Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

The people who were killed were Methodists.

That's probably because most racists and Nazi's are intellectually inferior to the rest of the world.

(That means he was too stupid to realize who he was killing).

I guess this means he won't get his "I killed a Jew" tattoo.

Um no. He he specifically wanted to know who was Jewish, yet he shot and killed two Methodists..
Like I said, Nazi's are stupid.
The man was a crazy person turned away by both republicans and democrats.

Sent from my iPhone using the tears of Raider's fans.
During his time as leader of the WPP, Miller unsuccessfully sought both the Democratic Party 's 1984 nomination for Governor of North Carolina
Supremacist held in slayings at Kan. Jewish center

The Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., maintains an extensive file on Miller, which it describes on its website:

"One of the first white supremacists to use paramilitary tactics with his North Carolina-based hate group — the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, which later morphed into the White Patriot Party — Glenn Miller went on the lam in 1986 after mailing a letter to 5,000 people calling for "total war" against the feds, blacks and Jews."

In February 2004, the center said, "He announced he would be putting out a new four-page racist tabloid. 'Since my prison release, I've worked for the Cause in the most effective way I know how,' Miller wrote on the neo-Nazi Vanguard News Network, where he vowed to 'unite, organize, educate, recruit' against the Jews until 'death or victory.' "
Unfortunately the wrong lesson will be taken from this. That we need more gun control. That we need more police. That we need more state power to prevent this.
The real lesson is we need more armed Jews.

Yes. I agree with you. It's rare, so you better enjoy it while you can.

We don't need more gun control.

But we do need a uniform death penalty for such murderers.
The people who were killed were Methodists.

That is a lie. The killer first asked the people in front of the Jewish Center and then again in front of the Jewish old folks home if they were Jewish and when they answered in the affirmative, he then shot them dead.

But of course you lied, you are a racist, anti-semitic piece of shit.
Perhaps the subversives will make the piece of fecal matter into a KKK killer, or a member of the Militia that didn't get to shoot a BLM agent at the Bundy for it!

He IS a member of the KKK, CNN is reporting:

Police arrest 'raging anti-Semite' in Kansas Jewish center shootings -

the suspect -- Frazier Glenn Miller -- is the founder and former leader of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan and the White Patriot Party.
May their GOD have mercy on them.....

BUT where are the demented liberals screaming about a GUY WITH A GUN?

Perhaps they don't think a Jews life is worth anything?

Frazier Glenn Cross, the bigoted KKK leader who did this, is a Democrat.

I was waiting for some fool to come along and decide on the political orientation of the killer. That is just crazy.

No one wants that man. Shame on you.
Another example why we need more people like me on the streets. Legally armed and willing to eliminate threats.

We need more good people with guns to eliminate bad people with guns

Law of averages is on our side

Another example why we need more people like me on the streets. Legally armed and willing to eliminate threats.

We need more good people with guns to eliminate bad people with guns

Law of averages is on our side


Hey Geaux........just picked up a Saiga 7.62 39....iz132..what a hoot the range was last weekend Thing just eats the rounds.....I preferred it to my brothers AR. Cycles that shit effortlessly. Of course, living in NewYorkistan here, no pistol grip for me and gotta pop another magazine after 10 rounds, but dang the thing is a blast. I traded in my cowboy gun in 44 Mag. Stainless steel Rossi M92.......a beautiful rifle but at $55.00 for a box of 50, I was going broke at the range. Much prefer 1,000 rounds for $250!!!:D:D I thought my 930 Mossberg was fun.......gotta get me some good optics as my eyesight kinda sucks.

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