Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

GEORGE Wallace??

What'd you do, take stupid pills?
Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

You two retards are hilarious. You and Stein both dont realize your time is up.

Blacks never had a time, you are a historical nuisance, a footnote and the lowest on the totem pole of human evolution. And the White man is rising again, across Europe, and brave white men are standing up against tyranny here in America, by standing with the Bundy family.

Thats not what your Greek historians say. They sat at the feet of Africans to learn and documented it. You should read more than your storm front handbook.
Our ancestors back then didn't want anymore Chinese, they recognized them as cultural and racial aliens(perpetual foreigners) that undercut our working class through cheap wages, and passed the Chinese Exclusion Fact to that effect. And most Chinese in America today aren't descendants of these railroad workers. The notion that Chinese have a right to this nation because some of them were used as cheap labor to undercut white labor is absurd, same for blacks. Blacks should have never been brought here an enslaved. Not only has integration totally failed, be we need to rectify a historical wrong and bring them back to Africa to form their own nation in their ancestral homeland.

At the very least, we can have a moratorium on immigration, deport all illegals, and deny citizenship to all those with green cards. That is a moderate solution in my view.

Well, you're WAY TO FAR OUT there on your first paragraphs hatred than even I, a RIGHT WING EXTREMIST, wants to be! BTW, how did you feel about the Japanese interment camps under FDR? Or the hatred of American's with German & Italian heritage during WW II?

I'll agree with you on the second paragraph.:eusa_clap:

We should have never fought in World War Two, it was an unnecessary and fratricidal conflict.

Yes, we should have turned our cheek after PEARL HARBOR, and all those treaties with other nations should have been cancelled when they were attacked and we had promised to help writing!
No, we shouldn't allow muslims here that form their own conclaves in Dearbornistan, wanting to have their Sharia law instead of our laws, we shouldn't allow Black Panthers to spew hate in Philadeplhia, as we shouldn't allow the KKK to forment hate speech. We shouldn't allow Hispanics to have the privilege of NOT SPEAKING English, as all that came before them, in order to become AMERICANS had to.... these are not restrictions, but REQUIREMENTS of being a citizen.

Now, we could require that if you want to come here, you must bring something of WORTH to this country. Whether it be wealth, education, job skills, etc. We no longer have to take in the huddled masses, as was deemed necessary 100 and more years ago, to prime this country into what was once our greatness.

We can NO LONGER FINANCIALLY accept that condition, since it will eventually be our ruination, as it seems the current subversive regime has that as a prime goal. Let OTHER COUNTRIES, pick up our slack, or those that are NOT OURS, with nothing to offer this country, will have to fend for themselves.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country..... John F. Kennedy

America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.

And then you woke up. You would have died out if it were not for the NA's. You would probably be a penal colony if it was not for Black labor. Whites couldnt do the work necessary to establish the trade needed to turn this country into an economic power. You died off and thats why they then tried the NA's and finally Black people.

Bullshit, and bullshit they are the "natives", who was first in America is up for debate(Ancient Caucasian skeletons have been found), so using that to delegitimize that America was founded as a white nation is bunk. Especially coming from a lesser man like yourself.

Blacks picking cotton contributed to "building" America as horses plowing fields in early America. And if anything, it signifies your separateness from the white men who founded this nation, it doesn't confer you an identity within the American heritage.
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I brought up the fact he was a retard for running as a Dem while being a KKK member. You must also be a retard for thinking you pwned anyone but yourself.

And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

Oh bullshit. The KKK was founded by six Confederate soldiers.

Or maybe it was this guy...



Stan Musial started the KKK? I don't think so, he went out of his way to let Robinson and others he was 'not like his teammates". Enos Slaughter ( same team) was KKK though.
Suspect in Kansas City shootings will face hate crime charges

A 73-year old former North Carolina Ku Klux Klan leader accused in the shooting deaths of three people in Kansas City on Sunday will face hate crime charges, law enforcement officials said Monday.
“This was a hate crime,” Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass told reporters at a news conference.
The suspect, Frazier Glenn Cross, a.k.a. Frazier Glenn Miller, is a known affiliate of various hate groups. He was a former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
The hate crime designation means that Cross could face both federal and state charges in connection to the killing of three people at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and at the Village Shalom Retirement Center, both in Overland Park, Kan., a Kansas City suburb.
I'm opposed to hate crime designations. He certainly didnt shoot people because he liked them. Murder is murder. The guy needs to spend the rest of his life in Supermax. Killing him would only make him a martyr.
You are definitely on the money about him being a martyr once he is executed. People who engage in a killing spree at age 72 who have never killed before could have severe brain anomalies from the process of aging, but there is no doubt about it, the man for his reasons was very bitter about something.

This tape from a local radio host was reduced from 15 minutes and downsized to a 3-minute issuance after the shooting, but Glenn Frazier Miller, if he represented a party, it was not stated in what was left of the interview. It's an Audio I found that someone who thinks of him in terms of being a terrorist edited: Audio: Kansas City Jewish Center Shooter Called Into Fargo Talk Radio Show | Say Anything

No rational party would authorize such a crime as this, and I believe that everyone here knows that.
The Ku Klux Klan "vigilante" is doing a a very poor job of trying to defend his bigotry. That's a coward for you. Insulting gays and women, while trying to defend the KKK party of choice, the GOP. Keep exposing your hate, moron.
As a plea bargain, to spend less time in prison, Miller squealed on his fellow white supremacists. Amazing one of them hasn't killed him before now.
Well, you're WAY TO FAR OUT there on your first paragraphs hatred than even I, a RIGHT WING EXTREMIST, wants to be! BTW, how did you feel about the Japanese interment camps under FDR? Or the hatred of American's with German & Italian heritage during WW II?

I'll agree with you on the second paragraph.:eusa_clap:

We should have never fought in World War Two, it was an unnecessary and fratricidal conflict.

Yes, we should have turned our cheek after PEARL HARBOR, and all those treaties with other nations should have been cancelled when they were attacked and we had promised to help writing!

We should have never put sanctions on Japan to provoke a war to begin with. And if you care about China so much, you realize our intervention helped lead to to rise of the chinese communists who ended up assuming power and killing tens of millions. Was that war really a better result for China?

And as for Europe, great patriot Charles Lindbergh's speeches right here represent my view on intervention in the European

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America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.

And then you woke up. You would have died out if it were not for the NA's. You would probably be a penal colony if it was not for Black labor. Whites couldnt do the work necessary to establish the trade needed to turn this country into an economic power. You died off and thats why they then tried the NA's and finally Black people.

Bullshit, and bullshit they are the "natives", who was first in America is up for debate(Ancient Caucasian skeletons have been found), so using that to delegitimize that America was founded as a white nation as bunk. Especially coming from a lesser man like yourself.

Blacks picking cotton contributed to "building" America as horses plowing fields in early America. And if anything, it signifies your separateness from the white men who founded this nation, it doesn't confer you an identity within the American heritage.

You are one ignorant retard. Its already scientifically proven Black people from Africa populated this continent long before anyone else. You need to stop reading that stormfront BS.

You still miss the fact that without those Black picking cotton and sugarcane the US would have been a penal colony. Your white jailbird ancestors were too weak for the task.
CaféAuLait;8935851 said:
And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

Oh bullshit. The KKK was founded by six Confederate soldiers.

Or maybe it was this guy...



Stan Musial started the KKK? I don't think so, he went out of his way to let Robinson and others he was 'not like his teammates". Enos Slaughter ( same team) was KKK though.
Thank you for insight into the greatly wonderful athlete and human being that Stan Musial was.
CaféAuLait;8935851 said:
And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

Oh bullshit. The KKK was founded by six Confederate soldiers.

Or maybe it was this guy...



Stan Musial started the KKK? I don't think so, he went out of his way to let Robinson and others he was 'not like his teammates". Enos Slaughter ( same team) was KKK though.

That's not to be taken literally -- it's an inside joke.

Back when O'bama mentioned skeet shooting a thread went up about it -- Blabbi came in claiming O'bama was holding the gun all wrong, that a real shooter "would no more hold the gun like that than a batter would hold his bat vertical to the ground -- doesn't work". Wrong thing to say around a baseball fan so I posted a batter doing exactly that (Chase Utley, who's hitting .489 at the moment), just to show Blabbi how far his bat was up his ass. Since he keeps doing it, I keep reminding him.
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May their GOD have mercy on them.....

BUT where are the demented liberals screaming about a GUY WITH A GUN?

Perhaps they don't think a Jews life is worth anything?

This is post 2, moron.

OCD Boy, spit out what you think you are trying to say!

Exactly how many posts can be posted between the OP and post 2? Think about it.
Get your arithmetic teacher to help you with it in school tomorrow.
We should have never fought in World War Two, it was an unnecessary and fratricidal conflict.

Yes, we should have turned our cheek after PEARL HARBOR, and all those treaties with other nations should have been cancelled when they were attacked and we had promised to help writing!

We should have never put sanctions on Japan to provoke a war to begin with. And if you care about China so much, you realize our intervention helped lead to to rise of the chinese communists who ended up assuming power and killing tens of millions. Was that war really a better result for China?

And as for Europe, great patriot Charles Lindbergh's speeches right here represent my view on intervention in the European

Yes, the democratic regime, at that time, did provoke Japan, but they were hell bent on suicide as even Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto stated "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve."

AS with Vietnam and Korea, we simply made BAD DECISIONS, and those bad decisions had very bad consequences...that's why it's called HISTORY.
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Its a good thing that retards like Stein and Vigil are fast losing their fight. SPLC reports that hate groups have dropped due to the halfway intelligent ones being demoralized by the election of a Black POTUS. I think the remaining ones just post here in this forum being the weak cowards they are.

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