Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

You wouldn't know me, I don't look like a subversive like you, and your comrades do!

Yeah I would know you. You just posted a picture of yourself asking Hank for an autograph. You are a little stupid dwarf except we know you are not smiling much with a Black POTUS at the helm.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Denial and spin, of known facts.... I don't rail against his color, just another diversion of the scumbag left that keeps trying to use RACE as a crutch, since his actions and agenda's they can't defend... Give us more of that bullshit....


So the POTUS does frighten you? It will be ok. Not all Black guys are scary.
the scumbag left that keeps trying to use RACE as a crutch, since his actions and agenda's they can't defend... Give us more of that bullshit....

Who just posted a cartoon suggesting Hank Aaron called the RP "KKK"?

"Agenda is" what? What do you do, buy apostrophes in bulk?
Yeah I would know you. You just posted a picture of yourself asking Hank for an autograph. You are a little stupid dwarf except we know you are not smiling much with a Black POTUS at the helm.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin: Denial and spin, of known facts.... I don't rail against his color, just another diversion of the scumbag left that keeps trying to use RACE as a crutch, since his actions and agenda's they can't defend... Give us more of that bullshit....


So the POTUS does frighten you? It will be ok. Not all Black guys are scary.

No, only subversive dictators!
the scumbag left that keeps trying to use RACE as a crutch, since his actions and agenda's they can't defend... Give us more of that bullshit....

Who just posted a cartoon suggesting Hank Aaron called the RP "KKK"?

"Agenda is" what? What do you do, buy apostrophes in bulk?

Go back to bed OCD Boy, you're out of your league ...again!

Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK

Hank Aaron compares Republicans who oppose Obama to KKK -
Vigilante said:
Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!
I don't need your link, Revisionist Boy. I have the original right here.

And there's nowhere Hank Aaron compares Republicans to KKK. There just isn't.

Or should I say... "there's's now'here A'aron com'pare's Republican Is to the KK'K..."

I know you're easily impressed by sensationalistic bullshit headlines, but this is just like describing Bob Costas' commentary on Jovan Belcher as a "gun control rant".
Gullible's Travels....
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Its probably because the so called knock out game is not done with a gun.

Conclusion: Another Shoah. Oi gevalt!

Your commentary is sick, hateful, anti-semitic commentary. That being said, I greet your 1st amendment right to say anything you want to say, just as I greet my first amendment right to call you out for the NAZI facist, Jew-hating fuckward that you are.

Yes, I do love the first amendment!
I don't respect your right to say anything, and don't respect you.
I'm glad you want his autograph. He is the man isnt he?

You didn't recognize Stathisfuckingnameis?...He's the one in green! :badgrin:

The person in the green looks just like you. i dont think Hank the real homerun king would give a inbred such as yourself a autograph. You stand for everything he is against.

LOL at a black talking about incest.

Didn't you ever see Oprah's Biography aka Precious?

Childhood Sexual Abuse Among Black Women and White Women From Two-Parent Families
For African American rape victims, a culture of silence - Los Angeles Times

More than a third of black women report sexual abuse by a male member of the family, that is just reported, it could very well be half or more of women due to the fact many never report abuse. Oprah didn't talk about how her father raped her and got her pregnant for years.

If Hank Aaron has a daughter, more likely than not she was sexually abused.
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You didn't recognize Stathisfuckingnameis?...He's the one in green! :badgrin:

The person in the green looks just like you. i dont think Hank the real homerun king would give a inbred such as yourself a autograph. You stand for everything he is against.

LOL at a black talking about incest.

Didn't you ever see Oprah's Biography aka Precious?

Childhood Sexual Abuse Among Black Women and White Women From Two-Parent Families
For African American rape victims, a culture of silence - Los Angeles Times

More than a third of black women report sexual abuse by a male member of the family, that is just reported, it could very well be half or more of women due to the fact many never report abuse. Oprah didn't talk about how her father raped her and got her pregnant for years.
STUDY: More Than Half Of Black Girls Are Sexually Assaulted | News One

Incest is rampant around here too. Pervasive. I hear that from the social workers.

Did I mention it's all white? No. Because it's not a race thing, it's an ignorance thing.
I'm sure he's crushed about that, coming from an assclown who thinks my avatar is "****".

The guy in your avatar is a ****, or some kind of gipsy. All I know it is very gay either way.

Actually it's European (Portugal). And the woman next to him apparently sees it differently. Duh.

Thanks for playin' and be sure to play the Ignoramus game at home.

So I was right, I win.
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You didn't recognize Stathisfuckingnameis?...He's the one in green! :badgrin:

The person in the green looks just like you. i dont think Hank the real homerun king would give a inbred such as yourself a autograph. You stand for everything he is against.

LOL at a black talking about incest.

Didn't you ever see Oprah's Biography aka Precious?

Childhood Sexual Abuse Among Black Women and White Women From Two-Parent Families
For African American rape victims, a culture of silence - Los Angeles Times

More than a third of black women report sexual abuse by a male member of the family, that is just reported, it could very well be half or more of women due to the fact many never report abuse. Oprah didn't talk about how her father raped her and got her pregnant for years.
STUDY: More Than Half Of Black Girls Are Sexually Assaulted | News One

If Hank Aaron has a daughter, more likely than not she was sexually abused.

I wasnt talking about incest. Thats not technically inbreeding as it does not necessarily pass on genes. You do know thats why the white gene pool is the weakest correct? its scientifically proven inbreeding was rampant in Europe and thats why you have so many health problems.
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The guy in your avatar is a ****, or some kind of gipsy. All I know it is very gay either way.

Actually it's European (Portugal). And the woman next to him apparently sees it differently. Duh.

Thanks for playin' and be sure to play the Ignoramus game at home.

So I was right, I win.

No, you were wrong, and you lost. Even if one accepted the term "****"....

noun informal offensive
1. a contemptuous term for a Spanish-speaking person from Central or South America or the Caribbean.

You can't even get your own bigotry straight.

Then there's the idea that "music is 'gay'"...
You are one sad waste of human protoplasm.
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But only 13% of the population is black!
I knew sooner or later someone was going to play that old under the sleeve statistical standby card. Yep, Blacks are approximately 13% of the population but that number has nothing to do with decent black folk who will never murder anyone. Why do you suggest that it does? By your statistical logic one could posit that since non Hispanic whites make up about 64% of the population, those 8 hate murders they committed in 2012 represents 80% of hate murders for that year which exceeds their population percentage by 16 percentage points. Blacks, OTOH committed one hate murder which is 10% of the total
and is less than their population percentage by 3 percentage points.

Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?
I knew sooner or later someone was going to play that old under the sleeve statistical standby card. Yep, Blacks are approximately 13% of the population but that number has nothing to do with decent black folk who will never murder anyone. Why do you suggest that it does? By your statistical logic one could posit that since non Hispanic whites make up about 64% of the population, those 8 hate murders they committed in 2012 represents 80% of hate murders for that year which exceeds their population percentage by 16 percentage points. Blacks, OTOH committed one hate murder which is 10% of the total
and is less than their population percentage by 3 percentage points.

Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

What the racists will tell you is that the dynamics of all environments are exactly the same.
Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

What the racists will tell you is that the dynamics of all environments are exactly the same.

So why not address the dynamics causing problems in all cases?

Why this need to target one group or bias as opposed to another?

Why not address the root causes of abuse, crime and violence, individually and globally,
regardless which group or bias we blame more for differences in stats.

Can't we find more common concerns to focus on than conflict?
What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

What the racists will tell you is that the dynamics of all environments are exactly the same.

So why not address the dynamics causing problems in all cases?

Why this need to target one group or bias as opposed to another?

Why not address the root causes of abuse, crime and violence, individually and globally,
regardless which group or bias we blame more for differences in stats.

Can't we find more common concerns to focus on than conflict?

You know as well as I do there is no money in that approach. In order to maintain the status quo these things cannot be looked at or acted upon. If you look back in history the same dynamic is what has always gone on. The lower class is separated by race. The lower class whites are given the designation of being over the lower class of other races in order to keep them from feeling they are on the bottom. Instead of uniting they fight. The upper class runs roughshod over all of them
No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....
Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doesn't sound very progressive to me.

Wallace was a progressive.

anyone who thinks wallace was a progressive is a loon a moron or a liar.

sometimes all three....
Wallace proposed at the meeting with Martin to switch parties if he could be named as Goldwater's running-mate, a designation later given to U.S. Representative William E. Miller of New York. Goldwater reportedly rejected the overture because of Wallace's lack of strength outside the Deep South.[27]

George Wallace - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Doesn't sound very progressive to me.

even without going there... he was a segregationist...a racist.... THAT certainly wasn't progressive. they are simply insane.
Vigilante said:
Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

Are you blind or just plain stupid! Look closely at the words highlighted in BLUE! That is what I was basing my statistic on...Hate Murders, not hate rape. Whites commited 8 out of 10 HATE MURDERS in 2012...that is 80%. A Black perptrator commited one out of a total of 10 hate murders in 2012 which is 10%. results? Whites ccommited hate murders 16 percentage points above their 64% presence in the US population while Blacks commited hate murders at 3 percentage points below their 13% presence in the US population!
Get a tutor if you can't do the math, dummy! Get glasses if you are myopic!

I knew sooner or later someone was going to play that old under the sleeve statistical standby card. Yep, Blacks are approximately 13% of the population but that number has nothing to do with decent black folk who will never murder anyone. Why do you suggest that it does? By your statistical logic one could posit that since non Hispanic whites make up about 64% of the population, those 8 hate murders they committed in 2012 represents 80% of hate murders for that year which exceeds their population percentage by 16 percentage points. Blacks, OTOH committed one hate murder which is 10% of the total
and is less than their population percentage by 3 percentage points.

Well, BY YOUR NUMBERS 6 (SIX) white were involved, and being 64 % whites total, that comes out to 10.66% and your 2 (TWO) blacks for the 13% blacks comes out to 15.3%

What about the percentage of the Black population already incarcerated, presuming these hate crimes were committed outside prison.

If you are going to look at percentages, to try to categorize crime,
how many hate rapes and violent attacks are committed by MEN as opposed to women?

How much of this is MALE aggression?

In the case of Zimmerman and Martin, that is one factor they had in common regardless of race. Why isn't that taken more seriously and addressed as a prevalent factor in crime?

You are asking good questions but Vigilante is cowering somewhere licking his wounds. Besides, he isn't intelligent enough to read his own link ( many of your questions can be answered there) so I doubt if he can satisfy your curosity at all! I am puzzled as to your inquiry concerning the black prison population. what has that to do with the Hate Crimes of 2012,or any other time ? The topic is about HATE MURDERS and the FBI statistic IS WHAT IT IS. A more poignant question would be why did Vigilante ignore my initial post indicating that 80% of HATE MURDERS are commited by whites; well in excess of their population rate while HATE MURDERS commited by Blacks are 3 percentage points less than their populatoin rate?

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