Three Dangerous Numbers Reveal Why Obama Will Lose the Election


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
1. Jimmy Carter and George Bush Sr. are the only two presidents over the last 31 years who have not been granted a second term. Both were damned with a dismal economy on Election Day.

2. America’s economy is in a meltdown. Unemployment remains historically high with just 58% of working-age Americans in the labor force — the lowest reading since 1983.

3. It’s no wonder that the Center for Economic and Policy Research reports that the median household net worth (for a person between the ages of 45 to 64) fell by nearly 50% since 2003.

4. “This kind of economic data amounts to a formidable headwind for any incumbent president hoping for a second term,” writes Karen Tumulty of the Washington Post. “And Democrats are worried that time could be running out to change the direction of the gale
5. These recent headlines tell the somber story . . .
Wall Street Journal: “Bleak News for Americans’ Income: Pay Fell 7% in Last Decade”
CBS News: “The Middle Class Faces a Lost Decade”
Bloomberg: “Falling Wages Threatening U.S.”
Read more: Meltdown on Main Street: Three Dangerous Numbers Reveal Why Obama Will Lose the Election

History repeats itself and Obama knows he's behind the 8 ball. He's going to try every tactic he can to come out ahead!
meh........the only important # for me is the fact that Obama has been under 50% approval for a long, long time. Incumbents under 50% get their clocks cleaned in the general.

Even bigger?

In 10 days between June 9th and June 21st........Obama spent $118,000 on TV ads in Pennsylvania.:eek::eek::eek: What a joke............and who woulda' thunk it.:eusa_dance: If you're a Dum, if you dont have shit stains in your shorts at the present time, then you are a mental case.:up:
Hollywood morons are the only ones still buying the hope n change bullshit. That's why he's kow towing to them.
Obama's campaign is in the red this month, seriously. Now he has a constitutional crisis brewing on his hands, just 4 months ahead of the election.
The writing is on the wall.
1. ...

History repeats itself and Obama knows he's behind the 8 ball. He's going to try every tactic he can to come out ahead!

You nutters can't go 24 hours without someone posting a "feel-good" story about Romney's chances.

The dude is unlikable. Normal, well adjusted people will not vote for him.
The number to remember is 46% or better. Truman, Eisenhower, and Clinton all won re-election after getting clobbered in the off term elections. Obama is still viable, and Romney is still the uphill challenger. Time may change that; I hope so.
You nutters can't go 24 hours without someone posting a "feel-good" story about Romney's chances.

The dude is unlikable. Normal, well adjusted people will not vote for him.

What on earth do you know about normal, well adjusted people?

The Mitt Romney campaign continued to turn President Obama’s words against him Monday in a new Web video that shows a confident Obama accepting responsibility for the state of the US economy.
The video features excerpts from a speech Obama delivered on July 14, 2009 at Macomb Community College in Warren, Mich.
(See Video)

“Now, my administration has a job to do, as well, and that job is to get this economy back on its feet,” Obama said at the time. “That’s my job. And it’s a job I gladly accept. I love these folks who helped get us in this mess and then suddenly say, ‘Well, this is Obama’s economy.’ That’s fine. Give it to me. My job is to solve problems, not to stand on the sidelines and harp and gripe.”

Onscreen text follows Obama’s remarks: “So where are we now? Now, 23.2 million Americans [are] out of work, underemployed or no longer looking for work. Forty straight months over 8 percent unemployment. Middle-class struggles have deepened. And median household income has dropped by more than $4,000.”

The new video from Romney, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, follows one his campaign recirculated last week that highlights a Feb. 2, 2009 interview with NBC’s Matt Lauer.

(See Video)

“I will be held accountable,” Obama said at one point in the interview. Later, he added, “If I don’t have this done in three years, then there’s going to be a one-term proposition.”

Romney’s point seems to be that the president once took a buck-stops-here approach to managing the nation’s economic recovery but now refuses to take the blame for an economy that Obama says “isn’t where it needs to be.”

New Mitt Romney video uses President Obama’s early term words to assign blame for the economy - Political Intelligence - A national political and campaign blog from The Boston Globe -

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