Thread of Many Colors

Hey Kat, please don't feel the need to apologize or feel bad for repeating any pics. I can guarantee that since I started this thread over 2 years ago that I have reposted my own pics, and probably pics that others have posted as well. It doesn't matter to me because I like them and they make me feel good, and you post some very beautiful images.:thup: I hope that you will continue to keep posting them, and use it like the outlet that I do to relax and smile...and never feel pressured to check yourself or even give it a second thought if a pic was already posted or not.:smiliehug:
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Sorry. Was not my intent to do a repeat. I try not to.

Sherry started this thread so I'm just along for the ride....:) But I enjoy posting in this thread and enjoy seeing what others post. The images make me happy and I think reflect people's creativity and individuality.

Kat, I like your contributions and hope you continue. I think everyone has repeated at least a few images happens.

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