Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

Unfortunately the wrong lesson will be taken from this. That we need more gun control. That we need more police. That we need more state power to prevent this.
The real lesson is we need more armed Jews.

Yes. I agree with you. It's rare, so you better enjoy it while you can.

We don't need more gun control.

But we do need a uniform death penalty for such murderers.

I agree. You take innocent lives gunning down people in cold blood like this? It is an automatic death penalty. Arm the door men at these synagogues too. Give the Rabbi a bodyguard. This cannot happen again. :mad:
It's very important for jews to carry guns when in jewish facilities.

More jews should buy guns and train how to use them.

The Jewish facilities should have armed guards too, Mike. Knowing this is what is going on out there warrants it. What good is a guard if he is unarmed?
Unfortunately the wrong lesson will be taken from this. That we need more gun control. That we need more police. That we need more state power to prevent this.
The real lesson is we need more armed Jews.

Yes. I agree with you. It's rare, so you better enjoy it while you can.

We don't need more gun control.

But we do need a uniform death penalty for such murderers.

I agree. You take innocent lives gunning down people in cold blood like this? It is an automatic death penalty. Arm the door men at these synagogues too. Give the Rabbi a bodyguard. This cannot happen again. :mad:

I'm sure the resident Nazi's are basking in the glory of this coward murderer.
I've not seen any Nazis here. Who might that be. :cranky:

Nazi's in the sense of the resident racist who frequent this forum. No, I am not referring to true conservatives...only the obvious haters who blame blacks and minorities for every problem in the world.
If KS has the death penalty, I'm pretty sure that's what this guy is looking at.
This is what kills me sometimes, I see the left trying to pin this on the right, all the while ignoring racism within the left. Its much easier to point fingers instead of being against racism from any party. While the right tries to prove its the left instead of accepting they too are at fault and speaking out against such. The KKK was both left and right instead of ignoring the KKKs ugly roots both parties try to pin it on the other and the left says the right just does not care!

IMO If the left truly cared about racism they would be calling out all racists. Where is the left on calling out NBPP, anti-Semites as well? Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam? You think that these crazy idiots don't listen to both blacks and whites when it comes to anti-Semitism? Hate is hate, no matter who preaches it.

Elijah Muhammad ( leader of Nation of Islam) met with the KKK in hopes of having them as allies, since the two were working towards the same goal) separation of the races. Elijah Muhammad until his death and Louis Farrakhan now still believes race mixing is an abomination. Oh they are peaceful you say? Please. Who knows what kind of hate talk is inspiring what crimes today. Instead, Farrakhan is invited to speak at universities such as Howard University-- all the while practicing hate..

Instead of calling out ALL forms of racism and hate many on the left only seem to concentrate on "white or right wing" racism. It reminds me of Paula Deen admitting she said the "N" word in the 60's and apologizing. All hell must be brought down on her now! All the while ignoring an ex KKK member was in their ranks until his death, Robert Byrd. Byrd used the N word on television interviews in the 1980s but such still did not bring his resignation What's worse? Someone admitting they said the N word 50 years ago and apologizing, or someone joining an organization to kill black people and still using the N word in the 80s? One is lead by the left to believe it is the former rather then the latter.

Instead, past supporters of the nation of Islam are elected to congress and held up as hero's. Keith Ellison AKA Keith E. Hakim, says he did not understand how bad Anti- Semitism was, apologies and is done with it. Whatever, if that man was white and had once supported the KKK the outrage would still be heard today.

I honestly believe many on the left have a credibility problems when it comes to the above issues. As I believe many on the right need to speak out and accept history. Everyone had a part in the KKK. Right and left.
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He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.

Apparently they are not.

Apparently you don't realize racism is considered a far right ideology.

That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.
...Democrats started the KKK, they persecuted blacks and other ethnicities...
Yes, and, at the same time, No, I think.

It was the Republicans who (1) fought to preserve the Union and (2) freed the slaves and (3) sustained those freed slaves during the earliest going after war's end.

It was the Southern Democrats who (1) seceded from the union and (2) fought to preserve slavery and (3) found workarounds for Federal protection of Freedmen (Jim Crow laws, et al) and (4) persecuted blacks between 1865 and 1964, to varying degrees.

While Southern Democrats were busy stifling Black progress, Northern Democrats were busy morphing into liberal-progressive socialist- or communal-effort -leaning politicos.

All the while, the Republican Party was morphing into the Mouthpiece for Big Business, under the guise of less-is-more government, in the context of helping the Common Man.

And then, in 1964, with an old-style racist, prejudiced bastard like Lyndon Baines Johnson, having a change-of-heart, or having a change-of-tactics (or a little of both), and shoving the Civil Rights Act through Congress, and forcing the concepts down the throats of the National Democratic Party Organization...

The old-style Southern Democrats had had enough, and bailed out of the Democratic Party, leaving the field clear for the Northern Democrat socialist - communalist - liberal/progressive element of the Party to begin its climb to control of the Party...

Those Southern Democrats morphed into the more Socially Conservative or Rightist element within the Republican Party, with a lot of spill-over into the Independent and Right-Winger camps, for those with views sufficiently extreme that the Republican Party would not tolerate them...

In a very real sense, the Southern Democrats of yesteryear are the Right-Wing Fringe types of today, yes?

Did I get it right?
You missed the part about Democrats instituting the KKK. It's their history and legacy. They're now into organizing people to create such a strong central government that they will crush freedom. They dominate the former conservative New England. They rule by worship of politicians instead of diplomatically.

Didn't you think it strange that for the first time this nation engineered the fall of leadership in the Middle East, the assassination of several Middle Eastern leaders, and more decision-making done behind one-party closed doors than has ever been done heretofore, not to mention the tripling of the national debt in the last 5 years and one incident after another of bungling at the polls in their own favor?

We've never assassinated leaders before. The rule of law is being cherry-picked to death, the government is growing, and we have more people out of work than were out of work in the Great Depression. Big cities are battling it out with countryside folk over the Second and other amendments. Sorry, I don't see it your neutral way.

Corruption is not neutral. It's against the rule of law, and it prospers in omuerta in which one carries its lies to the grave and is next to impossible to disprove, which results in a number of untimely deaths of people in high places like the gal who wrote the book "Hell to Pay" on Hillary Clinton that is no longer available. She died in one of the flights on 9/11.
Fat white guy...had to be a libtard.

No he is a white rightwing christian

Sorry, Christ was Jewish and all his teachings came directly from the Torah. Killing people is not only unlawful, it is against the Ten Commandments, which Christ also covered in his teachings. I'm going to say he likely was not acting as a Christian, and due to his affiliation with the KKK, he likely has no remorse whatever for what he did, which was a strike against Christ's beloved Jewish brethren.
CaféAuLait;8934187 said:
This is what kills me sometimes, I see the left trying to pin this on the right, all the while ignoring racism within the left. Its much easier to point fingers instead of being against racism from any party. While the right tries to prove its the left instead of accepting they too are at fault and speaking out against such. The KKK was both left and right instead of ignoring the KKKs ugly roots both parties try to pin it on the other and the left says the right just does not care!

IMO If the left truly cared about racism they would be calling out all racists. Where is the left on calling out NBPP, anti-Semites as well? Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam? You think that these crazy idiots don't listen to both blacks and whites when it comes to anti-Semitism? Hate is hate, no matter who preaches it.

Elijah Muhammad ( leader of Nation of Islam) met with the KKK in hopes of having them as allies, since the two were working towards the same goal) separation of the races. Elijah Muhammad until his death and Louis Farrakhan now still believes race mixing is an abomination. Oh they are peaceful you say? Please. Who knows what kind of hate talk is inspiring what crimes today. Instead, Farrakhan is invited to speak at universities such as Howard University-- all the while practicing hate..

Instead of calling out ALL forms of racism and hate many on the left only seem to concentrate on "white or right wing" racism. It reminds me of Paula Deen admitting she said the "N" word in the 60's and apologizing. All hell must be brought down on her now! All the while ignoring an ex KKK member was in their ranks until his death, Robert Byrd. Byrd used the N word on television interviews in the 1980s but such still did not bring his resignation What's worse? Someone admitting they said the N word 50 years ago and apologizing, or someone joining an organization to kill black people and still using the N word in the 80s? One is lead by the left to believe it is the former rather then the latter.

Instead, past supporters of the nation of Islam are elected to congress and held up as hero's. Keith Ellison AKA Keith E. Hakim, says he did not understand how bad Anti- Semitism was, apologies and is done with it. Whatever, if that man was white and had once supported the KKK the outrage would still be heard today.

I honestly believe many on the left have a credibility problems when it comes to the above issues. As I believe many on the right need to speak out and accept history. Everyone had a part in the KKK. Right and left.
The only part I ever had in the KKK was the feeling I was going to regurgitate every time I read about their doings in the paper as a young reader through yesterday's headlines. Their racist and anti-Semitism tasks read like bad fiction. Barf!
Reload this Page Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS
The murderer was a pro-gun right wing Ku Klux Klan grand dragon from South Carolina. These are the kind that vote republicans into office.

He was from NC one town over from where I live now, He was a rightwing vermin alright

He bought a farm in Angier, North Carolina, where he formed the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1980. He preferred wearing fatigues to the traditional Klan robe and recruited active-duty soldiers to conduct paramilitary-style training, aggressively seeking publicity and taking inspiration from Hitler, as he described in his autobiography: “I would try to emulate Hitler’s methods of attracting members and supporters…I placed great emphasis on staging marches and rallies. It had been successful with Hitler.” His stated goal was to create an all-white “Carolina"

Hate?and Hitler?in the Heartland: The Arrest of Frazier Glenn Miller - The Daily Beast

My mistake, I mix up the bigot states sometimes.
CaféAuLait;8934187 said:
This is what kills me sometimes, I see the left trying to pin this on the right, all the while ignoring racism within the left. Its much easier to point fingers instead of being against racism from any party. While the right tries to prove its the left instead of accepting they too are at fault and speaking out against such. The KKK was both left and right instead of ignoring the KKKs ugly roots both parties try to pin it on the other and the left says the right just does not care!

IMO If the left truly cared about racism they would be calling out all racists. Where is the left on calling out NBPP, anti-Semites as well? Louis Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam? You think that these crazy idiots don't listen to both blacks and whites when it comes to anti-Semitism? Hate is hate, no matter who preaches it.

Elijah Muhammad ( leader of Nation of Islam) met with the KKK in hopes of having them as allies, since the two were working towards the same goal) separation of the races. Elijah Muhammad until his death and Louis Farrakhan now still believes race mixing is an abomination. Oh they are peaceful you say? Please. Who knows what kind of hate talk is inspiring what crimes today. Instead, Farrakhan is invited to speak at universities such as Howard University-- all the while practicing hate..

Instead of calling out ALL forms of racism and hate many on the left only seem to concentrate on "white or right wing" racism. It reminds me of Paula Deen admitting she said the "N" word in the 60's and apologizing. All hell must be brought down on her now! All the while ignoring an ex KKK member was in their ranks until his death, Robert Byrd. Byrd used the N word on television interviews in the 1980s but such still did not bring his resignation What's worse? Someone admitting they said the N word 50 years ago and apologizing, or someone joining an organization to kill black people and still using the N word in the 80s? One is lead by the left to believe it is the former rather then the latter.

Instead, past supporters of the nation of Islam are elected to congress and held up as hero's. Keith Ellison AKA Keith E. Hakim, says he did not understand how bad Anti- Semitism was, apologies and is done with it. Whatever, if that man was white and had once supported the KKK the outrage would still be heard today.

I honestly believe many on the left have a credibility problems when it comes to the above issues. As I believe many on the right need to speak out and accept history. Everyone had a part in the KKK. Right and left.
The only part I ever had in the KKK was the feeling I was going to regurgitate every time I read about their doings in the paper as a young reader through yesterday's headlines. Their racist and anti-Semitism tasks read like bad fiction. Barf!

I was speaking when the horrible organization was formed and its history, not today. I obviously was not clear enough.
Suspect in Kansas City shootings will face hate crime charges

A 73-year old former North Carolina Ku Klux Klan leader accused in the shooting deaths of three people in Kansas City on Sunday will face hate crime charges, law enforcement officials said Monday.
“This was a hate crime,” Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass told reporters at a news conference.
The suspect, Frazier Glenn Cross, a.k.a. Frazier Glenn Miller, is a known affiliate of various hate groups. He was a former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
The hate crime designation means that Cross could face both federal and state charges in connection to the killing of three people at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and at the Village Shalom Retirement Center, both in Overland Park, Kan., a Kansas City suburb.
You think George Wallace was right wing? Wallace was a progressive.

FDR was right wing? Harry Truman? Do you even have the slightest idea what you're talking about??

Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

The true reactionary racists these days are Prog Dems who keep poor blacks as government dependents living in poverty on Urban Plantations.

Just sayin'.


Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
Suspect in Kansas City shootings will face hate crime charges

A 73-year old former North Carolina Ku Klux Klan leader accused in the shooting deaths of three people in Kansas City on Sunday will face hate crime charges, law enforcement officials said Monday.
“This was a hate crime,” Overland Park Police Chief John Douglass told reporters at a news conference.
The suspect, Frazier Glenn Cross, a.k.a. Frazier Glenn Miller, is a known affiliate of various hate groups. He was a former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan.
The hate crime designation means that Cross could face both federal and state charges in connection to the killing of three people at the Jewish Community Center of Greater Kansas City and at the Village Shalom Retirement Center, both in Overland Park, Kan., a Kansas City suburb.
I'm opposed to hate crime designations. He certainly didnt shoot people because he liked them. Murder is murder. The guy needs to spend the rest of his life in Supermax. Killing him would only make him a martyr.
You think George Wallace was right wing? Wallace was a progressive.
FDR was right wing? Harry Truman? Do you even have the slightest idea what you're talking about??

Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

The true reactionary racists these days are Prog Dems who keep poor blacks as government dependents living in poverty on Urban Plantations.

Just sayin'.

only in psycho world where they pay for an autograph from someone who stalked and killed an unarmed young man for walking while black would anyone call "progressive democrats" reactionary.

the poster should probably learn what reactionary means and divine the difference between a "progressive" as opposed to other democrats.

but wing nuts in the bubble aren't capable of doing that.
The guy ran for office multiple times as a Democrat.

He's a lunatic lefty. He shares the same lefty ideology that fuels the leftards on this site.

These people are lunatics and no respecters of human life, or liberty.

No he is a retarded right wing nut that couldn't understand hating jews and blacks is not a good or desired look for dems.

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