Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

I knew sooner or later someone was going to play that old under the sleeve statistical standby card. Yep, Blacks are approximately 13% of the population but that number has nothing to do with decent black folk who will never murder anyone. Why do you suggest that it does? By your statistical logic one could posit that since non Hispanic whites make up about 64% of the population, those 8 hate murders they committed in 2012 represents 80% of hate murders for that year which exceeds their population percentage by 16 percentage points. Blacks, OTOH committed one hate murder which is 10% of the total
and is less than their population percentage by 3 percentage points.

Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

i agree with you about male aggression.

but you are ignoring reality if you ignore the fact that zimmerman hunted martin because of the color of his skin.
Vigilante said:
Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!

Now try it with all crimes perpetrated by blacks, and whites...But you must remember that the FBI has a very dishonest, propaganda-laden habit of reporting Mexican criminals as "Whites", such as that white Hispanic George Zimmerman. The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race" your statistics are WAY OFF AND DISHONEST TO START WITH...but I wouldn't expect a 2 digit IQ'd knuckledragger to understand this, he'll just try to make it look legitimate! You FOOL ONLY your friends and supporters, thinking people will understand! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Vigilante said:
Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!

Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

You are asking good questions but Vigilante is cowering somewhere licking his wounds. Besides, he isn't intelligent enough to read his own link ( many of your questions can be answered there) so I doubt if he can satisfy your curosity at all! I am puzzled as to your inquiry concerning the black prison population. what has that to do with the Hate Crimes of 2012,or any other time ? The topic is about HATE MURDERS and the FBI statistic IS WHAT IT IS. A more poignant question would be why did Vigilante ignore my initial post indicating that 80% of HATE MURDERS are commited by whites; well in excess of their population rate while HATE MURDERS commited by Blacks are 3 percentage points less than their populatoin rate?

Because, unlike you who collects food stamps, and welfare checks, I have things to do and don't live here, trying to make myself look intelligent, the thing that you just FAILED at! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....
Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doesn't sound very progressive to me.

even without going there... he was a segregationist...a racist.... THAT certainly wasn't progressive. they are simply insane.

And just so people know what an unbelievable son of a bitch that mofo Wallace was, he was term limited, so he put up wife wife, Lurleen Wallace - WHO WAS DYING OF CANCER - and she "served" after him for about 400 days and died in office. Of course, he controlled the strings of power and only used her name in order to maintain power.

Alabama law said that you couldn't serve consecutive terms, so in 1971, after having been Governor from 1963-1967, Wallace was back for 8 years, till 1979, and in 1983, he was back again.

Fob James, another Alabama Governor, also a dyed-in-the-wool racist, played the same game. He switched to the GOP in his second term.

He was an absolute son of a bitch.
So she was not only sick, she was stupid, too?

You certainly have a high opinion of women, I see.
Vigilante said:
Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!

Now try it with all crimes perpetrated by blacks, and whites...But you must remember that the FBI has a very dishonest, propaganda-laden habit of reporting Mexican criminals as "Whites", such as that white Hispanic George Zimmerman.

Do you ever think before you post something? If the FBI has a "very dishonest propaganda-laden habit of reporting Mexican criminals as "Whites", who is behind that conspiracy?
Also, I will NOT try "IT" with all crimes perpetraed by Blacks and Whites. That would be off topic since the thread is about HATE MURDERS. Please try to stay on topic!

There is no such thing as a White person...most are different shades of pink and brown.
Who are you to tell the brilliant scientists who came up with this racial BS that they are wrong in classifiying anyone who looks white as white including Mexicans or Hispanics.

The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race" your statistics are WAY OFF AND DISHONEST TO START WITH...but I wouldn't expect a 2 digit IQ'd knuckledragger to understand this, he'll just try to make it look legitimate! You FOOL ONLY your friends and supporters, thinking people will understand! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Nice try, but the low IQ knuckle draggers that you described compiled the statistics and posted them in the LINK YOU CITED! Those are NOT MY STATISTICS, fellow...they are the FBI's statistics! Are you now rejecting your own link? BTW the link addresses the non Hispanic/Hispanic white are just too lazy to read far enough to educate yourself,,,what a waste!
Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

You are asking good questions but Vigilante is cowering somewhere licking his wounds. Besides, he isn't intelligent enough to read his own link ( many of your questions can be answered there) so I doubt if he can satisfy your curosity at all! I am puzzled as to your inquiry concerning the black prison population. what has that to do with the Hate Crimes of 2012,or any other time ? The topic is about HATE MURDERS and the FBI statistic IS WHAT IT IS. A more poignant question would be why did Vigilante ignore my initial post indicating that 80% of HATE MURDERS are commited by whites; well in excess of their population rate while HATE MURDERS commited by Blacks are 3 percentage points less than their populatoin rate?

Because, unlike you who collects food stamps, and welfare checks, I have things to do and don't live here, trying to make myself look intelligent, the thing that you just FAILED at! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:
I did not think you could look more foolish than you already did. I see that I underestimated you.
Your foolishness has crossed over into abject puerility!
Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!

Now try it with all crimes perpetrated by blacks, and whites...But you must remember that the FBI has a very dishonest, propaganda-laden habit of reporting Mexican criminals as "Whites", such as that white Hispanic George Zimmerman.

Do you ever think before you post something? If the FBI has a "very dishonest propaganda-laden habit of reporting Mexican criminals as "Whites", who is behind that conspiracy?
Also, I will NOT try "IT" with all crimes perpetraed by Blacks and Whites. That would be off topic since the thread is about HATE MURDERS. Please try to stay on topic!

There is no such thing as a White person...most are different shades of pink and brown.
Who are you to tell the brilliant scientists who came up with this racial BS that they are wrong in classifiying anyone who looks white as white including Mexicans or Hispanics.

The UCR classifies most Hispanics into the "white" category. The NCVS classifies some Hispanic criminals as "white" and some as "other race" your statistics are WAY OFF AND DISHONEST TO START WITH...but I wouldn't expect a 2 digit IQ'd knuckledragger to understand this, he'll just try to make it look legitimate! You FOOL ONLY your friends and supporters, thinking people will understand! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Nice try, but the low IQ knuckle draggers that you described compiled the statistics and posted them in the LINK YOU CITED! Those are NOT MY STATISTICS, fellow...they are the FBI's statistics! Are you now rejecting your own link? BTW the link addresses the non Hispanic/Hispanic white are just too lazy to read far enough to educate yourself,,,what a waste!

Tell us who is behind that conspiracy, I simply state the FBI, Obuma has been in charge of everything government for going on 6 years now, but I'll be interested in who you think it is!

So if he didn't KILL the people, it wouldn't be about murders, but attempted murders? There is NO BROWN, white person!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Unless you consider Obuma a BROWN, WHITE PERSON! Are there some very light blacks that look white? What LINK did I have to the FBI? The only link I posted, as far as I can find is this...

Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK -

If you can find another, please post it up!

I only used the numbers you posted. You do seem to have an anger issue, and a learning disability, waiting for your intellectual reply...:eusa_clap:
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Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doesn't sound very progressive to me.

even without going there... he was a segregationist...a racist.... THAT certainly wasn't progressive. they are simply insane.

And just so people know what an unbelievable son of a bitch that mofo Wallace was, he was term limited, so he put up wife wife, Lurleen Wallace - WHO WAS DYING OF CANCER - and she "served" after him for about 400 days and died in office. Of course, he controlled the strings of power and only used her name in order to maintain power.

Alabama law said that you couldn't serve consecutive terms, so in 1971, after having been Governor from 1963-1967, Wallace was back for 8 years, till 1979, and in 1983, he was back again.

Fob James, another Alabama Governor, also a dyed-in-the-wool racist, played the same game. He switched to the GOP in his second term.

He was an absolute son of a bitch.

I presume "he" refers here to Wallace, not James... if it doesn't, it will after this:

George Wallace knew Lurleen had cancer when he put her up to it -- and she herself didn't. George and the doctor agreed to keep it from her. And when she found out, she was pissed.
anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....
Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doesn't sound very progressive to me.

even without going there... he was a segregationist...a racist.... THAT certainly wasn't progressive. they are simply insane.

What the simpler minds here can't get through their heads is that whether the South was at a particular time predominantly Democratic or Republican, what it always was and is consistently is conservative. That's a constant. I think it eludes them that "Democrat" doesn't necessarily mean "liberal" and "Republican" doesn't always mean "conservative". Sometimes they swap roles and you get liberal Republicans or conservative Democrats.
Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doesn't sound very progressive to me.

even without going there... he was a segregationist...a racist.... THAT certainly wasn't progressive. they are simply insane.

What the simpler minds here can't get through their heads is that whether the South was at a particular time predominantly Democratic or Republican, what it always was and is consistently is conservative. That's a constant. I think it eludes them that "Democrat" doesn't necessarily mean "liberal" and "Republican" doesn't always mean "conservative". Sometimes they swap roles and you get liberal Republicans or conservative Democrats.

The concept of ideology escapes most people. That has to be the reason they think saying the KKK was started by Dems means anything.
"Why this need to target one group or bias as opposed to another?"

Because this is what the extremes on both sides do. Vigilante is an excellent example of what the extremists do.
KKK Democrats were then far right wing conservatives.

KKK GOP today are far right wing conservatives.
What LINK did I have to the FBI? The only link I posted, as far as I can find is this...

Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK -

If you can find another, please post it up!

That link's got nothing to do with the FBI. It doesn't even have anything to do with its own headline, because Aaron didn't say that. And I told you this earlier when I linked the whole interview.

But you go on assuming the position there, ace....

What LINK did I have to the FBI? The only link I posted, as far as I can find is this...

Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK -

If you can find another, please post it up!

That link's got nothing to do with the FBI. It doesn't even have anything to do with its own headline, because Aaron didn't say that. And I told you this earlier when I linked the whole interview.

But you go on assuming the position there, ace....


OCD Boy is at it again!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

If the statement isn't WORD FOR WORD, he didn't say that...doesn't matter that what he said was essentially EXACTLY that! You are such an asshole, if your friend told you the BEAT YOUR MEAT, you'd take the hamburger off the bun and slap the shit out of it! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here you go, what does a 2 digit IQ'd mental retard think this means?

[ame=]Hank Aaron Compares Obama's Opponents to the KKK - YouTube[/ame]
What LINK did I have to the FBI? The only link I posted, as far as I can find is this...

Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK -

If you can find another, please post it up!

That link's got nothing to do with the FBI. It doesn't even have anything to do with its own headline, because Aaron didn't say that. And I told you this earlier when I linked the whole interview.

But you go on assuming the position there, ace....


OCD Boy is at it again!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

If the statement isn't WORD FOR WORD, he didn't say that...doesn't matter that what he said was essentially EXACTLY that! You are such an asshole, if your friend told you the BEAT YOUR MEAT, you'd take the hamburger off the bun and slap the shit out of it! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here you go, what does a 2 digit IQ'd mental retard think this means?

[ame=]Hank Aaron Compares Obama's Opponents to the KKK - YouTube[/ame]

What happened, did your reading teacher take the day off today, Stupid?

I told you, I don't need your links of somebody misinterpreting a cherrypicked quote out of context -- I already posted the entire original article back in post 326.

Had you bothered to get someone to read it to you instead of getting lost in "My Pet Goat", here's what you would have seen:

(Aaron reading hate mail sent to him in 1974):
"You are (not) going to break this record established by the great Babe Ruth if I can help it," one of them reads. "Whites are far more superior than jungle bunnies. My gun is watching your every black move."

Yes, Aaron even saved the death threats, the ones that vowed to end his life if he dared break Ruth's cherished all-time home run record.

"I wouldn't have saved those damn things," says Hall of Famer Willie McCovey, who grew up in Aaron's hometown of Mobile, Ala. "I would have burned them. I had a few of them myself over the years. I don't save stuff like that.

(USA Today interviewer) "Why would you?"

(Aaron) "To remind myself," Aaron tells USA TODAY Sports, "that we are not that far removed from when I was chasing the record. If you think that, you are fooling yourself. A lot of things have happened in this country, but we have so far to go. There's not a whole lot that has changed.

Obviously (to the sentient) Aaron's talking about racial conditions in general here.

[back to Aaron]
"We can talk about baseball. Talk about politics. Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he's treated.

{Still talking about racial relations, using Obama as an example...}

(back to Aaron) "We have moved in the right direction, and there have been improvements, but we still have a long ways to go in the country.

{Again, "we" refers back to the entire culture. The example of the Presidency is already FINISHED. He's back into general terms now.}

(back to Aaron) "The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts."

"They" refers to the letter writers (and their ilk) representing the knuckledragger racists still operating with a different look than they had in the '60s and '70s.

So to sum up in outline form:

a - here's some letters representing racist hatred...
b- we've fixed some things but we still have far to go...
c- for example, here's the President....
d- we've fixed some things but we still have far to go...
e- today those racists dress in suits instead of hoods

Of course, you can stick your head in the sand in your abject wilful pig-ignorance and pretend something is there that isn't there. It's all in a day's work for a dishonest lying hack bent on self-delusion. Doesn't make it true though.

Last edited:
That link's got nothing to do with the FBI. It doesn't even have anything to do with its own headline, because Aaron didn't say that. And I told you this earlier when I linked the whole interview.

But you go on assuming the position there, ace....


OCD Boy is at it again!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

If the statement isn't WORD FOR WORD, he didn't say that...doesn't matter that what he said was essentially EXACTLY that! You are such an asshole, if your friend told you the BEAT YOUR MEAT, you'd take the hamburger off the bun and slap the shit out of it! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here you go, what does a 2 digit IQ'd mental retard think this means?

[ame=""]Hank Aaron Compares Obama's Opponents to the KKK - YouTube[/ame]

What happened, did your reading teacher take the day off today, Stupid?

I told you, I don't need your links of somebody misinterpreting a cherrypicked quote out of context -- I already posted the entire original article back in post 326.

Had you bothered to get someone to read it to you instead of getting lost in "My Pet Goat", here's what you would have seen:

(Aaron reading hate mail sent to him in 1974):
"You are (not) going to break this record established by the great Babe Ruth if I can help it," one of them reads. "Whites are far more superior than jungle bunnies. My gun is watching your every black move."

Yes, Aaron even saved the death threats, the ones that vowed to end his life if he dared break Ruth's cherished all-time home run record.

"I wouldn't have saved those damn things," says Hall of Famer Willie McCovey, who grew up in Aaron's hometown of Mobile, Ala. "I would have burned them. I had a few of them myself over the years. I don't save stuff like that.

(USA Today interviewer) "Why would you?"

(Aaron) "To remind myself," Aaron tells USA TODAY Sports, "that we are not that far removed from when I was chasing the record. If you think that, you are fooling yourself. A lot of things have happened in this country, but we have so far to go. There's not a whole lot that has changed.

Obviously (to the sentient) Aaron's talking about racial conditions in general here.

[back to Aaron]
"We can talk about baseball. Talk about politics. Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he's treated.

{Still talking about racial relations, using Obama as an example...}

(back to Aaron) "We have moved in the right direction, and there have been improvements, but we still have a long ways to go in the country.

{Again, "we" refers back to the entire culture. The example of the Presidency is already FINISHED. He's back into general terms now.}

(back to Aaron) "The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts."

"They" refers to the letter writers (and their ilk) representing the knuckledragger racists still operating with a different look than they had in the '60s and '70s.

So to sum up in outline form:

a - here's some letters representing racist hatred...
b- we've fixed some things but we still have far to go...
c- for example, here's the President....
d- we've fixed some things but we still have far to go...
e- today those racists dress in suits instead of hoods

Of course, you can stick your head in the sand in your abject wilful pig-ignorance and pretend something is there that isn't there. It's all in a day's work for a dishonest lying hack bent on self-delusion. Doesn't make it true though.


So, you went ahead and wrote up all this bullshit, looking into every little corner for the tiniest minusa that one could possibly use to say, ESSENTIALLY "Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK!" Comprehension of the English language COMPLETELY ESCAPES your dumbass!!!! How many LINKS do we have to put up saying the same thing? How many other YouTubes do we need to post, to inform everyone that OCD Boy here, is a total mental midget! This is the THIRD time in a month, you've looked like the biggest sack of shit to me and the forum. I just did a hat trick, with Pogo Stick, and he'll deny it until he dies! What others say in the media, has NO BEARING on OCD Boy, You really do make me laugh so hard, I have to stop to catch my breath.

I await your next volley of useless, and redundant rhetoric, on this PRESSING SUBJECT!!! :clap2::asshole::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
OCD Boy is at it again!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

If the statement isn't WORD FOR WORD, he didn't say that...doesn't matter that what he said was essentially EXACTLY that! You are such an asshole, if your friend told you the BEAT YOUR MEAT, you'd take the hamburger off the bun and slap the shit out of it! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Here you go, what does a 2 digit IQ'd mental retard think this means?

Hank Aaron Compares Obama's Opponents to the KKK - YouTube

What happened, did your reading teacher take the day off today, Stupid?

I told you, I don't need your links of somebody misinterpreting a cherrypicked quote out of context -- I already posted the entire original article back in post 326.

Had you bothered to get someone to read it to you instead of getting lost in "My Pet Goat", here's what you would have seen:

(Aaron reading hate mail sent to him in 1974):
"You are (not) going to break this record established by the great Babe Ruth if I can help it," one of them reads. "Whites are far more superior than jungle bunnies. My gun is watching your every black move."

Yes, Aaron even saved the death threats, the ones that vowed to end his life if he dared break Ruth's cherished all-time home run record.

"I wouldn't have saved those damn things," says Hall of Famer Willie McCovey, who grew up in Aaron's hometown of Mobile, Ala. "I would have burned them. I had a few of them myself over the years. I don't save stuff like that.

(USA Today interviewer) "Why would you?"

(Aaron) "To remind myself," Aaron tells USA TODAY Sports, "that we are not that far removed from when I was chasing the record. If you think that, you are fooling yourself. A lot of things have happened in this country, but we have so far to go. There's not a whole lot that has changed.

Obviously (to the sentient) Aaron's talking about racial conditions in general here.

[back to Aaron]
"We can talk about baseball. Talk about politics. Sure, this country has a black president, but when you look at a black president, President Obama is left with his foot stuck in the mud from all of the Republicans with the way he's treated.

{Still talking about racial relations, using Obama as an example...}

(back to Aaron) "We have moved in the right direction, and there have been improvements, but we still have a long ways to go in the country.

{Again, "we" refers back to the entire culture. The example of the Presidency is already FINISHED. He's back into general terms now.}

(back to Aaron) "The bigger difference is that back then they had hoods. Now they have neckties and starched shirts."

"They" refers to the letter writers (and their ilk) representing the knuckledragger racists still operating with a different look than they had in the '60s and '70s.

So to sum up in outline form:

a - here's some letters representing racist hatred...
b- we've fixed some things but we still have far to go...
c- for example, here's the President....
d- we've fixed some things but we still have far to go...
e- today those racists dress in suits instead of hoods

Of course, you can stick your head in the sand in your abject wilful pig-ignorance and pretend something is there that isn't there. It's all in a day's work for a dishonest lying hack bent on self-delusion. Doesn't make it true though.


So, you went ahead and wrote up all this bullshit, looking into every little corner for the tiniest minusa that one could possibly use to say, ESSENTIALLY "Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK!" Comprehension of the English language COMPLETELY ESCAPES your dumbass!!!! How many LINKS do we have to put up saying the same thing? How many other YouTubes do we need to post, to inform everyone that OCD Boy here, is a total mental midget! This is the THIRD time in a month, you've looked like the biggest sack of shit to me and the forum. I just did a hat trick, with Pogo Stick, and he'll deny it until he dies! What others say in the media, has NO BEARING on OCD Boy, You really do make me laugh so hard, I have to stop to catch my breath.

I await your next volley of useless, and redundant rhetoric, on this PRESSING SUBJECT!!! :clap2::asshole::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Pogo made you look like a bewildered goat being molested by a inbred redneck. Whats funny is you trying to pretend you made any sense at all retard. :lol:

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