Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

Fat white guy...had to be a libtard.

Hitler was a right wing conservative.

Hitler was a left wing national socialist.

Good catch. He was also an occultist, Mike. The satanic altar he and his nazis used is located inside the Kremlin now. ( according to sources ) They had a replica of that altar made for Lenins tomb as well. This is why the education about holocaust, Hitler, etc must continue. There is much confusion over exactly what Hitler was about, revisionists work overtime trying to change history to fit their agendas. There was nothing "Christian" about Hitler or the nazis.
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Hitler was a right wing conservative.

Hitler was a left wing national socialist.

With right wing ideologies that pertained to exterminating Jews and other groups he considered inferior. It also could be argued Hitler himself was a fascist. His party was socialist. Not much difference.

So how do you think we best assist our poor people? Via abortion.

Do you think that sick/disabled people who have what you consider a poor quality of life be *euthanised*? Yes, you do.

Those are not right wing tenets. Those are tenets of the progressive left, and they are the exact same tenets as the Nazis embraced. You people target the poor and the disabled...but it's the same thing. You believe in *getting rid* of inferior stock, and controlling their breeding to reduce future population growth.

Hitler was a left wing national socialist.

With right wing ideologies that pertained to exterminating Jews and other groups he considered inferior. It also could be argued Hitler himself was a fascist. His party was socialist. Not much difference.

So how do you think we best assist our poor people? Via abortion.

Do you think that sick/disabled people who have what you consider a poor quality of life be *euthanised*? Yes, you do.

Those are not right wing tenets. Those are tenets of the progressive left, and they are the exact same tenets as the Nazis embraced. You people target the poor and the disabled...but it's the same thing. You believe in *getting rid* of inferior stock, and controlling their breeding to reduce future population growth.



Take your meds, take a deep breath and explain what you are talking about.
Fat white guy...had to be a libtard.

Hitler was a right wing conservative.

Hitler was a left wing national socialist.


"Socialist" was a new and trendy word at the time. Hitler was a "socialist" in the same way that Grape Nuts is made of either grapes or nuts. Actually he objected to the name, but it was already there. Hypernationalism, hyperreligionism and hearkening back to a glorious past are in no way associated with the "left" -- or with "socialism". You can name a turd Chaunce Faunsworth the Third -- it's still a turd.

How 'bout the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"? Democratic? People's? Yeah, you go with that.

Of course all of this is SO related to the story in the OP (/sarc)
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Nope, he was a socialist. Nothing religious about Hitler or the Nazi party.

"Polish Christians as well as Jews were either murdered and buried in hastily-dug mass graves or sent to prisons and German concentration camps."

"Hostages were selected from among the most prominent citizens of occupied cities and villages: priests, professors, doctors, lawyers, as well as leaders of economic and social organizations and the trade unions."

"Kerhsaw wrote that, in Hitler's scheme for the Germanization of Eastern Europe, there would be no place for the Christian Churches."

"Nazi policy towards the Church was at its most severe in the territories it annexed to Greater Germany, where the Nazis set about systematically dismantling the Church - arresting its leaders, exiling its clergymen, closing its churches, monasteries and convents. Many clergymen were murdered.[111][112]
"The Catholic Church was suppressed in the annexed territory of Reichsgau Wartheland more harshly than elsewhere.[113] In the Wartheland, regional leader Arthur Greiser, with the encouragement of Reinhard Heydrich and Martin Bormann, launched a severe attack on the Catholic Church. It's properties and funds were confiscated, and lay organisations shut down. Evans wrote that "Numerous clergy, monks, diocesan administrators and officials of the Church were arrested, deported to the General Government, taken off to a concentration camp in the Reich, or simply shot. Altogether some 1700 Polish priests ended up at Dachau: half of them did not survive their imprisonment." Greiser's administrative chief August Jager had earlier led the effort at Nazification of the Evangelical Church in Prussia.[114] In Poland, he earned the nickname "Kirchen-Jager" (Church-Hunter) for the vehemence of his hostility to the Church.[115]"

Sounds a lot like Luddy and his buds.
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This reminds me of Esmeralda's plan for the "poor children of the Ozarks". She maintains that they don't realize how bad they have it, and should be *educated* so they can be adequately dissatisfied with their lives:

"At least 200,000 children in occupied Poland were also kidnapped by the Nazis to be subjected to German indoctrination.[94] These children were screened for "racially valuable traits"[95] and sent to special homes to be Germanized.["

Nazi crimes against the Polish nation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Nope, he was a socialist. Nothing religious about Hitler or the Nazi party.
<remainder of post snipped as irrelevant tangent>

There's little evidence that Hitler was genuinely religious, just as there's little evidence that he was genuinely socialist. But like the socialism name brand, he exploited it in his rhetoric:

My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before in the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice.... And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.... When I go out in the morning and see these men standing in their queues and look into their pinched faces, then I believe I would be no Christian, but a very devil if I felt no pity for them, if I did not, as did our Lord two thousand years ago, turn against those by whom to-day this poor people is plundered and exploited. --speech 12 Apr 1922

In the Bible we find the text, 'That which is neither hot nor cold will I spew out of my mouth.' This utterance of the great Nazarene has kept its profound validity until the present day.
-Adolf Hitler, speech in Munich, 10 April 1923 [The Bible quote comes from Jesus in Revelation 3:16]

We are a people of different faiths, but we are one. Which faith conquers the other is not the question; rather, the question is whether Christianity stands or falls.... We tolerate no one in our ranks who attacks the ideas of Christianity... in fact our movement is Christian. We are filled with a desire for Catholics and Protestants to discover one another in the deep distress of our own people.
-Adolf Hitler, in a speech in Passau, 27 October 1928, Bundesarchiv Berlin-Zehlendorf, [cited from Richard Steigmann-Gall's The Holy Reich]

The National Socialist State professes its allegiance to positive Christianity. It will be its honest endeavour to protect both the great Christian Confessions in their rights, to secure them from interference with their doctrines (Lehren), and in their duties to constitute a harmony with the views and the exigencies of the State of to-day.
-Adolf Hitler, on 26 June 1934, to Catholic bishops to assure them that he would take action against the new pagan propaganda

National Socialism neither opposes the Church nor is it anti-religious, but on the contrary it stands on the ground of a real Christianity.... For their interests cannot fail to coincide with ours alike in our fight against the symptoms of degeneracy in the world of to-day, in our fight against a Bolshevist culture, against atheistic movement, against criminality, and in our struggle for a consciousness of a community in our national life... These are not anti-Christian, these are Christian principles! And I believe that if we should fail to follow these principles then we should to be able to point to our successes, for the result of our political battle is surely not unblest by God.
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech at Koblenz, to the Germans of the Saar, 26 Aug. 1934

This Winter Help Work is also in the deepest sense a Christian work. When I see, as I so often do, poorly clad girls collecting with such infinite patience in order to care for those who are suffering from the cold while they themselves are shivering with cold, then I have the feeling that they are all apostles of a Christianity-- and in truth of a Christianity which can say with greater right than any other: This is the Christianity of an honest confession, for behind it stand not words but deeds.
-Adolf Hitler, speaking of the Winter Help Campaign on 5 Oct. 1937

If positive Christianity means love of one's neighbour, i.e. the tending of the sick, the clothing of the poor, the feeding of the hungry, the giving of drink to those who are thirsty, then it is we who are the more positive Christians. For in these spheres the community of the people of National Socialist Germany has accomplished a prodigious work.
-Adolf Hitler, in his speech to the "Old Guard" at Munich on 24 Feb. 1939

God the Almighty has made our nation. By defending its existence we are defending His work....

Only He can relieve me of this duty Who called me to it. It was in the hand of Providence to snuff me out by the bomb that exploded only one and a half meters from me on July 20, and thus to terminate my life's work. That the Almighty protected me on that day I consider a renewed affirmation of the task entrusted to me....

Therefore, it is all the more necessary on this twelfth anniversary of the rise to power to strengthen the heart more than ever before and to steel ourselves in the holy determination to wield the sword, no-matter where and under what circumstances, until final victory crowns our efforts....

In the years to come I shall continue on this road, uncompromisingly safeguarding my people's interests, oblivious to all misery and danger, and filled with the holy conviction that God the Almighty will not abandon him who, during all his life, had no desire but to save his people from a fate it had never deserved, neither by virtue of its number nor by way of its importance....

In vowing ourselves to one another, we are entitled to stand before the Almighty and ask Him for His grace and His blessing. No people can do more than that everybody who can fight, fights, and that everybody who can work, works, and that they all sacrifice in common, filled with but one thought: to safeguard freedom and national honor and thus the future of life.

-Adolf Hitler, in a radio address, 30 Jan. 1945

I am absolutely convinced of the great power and the deep significance of the Christian religion, and consequently will not permit any other founders of religion (Religionsstifter). Therefore I have turned against Ludendoriff and separated myself from him; therefore I reject Rosenberg's book. That book is written by a Protestant. It is not a party book. It is not written by him as a member of the party. The Protestants can settle matters with him.
My desire is that no confessional conflict arise. I must act correctly to both confessions. I will not tolerate a Kulturkampf.... I stand by my word. I will protect the rights and freedom of the church and will not permit them to be touched. You need have no apprehensions concerning the freedom of the church.

--Hitler [quoted in Helmreich, The German Churches Under Hitler: Background, Struggle, and Epilogue, p.241]

"Christ was the greatest early fighter in the battle against the world enemy, the Jews." ..."The work Christ started but could not finish, I-- Adolf Hitler-- will conclude." [quoted in Toland, Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography p.222]

"The born and bred Catholic Hitler rebuilt his SS on Jesuit principles by assiduously copying "the service statutes and spiritual exercises presented by Ignatius Loyola." [Toland, op cit, p. 760]

Many many more here and here.

My term "hyperreligionism" doesn't mean religion being a basis for one's own ideological motivations; it means religion used as a tool to move the masses. And that is a tool that belongs to the right, not the left.
Turns out the retarded reject was turned away by Christian churches so he started practising a racist form of Odinism instead. I bet Idris Elba playing in Thor got his panties in a bunch. :lol:
Hitler was a right wing conservative.

Hitler was a left wing national socialist.


"Socialist" was a new and trendy word at the time. Hitler was a "socialist" in the same way that Grape Nuts is made of either grapes or nuts. Actually he objected to the name, but it was already there. Hypernationalism, hyperreligionism and hearkening back to a glorious past are in no way associated with the "left" -- or with "socialism". You can name a turd Chaunce Faunsworth the Third -- it's still a turd.

How 'bout the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"? Democratic? People's? Yeah, you go with that.

Of course all of this is SO related to the story in the OP (/sarc)
Yes -

The Party Gets a New Name

In April, 1920, Hitler advocated that the party should change its name to the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP). Hitler had always been hostile to socialist ideas, especially those that involved racial or sexual equality. However, socialism was a popular political philosophy in Germany after the First World War. This was reflected in the growth in the German Social Democrat Party (SDP), the largest political party in Germany.

Hitler, therefore redefined socialism by placing the word 'National' before it. He claimed he was only in favour of equality for those who had "German blood." Jews and other "aliens" would lose their rights of citizenship, and immigration of non-Germans should be brought to an end.

In February 1920, the NSDAP published its first programme which became known as the "Twenty-Five Points." In the programme the party refused to accept the terms of the Versailles Treaty and called for the reunification of all German people. To reinforce their ideas on nationalism, equal rights were only to be given to German citizens. "Foreigners" and "aliens" would be denied these rights.

To appeal to the working class and socialists, the programme included several measures that would redistribute income and war profits, profit-sharing in large industries, nationalization of trusts, increases in old-age pensions and free education.

On February 24, 1920, the NSDAP (later nicknamed the Nazi Party) held a mass rally where it announced its new programme. The rally was attended by over 2,000 people, a great improvement on the 25 people who were at Hitler's first party meeting.
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Pogo Hitler told lies in order to gain acceptance. Much like modern progressives, and Obama.

But once he was seated, his true intentions became known. He was anti-christian, killed Priests and Christians by the hundreds and thousands (and in the case of Catholics, even more). He robbed the churches, killed the priests and burned the buildings.

Progressives like to pretend he was a Christian, but he wasn't. He was a progressive, and as such, anti-Church, anti-religion.
Pogo Hitler told lies in order to gain acceptance. Much like modern progressives, and Obama.

But once he was seated, his true intentions became known. He was anti-christian, killed Priests and Christians by the hundreds and thousands (and in the case of Catholics, even more). He robbed the churches, killed the priests and burned the buildings.

Progressives like to pretend he was a Christian, but he wasn't. He was a progressive, and as such, anti-Church, anti-religion.

"Progressive"?? Hitler?? Exhorting his people to recall an ancient imaginary time of glory is "progressive"?

Even if we pretend "progressivism" hadn't faded away thirty years earlier -- how do you associate "progressive" with "Hitler"?

Of course he told lies to get ahead, that's my point. And the nature of those lies as I outlined cannot in any way be described as "leftist".
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JQPublic1 said:
Where did you get the silly notion that every kook is blamed on the right? But since you brought it up, now that I think about it, most RACIST kooks ARE on the right… in the 21st century. But to delve a bit deeper into your knee jerk definition of KOOK, I will add this: Those that commit murder with such reckless abandon on innocent people because of racial or religious differences are indeed more hatefully racist than those who merely are reacting verbally to address wrongs committed against their people by the system.

Has Louis Farrakhan killed any white people? Has the NBPP gone out and hunted white people down and killed them just for being white? You have no choice…your answer is NO! A resounding NO! You know what that means, don’t you? That means that kooks who kill because they are intolerant of other ethnicities, races or creeds are a special breed of psychopath. Sorry, but most of that ilk, in my view, are usually white supremacists.. Thank God most white people don’t share that mindset!

CaféAuLait said:
Where did I get the idea? Um, just read the thread. You HAVE NO clue what their teachings have caused, the hate or any crime which has occurred against Jews, Whites, Lesbians, Homosexuals, the elderly, or infirm, or any other group, do you?

The problem with your hypothetical assumption is that YOU HAVE NO CLUE to what “their teachings” have caused or NOT caused. The sordid history of the KKK and other white hate groups is spattered with the blood of minorities… and there is NO speculation or wild assed guessing about that. These killers proudly own up to their atrocities and beam triumphantly at the unblinking eye of the news camera.

CaféAuLait said:
Your resounding answer would be, NO. When those groups preach this shit, it is NO BETTER than the KKK. Farrakhan is not only a racist he is against interracial marriage among other things.

My response would not be necessarily be, NO! There is sparse evidence to support your wild allegations. But is Farrakhan a racist? … or, is he a reactionary to racism? Whether he is or not is debatable, but he is no liberal OR progressive. He is as conservative as any white male counterpart. Yet, I have not heard him personally urge his people to carry out wanton murder of white people. Just because one of his more militant disciples uttered such hate filled diatribes against white folk doesn’t mean Farrakhan is complicit in that view. Moreover, there has been no evidence that any of Malik’s overtures towards racial violence have been carried out. Don’t you think the FBI would know?

Defending the hate I see. Sure , the FBI knows, 24 percent of all hate crimes in 2012 were committed by Black on White, Jewish, or gays. The exact people that the New Black Panther Party and Farrakhan target. ( they are two separate groups BTW) Of course none of them can be because of Farrakhan's and the NBPP hate speech, eh? As soon as we hear about a white a hate crime it's usually attributed to a hate group, or racism, yes?

FBI ? FBI Releases 2012 Hate Crime Statistics

Thomas Sowell believes this to be a big reason why hate crimes by blacks are underreported by the media and why you don't know about them:

the double standard regarding inter-racial offenses, tending to play up "vicious crimes by whites against blacks" but play down equally "vicious crimes by blacks against whites."
~Thomas Sowell

Instead of calling racism what it is, you sit there and try to claim that hate speech by these the two groups may be reactionary instead of racist.

If that is the case, please list of all the hate speech by gays, the infirm, and Jews against black people over the years, those Farrakhan and the NBPP are calling for the murder of. I'll stand by as you try to wiggle out of that one.

( read a bit about Hitler and you'll find the same mind set against Jews, the infirm, and some gays, “interracial” marriages, and whites not deemed pure enough among others)

I'll repeat myself again, hate is hate- all hate needs to stop in the country instead of being excused by either party or any race.
When 3 White Christians get shot at a Jewish center in Kansas City, the NYPD is order to beef up their security for Jews by the New York City Mayor De Blasio. Similar actions by law enforcement have occurred in San Francisco and D.C.

When Whites are attacked around the country in the "Knockout Game", they are told it's a myth or it is non-racial.
Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth
» MSM Says Knockout Game A Myth (But Not Racist) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Interesting dichotomy here indeed...
When 3 White Christians get shot at a Jewish center in Kansas City, the NYPD is order to beef up their security for Jews by the New York City Mayor De Blasio. Similar actions by law enforcement have occurred in San Francisco and D.C.

When Whites are attacked around the country in the "Knockout Game", they are told it's a myth or it is non-racial.
Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth
» MSM Says Knockout Game A Myth (But Not Racist) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Interesting dichotomy here indeed...

Its probably because the so called knock out game is not done with a gun.
When 3 White Christians get shot at a Jewish center in Kansas City, the NYPD is order to beef up their security for Jews by the New York City Mayor De Blasio. Similar actions by law enforcement have occurred in San Francisco and D.C.

When Whites are attacked around the country in the "Knockout Game", they are told it's a myth or it is non-racial.
Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth
» MSM Says Knockout Game A Myth (But Not Racist) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Interesting dichotomy here indeed...

Its probably because the so called knock out game is not done with a gun.

Conclusion: Another Shoah. Oi gevalt!
When 3 White Christians get shot at a Jewish center in Kansas City, the NYPD is order to beef up their security for Jews by the New York City Mayor De Blasio. Similar actions by law enforcement have occurred in San Francisco and D.C.

When Whites are attacked around the country in the "Knockout Game", they are told it's a myth or it is non-racial.
Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth
» MSM Says Knockout Game A Myth (But Not Racist) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Interesting dichotomy here indeed...

Its probably because the so called knock out game is not done with a gun.

Conclusion: Another Shoah. Oi gevalt!

Your commentary is sick, hateful, anti-semitic commentary. That being said, I greet your 1st amendment right to say anything you want to say, just as I greet my first amendment right to call you out for the NAZI facist, Jew-hating fuckward that you are.

Yes, I do love the first amendment!

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