Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

This is post 2, moron.

OCD Boy, spit out what you think you are trying to say!

Exactly how many posts can be posted between the OP and post 2? Think about it.
Get your arithmetic teacher to help you with it in school tomorrow.

I think you've mistaken me for someone who cares about such trivial shit, OCD Boy. If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them.... Would you PLEASE get some GLAD or something to make the inside of your hear stop smelling of fire and brimstone!
During his time as leader of the WPP, Miller unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party 's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina

You forgot to post the whole paragraph.
"During his time as leader of the WPP, he unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina,[5] and the 1986 Republican Party's nomination for a seat in the United States Senate.[6]"

Like I said, he was turned away by both parties.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

McRacist runs bogus quotes in his sig line - you can't expect a sudden rush of honesty out of nowhere.
OCD Boy, spit out what you think you are trying to say!

Exactly how many posts can be posted between the OP and post 2? Think about it.
Get your arithmetic teacher to help you with it in school tomorrow.

I think you've mistaken me for someone who cares about such trivial shit, OCD Boy. If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them.... Would you PLEASE get some GLAD or something to make the inside of your hear stop smelling of fire and brimstone!

Typical - trying to blame somebody else for your own abject stupidity...
Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.

Here's a clue, asswipe, declare I'm a racist... The only way you have to win!

Exactly how many posts can be posted between the OP and post 2? Think about it.
Get your arithmetic teacher to help you with it in school tomorrow.

I think you've mistaken me for someone who cares about such trivial shit, OCD Boy. If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them.... Would you PLEASE get some GLAD or something to make the inside of your hear stop smelling of fire and brimstone!

Typical - trying to blame somebody else for your own abject stupidity...

And who did I blame, or did I state "If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them"

You DO have a mental problem, beside your OCD! What a moronic, narcissist you are! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.
People said the victory of communism, of the socialism and the progression of history to the "end of history" was inevitable. However, the USSR collapsed. What you on the left fail to understand is history moves in cycles. The pendulum will swing back far to the right from it's current far left position.

The SPLC is worthless, and no longer has credibility. Even the FBI views them as a illegitimate organization after they attacked conservative christian groups, they no longer listen to their "intelligence reports". The left is becoming so drunk off power, they are getting sloppy and losing credibility by the day.
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I think you've mistaken me for someone who cares about such trivial shit, OCD Boy. If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them.... Would you PLEASE get some GLAD or something to make the inside of your hear stop smelling of fire and brimstone!

Typical - trying to blame somebody else for your own abject stupidity...

And who did I blame, or did I state "If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them"

You DO have a mental problem, beside your OCD! What a moronic, narcissist you are! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Everybody can figure it out except you-- DUMBASS.
Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.

Here's a clue, asswipe, declare I'm a racist... The only way you have to win!

I didn't know I was trying to win something. I just pointed out you 2 retards are racists. Truth must hurt for you to put up a picture to get your point across. :lol:
And then you woke up. You would have died out if it were not for the NA's. You would probably be a penal colony if it was not for Black labor. Whites couldnt do the work necessary to establish the trade needed to turn this country into an economic power. You died off and thats why they then tried the NA's and finally Black people.

Bullshit, and bullshit they are the "natives", who was first in America is up for debate(Ancient Caucasian skeletons have been found), so using that to delegitimize that America was founded as a white nation as bunk. Especially coming from a lesser man like yourself.

Blacks picking cotton contributed to "building" America as horses plowing fields in early America. And if anything, it signifies your separateness from the white men who founded this nation, it doesn't confer you an identity within the American heritage.

You are one ignorant retard. Its already scientifically proven Black people from Africa populated this continent long before anyone else. You need to stop reading that stormfront BS.

You still miss the fact that without those Black picking cotton and sugarcane the US would have been a penal colony. Your white jailbird ancestors were too weak for the task.

No there isn't.

And even if you were here before the amerindians or caucasians or australoids, and such evidence was found, so what?

The slaves were just semi-advanced farm equipment, easily interchangeable with machines or free white labor, suggesting they built America is absurd.
Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.
People said the victory of communism, of the socialism and the progression of history to the "end of history" was inevitable. However, the USSR collapsed. What you on the left fail to understand is history moves in cycles. The pendulum will swing back far to the right from it's current far left position.

The SPLC is worthless, and no longer has credibility. Even the FBI views them as a illegitimate organization after they attacked conservative christian groups, they no longer listen to their "intelligence reports". The left is becoming so drunk off power, they are getting sloppy and losing credibility by the day.

Blah blah blah. The right wing tenets of racism are dying out. You retards are the only ones left. By the time your pendulum swings back you will be wiped out having interbred with other ethnicities. As the children of whites are more and more able to intermingle with other ethnicities they will see your specific ways were.......well retarded. Then the pendulum will swing back my way and the cycle will be complete. Your kind will never be heard from again.
Typical - trying to blame somebody else for your own abject stupidity...

And who did I blame, or did I state "If folks aren't smart enough to figure it out, I certainly can't help them"

You DO have a mental problem, beside your OCD! What a moronic, narcissist you are! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Everybody can figure it out except you-- DUMBASS.

You Know, you queer little asswipe, I just LOVE IT every time you NEG REP me! I KNOW for sure, you've got me front, and center in that vacant skull of yours as I continue to make a laughing stock out of you.... I'm just sorry it takes you 2 days to get the courage up to face me in a thread WITHOUT NEG REPPING me when you continually look for support from the other misfits on the left!

THIS is why my LOCATION SAYS...."Inside Pogo's Vacant Head!"

YOU are MY ENTERTAINMENT, you don't have the foggiest idea of how much I laugh at your feeble attempts to denigrate other posters, when YOU are so badly OCD about the tiniest shit!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

It must be horrible to be here for 16 months and NEVER go out and do anything but look for others of a like demented mind to give you REPS! You sorry troll. :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.

Here's a clue, asswipe, declare I'm a racist... The only way you have to win!

I didn't know I was trying to win something. I just pointed out you 2 retards are racists. Truth must hurt for you to put up a picture to get your point across. :lol:

Then that little poster for you WAS CORRECT, and I didn't even have to Carnac it! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:.. Perhaps we shall name you OCD Boy Junior! :eusa_whistle:
Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.
People said the victory of communism, of the socialism and the progression of history to the "end of history" was inevitable. However, the USSR collapsed. What you on the left fail to understand is history moves in cycles. The pendulum will swing back far to the right from it's current far left position.

The SPLC is worthless, and no longer has credibility. Even the FBI views them as a illegitimate organization after they attacked conservative christian groups, they no longer listen to their "intelligence reports". The left is becoming so drunk off power, they are getting sloppy and losing credibility by the day.

Blah blah blah. The right wing tenets of racism are dying out. You retards are the only ones left. By the time your pendulum swings back you will be wiped out having interbred with other ethnicities. As the children of whites are more and more able to intermingle with other ethnicities they will see your specific ways were.......well retarded. Then the pendulum will swing back my way and the cycle will be complete. Your kind will never be heard from again.
They have been saying that since the 50s, the funny thing is, "racists" are still around. The left thrives on that word, so I very much doubt it will die, they always need their demon, their enemy, their scapegoat.

Even if your dream of miscegenation of the current races happens, you will see new races and racial hierarchies develop. Just like there was and is a hierarchy in Latin America from White to Mestizo to Amerindian and Black. Haiti has a hierarchy with mulattoes at the top. The Dominican Republic has a similar hierarchy with Whites and Mestizo on top, with Blacks on the bottom. The same thing exists in Brazil.

What will likely happen is what has happened throughout history. Multicultural empires always fall, whether it be Rome, Austria Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the USSR, among others. Multiculturalism leads to societal collapse and the reformation of organic societies on ethnic and cultural lines. America in it's current form will fall as well.
Here's a clue, asswipe, declare I'm a racist... The only way you have to win!

I didn't know I was trying to win something. I just pointed out you 2 retards are racists. Truth must hurt for you to put up a picture to get your point across. :lol:

Then that little poster for you WAS CORRECT, and I didn't even have to Carnac it! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:.. Perhaps we shall name you OCD Boy Junior! :eusa_whistle:

You must be unable to read. its says....when losing the debate. i wasn't debating you. I was telling you. There is nothing to debate.
People said the victory of communism, of the socialism and the progression of history to the "end of history" was inevitable. However, the USSR collapsed. What you on the left fail to understand is history moves in cycles. The pendulum will swing back far to the right from it's current far left position.

The SPLC is worthless, and no longer has credibility. Even the FBI views them as a illegitimate organization after they attacked conservative christian groups, they no longer listen to their "intelligence reports". The left is becoming so drunk off power, they are getting sloppy and losing credibility by the day.

Blah blah blah. The right wing tenets of racism are dying out. You retards are the only ones left. By the time your pendulum swings back you will be wiped out having interbred with other ethnicities. As the children of whites are more and more able to intermingle with other ethnicities they will see your specific ways were.......well retarded. Then the pendulum will swing back my way and the cycle will be complete. Your kind will never be heard from again.
They have been saying that since the 50s, the funny thing is, "racists" are still around. The left thrives on that word, so I very much doubt it will die, they always need their demon, their enemy, their scapegoat.

Even if your dream of miscegenation of the current races happens, you will see new races and racial hierarchies develop. Just like there was and is a hierarchy in Latin America from White to Mestizo to Amerindian and Black. Haiti has a hierarchy with mulattoes at the top. The Dominican Republic has a similar hierarchy with Whites and Mestizo on top, with Blacks on the bottom. The same thing exists in Brazil.

What will likely happen is what has happened throughout history. Multicultural empires always fall, whether it be Rome, Austria Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the USSR, among others. Multiculturalism leads to societal collapse and the reformation of organic societies on ethnic and cultural lines. America in it's current form will fall as well.

Thats all well and good. At least there wont be pink toned racists around. Take a look at the changing face of the US. shortly everyone is going to look like they are Black and Asian.

The Changing Face of America - Photo Gallery

Your retarded type will holed up in bunkers somewhere inbreeding and dying from whatever diseases that plague inbred people. What are you going to do then?
Blah blah blah. The right wing tenets of racism are dying out. You retards are the only ones left. By the time your pendulum swings back you will be wiped out having interbred with other ethnicities. As the children of whites are more and more able to intermingle with other ethnicities they will see your specific ways were.......well retarded. Then the pendulum will swing back my way and the cycle will be complete. Your kind will never be heard from again.
They have been saying that since the 50s, the funny thing is, "racists" are still around. The left thrives on that word, so I very much doubt it will die, they always need their demon, their enemy, their scapegoat.

Even if your dream of miscegenation of the current races happens, you will see new races and racial hierarchies develop. Just like there was and is a hierarchy in Latin America from White to Mestizo to Amerindian and Black. Haiti has a hierarchy with mulattoes at the top. The Dominican Republic has a similar hierarchy with Whites and Mestizo on top, with Blacks on the bottom. The same thing exists in Brazil.

What will likely happen is what has happened throughout history. Multicultural empires always fall, whether it be Rome, Austria Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the USSR, among others. Multiculturalism leads to societal collapse and the reformation of organic societies on ethnic and cultural lines. America in it's current form will fall as well.

Thats all well and good. At least there wont be pink toned racists around. Take a look at the changing face of the US. shortly everyone is going to look like they are Black and Asian.

The Changing Face of America - Photo Gallery

Your retarded type will holed up in bunkers somewhere inbreeding and dying from whatever diseases that plague inbred people. What are you going to do then?
You are just proving to everyone here, that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

The fact is, this latest episode in Nevada, and Obama's many blunders like the one in Ukraine show the government's impotence in carrying out it's agenda when someone with a backbone stands up to them. The government is run by cowards and bullies, weak people who back down in the face of strength and righteousness.

You guys won't win.
I didn't know I was trying to win something. I just pointed out you 2 retards are racists. Truth must hurt for you to put up a picture to get your point across. :lol:

Then that little poster for you WAS CORRECT, and I didn't even have to Carnac it! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:.. Perhaps we shall name you OCD Boy Junior! :eusa_whistle:

You must be unable to read. its says....when losing the debate. i wasn't debating you. I was telling you. There is nothing to debate.

Unfortunately OCD Boy Jr, you didn't understand the meaning, you LOST, as you are so prevalent to say! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
They have been saying that since the 50s, the funny thing is, "racists" are still around. The left thrives on that word, so I very much doubt it will die, they always need their demon, their enemy, their scapegoat.

Even if your dream of miscegenation of the current races happens, you will see new races and racial hierarchies develop. Just like there was and is a hierarchy in Latin America from White to Mestizo to Amerindian and Black. Haiti has a hierarchy with mulattoes at the top. The Dominican Republic has a similar hierarchy with Whites and Mestizo on top, with Blacks on the bottom. The same thing exists in Brazil.

What will likely happen is what has happened throughout history. Multicultural empires always fall, whether it be Rome, Austria Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the USSR, among others. Multiculturalism leads to societal collapse and the reformation of organic societies on ethnic and cultural lines. America in it's current form will fall as well.

Thats all well and good. At least there wont be pink toned racists around. Take a look at the changing face of the US. shortly everyone is going to look like they are Black and Asian.

The Changing Face of America - Photo Gallery

Your retarded type will holed up in bunkers somewhere inbreeding and dying from whatever diseases that plague inbred people. What are you going to do then?
You are just proving to everyone here, that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

The fact is, this latest episode in Nevada, and Obama's many blunders like the one in Ukraine show the government's impotence in carrying out it's agenda when someone with a backbone stands up to them. The government is run by cowards and bullies, weak people who back down in the face of strength and righteousness.

You guys won't win.

Sorry redneck. I have no problem with white people. I have a problem with defective ones like you. Something is not right with your type. You are like the primordial ooze in the gutter that stinks up the street. Maybe that mix of Neanderthal genes messing you up in your head making you insane. I know your worst nightmare is that you are no longer white. That day is fast approaching. I will laugh at you for sure. :lol:
Then that little poster for you WAS CORRECT, and I didn't even have to Carnac it! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:.. Perhaps we shall name you OCD Boy Junior! :eusa_whistle:

You must be unable to read. its says....when losing the debate. i wasn't debating you. I was telling you. There is nothing to debate.

Unfortunately OCD Boy Jr, you didn't understand the meaning, you LOST, as you are so prevalent to say! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.
Thats all well and good. At least there wont be pink toned racists around. Take a look at the changing face of the US. shortly everyone is going to look like they are Black and Asian.

The Changing Face of America - Photo Gallery

Your retarded type will holed up in bunkers somewhere inbreeding and dying from whatever diseases that plague inbred people. What are you going to do then?
You are just proving to everyone here, that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

The fact is, this latest episode in Nevada, and Obama's many blunders like the one in Ukraine show the government's impotence in carrying out it's agenda when someone with a backbone stands up to them. The government is run by cowards and bullies, weak people who back down in the face of strength and righteousness.

You guys won't win.

Sorry redneck. I have no problem with white people. I have a problem with defective ones like you. Something is not right with your type. You are like the primordial ooze in the gutter that stinks up the street. Maybe that mix of Neanderthal genes messing you up in your head making you insane. I know your worst nightmare is that you are no longer white. That day is fast approaching. I will laugh at you for sure. :lol:

You can say that you don't have a problem, but your above comments and your mocking our neanderthal genes prove otherwise. The thing is, I don't hate black people, I believe in your self determination and preservation of your identity in your homeland, Africa. The thing is, as you are insecure and have an inferiority complex, you lash out at others with hate, especially for those who have a sense of identity and are proud of their heritage.

The fact that you just continue to say hateful things and pepper your posts with faggy insecure "lols" just proves you know the establishment and your ideology is losing out globally. People of all races world wide are rejecting the degeneracy, decadence, tyranny, corporatism, globalism, multiculturalism and shallowness of the current crop who run the western world, the crop you support. Whether it be patriots in the US, Latin American socialist nationalists, Right Wing Nationalists in Europe, Russian separatists in Ukraine, Putin's Russia, Assad in Syria, the regime in Iran, and Hezbollah among others.
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