of that kind are content to sit on the sidelines and let others do their bidding and take the risks.
Ahh sarah showing her true colors, no bitch, I was in the Navy 22yrs 80% of the time on warships. You? prolly not.

Just asking. You seem so weak minded, you know, kind of slow. Pardon me if I don't believe your story.

Now, run along and try to discuss issues at some point.

Dont need you to believe my story bitch, I have my honorable discharge on my wall and a retirement paycheck every month to prove it to the bank. :lol:

Sorry, don't believe that either, you just don't have that personality. You seem more like a bitter old phart with no sense of working towards a goal for the greater good.
The liberal left lives to jeer at and disrespect veterans. Aren't they adorable.
Just asking. You seem so weak minded, you know, kind of slow. Pardon me if I don't believe your story.

Now, run along and try to discuss issues at some point.

Dont need you to believe my story bitch, I have my honorable discharge on my wall and a retirement paycheck every month to prove it to the bank. :lol:

Sorry, don't believe that either, you just don't have that personality. You seem more like a bitter old phart with no sense of working towards a goal for the greater good.

That's strike three, Sarah. How do you denigrate a man's service that way? What makes you think you know him? He's right you know. You are a bitch.
Just asking. You seem so weak minded, you know, kind of slow. Pardon me if I don't believe your story.

Now, run along and try to discuss issues at some point.

Dont need you to believe my story bitch, I have my honorable discharge on my wall and a retirement paycheck every month to prove it to the bank. :lol:

Sorry, don't believe that either, you just don't have that personality. You seem more like a bitter old phart with no sense of working towards a goal for the greater good.

he's just as admirable as Warbler. :p Thats why I have that retard stalker- NLT on ignore.
Come again? Sure ... you're a dumb fucking retard. Again, wikipedia is not an authoritative site by any stretch of the imagination.

The first flag of the United States was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1777. Before then, there was no official flag representing the United States. Read AND learn ...

The Truth About Betsy Ross

Ross is so beloved and so deeply embedded in the nation’s memory that somehow it seems unpatriotic, if not vaguely treasonous, to cast doubt on her story. The truth, however, is that nobody can prove that Betsy Ross had anything to do with the first official Stars and Stripes.


Opinions may differ on Ross’s contribution to the creation of the national colors. Yet all parties agree that American revolutionaries were using a variety of flags during the early 1770s to express their distaste for British rule. Some colonists made one that featured a British Union Jack sitting in the upper-left corner of a red field with the words “Liberty and Union” emblazoned in white along the field’s lower half. The tea-tossing Sons of Liberty flew a simple standard with alternating red and white stripes. Another popular ensign sported a coiled rattlesnake on a yellow or red-and-white striped background with the words “Don’t tread on me.” Immediately before the Declaration of Independence, probably the most used unofficial flag of revolution was the Continental Colors. This ensign had a Union Jack in the upper-left corner and alternating red and white stripes. Although unofficial, this banner saw service with American forces. It also had the distinction of being the first American flag saluted by a foreign power.

The Continental Colors, however, had a practical and a symbolic flaw. Because it contained the Union Jack, the flag could create confusion in a battle. When American soldiers raised it outside Boston, British troops thought the conflict was almost over. “By this time, I presume, they begin to think it strange that we have not made a formal surrender of our lines,” George Washington wrote. In addition, this flag did not represent reality. It implied a continuing tie to Great Britain just as a complete break was pending.

Congress recognized that the new nation needed a flag. On June 14, 1777, it passed the country’s first flag law. As legislation goes, it was refreshingly brief: “Resolved. That the flag of the United States be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white; that the union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field, representing a new constellation.” From a twenty-first-century perspective, the Continental Congress’s lack of guidance on the flag’s appearance seems extraordinary. The law said nothing about the flag’s size, shape, or ordering of stripes or the size, type, or arrangement of stars. The legislation implicitly gave flag makers latitude for the creation. So the fledgling United States probably could have used somebody like Betsy Ross to get things organized. The first hint that she did, however, did not surface nationally until almost a century after America declared independence from England. In 1870, her grandson, William Canby, told her story publicly for the first time, delivering a paper titled “The History of the Flag of the United States” to the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. According to Canby, Ross’s involvement with the flag began in 1776, a year before Congress passed its first flag resolution.​

Did I make any such contentions? No. Be quiet. My contention was that the Betsy Ross flag was (before the flag law was passed, you dimwit) the most widely used form of the flag until then. It was also the earliest known flag depicting our 13 colonies. I've already explained this to you. You cannot read to save your liberal hide.
Of course you did. But I understand why you're trying to run away from your own comments now ...

Faun: "Yeah, too bad they didn't use the American flag though, eh?"

TemplarKormac: "Uh yeah, they did."

No, they didn't. The Betsy Ross flag was no more an American flag than was the flag containing the Union Jack. There were many flags raised in that first year but none of them were officially recognized.

But then, I don't expect a moron who idiotically thinks that Paul Revere rode to warn the British, to know about the history of our flag either. :cuckoo:
DC has NLt on ignore because NLT spanked him royally. And both dc and sarhag think of veterans as mindless chattel...the same way the left views blacks, and poor women.
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The liberal left lives to jeer at and disrespect veterans. Aren't they adorable.

I don't respect people just because they claim to be vets on a message board. I certainly don't respect you so why even insert yourself into the mix, fatty?
Well I am amazed a Canadian snob! So only well dressed, high income people should be allowed to honour those who served in WWII! And only if they can prove that they do not "support the tea party agenda"!

You are a disgraceful DragonLady. Those gallant Canadians who stood with us Brits from September 1939 deserve better than you.

(Of course it's possible that though you live in Toronto you are not Canadian and that the army your brother joined in 1944 was the Wehrmacht. I rather hope that is the case.)
You should be happy then that the GOP is very possibly be going to run a Canadian for U.S. president. :eusa_shifty:
We've got a Kenyan now, so might as well have a Canadian.
Except for the fact that, unlike Cruz, Obama was actually born in the U.S..
The retarded left are the ones who uncovered, and then broadcast, Obama's unfortunate birth circumstances, as well. They're big on declaring people as non-citizens.
Dont need you to believe my story bitch, I have my honorable discharge on my wall and a retirement paycheck every month to prove it to the bank. :lol:

Sorry, don't believe that either, you just don't have that personality. You seem more like a bitter old phart with no sense of working towards a goal for the greater good.

That's strike three, Sarah. How do you denigrate a man's service that way? What makes you think you know him? He's right you know. You are a bitch.

There are too many pretenders to believe everyone who claims to be a vet. When questioned, I posted in detail my GQ's job on a navy warship. I'm not suggesting every vet post their DD-214, but claiming they have their discharge on their wall is weak and proof of nothing.

She has every right to question him, and only a misogynist asshole would call her a "bitch" for dong so.
He didn't call her a bitch for questioning his status. He called her a bitch because she is one.
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