Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

the kkk hasn't been dem since the civil rights act. they're yours now.

stop lying.

HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

byrd wasn't a kkk'er then.

poor pretend vigilante the uneducated brainless wacko.
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Why risk it and allow in any non-white immigrants?

Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.
HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

byrd wasn't a kkk'er then.

poor pretend vigilante the uneducated brainless wacko.

You mean if you denounce what you had done, everything is forgiven...Lots of murders out there that would jump at the opportunity! Truly, you are one pathetic bitch! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Why risk it and allow in any non-white immigrants?

Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

Well, he is a fool then. We should be discriminatory with who we let into the country, open borders to the third world under the banner of equality is leading us on a path of national suicide.
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The Ku Klux Klan "vigilante" is doing a a very poor job of trying to defend his bigotry. That's a coward for you. Insulting gays and women, while trying to defend the KKK party of choice, the GOP. Keep exposing your hate, moron.
During his time as leader of the WPP, Miller unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party 's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina

You forgot to post the whole paragraph.
"During his time as leader of the WPP, he unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina,[5] and the 1986 Republican Party's nomination for a seat in the United States Senate.[6]"

Like I said, he was turned away by both parties.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Well. Ain't that just like good old Steve the racist!
Crazy people do crazy shit. It isn't race specific except for the fact that the minority crimes don't make many headlines. Bernard Goetz didn't have any problem making a name for himself etc.
Why risk it and allow in any non-white immigrants?

Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

Well, he is a fool then. We should be discriminatory with who we let into the country, open borders to the third world under the banner of equality is leading us on a path of national suicide.

No, we shouldn't allow muslims here that form their own conclaves in Dearbornistan, wanting to have their Sharia law instead of our laws, we shouldn't allow Black Panthers to spew hate in Philadeplhia, as we shouldn't allow the KKK to forment hate speech. We shouldn't allow Hispanics to have the privilege of NOT SPEAKING English, as all that came before them, in order to become AMERICANS had to.... these are not restrictions, but REQUIREMENTS of being a citizen.

Now, we could require that if you want to come here, you must bring something of WORTH to this country. Whether it be wealth, education, job skills, etc. We no longer have to take in the huddled masses, as was deemed necessary 100 and more years ago, to prime this country into what was once our greatness.

We can NO LONGER FINANCIALLY accept that condition, since it will eventually be our ruination, as it seems the current subversive regime has that as a prime goal. Let OTHER COUNTRIES, pick up our slack, or those that are NOT OURS, with nothing to offer this country, will have to fend for themselves.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country..... John F. Kennedy
The Ku Klux Klan "vigilante" is doing a a very poor job of trying to defend his bigotry. That's a coward for you. Insulting gays and women, while trying to defend the KKK party of choice, the GOP. Keep exposing your hate, moron.

You mean I was acting like you?

You fucking, inbred, hippie fagot...See, I got it down pretty pat! I'm a quick study of all thing subversive!
Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

Well, he is a fool then. We should be discriminatory with who we let into the country, open borders to the third world under the banner of equality is leading us on a path of national suicide.

No, we shouldn't allow muslims here that form their own conclaves in Dearbornistan, wanting to have their Sharia law instead of our laws, we shouldn't allow Black Panthers to spew hate in Philadeplhia, as we shouldn't allow the KKK to forment hate speech. We shouldn't allow Hispanics to have the privilege of NOT SPEAKING English, as all that came before them, in order to become AMERICANS had to.... these are not restrictions, but REQUIREMENTS of being a citizen.

Now, we could require that if you want to come here, you must bring something of WORTH to this country. Whether it be wealth, education, job skills, etc. We no longer have to take in the huddled masses, as was deemed necessary 100 and more years ago, to prime this country into what was once our greatness.

We can NO LONGER FINANCIALLY accept that condition, since it will eventually be our ruination, as it seems the current subversive regime has that as a prime goal. Let OTHER COUNTRIES, pick up our slack, or those that are NOT OURS, with nothing to offer this country, will have to fend for themselves.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country..... John F. Kennedy

America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.
Well, he is a fool then. We should be discriminatory with who we let into the country, open borders to the third world under the banner of equality is leading us on a path of national suicide.

No, we shouldn't allow muslims here that form their own conclaves in Dearbornistan, wanting to have their Sharia law instead of our laws, we shouldn't allow Black Panthers to spew hate in Philadeplhia, as we shouldn't allow the KKK to forment hate speech. We shouldn't allow Hispanics to have the privilege of NOT SPEAKING English, as all that came before them, in order to become AMERICANS had to.... these are not restrictions, but REQUIREMENTS of being a citizen.

Now, we could require that if you want to come here, you must bring something of WORTH to this country. Whether it be wealth, education, job skills, etc. We no longer have to take in the huddled masses, as was deemed necessary 100 and more years ago, to prime this country into what was once our greatness.

We can NO LONGER FINANCIALLY accept that condition, since it will eventually be our ruination, as it seems the current subversive regime has that as a prime goal. Let OTHER COUNTRIES, pick up our slack, or those that are NOT OURS, with nothing to offer this country, will have to fend for themselves.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country..... John F. Kennedy

America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.

Shall we just kill everyone that isn't white, or give them 2 weeks notice?

I'm sure the Chinese that built the railroad would disagree, as would the blacks that at one time were the backbone of our manual labor economy.
No, we shouldn't allow muslims here that form their own conclaves in Dearbornistan, wanting to have their Sharia law instead of our laws, we shouldn't allow Black Panthers to spew hate in Philadeplhia, as we shouldn't allow the KKK to forment hate speech. We shouldn't allow Hispanics to have the privilege of NOT SPEAKING English, as all that came before them, in order to become AMERICANS had to.... these are not restrictions, but REQUIREMENTS of being a citizen.

Now, we could require that if you want to come here, you must bring something of WORTH to this country. Whether it be wealth, education, job skills, etc. We no longer have to take in the huddled masses, as was deemed necessary 100 and more years ago, to prime this country into what was once our greatness.

We can NO LONGER FINANCIALLY accept that condition, since it will eventually be our ruination, as it seems the current subversive regime has that as a prime goal. Let OTHER COUNTRIES, pick up our slack, or those that are NOT OURS, with nothing to offer this country, will have to fend for themselves.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country..... John F. Kennedy

America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.

Shall we just kill everyone that isn't white, or give them 2 weeks notice?

I'm sure the Chinese that built the railroad would disagree, as would the blacks that at one time were the backbone of our manual labor economy.

Our ancestors back then didn't want anymore Chinese, they recognized them as cultural and racial aliens(perpetual foreigners) that undercut our working class through cheap wages, and passed the Chinese Exclusion Fact to that effect. And most Chinese in America today aren't descendants of these railroad workers. The notion that Chinese have a right to this nation because some of them were used as cheap labor to undercut white labor is absurd, same for blacks. Blacks should have never been brought here an enslaved. Not only has integration totally failed, be we need to rectify a historical wrong and bring them back to Africa to form their own nation in their ancestral homeland.

At the very least, we can have a moratorium on immigration, deport all illegals, and deny citizenship to all those with green cards. That is a moderate solution in my view.
HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

byrd wasn't a kkk'er then.

poor pretend vigilante the uneducated brainless wacko.

Yes, he was in the KKK, just because he said he gave it up 'after a year' is pure BS history one his part, as if a KKK member will tell the flipping truth. His writing, statements and letters prove otherwise. He was a disgusting racist piece of crap.

In 1946 or 1947, Byrd wrote a letter to a Grand Wizard stating, "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia and in every state in the nation."

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And he was all over the "white n*******, in a TV interview.

[ame=]Senator Robert Byrd Says White ******* - YouTube[/ame]

But hey, Paula Deen should be publicly pilloried and fired because she admitted to using the N word at the same time Byrd did.

Pure Hypocrisy.
America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.

Shall we just kill everyone that isn't white, or give them 2 weeks notice?

I'm sure the Chinese that built the railroad would disagree, as would the blacks that at one time were the backbone of our manual labor economy.

Our ancestors back then didn't want anymore Chinese, they recognized them as cultural and racial aliens(perpetual foreigners) that undercut our working class through cheap wages, and passed the Chinese Exclusion Fact to that effect. And most Chinese in America today aren't descendants of these railroad workers. The notion that Chinese have a right to this nation because some of them were used as cheap labor to undercut white labor is absurd, same for blacks. Blacks should have never been brought here an enslaved. Not only has integration totally failed, be we need to rectify a historical wrong and bring them back to Africa to form their own nation in their ancestral homeland.

At the very least, we can have a moratorium on immigration, deport all illegals, and deny citizenship to all those with green cards. That is a moderate solution in my view.

Well, you're WAY TO FAR OUT there on your first paragraphs hatred than even I, a RIGHT WING EXTREMIST, wants to be! BTW, how did you feel about the Japanese interment camps under FDR? Or the hatred of American's with German & Italian heritage during WW II?

I'll agree with you on the second paragraph.:eusa_clap:
Shall we just kill everyone that isn't white, or give them 2 weeks notice?

I'm sure the Chinese that built the railroad would disagree, as would the blacks that at one time were the backbone of our manual labor economy.

Our ancestors back then didn't want anymore Chinese, they recognized them as cultural and racial aliens(perpetual foreigners) that undercut our working class through cheap wages, and passed the Chinese Exclusion Fact to that effect. And most Chinese in America today aren't descendants of these railroad workers. The notion that Chinese have a right to this nation because some of them were used as cheap labor to undercut white labor is absurd, same for blacks. Blacks should have never been brought here an enslaved. Not only has integration totally failed, be we need to rectify a historical wrong and bring them back to Africa to form their own nation in their ancestral homeland.

At the very least, we can have a moratorium on immigration, deport all illegals, and deny citizenship to all those with green cards. That is a moderate solution in my view.

Well, you're WAY TO FAR OUT there on your first paragraphs hatred than even I, a RIGHT WING EXTREMIST, wants to be! BTW, how did you feel about the Japanese interment camps under FDR? Or the hatred of American's with German & Italian heritage during WW II?

I'll agree with you on the second paragraph.:eusa_clap:

We should have never fought in World War Two, it was an unnecessary and fratricidal conflict.
You know what, if that is what you choose to believe, then so be it. I would think that a good liberal or democrat would appreciate the dangers of stereotyping and generalizations. I would also think that one who wants to be appreciated in any discussion wouldn't summarily dismiss other opinions and ignore facts when presented.

The truth of the matter is that the true political spectrum is far more than right and left.

Check out this site. The Political Compass good info and a fairly decent political spectrum 'test'


What is that supposed to be?

BTW I am not a good anything. I dont fit neatly into any political category. Racism is a far right ideology. Google it.
The political spectrum is not linear. Left and right is the simple version people use to attack their opponents or garner support from like minded people.

I like simple but since I dont care what other people think about my leanings I am not trying to garner support. I can agree that it most likely not a simple thing depending on where you want to place ideas but the left right one will do for me.
Why risk it and allow in any non-white immigrants?

Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

You two retards are hilarious. You and Stein both dont realize your time is up.
You brought it up in Post #70. Now you want to run away since you've been pwned all over this thread.

I brought up the fact he was a retard for running as a Dem while being a KKK member. You must also be a retard for thinking you pwned anyone but yourself.

And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

Oh bullshit. The KKK was founded by six Confederate soldiers.

Or maybe it was this guy...


Well, he is a fool then. We should be discriminatory with who we let into the country, open borders to the third world under the banner of equality is leading us on a path of national suicide.

No, we shouldn't allow muslims here that form their own conclaves in Dearbornistan, wanting to have their Sharia law instead of our laws, we shouldn't allow Black Panthers to spew hate in Philadeplhia, as we shouldn't allow the KKK to forment hate speech. We shouldn't allow Hispanics to have the privilege of NOT SPEAKING English, as all that came before them, in order to become AMERICANS had to.... these are not restrictions, but REQUIREMENTS of being a citizen.

Now, we could require that if you want to come here, you must bring something of WORTH to this country. Whether it be wealth, education, job skills, etc. We no longer have to take in the huddled masses, as was deemed necessary 100 and more years ago, to prime this country into what was once our greatness.

We can NO LONGER FINANCIALLY accept that condition, since it will eventually be our ruination, as it seems the current subversive regime has that as a prime goal. Let OTHER COUNTRIES, pick up our slack, or those that are NOT OURS, with nothing to offer this country, will have to fend for themselves.

My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country..... John F. Kennedy

America was great because it was built by White men. For it to regain it's greatness, we need to regain our white nation.

And then you woke up. You would have died out if it were not for the NA's. You would probably be a penal colony if it was not for Black labor. Whites couldnt do the work necessary to establish the trade needed to turn this country into an economic power. You died off and thats why they then tried the NA's and finally Black people.
Why risk it and allow in any non-white immigrants?

Perhaps you didn't read the word of Roosevelt, or understood them?

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

You two retards are hilarious. You and Stein both dont realize your time is up.

Blacks never had a time, you are a historical nuisance, a footnote and the lowest on the totem pole of human evolution. And the White man is rising again, across Europe, and brave white men are standing up against tyranny here in America, by standing with the Bundy family.

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