Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

During his time as leader of the WPP, Miller unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party 's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina

You forgot to post the whole paragraph.
"During his time as leader of the WPP, he unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina,[5] and the 1986 Republican Party's nomination for a seat in the United States Senate.[6]"

Like I said, he was turned away by both parties.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.

Oh, that was convenient. Yup, typical half truth repub.
There is this thing called process. Entire parties dont switch ideology in an instant. You are pointing out 2 people who helped bring about change to the Dems. You can't possibly be that stupid can you?

You think George Wallace was right wing? Wallace was a progressive.
FDR was right wing? Harry Truman? Do you even have the slightest idea what you're talking about??

Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

The true reactionary racists these days are Prog Dems who keep poor blacks as government dependents living in poverty on Urban Plantations.

Just sayin'.
Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

So Wallace, FDR and Truman were all conservatives? Wow, had no idea.

What does that have to do with the retard running as a Dem in this day and age?

Oh, The Rabbi is just doing his usual schtick, trying to deflect and derail. Nothing new to see there. Guess he likes this murderer, haven't seen him speak against him yet.

So, this tells us all about the Rabbi that we need to know....

...he's more interested in politicizing this and demonizing the "other side" then condemning a man who just murdered three innocent people during his anti-jewish Jihad.
He was from NC one town over from where I live now, He was a rightwing vermin alright

He bought a farm in Angier, North Carolina, where he formed the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan in 1980. He preferred wearing fatigues to the traditional Klan robe and recruited active-duty soldiers to conduct paramilitary-style training, aggressively seeking publicity and taking inspiration from Hitler, as he described in his autobiography: “I would try to emulate Hitler’s methods of attracting members and supporters…I placed great emphasis on staging marches and rallies. It had been successful with Hitler.” His stated goal was to create an all-white “Carolina"

Hate?and Hitler?in the Heartland: The Arrest of Frazier Glenn Miller - The Daily Beast

He ran for Congressional office as a Democrat in 2006! Just like Robert Byrd!

He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.

The KKK was formed by Democrats, and still has ties to Democrats, as this piece of human fecal matter proves!....You deny this? :cuckoo:
He ran for Congressional office as a Democrat in 2006! Just like Robert Byrd!

He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.

The KKK was formed by Democrats, and still has ties to Democrats, as this piece of human fecal matter proves!....You deny this? :cuckoo:

And this is much more important to you that the topic of the OP, which is about a man who just murdered three innocent people. Tells the world a lot about you, scumfuck.
He wasnt very bright to run as a Democrat. The KKK is rightwing. He just happened to be a exceptionally stupid racist.

The KKK was formed by Democrats, and still has ties to Democrats, as this piece of human fecal matter proves!....You deny this? :cuckoo:

And this is much more important to you that the topic of the OP, which is about a man who just murdered three innocent people. Tells the world a lot about you, scumfuck.

Oh, so asslapse makes a KKK statement, and you say nothing, but when I answer him, I get your derangement directed at me!

You think George Wallace was right wing? Wallace was a progressive.
FDR was right wing? Harry Truman? Do you even have the slightest idea what you're talking about??

Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

The true reactionary racists these days are Prog Dems who keep poor blacks as government dependents living in poverty on Urban Plantations.

Just sayin'.

What does that have to do with the retarded racist, anti-semite running as a Dem in this day and age? He was trying to kill Jews not Black people dummy.
The KKK was formed by Democrats, and still has ties to Democrats, as this piece of human fecal matter proves!....You deny this? :cuckoo:

And this is much more important to you that the topic of the OP, which is about a man who just murdered three innocent people. Tells the world a lot about you, scumfuck.

Oh, so asslapse makes a KKK statement, and you say nothing, but when I answer him, I get your derangement directed at me!


Because it's been covered hundreds of times in USMB already. Pain attention, scumfuck.
The KKK was formed by Democrats, and still has ties to Democrats, as this piece of human fecal matter proves!....You deny this? :cuckoo:

And this is much more important to you that the topic of the OP, which is about a man who just murdered three innocent people. Tells the world a lot about you, scumfuck.

Oh, so asslapse makes a KKK statement, and you say nothing, but when I answer him, I get your derangement directed at me!


I only made the statement he was a retard which speaks to his mental state and the mental state of those that think like him.
Over the weekend we had an individual shoot & kill random people he THOUGHT were Jewish.

Can anyone explain to me WHY people hate Jews? I just don't get it. What's even sadder(for lack of a better word) is the individual thought he was killing Jews but they turned out to be Catholic & Methodist.

Why does religion spark such violence?
It's not the religion, it's the idiots who follow it. I saw a report where the asshole was mouthing "heil hitler' in the back of the police car. Anyone who loves that murderer is an
insane dickhead. Unfortunately, there are a lot of those out there.

Such a tragedy for the grandfather and his grandson and their family....such a waste, an absolute waste.
Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

So Wallace, FDR and Truman were all conservatives? Wow, had no idea.

What does that have to do with the retard running as a Dem in this day and age?

You brought it up in Post #70. Now you want to run away since you've been pwned all over this thread.
So Wallace, FDR and Truman were all conservatives? Wow, had no idea.

What does that have to do with the retard running as a Dem in this day and age?

You brought it up in Post #70. Now you want to run away since you've been pwned all over this thread.

I brought up the fact he was a retard for running as a Dem while being a KKK member. You must also be a retard for thinking you pwned anyone but yourself.
Sad indeed but to the point, WHY do people hate Jews? What did they do to spark such feelings?

They killed Jesus is the religious fanatics excuse. For the dickheads out there they hate the Jews because they are successful. They were a small group after the diaspora but they maintained their culture and got into business and set up contacts all across Europe so that if a knight wanted to have money sent to a relative in the Holy Land they could arrange it safely and quickly.

The local businesses hated them because they had that international access that the locals didn't. So they made up lies about them and after 2,000 years, some of those lies are still believed by the simple minded.
What does that have to do with the retard running as a Dem in this day and age?

You brought it up in Post #70. Now you want to run away since you've been pwned all over this thread.

I brought up the fact he was a retard for running as a Dem while being a KKK member. You must also be a retard for thinking you pwned anyone but yourself.

And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.
You brought it up in Post #70. Now you want to run away since you've been pwned all over this thread.

I brought up the fact he was a retard for running as a Dem while being a KKK member. You must also be a retard for thinking you pwned anyone but yourself.

And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.
I brought up the fact he was a retard for running as a Dem while being a KKK member. You must also be a retard for thinking you pwned anyone but yourself.

And then it had to be explained to you that the KKK was founded and populated by Democrats. Then you pivoted to the ridiculous statement that the Democrat Party was made up of conservatives. You're all over the place with opinions based on misinformation, half truths, and distortions.

No, the racist, bigoted Conservative scum of the Democratic Party of that time, much like USMB assholes who call Obama a "third rate monkey", gravitated from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party in essentially three waves: after Strom Thurmond's 1948 attempt, toward Barry Goldwater in 1964 and then with Richard Nixon's SSS in the 1970s.

Nice try. No cheese for you. You picked the wrong dude to try to desperately show that you are somehow intelligent.


Wallace was a progressive.

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