Three big Bridgegate details

if Tubby was guilty, one of the toll booths would have been converted to a drive through.

4 cheeseburgers
2 fries
chocolate malt

put it on the taxpayers tab ...

Source: see third link below.

I think this pretty much kills any possiblity of a Christie run at the Presidency, right here and now.

David Wildstein, Christie's good friend and confidant, has plead guilty to two conspiracy counts today in court:

BREAKING on Bridgegate

1. Wildstein, Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni were in on the plan to shut down the lanes from the very beginning. This is what Wildstein is claiming in his plea.

2. The decision to shut down the lanes to the bridge was done to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for his failure to endorse Gov. Christie's reelection campaign.

3. The first day of school was chosen as the day to begin the lane closures specifically to maximize the pain on city residents and thus on Sokolich as part of a scheme of political payback.

In other words, all of the things people had accused him of, he and Kelly and Baroni did.

Bridgegate Everything you need to know right now

Here's the latest:

Wildstein pleads guilty

David Wildstein admitted today to conspiring with Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly to close the lanes at the George Washington Bridge in 2013 to "punish" the mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing Christie in his re-election bid.

New York Times: Baroni, Kelly to be indicted

The New York Times reports that indictments are to be unsealed against two people in the Bridgegate scandal today: Bill Baroni, former Port Authority deputy executive director, and Bridget Anne Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff to Gov. Chris Christie.

Here is a time-line of the Bridgegate scandal:

Bridgegate How the scandal unfolded

You will find the lie told in picture no. 7 to be most enlightening. It is followed up with picture no. 11.

Just to be clear: with Wildstein's guilty plea, this thing is just starting.

If you go through the chronology of this, you see a big scandal being uncovered, one bit at a time.

I absolutely do not see how Chris Christie can survive this politically. In fact, I am beginning to think that before the end of 2015, Gov. Christie will be forced to resign in disgrace. Wait and see.

I remember Dot Com, Derideo_Te and Synthaholic following the Bridgegate affair very closely when I joined USMB in November of 2013, so I wager that this information will very much interest all three of those gentlemen.

Discuss: Can Chris Christie survive this scandal that is just starting to break open? Will he run for President?

I sure hope so. Of course the people pushing him along were the progressives. I don't think there are too many people on the repub side who are in distress over his eventual capitulation.

Source: see third link below.

I think this pretty much kills any possiblity of a Christie run at the Presidency, right here and now.

David Wildstein, Christie's good friend and confidant, has plead guilty to two conspiracy counts today in court:

BREAKING on Bridgegate

1. Wildstein, Bridget Kelly and Bill Baroni were in on the plan to shut down the lanes from the very beginning. This is what Wildstein is claiming in his plea.

2. The decision to shut down the lanes to the bridge was done to punish Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich for his failure to endorse Gov. Christie's reelection campaign.

3. The first day of school was chosen as the day to begin the lane closures specifically to maximize the pain on city residents and thus on Sokolich as part of a scheme of political payback.

In other words, all of the things people had accused him of, he and Kelly and Baroni did.

Bridgegate Everything you need to know right now

Here's the latest:

Wildstein pleads guilty

David Wildstein admitted today to conspiring with Bill Baroni and Bridget Anne Kelly to close the lanes at the George Washington Bridge in 2013 to "punish" the mayor of Fort Lee for not endorsing Christie in his re-election bid.

New York Times: Baroni, Kelly to be indicted

The New York Times reports that indictments are to be unsealed against two people in the Bridgegate scandal today: Bill Baroni, former Port Authority deputy executive director, and Bridget Anne Kelly, a former deputy chief of staff to Gov. Chris Christie.

Here is a time-line of the Bridgegate scandal:

Bridgegate How the scandal unfolded

You will find the lie told in picture no. 7 to be most enlightening. It is followed up with picture no. 11.

Just to be clear: with Wildstein's guilty plea, this thing is just starting.

If you go through the chronology of this, you see a big scandal being uncovered, one bit at a time.

I absolutely do not see how Chris Christie can survive this politically. In fact, I am beginning to think that before the end of 2015, Gov. Christie will be forced to resign in disgrace. Wait and see.

I remember Dot Com, Derideo_Te and Synthaholic following the Bridgegate affair very closely when I joined USMB in November of 2013, so I wager that this information will very much interest all three of those gentlemen.

Discuss: Can Chris Christie survive this scandal that is just starting to break open? Will he run for President?

I sure hope so. Of course the people pushing him along were the progressives. I don't think there are too many people on the repub side who are in distress over his eventual capitulation.

And this claim of yours is based on what facts, precisely?
I absolutely do not see how Chris Christie can survive this politically.

I absolutely do not see a shred of evidence any of this was done at the direction of Chris Christie.

It was some of his top advisors and officials. If he can't keep tabs on what those people are doing how in the world can he expect to even be a governor let alone president?
You mean to say we have had Presidents who never had "top advisors and officials" who didn't get involved in some kind of scandal?

Who? William Henry Harrison?

If you will recall, they have been held accountable when upper ups in their respective administrations have been caught in such large scandals. And potential presidential candidates who have been caught in such in the past - usually didn't make it to or through the primary process.
Christie is in NJ, the bridge leads to NJ, what else do we need to know?

Stats, this was HUGE!

You are not really very informed over what happened, eh?

Dude, there was traffic on the gwb!! Holy fucking moly!!!

So, you really don't understand what happened, nor do you understand the criminal energy that flowed to cause this scandal.

Well, ok, I understand that you are limited. I just didn't know that it was that bad.

Christie is in NJ, the bridge leads to NJ, what else do we need to know?

Stats, this was HUGE!

You are not really very informed over what happened, eh?

Dude, there was traffic on the gwb!! Holy fucking moly!!!

So, you really don't understand what happened, nor do you understand the criminal energy that flowed to cause this scandal.

Well, ok, I understand that you are limited. I just didn't know that it was that bad.


The irony impaired far left drones and their comments!
Christie is in NJ, the bridge leads to NJ, what else do we need to know?

Stats, this was HUGE!

You are not really very informed over what happened, eh?

Dude, there was traffic on the gwb!! Holy fucking moly!!!

So, you really don't understand what happened, nor do you understand the criminal energy that flowed to cause this scandal.

Well, ok, I understand that you are limited. I just didn't know that it was that bad.


Help me out. How does this compare to Obama taking a gift of land from Tony Rezko?
When Christie hugged Obama which got tongue; which gave tongue?

What difference does it make?

Ok, that was weird. I don't know how it works in your unicorn-toyland, but in the real world, when two people hug, they don't give each other the tongue.

You see, giving someone the tongue is called a "kiss".

Do you understand the difference between a "hug" and a "kiss"?
Christie is in NJ, the bridge leads to NJ, what else do we need to know?

Stats, this was HUGE!

You are not really very informed over what happened, eh?

Dude, there was traffic on the gwb!! Holy fucking moly!!!

So, you really don't understand what happened, nor do you understand the criminal energy that flowed to cause this scandal.

Well, ok, I understand that you are limited. I just didn't know that it was that bad.


Help me out. How does this compare to Obama taking a gift of land from Tony Rezko?

Deflection is all you know. You live in a totally fact-free world, apparently.

How are those black helicopters in the night working out for you?
I absolutely do not see how Chris Christie can survive this politically.

I absolutely do not see a shred of evidence any of this was done at the direction of Chris Christie.

It was some of his top advisors and officials. If he can't keep tabs on what those people are doing how in the world can he expect to even be a governor let alone president?
Christie created the climate and his aids tried to please him.

Shows poor management by Christie
Christie is polling at single digits. Bridgegate is the least of his problems.
I absolutely do not see how Chris Christie can survive this politically.

I absolutely do not see a shred of evidence any of this was done at the direction of Chris Christie.

It was some of his top advisors and officials. If he can't keep tabs on what those people are doing how in the world can he expect to even be a governor let alone president?
Christie created the climate and his aids tried to please him.

Shows poor management by Christie

And that's the best-case scenario. There's always the possibility of a "missing 17 minute" scenario happening.

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