Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

May their GOD have mercy on them.....

BUT where are the demented liberals screaming about a GUY WITH A GUN?

Perhaps they don't think a Jews life is worth anything?

Fuck you, sick piece of shit. Perhaps you should eat a bullet.

Ah, little fagot.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Seriously, guy, you're a fucking idiot. You blame the attack on liberals; but the guy isn't a liberal ( he has no political affiliation). You cry that liberals will accuse him of being affiliated with the kkk or some other racist group; turns out the guy is not only a racist, he was the grand-fucking-wizard of a chapter of the kkk. Are you ever right about anything?

Now call me a subversive like it's an insult, without actually knowing what it means.
CaféAuLait;8936496 said:
AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.

Kinda funny how every kook is blamed on the right. But the left has racists who spout anti-Semitism and they are praised and or ignored. Stop blaming and finger pointing and start denouncing ALL racists, to include those who are embraced by the left, such as NBPP and Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. There are many more anti-Semite groups that are consider 'left wing'.

Problem is hate is neither left or right, it is globally recognized and one racist or bigot is no better or worse than another. Yet, 'sides' are treated differently. As I said earlier Deen was publically bashed for something she said decades ago, while Byrd (former KKK member) was embraced ,while his hateful past was shadowing over him as he spoke of Ni*****s on live television in the late 80s.

Where did you get the silly notion that every kook is blamed on the right? But since you brought it up, now that I think about it, most RACIST kooks ARE on the right… in the 21st century. But to delve a bit deeper into your knee jerk definition of KOOK, I will add this: Those that commit murder with such reckless abandon on innocent people because of racial or religious differences are indeed more hatefully racist than those who merely are reacting verbally to address wrongs committed against their people by the system.

Has Louis Farrakhan killed any white people? Has the NBPP gone out and hunted white people down and killed them just for being white? You have no choice…your answer is NO! A resounding NO! You know what that means, don’t you? That means that kooks who kill because they are intolerant of other ethnicities, races or creeds are a special breed of psychopath. Sorry, but most of that ilk, in my view, are usually white supremacists.. Thank God most white people don’t share that mindset!

Where did I get the idea? Um, just read the thread. You HAVE NO clue what their teachings have caused, the hate or any crime which has occurred against Jews, Whites, Lesbians, Homosexuals, the elderly, or infirm, or any other group, do you? Your resounding answer would be, NO. When those groups preach this shit, it is NO BETTER than the KKK. Farrakhan is not only a racist he is against interracial marriage among other things.

"Kill every goddamn Zionist in Israel! Goddamn little babies, goddamn old ladies! Blow up Zionist supermarkets!"
—Malik Zulu Shabazz, the party's national chairman, protesting at B'nai B'rith International headquarters in Washington, D.C

"I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it. We didn't come out here to play today. There's too much serious business going on in the black community to be out here sliding through South Street with white, dirty, cracker whore bitches on our arms, and we call ourselves black men. … What the hell is wrong with you black man? You at a doomsday with a white girl on your damn arm. We keep begging white people for freedom! No wonder we not free! Your enemy cannot make you free, fool! You want freedom? You going to have to kill some crackers! You going to have to kill some of their babies!"

"Our lessons talk about the bloodsuckers of the poor… . It's that old no-good Jew, that old imposter Jew, that old hooked-nose, bagel-eating, lox-eating, Johnny-come-lately, perpetrating-a-fraud, just-crawled-out-of-the-caves-and-hills-of-Europe, so-called damn Jew … and I feel everything I'm saying up here is kosher."

This is from their radio show:

"Why kill the women? Why kill the babies? They are just innocent blue-eyed babies? Because god d****t they are going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now. Why kill the women in South Africa? I say kill the women because the women are the military manufacturing center. And every nine months they lay down on their backs and reinforcement rolls out from between their legs, so shut down the military manufacturing center by killing the white woman,” Muhammad said.

"Kill ‘em all," "Kill the f****t. Kill the lesbian.Kill ‘All White’ Men, Women, Babies, Blind, Cripple, Fa**ots, Lesbians & Old Crackers And after you’ve killed them all […] I say then you go to the god d**n grave, and dig ‘em up, and then kill ‘em a-god-d**n gain because they didn’t die hard enough."


Seriously, you don't think they haven't incited hate, enough for people to commit crimes? Of course they have. They are spreading EVIL HATRED and calling for the murder of Whites, Jews, Homosexuals, Lesbians, interracial couples and the list goes on. Don't tell me that this is okay, why the hell do you think people like the guy in the OP killed, it was because of HATE SPEECH just like the above. Admit it.
The Ku Klux Klan "vigilante" is doing a a very poor job of trying to defend his bigotry. That's a coward for you. Insulting gays and women, while trying to defend the KKK party of choice, the GOP. Keep exposing your hate, moron.

You mean I was acting like you?

You fucking, inbred, hippie fagot...See, I got it down pretty pat! I'm a quick study of all thing subversive!

Vigilante wins the poster boy award for the GOP Ku Klux Klan. Congrats bigot.
The murderer was a pro-gun right wing Ku Klux Klan grand dragon from South Carolina.
Who was a democrat first who supported the Klan.

AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.

You're almost correct, it makes the people that do this shit, a crazy fucking nutcase, but if you like blaming a party affiliation, we can START with this, and we can go on from there!

Fuck you, sick piece of shit. Perhaps you should eat a bullet.

Ah, little fagot.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Seriously, guy, you're a fucking idiot. You blame the attack on liberals; but the guy isn't a liberal ( he has no political affiliation). You cry that liberals will accuse him of being affiliated with the kkk or some other racist group; turns out the guy is not only a racist, he was the grand-fucking-wizard of a chapter of the kkk. Are you ever right about anything?

Now call me a subversive like it's an insult, without actually knowing what it means.

Well, Just Eat Dick, seems his last affiliation was as a Democratic candidate in 2006. So democrats can't be racists? :badgrin:

This guy was a mental case, with hatred going back years. Does it matter who he voted for...well, yes, simply because you losers continually yell it was a Tea Party or Conservative that was responsible. We only point out the obvious that your pea sized mind refuses to handle, as your a head full of hatred and don't like it when someone, such as myself, throws it back in your face. I get flack from some on the right saying I should be above it, but the LOW INFORMATION VOTER always pays attention to the guy that yells the loudest, I plan to be that guy, against you asswipes.... Damn, I love bitch slapping you pabulum brains!
The Ku Klux Klan "vigilante" is doing a a very poor job of trying to defend his bigotry. That's a coward for you. Insulting gays and women, while trying to defend the KKK party of choice, the GOP. Keep exposing your hate, moron.

You mean I was acting like you?

You fucking, inbred, hippie fagot...See, I got it down pretty pat! I'm a quick study of all thing subversive!

Vigilante wins the poster boy award for the GOP Ku Klux Klan. Congrats bigot.

:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:....excellent debating skills, ape man! ....Want that banana now, or when you get back to your cage?
Who was a democrat first who supported the Klan.

AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.

You're almost correct, it makes the people that do this shit, a crazy fucking nutcase, but if you like blaming a party affiliation, we can START with this, and we can go on from there!


Did you catch the date dumbass? A right winger going out for the cause instead of moving over and becoming a Republican. He was probably a southern dem.
AW, you stupid jerk, Stfu. This guy is a violent racist piece of excrement. No matter what political hat he dons, there is nothing liberal or progressive about him. That makes him a right wing terrorist regardless of past party affiliations.

You're almost correct, it makes the people that do this shit, a crazy fucking nutcase, but if you like blaming a party affiliation, we can START with this, and we can go on from there!


Did you catch the date dumbass? A right winger going out for the cause instead of moving over and becoming a Republican. He was probably a southern dem.

Yes, it started basically in 1966, want to go through the years and see who shooters actually were?
Whitman's act wasn't political, dickhead.

But if you wanna go down that road...

On July 27, 2008, a politically motivated[2][3] fatal shooting took place at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee, United States. Motivated by a desire to kill liberals and Democrats, gunman Jim David Adkisson fired a shotgun at members of the congregation during a youth performance of a musical, killing two people and wounding seven others. (sources here)

Anders Brevik - killed 77 (8 by bomb, 69 by gunshots, mostly kids):

>> On the day of the attacks, Breivik electronically distributed a compendium of texts entitled 2083: A European Declaration of Independence, describing his far-right militant ideology.[11][12][13][14] In them, he lays out a worldview encompassing Islamophobia, support for "far-right Zionism"[11] and opposition to feminism.[15][16] The texts call Islam and Cultural Marxism "the enemy", argue for the violent annihilation of "Eurabia" and multiculturalism and advocate deportation of all Muslims from Europe based on the model of the Bene&#353; decrees.[17][18] Breivik wrote that his main motive for the atrocities was to market his manifesto.[19] << (Wiki)

>> A San Francisco man upset with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's support of health care reform pleaded guilty Thursday to threatening the Democratic congresswoman and her family.

>> Gregory Lee Giusti, 49, admitted making more than 30 abusive and harassing phone calls to the homes and offices of Pelosi. He spoke to Pelosi directly on March 25 and threatened to destroy her Northern California home if she voted for the health care legislation. << (source)

>> Scott Roeder had been a member of the anti-government Montana Freemen group. He was stopped in Topeka, Kansas, in April 1996 while displaying a placard reading "Sovereign Citizen" in lieu of a license plate. He had no driver's license, vehicle registration or proof of insurance. Police officers searching his car discovered explosives charges, a fuse cord, a pound of gunpowder and nine-volt batteries in the trunk. (source) Roeder shot George Tiller to death in a church on May 31 2009.


>> Eric Robert Rudolph (born September 19, 1966), also known as the Olympic Park Bomber, is responsible for a series of anti-abortion and anti-gay-motivated bombings across the southern United States between 1996 and 1998, which killed two people and injured 111 others. The Federal Bureau of Investigation considers him a terrorist.[1] << (source)....


And of course, all this....

And Tim McVeigh....


>> "Just remember that as you are politicing [sic] for your reelection. It only takes one piece of lead. . . . Kill the fucking Senator! Kill the fucking Senator! I'll donate the lead. . . . Now that you've passed your health-care bill, let the violence begin. Let the violence begin."

"By your attempts to overtake this country with socialism, somebody's gonna get to you one way or another and blow your fucking brains out, and I hope it does happen. If I have the chance, I would do it."

"Kill the fucking Senator! Hang the fucking Senator! I hope somebody puts a fucking bullet between your fucking eyes. Far left liberal socialist democratic bitch. You mother-fucker. You sold the fucking people of the country out for socialism. I hope somebody fucking erasers your fucking life. Yes, I hope somebody assassinates you, you fucking bitch."

"We are going to fuck you up. We are going to fuck you up as bad as we can. Yes, the independents. The real people of this country, not you spineless fucking socialists. You better watch your fucking back, baby, because there's people gonna come after you with fucking both fucking barrels, bitch." << -- voicemail left for Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) by Charles Wilson

>> The next day, Wilson called again &#8211; five times. &#8220;I hope somebody kills you, and I hope somebody kills [the president],&#8221; he said. &#8220;You are signing my death warrant, so I want to sign yours.&#8221;

The case illustrates the dangerous and sordid underbelly of the current angry mood in the country. And it underscores the risk that can arise from supercharged rhetoric used by some leaders that seems designed to feed the anger. << (source)

Now that's political motivation.

And this is the road partisan hack losers like you want to go down. Sure you wanna go down here, emoticon-boy?

Again--- fuck you. And everybody who thinks like you? Fuck them too.
Last edited:
You're almost correct, it makes the people that do this shit, a crazy fucking nutcase, but if you like blaming a party affiliation, we can START with this, and we can go on from there!


Did you catch the date dumbass? A right winger going out for the cause instead of moving over and becoming a Republican. He was probably a southern dem.

Yes, it started basically in 1966, want to go through the years and see who shooters actually were?
Retard that means he was right wing. Dont try and deflect from the point you were wrong and got busted. :lol:
JQPublic1 said:
Where did you get the silly notion that every kook is blamed on the right? But since you brought it up, now that I think about it, most RACIST kooks ARE on the right… in the 21st century. But to delve a bit deeper into your knee jerk definition of KOOK, I will add this: Those that commit murder with such reckless abandon on innocent people because of racial or religious differences are indeed more hatefully racist than those who merely are reacting verbally to address wrongs committed against their people by the system.

Has Louis Farrakhan killed any white people? Has the NBPP gone out and hunted white people down and killed them just for being white? You have no choice…your answer is NO! A resounding NO! You know what that means, don’t you? That means that kooks who kill because they are intolerant of other ethnicities, races or creeds are a special breed of psychopath. Sorry, but most of that ilk, in my view, are usually white supremacists.. Thank God most white people don’t share that mindset!

CaféAuLait said:
Where did I get the idea? Um, just read the thread. You HAVE NO clue what their teachings have caused, the hate or any crime which has occurred against Jews, Whites, Lesbians, Homosexuals, the elderly, or infirm, or any other group, do you?

The problem with your hypothetical assumption is that YOU HAVE NO CLUE to what “their teachings” have caused or NOT caused. The sordid history of the KKK and other white hate groups is spattered with the blood of minorities… and there is NO speculation or wild assed guessing about that. These killers proudly own up to their atrocities and beam triumphantly at the unblinking eye of the news camera.

CaféAuLait said:
Your resounding answer would be, NO. When those groups preach this shit, it is NO BETTER than the KKK. Farrakhan is not only a racist he is against interracial marriage among other things.

My response would not be necessarily be, NO! There is sparse evidence to support your wild allegations. But is Farrakhan a racist? … or, is he a reactionary to racism? Whether he is or not is debatable, but he is no liberal OR progressive. He is as conservative as any white male counterpart. Yet, I have not heard him personally urge his people to carry out wanton murder of white people. Just because one of his more militant disciples uttered such hate filled diatribes against white folk doesn’t mean Farrakhan is complicit in that view. Moreover, there has been no evidence that any of Malik’s overtures towards racial violence have been carried out. Don’t you think the FBI would know?
Ah, little fagot.....:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:


Seriously, guy, you're a fucking idiot. You blame the attack on liberals; but the guy isn't a liberal ( he has no political affiliation). You cry that liberals will accuse him of being affiliated with the kkk or some other racist group; turns out the guy is not only a racist, he was the grand-fucking-wizard of a chapter of the kkk. Are you ever right about anything?

Now call me a subversive like it's an insult, without actually knowing what it means.

Well, Just Eat Dick, seems his last affiliation was as a Democratic candidate in 2006. So democrats can't be racists? :badgrin:

This guy was a mental case, with hatred going back years. Does it matter who he voted for...well, yes, simply because you losers continually yell it was a Tea Party or Conservative that was responsible. We only point out the obvious that your pea sized mind refuses to handle, as your a head full of hatred and don't like it when someone, such as myself, throws it back in your face. I get flack from some on the right saying I should be above it, but the LOW INFORMATION VOTER always pays attention to the guy that yells the loudest, I plan to be that guy, against you asswipes.... Damn, I love bitch slapping you pabulum brains!

I didn't say anything about his politics other than to say that he has no political affiliation. But you don't have a problem with blaming liberals for the attack, do you? Do you always talk out of both sides of your mouth? It seems you just bitch slapped yourself.

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