Three Big Supporters Throw Climate Hoaxers Overboard

The topic is the global cooling, errr I mean global warming hoax. Al Gore has a lot to do with it. Palin has nothing to do with it.

Even if Al Gore is a major figure to some in the movement, the obsession with some of Al Gore on this board is quite pathetic. And it's even more pathetic when they mock other people for doing exactly what they do with other people.

And if you try to deny that, well we know where you stand.

Al Gore seems to be the leader of the cult. He is a snake oil salesman. Gore is almost like selling a false cure for cancer. He is making up a scare, and of course he is the solution. It's a classic sales technique. The difference is that his products are based on lies and falsehoods.

And my point is that the motive for the hoax is money and not science. Another side motive is government control.
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Al Gore seems to be the leader of the cult.

And my point is that the motive for the hoax is money and not science. Another side motive is government control.

Al Gore isn't the leader of anything. All you're doing is now taking away any value any of your legitimate points may of had with such comments.

You can discuss this issue honestly without trying to smear others.
Obama and the libs are going to fall on their sword over global warming.... Facts don't matter... They will never admit that they got caught trying to scam the world.

You need to do something about this onset of ahlzhiemers. Grab ahold of something. Obama has only been president for a year. I know! Shocking! Before that he was a Senator for a couple of years. Now here is the fucked up part. Scientists have been warning the world about the dangers of mans contribution to climate change for more than 50 years! You have had thousands of people, mostly educated scientists, nary a one of them was Obama. have waited all this time to blame it all on the colored guy?

How white of you.

Actually the hoax was global cooling in the 70s.

Please keep up.

Climate myths: They predicted global cooling in the 1970s - environment - 16 May 2007 - New Scientist

a prediction that doesn't come to pass is proof of a mass conspiracy among the worlds scientists? - I thought a prediction based on the data at the time was an educated guess...
Al Gore seems to be the leader of the cult.

And my point is that the motive for the hoax is money and not science. Another side motive is government control.

Al Gore isn't the leader of anything. All you're doing is now taking away any value any of your legitimate points may of had with such comments.

You can discuss this issue honestly without trying to smear others.

Okay who are the leaders of the global warming cult? How is AlGore not the number one scam artist?
Okay who are the leaders of the global warming cult? How is AlGore not the number one scam artist?

It's become quite clear rather quickly that you have no intention of legitimately discussing this issue. Feel free to drop me a pm when you do. In the mean time, have fun in your echo chamber. :thup:
Tell me more about this mass conspiracy among the a majority of the world scientists Mike?
You're the only nitwit who's saying it has to be a conspiracy.
Tell me more about this mass conspiracy among the a majority of the world scientists Mike?

I didn't say it's a consipracy nor do I consider them scientists.

They are simply people after money.
Yup - the money to be made is no longer there as support for the Church of Warming has all but gone from priority list.

Time to get serious about our domestic energy production.

Enhanced natural gas capacity.

Enhanced cleaner coal technology.

Fast track nuclear power production.

Continued "alternative" development

And drill baby drill...

Arrrrrrgh, mateys!

The S.S. Global Moonbat is takin' on water!!

Three big companies quit an influential lobbying group that had focused on shaping climate-change legislation, in the latest sign that support for an ambitious bill is melting away.

Oil giants BP PLC and ConocoPhillips and heavy-equipment maker Caterpillar Inc. said Tuesday they won't renew their membership in the three-year-old U.S. Climate Action Partnership, a broad business-environmental coalition that had been instrumental in building support in Washington for capping emissions of greenhouse gases.

The move comes as debate over climate change intensifies and concerns mount about the cost of capping greenhouse-gas emissions.

BP, ConocoPhillips and Caterpillar Pull Out of Climate Partnership -
Tell me more about this mass conspiracy among the a majority of the world scientists Mike?

I didn't say it's a consipracy nor do I consider them scientists.

They are simply people after money.

so they are lying about climate change for money and when they are exposed and their reputations are destroyed as credible scientists they will be doing what for a living?
Who is going to expose them? The liberal media? The Obama administration? The EPA ?

They can a lot of government money doing the chicken little thing.
There's that and then there's also the highly politicized nature of "peer review".

It's no more of a conspiratorial in nature than is the process of getting into a private country club.
Yes I suppose there's a debate about global warming... The same way there's a debate about the moon landing... and if the holocaust really happened...

When you have to take a canoe to work, will it still be a "theory" then?
Do you like your red herring broiled or blackened?
I wonder if they caught the priests of the Global Warming church in the vestibule with the choir boys at MSNBC?

I'd distance Myself too!
Do you like your red herring broiled or blackened?

What do you mean herring, I didn't say anything abou... Ohh wait I got it, you made a joke! Good for you dude!
Let's try a little logic here:

First, global warming is in fact happening. There's no doubt about it. The polar ice caps are receding at an incredible rate. NASA has more than confirmed global warming to be a fact.

That is not the question.

The question is: To what extent is global warming being either caused by or accelerated by carbon emmissions.

The answer is: Nobody knows for sure.

It cannot be either proven or disproven, but all the scientific data combined with the best deductive reasoning and mathematics indicate that the highest probability is that global warming is either being caused or accelerated by carbon emissions.

In fact, until someone can absolutely prove that global warming is NOT being caused or accelerated by carbon emissions, the only intelligent conclusion is to assume that it is.

The entire argument that global warming is not being caused or accelerated by carbon emissions, is first based on the discovery that one set of data from one research institue was falsified - ignoring that thousands of data sets gathered by thousands of institutions over decades all point to the fact that it is being caused by carbon emissions.

Clearly, one thing is for sure - the millions of conservatives that have insisted that global warming is a hoax are not qualified in any way whatsoever to figure this question out.

They, like the mindless sheep that they are, follow the call of their political masters without question.


So until you can prove that global warming absolutely IS NOT being caused by carbon emission, STFU and listen to the people who know what they're talking about!
I thought things were cooling off now?
Mars Melt Hints at Solar, Not Human, Cause for Warming, Scientist Says
.: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Press Room :.

Warming On Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Neptune's Moon & Earth Linked to Increased Solar Activity, Scientists Say
The problem with ideologues is, they don't want answers .

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