Thousands threaten riots and violence if Obama loses election !!

A Romney win would be equivalent to the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King.

Except that it would not be limited to Los Angeles.

I do hope this was posted as sarcasm but either way this is like yelling fire in a movie theater. If there are riots it is comment like this which will be the blame.
Have you noticed that the only reaction the left has is riot, burn, kill, maim, etc? How uncivilized is the base of Obama and his ilk! Too bad these Neanderthals don't realize it does not hurt one bit to get up in the am, hold a job and be a contributing member of society. So, so sad!!!
I'm worried about the possibility that the attorney general might have armed the OWS rabble like he armed the Mexican gangs with 3,000 illegal weapons.
A Romney win would be equivalent to the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King.

Except that it would not be limited to Los Angeles.

I hope so. It's time we stopped giving in because of race. We have 14% of the nation controlling the rest through fear of the "riot". Elect obama or there will be the riot. Give more welfare of there will be the riot. Let criminals out of prison or there will be the riot.

Riot. Get it over with. We'll all be Korean shopkeepers then.
A Romney win would be equivalent to the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King.

Except that it would not be limited to Los Angeles.

I hope so. It's time we stopped giving in because of race. We have 14% of the nation controlling the rest through fear of the "riot". Elect obama or there will be the riot. Give more welfare of there will be the riot. Let criminals out of prison or there will be the riot.

Riot. Get it over with. We'll all be Korean shopkeepers then.

No you won't, Reginald Denny.
Have you noticed that the only reaction the left has is riot, burn, kill, maim, etc? How uncivilized is the base of Obama and his ilk! Too bad these Neanderthals don't realize it does not hurt one bit to get up in the am, hold a job and be a contributing member of society. So, so sad!!!

They were not raised to work - they were raised to leech off of society, off the backs of the taxpayers. It's a vicious cycle -- they still believe the government is their baby daddy. Sick, sick. :mad:
Why don't we offer all of them a free 1 way ticket to Cuba or Venezuela and $5000.00 in cash?? This would be cheaper than the entitlement benefits they get for years and years. Plus take away their U S citizenship & INSURE their arrest if they return
Why don't we offer all of them a free 1 way ticket to Cuba or Venezuela and $5000.00 in cash?? This would be cheaper than the entitlement benefits they get for years and years. Plus take away their U S citizenship & INSURE their arrest if they return

Why do you want to get rid of elderly whites and white women?
Have you noticed that the only reaction the left has is riot, burn, kill, maim, etc? How uncivilized is the base of Obama and his ilk! Too bad these Neanderthals don't realize it does not hurt one bit to get up in the am, hold a job and be a contributing member of society. So, so sad!!!

They were not raised to work - they were raised to leech off of society, off the backs of the taxpayers. It's a vicious cycle -- they still believe the government is their baby daddy. Sick, sick. :mad:

Why do hate the white people of the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains?
When Mitt wins and if these so called pukes start rioting and if the president gets hurt or God forbid worse, Guess who becomes president, Ryan is hard core and if he were running for president and mitt vice they would still get in . Somebody mentioned this before . I watched the so called debate between Ryan and bitten, there was no doubt in my mind who kicked who's but . President Reagan when he became president I was in the Army, he didn't mince words and the world especially our enemies became afraid ..... very afraid.... he was not afraid to use the might of our military to make our enemies back down. Now don't watch tv that much , but i watched Mitt talk and i have also watched Ryan talk , I cannot stand to hear barney oblama utter one syllable, and its not because of his color , it is his politics that stinks to high heaven , its his politics that makes my skin crawl. He has done absolutely nothing to benefit every single American, even those who think that they are going to get their "cell phones" he has hurt , because of his politics. He is a dysfunctional president, and that's giving him credit . So all you folks who keep saying that the folks in this forum are racists, need to take those rose colored blinders off , and start seeing barney oblama for who he really is . And if you all want to get crazy and start riots be you now fairly warned , there are people , a large majority of people who stand up against tyranny within our borders, and we will protect the innocent from your tirades and temper tantrums with whatever force is necessary to put the civil unrest down !
Have you noticed that the only reaction the left has is riot, burn, kill, maim, etc? How uncivilized is the base of Obama and his ilk! Too bad these Neanderthals don't realize it does not hurt one bit to get up in the am, hold a job and be a contributing member of society. So, so sad!!!

They were not raised to work - they were raised to leech off of society, off the backs of the taxpayers. It's a vicious cycle -- they still believe the government is their baby daddy. Sick, sick. :mad:

Why do hate the white people of the Appalachian and Ozark Mountains?

What do you know about white people of the Appalachian and the Ozarks?
What do you know about black people in Overtown?

Well, I did volunteer work with Appalachian Service Project in Chavais, KY in 1996 and 1997, so I DO know about poor white people.

I also did volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity in Goulds, Homestead, Naranja, Cutler Ridge and Overtown, FL for one or two weeks each year from 1993 to 2004, so I do know about poor black people.

I know that most of the people I helped with my volunteering were people down on their luck. Most were kind and decent people, who appreciated the help of my fellow volunteers and me.

Most of my fellow volunteers were avowed conservatives/Republicans, most were old, and most were people who loved their fellow men/women, regardless of skin color.

WE don't need liberals like Salt Jones accusing anybody with hate. He should look in the mirror first.
A Romney win would be equivalent to the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King.

Except that it would not be limited to Los Angeles.

I do hope this was posted as sarcasm but either way this is like yelling fire in a movie theater. If there are riots it is comment like this which will be the blame.

No. It will be the racism of white conservatives, America's biggest purveyors of racial hatred throughout its history, that will be to blame.

Chickens coming home to roost.

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