Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

When 3 White Christians get shot at a Jewish center in Kansas City, the NYPD is order to beef up their security for Jews by the New York City Mayor De Blasio. Similar actions by law enforcement have occurred in San Francisco and D.C.

When Whites are attacked around the country in the "Knockout Game", they are told it's a myth or it is non-racial.
Reports: Alleged trend of 'knockout game' a myth
» MSM Says Knockout Game A Myth (But Not Racist) Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Interesting dichotomy here indeed...

Its probably because the so called knock out game is not done with a gun.

Conclusion: Another Shoah. Oi gevalt!

Conclusion: Another wussy online afraid of his own shadow. :lol:
And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....
It seems he had some connections to an attempted bombing and Aryans in this area. Shocker.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
CaféAuLait said:
Defending the hate I see. Sure , the FBI knows, 24 percent of all hate crimes in 2012 were committed by Black on White, Jewish, or gays. The exact people that the New Black Panther Party and Farrakhan target. ( they are two separate groups BTW) Of course none of them can be because of Farrakhan's and the NBPP hate speech, eh? As soon as we hear about a white a hate crime it's usually attributed to a hate group, or racism, yes?

FBI ? FBI Releases 2012 Hate Crime Statistics

Thomas Sowell believes this to be a big reason why hate crimes by blacks are underreported by the media and why you don't know about them:

You may see my reply as a defense of hate but it is far from that! My aim is to speak for the guy who isn't here to speak for himself. The importance of that is readily apparent when keen observers can see how frequently your side attempts to distort the truth.

Even your link betrays you. Here is what I found there:

Pertaining to Hate Crimes in 2012:

Of the 5,331 known offenders, 54.6 percent were white and 23.3 percent were black.

Wait a minute, I am not through:::

Ten murders and 15 forcible rapes were reported as hate crimes.

8 of those murders were commited by whites, while just one had a black offender. One was commited by an unknown offender.

6 of the 15 hate rapes were by white males and 2 were by black males while the other 7 were either multi-raciaL groups, unknown or other races.

Sorry, but your wishful thinking or misreading of crime stats just isn't good enough.
Defending the hate I see. Sure , the FBI knows, 24 percent of all hate crimes in 2012 were committed by Black on White, Jewish, or gays. The exact people that the New Black Panther Party and Farrakhan target. ( they are two separate groups BTW) Of course none of them can be because of Farrakhan's and the NBPP hate speech, eh? As soon as we hear about a white a hate crime it's usually attributed to a hate group, or racism, yes?

FBI ? FBI Releases 2012 Hate Crime Statistics

Thomas Sowell believes this to be a big reason why hate crimes by blacks are underreported by the media and why you don't know about them:
You may see my reply as a defense of hate but it is far from that! My aim is to speak for the guy who isn't here to speak for himself. The importance of that is readily apparent when keen observers can see how frequently your side attempts to distort the truth.

Even your link betrays you. Here is what I found there:

Pertaining to Hate Crimes in 2012:

Of the 5,331 known offenders, 54.6 percent were white and 23.3 percent were black.

Wait a minute, I am not through:::

Ten murders and 15 forcible rapes were reported as hate crimes.

8 of those murders were commited by whites, while just one had a black offender. One was commited by an unknown offender.

6 of the 15 hate rapes were by white males and 2 were by black males while the other 7 were either multi-raciaL groups, unknown or other races.

Sorry, but your wishful thinking or misreading of crime stats just isn't good enough.

But only 13% of the population is black!
Defending the hate I see. Sure , the FBI knows, 24 percent of all hate crimes in 2012 were committed by Black on White, Jewish, or gays. The exact people that the New Black Panther Party and Farrakhan target. ( they are two separate groups BTW) Of course none of them can be because of Farrakhan's and the NBPP hate speech, eh? As soon as we hear about a white a hate crime it's usually attributed to a hate group, or racism, yes?

FBI ? FBI Releases 2012 Hate Crime Statistics

Thomas Sowell believes this to be a big reason why hate crimes by blacks are underreported by the media and why you don't know about them:
You may see my reply as a defense of hate but it is far from that! My aim is to speak for the guy who isn't here to speak for himself. The importance of that is readily apparent when keen observers can see how frequently your side attempts to distort the truth.

Even your link betrays you. Here is what I found there:

Pertaining to Hate Crimes in 2012:

Of the 5,331 known offenders, 54.6 percent were white and 23.3 percent were black.

Wait a minute, I am not through:::

Ten murders and 15 forcible rapes were reported as hate crimes.

8 of those murders were commited by whites, while just one had a black offender. One was commited by an unknown offender.

6 of the 15 hate rapes were by white males and 2 were by black males while the other 7 were either multi-raciaL groups, unknown or other races.

Sorry, but your wishful thinking or misreading of crime stats just isn't good enough.

But only 13% of the population is black!
I knew sooner or later someone was going to play that old under the sleeve statistical standby card. Yep, Blacks are approximately 13% of the population but that number has nothing to do with decent black folk who will never murder anyone. Why do you suggest that it does? By your statistical logic one could posit that since non Hispanic whites make up about 64% of the population, those 8 hate murders they committed in 2012 represents 80% of hate murders for that year which exceeds their population percentage by 16 percentage points. Blacks, OTOH committed one hate murder which is 10% of the total
and is less than their population percentage by 3 percentage points.
You may see my reply as a defense of hate but it is far from that! My aim is to speak for the guy who isn't here to speak for himself. The importance of that is readily apparent when keen observers can see how frequently your side attempts to distort the truth.

Even your link betrays you. Here is what I found there:

Pertaining to Hate Crimes in 2012:

Of the 5,331 known offenders, 54.6 percent were white and 23.3 percent were black.

Wait a minute, I am not through:::

Ten murders and 15 forcible rapes were reported as hate crimes.

8 of those murders were commited by whites, while just one had a black offender. One was commited by an unknown offender.

6 of the 15 hate rapes were by white males and 2 were by black males while the other 7 were either multi-raciaL groups, unknown or other races.

Sorry, but your wishful thinking or misreading of crime stats just isn't good enough.

But only 13% of the population is black!
I knew sooner or later someone was going to play that old under the sleeve statistical standby card. Yep, Blacks are approximately 13% of the population but that number has nothing to do with decent black folk who will never murder anyone. Why do you suggest that it does? By your statistical logic one could posit that since non Hispanic whites make up about 64% of the population, those 8 hate murders they committed in 2012 represents 80% of hate murders for that year which exceeds their population percentage by 16 percentage points. Blacks, OTOH committed one hate murder which is 10% of the total
and is less than their population percentage by 3 percentage points.

Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%
No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....

Indeed. Whackadoodles abound.
No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....

There's a fourth possibility - he could be a revisionist working at the Ministry of Truth.

You know.... Democrats invented the slave trade...

FDR retroactively invented the Depression (1929, not to be confused with Obama retroactively inventing the collapse of 2008)....

Clinton caused 9/11...

Stan Musial invented the Ku Klux Klan...
No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....
Wallace was a progressive.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
You didn't recognize Stathisfuckingnameis?...He's the one in green! :badgrin:

The person in the green looks just like you. i dont think Hank the real homerun king would give a inbred such as yourself a autograph. You stand for everything he is against.

You wouldn't know me, I don't look like a subversive like you, and your comrades do!

Yeah I would know you. You just posted a picture of yourself asking Hank for an autograph. You are a little stupid dwarf except we know you are not smiling much with a Black POTUS at the helm.
The person in the green looks just like you. i dont think Hank the real homerun king would give a inbred such as yourself a autograph. You stand for everything he is against.

You wouldn't know me, I don't look like a subversive like you, and your comrades do!

Yeah I would know you. You just posted a picture of yourself asking Hank for an autograph. You are a little stupid dwarf except we know you are not smiling much with a Black POTUS at the helm.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Denial and spin, of known facts.... I don't rail against his color, just another diversion of the scumbag left that keeps trying to use RACE as a crutch, since his actions and agenda's they can't defend... Give us more of that bullshit....


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