Thread for independents/Ron Paul types only, dems/reps stay out of this!!!


Nov 17, 2011
This is a question to which I believe the answer is obvious, and the reason I am asking this is because the solution is so simple, and I can not understand why I have not yet any candidates for my movement. here is the question: IMAGINE.....

A movement rizes up not just about one guy or group asking for donations like all the imbeciles on television (including sorry to say Ron Paul)
A movement which absolutely does not participate in establishment media debates BUT
A movement which consists of 100 candidates for senate, 435 candidates for congress, presidential and a vice presidential candidate all of working class who make the following oath on video (can be found at

NOW TELL ME.... if there would form a movement like this within the next few weeks or months, and since today we have internet, tell me, do you think people would ignore it? if you think so, then you are truly delusional without any imagination! all I am asking of you is to become a candidate - you KNOW I am not trying any sort of a scam here, but it is very obvious that all the candidates on television asking for donations are.

Are you ashamed to look stupid? you can talk all you want, but it is time to put an end to the puppet circus and I can lead you directly into the light and then show you things you never thought you would see. because I have a vision. question is why do you keep your mind closed? who are you waiting for? I have talked to many hundreds of people who vote democrat or republican, and they ALL almost without exception vote for their party only for the lack of alternative - the media does not tell us that, but that is the reality. we need to give them a chance, and just as puppet candidates on television are asking you for donations for their candidacy, I am asking you to BE a candidate without spending any money, because today we have internet. you have no excuse to ignore this.
Not a good Idea to try and tell people they can't respond to your post unless they share your Political Affiliation, In this case none.

You are never going to get around this fact. To have a 3rd party, or Independent gain votes, means almost always that one side or the other of the big 2 will lose more than the other because of it. So you will always have the situation you have right now, where you are asking people to support an Independent, when they know full well they have No chance of winning, to support them so maybe in the Future a 3rd party will gain strength, All the while knowing they might as well cast their Vote for the Guy they Don't want to win by doing so.

Sorry been there done that, Wasted my vote, and helped the greater evil win, not doing so this time around. To important.
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If you want a serious libertarian third party you have to make your case to everyone and take on all challenges as an opportunity to perhaps gain some converts. The Paulbot habit of harshly defending the faith against heresy is alienating more than you convert.
as a ron paul supporter and diehard libertarian i have no idea what the TC is smoking.
If you want a serious libertarian third party you have to make your case to everyone and take on all challenges as an opportunity to perhaps gain some converts. The Paulbot habit of harshly defending the faith against heresy is alienating more than you convert.

Well said, but it also applies to the rw's.

Its always "their way or the highway". That's how you can tell they really have no platform, no cohesion.

These day, all we we hear from the right is "hate Obama". They don't have anything else because he has actually been a good president, has always fought for the middle, working, poor class just as the R's have fought against the very same people and FOR the 1%.

That's an untenable position so we hear lies about the left.

Like the asinine 'Obama giving the Aleutians away. Who would believe something THAT ridiculous? Only those who are desperate to believe it.
I will do anything to push for the obama ouster in 2012.

Very telling and I have no doubt he's telling the truth. About THIS.

About everything else, he'll gladly lie, cheat and steal to "oust President Obama". He said so himself.
never said,lie,cheat or steal. I never said that.
dont have to resort to tactics.
illegal POTUS's actions speak for themselves.
The old double fake-aroo. Start a thread that says 'Don't post here'....guess what....

Might as well put a 'No Trespassing' sign on an AquaAthena avatar.
If you want a serious libertarian third party you have to make your case to everyone and take on all challenges as an opportunity to perhaps gain some converts. The Paulbot habit of harshly defending the faith against heresy is alienating more than you convert.

True, and it’s likely not possible in the context of libertarianism, given the philosophy’s naïve reactionaryism.

Any viable alternative to the democratic or republican parties would need to be free of ideology – both left and right – and pursue a pragmatic course. Only then could it be an attractive political venue for former republicans and democrats.

The TPM is a glaring example of what not to do.

The problem is it will take decades for any such third party to be at a place where it can successfully challenge the two party system; it’s unlikely enough voters are willing to make the needed sacrifices to realize that goal.
If you want a serious libertarian third party you have to make your case to everyone and take on all challenges as an opportunity to perhaps gain some converts. The Paulbot habit of harshly defending the faith against heresy is alienating more than you convert.

True, and it’s likely not possible in the context of libertarianism, given the philosophy’s naïve reactionaryism.

Any viable alternative to the democratic or republican parties would need to be free of ideology – both left and right – and pursue a pragmatic course. Only then could it be an attractive political venue for former republicans and democrats.

The TPM is a glaring example of what not to do.

The problem is it will take decades for any such third party to be at a place where it can successfully challenge the two party system; it’s unlikely enough voters are willing to make the needed sacrifices to realize that goal.
Majority of "smart ones" fail to realise just how fed up both sides are with their own party, because the media keeps creating an illusion that majority are idiots.

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