Three cops shot in Baton Rouge

Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.
Better than before the day is over, Obama coming out for more gun control.
Do you think he will do that? Before the day is over?

Here's what the President will do....order all flags at half-mast....................................again.
When hasn't he came out before the bodies are cold and talk about gun control.
Conservatives don't support the likes of Farrakhan that tells his supporters to kill 10,000 white cops.
Or supports a president that supports a terrorist organization like blm that advocates violence against white people.
So to all you liberals shut the fuck up. Innocent people are dying because of things you support.
Farrakhan is a racist idiot....and is very RW....and has praised Drumpf....."Not that I'm for Mr. Trump," he said, "but I like what I'm looking at."

So now Louis is a republican....jesus......nobody on the left can be do you listen to yourself?

I mean look at Hilary, who would ever say, I like what I'm looking at? The only people uglier are mama June and Barbara streisand.....and that's some ugly shit
Well, the widows and orphans will have GOP thoughts and prayers to console them.
Better than before the day is over, Obama coming out for more gun control.
Do you think he will do that? Before the day is over?

Here's what the President will do....order all flags at half-mast....................................again.

Well see... I bet he mentions.gun control..
What would be the point....if a school full of massacred 1st graders doesn't change anything...a few dead police officers won't even be a blip. It's the new normal in this country....just like it's the new normal to see our flags at half-mast.
Obama mentioned gun control right after school shootings.
Oh look all of the left wing cop hating terrorist-apologists are out in force. True to form you disgusting assholes.
The only one on this thread talking about anything positive from this is Britpat. He even talks about an "up-side' to the shooting.

The rest of us are appalled. Maybe you haven't really read the entire thread yet?
You're "appalled" only because you know these incidents are the result of Obama's anti-cop rhetoric and it will keep Hillary out of the White House.
You really should curb your enthusiasm. This is a tragedy.
Yes, for the cops, but also for Hillary.
Fuck all you liberals and fuck Barack Obama. I'm sure these thugs could have been his sons also.
Sad to see that "2nd Amendment solutions" don't always work out well.

WHAT is your solution to police brutality?

I'll bet that either the 2 suspects at large and the dead one were part of this group:

A suspect remains at large in an alleged plot to kill officers after the fatal police shooting of Alton Sterling at a Louisiana store, authorities said Tuesday.

Col. Mike Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, said at a news conference that the plot, had it been carried out, would have caused "substantial harm to police in the Baton Rouge area."

Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr. said the plot was uncovered following a robbery Saturday shortly after midnight at a pawn shop where eight handguns and a BB rifle were stolen. Two of the handguns have yet to be recovered, he said.

Two men — Antonio Thomas, 17, and Malik Bridgewater, 20 — were arrested on firearms and burglary charges. A third, Trashone Coats, 23, was arrested and charged with illegal possession of a stolen firearm.

From left, Antonio Thomas, 17, Trashone Coats, 23, and Malik Bridgewater, 20. Baton Rouge Police Department
A fourth, whose identity isn't known, is believed to be still at large, along with the two missing handguns, police said....

1 Suspect at Large, 3 Arrested in Alleged Plot to Kill Baton Rouge Cops

Wow who knew???? Liberals were saying it was they look stupid after every one of these trageties...every fucking one.
Sad to see that "2nd Amendment solutions" don't always work out well.

WHAT is your solution to police brutality?

I'll bet that either the 2 suspects at large and the dead one were part of this group:

A suspect remains at large in an alleged plot to kill officers after the fatal police shooting of Alton Sterling at a Louisiana store, authorities said Tuesday.

Col. Mike Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, said at a news conference that the plot, had it been carried out, would have caused "substantial harm to police in the Baton Rouge area."

Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr. said the plot was uncovered following a robbery Saturday shortly after midnight at a pawn shop where eight handguns and a BB rifle were stolen. Two of the handguns have yet to be recovered, he said.

Two men — Antonio Thomas, 17, and Malik Bridgewater, 20 — were arrested on firearms and burglary charges. A third, Trashone Coats, 23, was arrested and charged with illegal possession of a stolen firearm.

From left, Antonio Thomas, 17, Trashone Coats, 23, and Malik Bridgewater, 20. Baton Rouge Police Department
A fourth, whose identity isn't known, is believed to be still at large, along with the two missing handguns, police said....

1 Suspect at Large, 3 Arrested in Alleged Plot to Kill Baton Rouge Cops

Wow who knew???? Liberals were saying it was they look stupid after every one of these trageties...every fucking one.

Surely, we'll NEVER know what motivated the shooters.
Certainly.more.violence in blacks.....encouraged by BLM......
Violence by males. Why do you want to turn a blind eye to all that violence by males?

Baton Rouge police are looking for a female as a person of interest in this incident, oops!
And.......? If you paid attention, I have never claimed that all violent shooters are male. I said ALMOST all. To have one female as a person of interest here doesn't change that demographic, does it?

You said:

"Certainly more male violence I would wager."

"Violence by males. Why do you want to turn a blind eye to all that violence by males?"

Feel free to point out the "almost" in those statements.
You need to read all my comments. And certainly stop being so very sensitive. Just because you are male, I am not accusing you personally of being violent. I'm sure you refrain from violence just fine.

I'm responding to what you've said in this string.
I read your link. Our president isn't "against" police by admitting our criminal justice system is not free of racism. That would be stupid. There are racists and there are damned ignorant power trippers in the police force. Not all of them, and the president never said they were. But the black activists have a valid point and until people listen and do something about it, this is going to continue. Your choice.

I read your link. Our president isn't "against" police by admitting our criminal justice system is not free of racism. That would be stupid. There are racists and there are damned ignorant power trippers in the police force. Not all of them, and the president never said they were. But the black activists have a valid point and until people listen and do something about it, this is going to continue. Your choice.

You have been for the truth:

'A 1996 analysis of 55,000 big-city felony cases found that black defendants were convicted at a lower rate than whites in 12 of the 14 federally designated felony categories.[15] This finding was consistent with the overwhelming consensus of other, previous, well-designed studies, most of which indicated that black defendants were slightly less likely to be convicted of criminal charges against them than white defendants.[16] In 1997, liberal criminologists Robert Sampson and Janet Lauritsen undertook a painstaking review of the voluminous literature on charging and sentencing, and concluded that “large racial differences in criminal offending,” and not racism, explained why proportionately more blacks than whites were in prison—and for longer terms.[17]

Even though America's legal-education and civil-rights establishments have created a massive industry devoted entirely to uncovering even the barest shred of evidence pointing toward white racism in the justice system, the net result of their efforts has been nothing more than an occasional study showing a miniscule, unexplained racial disparity in sentencing, while most other analyses continue to find no racial effect at all.'

Is the Criminal-Justice System Racist? - Discover the Networks
Welcome to DiscoverTheNetworks, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. "This website is a "Guide to the Political Left." It identifies the individuals and organizations that make up the left, and also the institutions that fund and sustain the left; it maps the paths through which the left exerts its influence on the larger body politic; it defines the left's (often hidden) programmatic agendas; and it provides an understanding of the left's history and ideas."

This site is a right wing nut job hit site on its enemies, full of lies.

oh yeh....its lies all lies.................bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So you double down on stupid, ignorant, frightened, and angry, while throwing your lot in with a blog that is a far right hate site.
He was walking' down the road with an assault rifle. The NRA defends his right to do that!
The police can best handle such actions this way. "Sir, we need to talk to you." Stupid person will not put down weapon. Bang. Dead stupid person most preferable to dead cop.
Conservatives don't support the likes of Farrakhan that tells his supporters to kill 10,000 white cops.
Or supports a president that supports a terrorist organization like blm that advocates violence against white people.
So to all you liberals shut the fuck up. Innocent people are dying because of things you support.
You don't think we have the right to speak?
Not when the organization's liberals support are inciting violence.
Oh look all of the left wing cop hating terrorist-apologists are out in force. True to form you disgusting assholes.
The only one on this thread talking about anything positive from this is Britpat. He even talks about an "up-side' to the shooting.

The rest of us are appalled. Maybe you haven't really read the entire thread yet?

I've read enough. Plus, there's your history that you cannot hide from.
Sad to see that "2nd Amendment solutions" don't always work out well.

WHAT is your solution to police brutality?

I'll bet that either the 2 suspects at large and the dead one were part of this group:

A suspect remains at large in an alleged plot to kill officers after the fatal police shooting of Alton Sterling at a Louisiana store, authorities said Tuesday.

Col. Mike Edmonson, superintendent of the Louisiana State Police, said at a news conference that the plot, had it been carried out, would have caused "substantial harm to police in the Baton Rouge area."

Baton Rouge Police Chief Carl Dabadie Jr. said the plot was uncovered following a robbery Saturday shortly after midnight at a pawn shop where eight handguns and a BB rifle were stolen. Two of the handguns have yet to be recovered, he said.

Two men — Antonio Thomas, 17, and Malik Bridgewater, 20 — were arrested on firearms and burglary charges. A third, Trashone Coats, 23, was arrested and charged with illegal possession of a stolen firearm.

From left, Antonio Thomas, 17, Trashone Coats, 23, and Malik Bridgewater, 20. Baton Rouge Police Department
A fourth, whose identity isn't known, is believed to be still at large, along with the two missing handguns, police said....

1 Suspect at Large, 3 Arrested in Alleged Plot to Kill Baton Rouge Cops

Wow who knew???? Liberals were saying it was they look stupid after every one of these trageties...every fucking one.

Surely, we'll NEVER know what motivated the shooters.

Yeah it's a groups, politicians gin this up....I guess they got their courage and guts....


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