Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

You must be unable to read. its says....when losing the debate. i wasn't debating you. I was telling you. There is nothing to debate.

Unfortunately OCD Boy Jr, you didn't understand the meaning, you LOST, as you are so prevalent to say! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.

There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
You are just proving to everyone here, that anti-racist is a codeword for anti-white.

The fact is, this latest episode in Nevada, and Obama's many blunders like the one in Ukraine show the government's impotence in carrying out it's agenda when someone with a backbone stands up to them. The government is run by cowards and bullies, weak people who back down in the face of strength and righteousness.

You guys won't win.

Sorry redneck. I have no problem with white people. I have a problem with defective ones like you. Something is not right with your type. You are like the primordial ooze in the gutter that stinks up the street. Maybe that mix of Neanderthal genes messing you up in your head making you insane. I know your worst nightmare is that you are no longer white. That day is fast approaching. I will laugh at you for sure. :lol:

You can say that you don't have a problem, but your above comments and your mocking our neanderthal genes prove otherwise. The thing is, I don't hate black people, I believe in your self determination and preservation of your identity in your homeland, Africa. The thing is, as you are insecure and have an inferiority complex, you lash out at others with hate, especially for those who have a sense of identity and are proud of their heritage.

The fact that you just continue to say hateful things and pepper your posts with faggy insecure "lols" just proves you know the establishment and your ideology is losing out globally. People of all races world wide are rejecting the degeneracy, decadence, tyranny, corporatism, globalism, multiculturalism and shallowness of the current crop who run the western world, the crop you support. Whether it be patriots in the US, Latin American left wing nationalists, Right Wing Nationalists in Europe, Putin's Russia, Assad in Syria, the regime in Iran, and Hezbollah among others.

Dont back peddle now. You are a deranged racist misfit of the worst type. You are like the scum from a polluted puddle. If you notice I said pink toned racists. Are you calling all white people racist? I have white people in my family so I know you are wrong but you probably do think all whites are racist. Poor you.

You run around this board spouting racist stuff. Problem is that you are a sissified coward who would piss himself if you ever encountered someone Black. You can talk all the nonsense you want to. You and I both know your cause is a lost cause. Its a numbers game at this point and your side is down by an inconceivable amount. Enjoy your descent into extinction.
Unfortunately OCD Boy Jr, you didn't understand the meaning, you LOST, as you are so prevalent to say! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.

There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I do it because its fun toying with you. Sort of like playing with a slow puppy. I'm trying to train you to sit but you aren't quite intelligent enough to catch on. I will only work with you so long and then I will get bored making you look stupid.
Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.

There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I do it because its fun toying with you. Sort of like playing with a slow puppy. I'm trying to train you to sit but you aren't quite intelligent enough to catch on. I will only work with you so long and then I will get bored making you look stupid.

I see you have a hard time having to steal my PUPPY comment. You don't bore me, I have too much entertainment value with your low IQ trying to keep up. But when you actually STEAL my comments, and try desperately to look like your intelligent, you give yourself away....Please try to get a better grade of insults... try it's a primer for dumbasses that think they can play in the major leagues! :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
Sorry redneck. I have no problem with white people. I have a problem with defective ones like you. Something is not right with your type. You are like the primordial ooze in the gutter that stinks up the street. Maybe that mix of Neanderthal genes messing you up in your head making you insane. I know your worst nightmare is that you are no longer white. That day is fast approaching. I will laugh at you for sure. :lol:

You can say that you don't have a problem, but your above comments and your mocking our neanderthal genes prove otherwise. The thing is, I don't hate black people, I believe in your self determination and preservation of your identity in your homeland, Africa. The thing is, as you are insecure and have an inferiority complex, you lash out at others with hate, especially for those who have a sense of identity and are proud of their heritage.

The fact that you just continue to say hateful things and pepper your posts with faggy insecure "lols" just proves you know the establishment and your ideology is losing out globally. People of all races world wide are rejecting the degeneracy, decadence, tyranny, corporatism, globalism, multiculturalism and shallowness of the current crop who run the western world, the crop you support. Whether it be patriots in the US, Latin American left wing nationalists, Right Wing Nationalists in Europe, Putin's Russia, Assad in Syria, the regime in Iran, and Hezbollah among others.

Dont back peddle now. You are a deranged racist misfit of the worst type. You are like the scum from a polluted puddle. If you notice I said pink toned racists. Are you calling all white people racist? I have white people in my family so I know you are wrong but you probably do think all whites are racist. Poor you.

You run around this board spouting racist stuff. Problem is that you are a sissified coward who would piss himself if you ever encountered someone Black. You can talk all the nonsense you want to. You and I both know your cause is a lost cause. Its a numbers game at this point and your side is down by an inconceivable amount. Enjoy your descent into extinction.

You are the only one backpedaling, because in your uncontrolled rage you exposed yourself as a hater of white people. And when someone calls you on it, being a coward, like the leaders you admire are, you back pedal and claim you don't hate whites. Just because you might have bred with a white, doesn't make you less "racist"(though I hate using the bullshit judeo-bolshevik construct), in fact it would fit your goal of wiping out neanderthal genes and "pink toned racists". You cant even control your rage, even in this post you brag about the declining white population.

It's sad really.

People are waking up, ZOG will be defeated, the NWO will fall.
There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

I do it because its fun toying with you. Sort of like playing with a slow puppy. I'm trying to train you to sit but you aren't quite intelligent enough to catch on. I will only work with you so long and then I will get bored making you look stupid.

I see you have a hard time having to steal my PUPPY comment. You don't bore me, I have too much entertainment value with your low IQ trying to keep up. But when you actually STEAL my comments, and try desperately to look like your intelligent, you give yourself away....Please try to get a better grade of insults... try it's a primer for dumbasses that think they can play in the major leagues! :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

Me looking intelligent next to you is not something I have to try. Its just nature taking its course. I cant believe you were stupid enough to post where you get your insults from. No wonder you sound so juvenile. It never occurred to me that there was a website for something like that. Like they say possession is 9/10ths of the law. You provided the link and you expect everyone to believe you dont use it? :lol:
You can say that you don't have a problem, but your above comments and your mocking our neanderthal genes prove otherwise. The thing is, I don't hate black people, I believe in your self determination and preservation of your identity in your homeland, Africa. The thing is, as you are insecure and have an inferiority complex, you lash out at others with hate, especially for those who have a sense of identity and are proud of their heritage.

The fact that you just continue to say hateful things and pepper your posts with faggy insecure "lols" just proves you know the establishment and your ideology is losing out globally. People of all races world wide are rejecting the degeneracy, decadence, tyranny, corporatism, globalism, multiculturalism and shallowness of the current crop who run the western world, the crop you support. Whether it be patriots in the US, Latin American left wing nationalists, Right Wing Nationalists in Europe, Putin's Russia, Assad in Syria, the regime in Iran, and Hezbollah among others.

Dont back peddle now. You are a deranged racist misfit of the worst type. You are like the scum from a polluted puddle. If you notice I said pink toned racists. Are you calling all white people racist? I have white people in my family so I know you are wrong but you probably do think all whites are racist. Poor you.

You run around this board spouting racist stuff. Problem is that you are a sissified coward who would piss himself if you ever encountered someone Black. You can talk all the nonsense you want to. You and I both know your cause is a lost cause. Its a numbers game at this point and your side is down by an inconceivable amount. Enjoy your descent into extinction.

You are the only one backpedaling, because in your uncontrolled rage you exposed yourself as a hater of white people. And when someone calls you on it, being a coward, like the leaders you admire are, you back pedal and claim you don't hate whites. Just because you might have bred with a white, doesn't make you less "racist"(though I hate using the bullshit judeo-bolshevik construct), in fact it would fit your goal of wiping out neanderthal genes and "pink toned racists". You cant even control your rage, even in this post you brag about the declining white population.

It's sad really.

People are waking up, ZOG will be defeated, the NWO will fall.

No I'm pretty sure its you back peddling. Let me know when all whites become racist and maybe you would have a point. As it is I've slept with enough white women to know that isnt true. Retarded racists like you and the guy that was so stupid he tried to kill Jews and wound up not killing any are not long for the world. You trying to drum up support for your "white is right" campaign wont stop that. You clowns are pretty much finished. Consider this as just another nail in your collective coffins.
Unfortunately OCD Boy Jr, you didn't understand the meaning, you LOST, as you are so prevalent to say! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.

There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.
Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.

There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

I'm bored with the little idiot now. You can play whack a mole with him. After you finish with him please let him out into the garage. He still isnt house broken yet.
Dont back peddle now. You are a deranged racist misfit of the worst type. You are like the scum from a polluted puddle. If you notice I said pink toned racists. Are you calling all white people racist? I have white people in my family so I know you are wrong but you probably do think all whites are racist. Poor you.

You run around this board spouting racist stuff. Problem is that you are a sissified coward who would piss himself if you ever encountered someone Black. You can talk all the nonsense you want to. You and I both know your cause is a lost cause. Its a numbers game at this point and your side is down by an inconceivable amount. Enjoy your descent into extinction.

You are the only one backpedaling, because in your uncontrolled rage you exposed yourself as a hater of white people. And when someone calls you on it, being a coward, like the leaders you admire are, you back pedal and claim you don't hate whites. Just because you might have bred with a white, doesn't make you less "racist"(though I hate using the bullshit judeo-bolshevik construct), in fact it would fit your goal of wiping out neanderthal genes and "pink toned racists". You cant even control your rage, even in this post you brag about the declining white population.

It's sad really.

People are waking up, ZOG will be defeated, the NWO will fall.

No I'm pretty sure its you back peddling. Let me know when all whites become racist and maybe you would have a point. As it is I've slept with enough white women to know that isnt true. Retarded racists like you and the guy that was so stupid he tried to kill Jews and wound up not killing any are not long for the world. You trying to drum up support for your "white is right" campaign wont stop that. You clowns are pretty much finished. Consider this as just another nail in your collective coffins.

You keep insisting the white race is finished, you are wrong. The fact that you keep saying it and no one buys is proves your argument futile. You are just pissing into the wind.

The tide is turning against the system world wide. You can't stop it.
Maybe when you realize I was not competing you will understand how stupid you sound. You trying to compete with me is like you trying to beat Lebron James in a game of one on one. I wouldnt lower myself to competing with you. Youre just a trashy little racist.

There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

You mean like all the times you yell YOU"VE LOST?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I, at least, entertain the right with those spiffy little images, you? ....Have a hard time debating without your OCD kicking in and looking for some tiny, insignificant word or two, that wasn't spelled correctly, or something you think makes you look like a elitist snob, which, BTW, you are!

OCD Boy, Neg Rep me again, this way, I'll know I got to your insecurity, and lack of debating skills. Damn, you're fun to play with, I just have to pull your string, and ZOOOOM...of you go! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

I'm bored with the little idiot now. You can play whack a mole with him. After you finish with him please let him out into the garage. He still isnt house broken yet.

Nah, I already did that. Pigilante is one of those "special" denialist trolls who, when you prove him wrong, still insists on calling himself a winner. He needs a psychiatrist.
There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

I'm bored with the little idiot now. You can play whack a mole with him. After you finish with him please let him out into the garage. He still isnt house broken yet.

Coward, and quitter, Palin has a bigger set of balls! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
There, just got you again! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: You are one sick little puppy, not quite as bad as Pogo Stick, but a few more exchanges and you'll do like he does....fade away into the dark, dark night! If not competing with me, why keep answering me, and why start up in the first place.... You just don't have the IQ available to you to even comprehend just how you've been had! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

You mean like all the times you yell YOU"VE LOST?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I, at least, entertain the right with those spiffy little images, you? ....Have a hard time debating without your OCD kicking in and looking for some tiny, insignificant word or two, that wasn't spelled correctly, or something you think makes you look like a elitist snob, which, BTW, you are!

OCD Boy, Neg Rep me again, this way, I'll know I got to your insecurity, and lack of debating skills. Damn, you're fun to play with, I just have to pull your string, and ZOOOOM...of you go! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Oh by the way loser -- your stalking PMs are being deleted. Fuck you.
“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

I'm bored with the little idiot now. You can play whack a mole with him. After you finish with him please let him out into the garage. He still isnt house broken yet.

Nah, I already did that. Pigilante is one of those "special" denialist trolls who, when you prove him wrong, still insists on calling himself a winner. He needs a psychiatrist.

And THIS coming from OCD boy, who gets his jollies from Neg Repping, and a lack of admitting he was wrong with the KKK thread, and now the Jimmy Carter thread!!! just let me into your head, and now I'm there for good! Oh, the hilarity, the ENTERTAINMENT!!! Powerless, PUSSIFIED, Pogo! :dev3::whip::gay:
“If you have to insist that you've won an internet argument, you've probably lost badly.” -- Danth's Law

I left because the topic was nowhere to be seen and there was nobody here except two losers and Asclepias playing with your sorry asses.

Now quick, find some facile Google image and 84 more emoticons, Dumbass. Time's a-wastin'.

You mean like all the times you yell YOU"VE LOST?:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

I, at least, entertain the right with those spiffy little images, you? ....Have a hard time debating without your OCD kicking in and looking for some tiny, insignificant word or two, that wasn't spelled correctly, or something you think makes you look like a elitist snob, which, BTW, you are!

OCD Boy, Neg Rep me again, this way, I'll know I got to your insecurity, and lack of debating skills. Damn, you're fun to play with, I just have to pull your string, and ZOOOOM...of you go! :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Oh by the way loser -- your stalking PMs are being deleted. Fuck you.

Gee, and I have yours saved just to show some interested folks here! ...And now you want to spread one of your social diseases to me! They arrest HIV guys for that shit, better be careful!
Reload this Page Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS
The murderer was a pro-gun right wing Ku Klux Klan grand dragon from South Carolina.
Who was a democrat first who supported the Klan.

AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.
The murderer was a pro-gun right wing Ku Klux Klan grand dragon from South Carolina.
Who was a democrat first who supported the Klan.

AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.

Kinda funny how every kook is blamed on the right. But the left has racists who spout anti-Semitism and they are praised and or ignored. Stop blaming and finger pointing and start denouncing ALL racists, to include those who are embraced by the left, such as NBPP and Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. There are many more anti-Semite groups that are consider 'left wing'.

Problem is hate is neither left or right, it is globally recognized and one racist or bigot is no better or worse than another. Yet, 'sides' are treated differently. As I said earlier Deen was publically bashed for something she said decades ago, while Byrd (former KKK member) was embraced ,while his hateful past was shadowing over him as he spoke of Ni*****s on live television in the late 80s.
Just amazing how quickly this one degenerated into the Right wanting to bellyache about how DEMS founded the KKK, which is just one part of this mass-murderer's history. At heart of his sickness is, of course, his ties to Nazism, but they don't want to go there. And a number of Righties have not even condemned the man for what he did, so I can only assume that they actually support him.

Why do some Righties support mass murderers? Why?

And why are some Righties totally incapable of staying on topic?

Geez Louise, we have had the argument over the KKK here in USMB probably over 50 times alone since I came on board a little less than 5 months ago.

Guess those dead people don't mean anything to some Righties. All they want to do is to stake out a political position and flame the other side. And on this thread, it started with Vigilante.
CaféAuLait;8936496 said:
Who was a democrat first who supported the Klan.

AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.

Kinda funny how every kook is blamed on the right. But the left has racists who spout anti-Semitism and they are praised and or ignored. Stop blaming and finger pointing and start denouncing ALL racists, to include those who are embraced by the left, such as NBPP and Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. There are many more anti-Semite groups that are consider 'left wing'.

Problem is hate is neither left or right, it is globally recognized and one racist or bigot is no better or worse than another. Yet, 'sides' are treated differently. As I said earlier Deen was publically bashed for something she said decades ago, while Byrd (former KKK member) was embraced ,while his hateful past was shadowing over him as he spoke of Ni*****s on live television in the late 80s.
Where did you get the silly notion that every kook is blamed on the right? But since you brought it up, now that I think about it, most RACIST kooks ARE on the right… in the 21st century. But to delve a bit deeper into your knee jerk definition of KOOK, I will add this: Those that commit murder with such reckless abandon on innocent people because of racial or religious differences are indeed more hatefully racist than those who merely are reacting verbally to address wrongs committed against their people by the system.

Has Louis Farrakhan killed any white people? Has the NBPP gone out and hunted white people down and killed them just for being white? You have no choice…your answer is NO! A resounding NO! You know what that means, don’t you? That means that kooks who kill because they are intolerant of other ethnicities, races or creeds are a special breed of psychopath. Sorry, but most of that ilk, in my view, are usually white supremacists.. Thank God most white people don’t share that mindset!

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