Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

I learned years ago in the alternative universe of a message board only, that fascism is a leftist political persuasion.

Fortunately, such things are true only on message boards.....
Apparently you are not as smart as you think you are. Look up what spectrum socialism resides in and then look up what spectrum racism resides in.

Racism resides on the Left. That's obvious.

The only thing that is obvious is that you stuck your foot in your mouth and having a hard time getting it out.

No, what is obvious is you don't have a fucking clue what you're blabbering about, and hide behind word games when proven wrong.
No wonder your rep is turned off. No one has a negative number that low.
Racism resides on the Left. That's obvious.

The only thing that is obvious is that you stuck your foot in your mouth and having a hard time getting it out.

No, what is obvious is you don't have a fucking clue what you're blabbering about, and hide behind word games when proven wrong.
No wonder your rep is turned off. No one has a negative number that low.


Oh yeah. Proof you know you stuck your foot in your mouth. You went to neg me out of frustration and realized you couldn't do it and lost it. Like I said get your stuff together before you challenge me. That way you can relieve your stress simply by proving your point is correct.
The only thing that is obvious is that you stuck your foot in your mouth and having a hard time getting it out.

No, what is obvious is you don't have a fucking clue what you're blabbering about, and hide behind word games when proven wrong.
No wonder your rep is turned off. No one has a negative number that low.


Oh yeah. Proof you know you stuck your foot in your mouth. You went to neg me out of frustration and realized you couldn't do it and lost it. Like I said get your stuff together before you challenge me. That way you can relieve your stress simply by proving your point is correct.
I alreadfy proved that. The only thing you proved is you are an ignorant wussy.
And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.
Former Governor of Alabama George Wallace ran in the 1968 United States presidential election as the candidate of the American Independent Party.

Wallace's pro-segregation policies had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. The impact of the Wallace campaign was substantial, winning the electoral votes of several states in the Deep South. Although Wallace did not expect to win the election, his strategy was to prevent either major party candidate from winning a majority in the Electoral College and throw the election into the House of Representatives, where Wallace would have bargaining power sufficient to determine, or at least strongly influence, the selection of a winner.

George Wallace presidential campaign, 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
May the God of their understanding grant Peace of the Soul to the fallen, and comfort and courage and strength to those they left behind.

As to the perpetrator, well, I'll try to refrain from pulling-on my Atilla the Hun hat, for now...
He was from NC one town over from where I live now, He was a rightwing vermin alright

He bought a farm in Angier, North Carolina, where he formed the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1980. He preferred wearing fatigues to the traditional Klan robe and recruited active-duty soldiers to conduct paramilitary-style training, aggressively seeking publicity and taking inspiration from Hitler, as he described in his autobiography: “I would try to emulate Hitler’s methods of attracting members and supporters…I placed great emphasis on staging marches and rallies. It had been successful with Hitler.” His stated goal was to create an all-white “Carolina"

Hate?and Hitler?in the Heartland: The Arrest of Frazier Glenn Miller - The Daily Beast

He ran for Congressional office as a Democrat in 2006! Just like Robert Byrd!

He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.
You're playing fast and loose with the truth. The KKK is the brainchild of the Democrats who fought tooth and nail to destroy the Republican Anti-Slavery Party Antebellum through the late 1960s. So hateful were they in my area, I decided for my entire lifetime I would avoid becoming a Democrat. Instead, when it was time to make up my mind, I went with Republicans, who had a 150-year history of fighting against slavery, then for black suffrage and equal rights, then for equal education (Little Rock, 1954) and equal pay for equal work right on up through today.

The Democrat Party has never been able to equal up to the Republican Party, so they reinvented history to fool simpletons into thinking they had nothing to do with their Party starting and using the KKK to scare and kill blacks throughout its miserable history. Oh, and did I say the KKK hates people of Jewish extraction also? Yesterday, a former KKK Grand Dragon murdered a 14-year-old boy and his Grandfather for being at a Jewish Community Center where the 14-year-old had come to sing.

It is being considered a hate crime, but mass murder is mass murder, they were singled out merely by being there.

Democrats started the KKK, they persecuted blacks and other ethnicities, and they're obviously still at it. Democrats can take responsibility for what they started and that it is no different from what they started--the unfair taking of law and lives into their own hands without a trial or jury.

Stop the false accusations against Republicans who fought for black rights for well over a century, and Democrats only came in recently to steal the vote with their eye on the keys to the United States Treasury. If you don't believe it, you haven't read of Nancy Pelosi's family involvement in Solyndra and how they helped themselves and their friends to half a billion dollars of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY paid for dearly in tax form. Also, with similar manipulation of legislation, Harry Reid was able to route a 1.3 billion deal to his Chinese pals who hired Reid's son to do the lawyer part.

Can you say nepotism and racism are what you're defending? I can!
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No, what is obvious is you don't have a fucking clue what you're blabbering about, and hide behind word games when proven wrong.
No wonder your rep is turned off. No one has a negative number that low.


Oh yeah. Proof you know you stuck your foot in your mouth. You went to neg me out of frustration and realized you couldn't do it and lost it. Like I said get your stuff together before you challenge me. That way you can relieve your stress simply by proving your point is correct.
I alreadfy proved that. The only thing you proved is you are an ignorant wussy.

Why dont you show me again how racism is not a right wing philosophy?

Why dont you show me again how the Nazi's were not a left wing organization that also had extreme right wing ideologies? You looked like a fool mocking that.

You didn't prove anything except you know how to confuse yourself with your own stupidity. That and you like the taste of your own foot. What a retard you continue to prove yourself to be!
I learned years ago in the alternative universe of a message board only, that fascism is a leftist political persuasion.

Fortunately, such things are true only on message boards.....

Silly wabbit. There are two types of political system, collectivist and individualist. Individualist governments memorialize the inherent rights, and responsibilities of the
individual citizen. Collectivist governments abrogate individual rights and responsibilities and instead grant the GOVERNMENT with the power. The citizens exist for the benefit of the State.

That's it, you can call the collectivists rightwing or leftwing, your choice but ALL collectivist governments are that wing.
He ran for Congressional office as a Democrat in 2006! Just like Robert Byrd!

He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.
You're playing fast and loose with the truth. The KKK is the brainchild of the Democrats who fought tooth and nail to destroy the Republican Anti-Slavery Party Antebellum through the late 1960s. So hateful were they in my area, I decided for my entire lifetime I would avoid becoming a Democrat. Instead, when it was time to make up my mind, I went with Republicans, who had a 150-year history of fighting against slavery, then for black suffrage and equal rights, then for equal education (Little Rock, 1954) and equal pay for equal work right on up through today.

The Democrat Party has never been able to equal up to the Republican Party, so they reinvented history to fool simpletons into thinking they had nothing to do with their Party starting and using the KKK to scare and kill blacks throughout its miserable history. Oh, and did I say the KKK hates people of Jewish extraction also? Yesterday, a former KKK Grand Dragon murdered a 14-year-old boy and his Grandfather for being at a Jewish Community Center where the 14-year-old had come to sing.

It is being considered a hate crime, but mass murder is mass murder, they were singled out merely by being there.

Democrats started the KKK, they persecuted blacks and other ethnicities, and they're obviously still at it. Democrats can take responsibility for what they started and that it is no different from what they started--the unfair taking of law and lives into their own hands without a trial or jury.

Stop the false accusations against Republicans who fought for black rights for well over a century, and Democrats only came in recently to steal the vote with their eye on the keys to the United States Treasury. If you don't believe it, you haven't read of Nancy Pelosi's family involvement in Solyndra and how they helped themselves and their friends to half a billion dollars of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY paid for dearly in tax form. Also, with similar manipulation of legislation, Harry Reid was able to route a 1.3 billion deal to his Chinese pals who hired Reid's son to do the lawyer part.

Can you say nepotism and racism are what you're defending? I can!

Thanks for the history lesson but you must have missed the part where I said I already knew that. You also must have missed the part where I asked how that history was relevant to a racist KKK member running as a Dem in this day and age? The retard, inbred KKK member with the racist platforms would be laughed out of the Dems.

Since the word Republican never appeared in my post I have no clue what you are talking about.
...Democrats started the KKK, they persecuted blacks and other ethnicities...
Yes, and, at the same time, No, I think.

It was the Republicans who (1) fought to preserve the Union and (2) freed the slaves and (3) sustained those freed slaves during the earliest going after war's end.

It was the Southern Democrats who (1) seceded from the union and (2) fought to preserve slavery and (3) found workarounds for Federal protection of Freedmen (Jim Crow laws, et al) and (4) persecuted blacks between 1865 and 1964, to varying degrees.

While Southern Democrats were busy stifling Black progress, Northern Democrats were busy morphing into liberal-progressive socialist- or communal-effort -leaning politicos.

All the while, the Republican Party was morphing into the Mouthpiece for Big Business, under the guise of less-is-more government, in the context of helping the Common Man.

And then, in 1964, with an old-style racist, prejudiced bastard like Lyndon Baines Johnson, having a change-of-heart, or having a change-of-tactics (or a little of both), and shoving the Civil Rights Act through Congress, and forcing the concepts down the throats of the National Democratic Party Organization...

The old-style Southern Democrats had had enough, and bailed out of the Democratic Party, leaving the field clear for the Northern Democrat socialist - communalist - liberal/progressive element of the Party to begin its climb to control of the Party...

Those Southern Democrats morphed into the more Socially Conservative or Rightist element within the Republican Party, with a lot of spill-over into the Independent and Right-Winger camps, for those with views sufficiently extreme that the Republican Party would not tolerate them...

In a very real sense, the Southern Democrats of yesteryear are the Right-Wing Fringe types of today, yes?

Did I get it right?
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The guy ran for office multiple times as a Democrat.

He's a lunatic lefty. He shares the same lefty ideology that fuels the leftards on this site.

These people are lunatics and no respecters of human life, or liberty.
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It's very important for jews to carry guns when in jewish facilities.

More jews should buy guns and train how to use them.
No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.
Former Governor of Alabama George Wallace ran in the 1968 United States presidential election as the candidate of the American Independent Party.

Wallace's pro-segregation policies had been rejected by the mainstream of the Democratic Party. The impact of the Wallace campaign was substantial, winning the electoral votes of several states in the Deep South. Although Wallace did not expect to win the election, his strategy was to prevent either major party candidate from winning a majority in the Electoral College and throw the election into the House of Representatives, where Wallace would have bargaining power sufficient to determine, or at least strongly influence, the selection of a winner.

George Wallace presidential campaign, 1968 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wallace also pledged to withdraw from Vietnam in 90 days if the war wasnt winnable. Also from Wiki:
The principal achievement of Wallace's first term was an innovation in Alabama industrial development that several other states later copied: he was the first Southern governor to travel to corporate headquarters in Northern and Northeastern states to offer tax abatements and other incentives to companies willing to locate plants in Alabama.

He also initiated a junior college system that has now spread throughout the state, preparing many students to complete four-year degrees at Auburn University, UAB, or the University of Alabama. The community college in Andalusia is named for Wallace's first wife, Lurleen Burns Wallace.

The University of South Alabama, a new state university in Mobile, was chartered in 1963 during Wallace's first year in office as governor.
Yes, thoroughly progressive. He won his last election as governor with a majority of the black vote.
He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.
You're playing fast and loose with the truth. The KKK is the brainchild of the Democrats who fought tooth and nail to destroy the Republican Anti-Slavery Party Antebellum through the late 1960s. So hateful were they in my area, I decided for my entire lifetime I would avoid becoming a Democrat. Instead, when it was time to make up my mind, I went with Republicans, who had a 150-year history of fighting against slavery, then for black suffrage and equal rights, then for equal education (Little Rock, 1954) and equal pay for equal work right on up through today.

The Democrat Party has never been able to equal up to the Republican Party, so they reinvented history to fool simpletons into thinking they had nothing to do with their Party starting and using the KKK to scare and kill blacks throughout its miserable history. Oh, and did I say the KKK hates people of Jewish extraction also? Yesterday, a former KKK Grand Dragon murdered a 14-year-old boy and his Grandfather for being at a Jewish Community Center where the 14-year-old had come to sing.

It is being considered a hate crime, but mass murder is mass murder, they were singled out merely by being there.

Democrats started the KKK, they persecuted blacks and other ethnicities, and they're obviously still at it. Democrats can take responsibility for what they started and that it is no different from what they started--the unfair taking of law and lives into their own hands without a trial or jury.

Stop the false accusations against Republicans who fought for black rights for well over a century, and Democrats only came in recently to steal the vote with their eye on the keys to the United States Treasury. If you don't believe it, you haven't read of Nancy Pelosi's family involvement in Solyndra and how they helped themselves and their friends to half a billion dollars of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY paid for dearly in tax form. Also, with similar manipulation of legislation, Harry Reid was able to route a 1.3 billion deal to his Chinese pals who hired Reid's son to do the lawyer part.

Can you say nepotism and racism are what you're defending? I can!

Thanks for the history lesson but you must have missed the part where I said I already knew that. You also must have missed the part where I asked how that history was relevant to a racist KKK member running as a Dem in this day and age? The retard, inbred KKK member with the racist platforms would be laughed out of the Dems.

Since the word Republican never appeared in my post I have no clue what you are talking about.
You said rightwing. Obama uses rightwing interchangeably with the terms "Republicans" and "enemies" and "racists." Over and over and over. Don't expect Republicans to lay back for a sliming that is not deserved! I'm a Republican on purpose. In 1962-1964, I went to Mississippi in the middle of an election. My neighbor fixed me up with a date. When I got there, the date was cancelled on account of all the younger men going out and hassling black voters. That truly turned my stomach. I never went back to Mississippi after that. I felt each man and each woman had a vote to cast and deserved to go to the polls and vote considering their contribution to this nation in good times and in bad ones.

I do not regret in the least my decision to become a Republican and adopt conservative antidiscrimination ways. I can't stand interlopers who drop acid on my party or on other conservatives because a KKK member whose roots started with Democrats wants a free ride on the Republican ticket without observing party platform of antidiscrimination, support for the rule of law, and support for the Constitution of the United States of America. I am not thrilled to see the corruption that carried fear for over a century of time in America being inked over the Bill of Rights, in a party that has a history of doing things through deceit and oppression of truthful and free speech, replacing it with conveniently timed calumnies against Republican conservative politicians who are later given an apology by the courts for an action meant to precisely destroy their character in the eyes of voters prior to the election when a heinous charge is difficult to prove one's innocence in the court of press polarity for the opposition, and not as a neutral or even a skeptical observer who is familiar with false accusations aiming to swing an election to a lesser candidate whose eye is on the benefits of the United States Treasury to himself and his friends, and not on the American people as a whole.

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