Three killed in shooting near Jewish Community Center in KS

You're playing fast and loose with the truth. The KKK is the brainchild of the Democrats who fought tooth and nail to destroy the Republican Anti-Slavery Party Antebellum through the late 1960s. So hateful were they in my area, I decided for my entire lifetime I would avoid becoming a Democrat. Instead, when it was time to make up my mind, I went with Republicans, who had a 150-year history of fighting against slavery, then for black suffrage and equal rights, then for equal education (Little Rock, 1954) and equal pay for equal work right on up through today.

The Democrat Party has never been able to equal up to the Republican Party, so they reinvented history to fool simpletons into thinking they had nothing to do with their Party starting and using the KKK to scare and kill blacks throughout its miserable history. Oh, and did I say the KKK hates people of Jewish extraction also? Yesterday, a former KKK Grand Dragon murdered a 14-year-old boy and his Grandfather for being at a Jewish Community Center where the 14-year-old had come to sing.

It is being considered a hate crime, but mass murder is mass murder, they were singled out merely by being there.

Democrats started the KKK, they persecuted blacks and other ethnicities, and they're obviously still at it. Democrats can take responsibility for what they started and that it is no different from what they started--the unfair taking of law and lives into their own hands without a trial or jury.

Stop the false accusations against Republicans who fought for black rights for well over a century, and Democrats only came in recently to steal the vote with their eye on the keys to the United States Treasury. If you don't believe it, you haven't read of Nancy Pelosi's family involvement in Solyndra and how they helped themselves and their friends to half a billion dollars of OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY paid for dearly in tax form. Also, with similar manipulation of legislation, Harry Reid was able to route a 1.3 billion deal to his Chinese pals who hired Reid's son to do the lawyer part.

Can you say nepotism and racism are what you're defending? I can!

Thanks for the history lesson but you must have missed the part where I said I already knew that. You also must have missed the part where I asked how that history was relevant to a racist KKK member running as a Dem in this day and age? The retard, inbred KKK member with the racist platforms would be laughed out of the Dems.

Since the word Republican never appeared in my post I have no clue what you are talking about.
You said rightwing. Obama uses rightwing interchangeably with the terms "Republicans" and "enemies" and "racists." Over and over and over. Don't expect Republicans to lay back for a sliming that is not deserved! I'm a Republican on purpose. In 1962-1964, I went to Mississippi in the middle of an election. My neighbor fixed me up with a date. When I got there, the date was cancelled on account of all the younger men going out and hassling black voters. That truly turned my stomach. I never went back to Mississippi after that. I felt each man and each woman had a vote to cast and deserved to go to the polls and vote considering their contribution to this nation in good times and in bad ones.

I do not regret in the least my decision to become a Republican and adopt conservative antidiscrimination ways. I can't stand interlopers who drop acid on my party or on other conservatives because a KKK member whose roots started with Democrats wants a free ride on the Republican ticket without observing party platform of antidiscrimination, support for the rule of law, and support for the Constitution of the United States of America. I am not thrilled to see the corruption that carried fear for over a century of time in America being inked over the Bill of Rights, in a party that has a history of doing things through deceit and oppression of truthful and free speech, replacing it with conveniently timed calumnies against Republican conservative politicians who are later given an apology by the courts for an action meant to precisely destroy their character in the eyes of voters prior to the election when a heinous charge is difficult to prove one's innocence in the court of press polarity for the opposition, and not as a neutral or even a skeptical observer who is familiar with false accusations aiming to swing an election to a lesser candidate whose eye is on the benefits of the United States Treasury to himself and his friends, and not on the American people as a whole.

What does what "Obama said" have to do with me? I'm not Obama. I said right wing. If you notice its easier to write repub than right wing. If thats what i meant thats what I would have written.
Apparently they are not.

Apparently you don't realize racism is considered a far right ideology.

That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

Who were right wing nut cases.
Apparently they are not.

Apparently you don't realize racism is considered a far right ideology.

That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

the kkk hasn't been dem since the civil rights act. they're yours now.

stop lying.
Apparently you don't realize racism is considered a far right ideology.

That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

the kkk hasn't been dem since the civil rights act. they're yours now.

stop lying.

HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Apparently you don't realize racism is considered a far right ideology.

That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

Who were right wing nut cases.

You know what, if that is what you choose to believe, then so be it. I would think that a good liberal or democrat would appreciate the dangers of stereotyping and generalizations. I would also think that one who wants to be appreciated in any discussion wouldn't summarily dismiss other opinions and ignore facts when presented.

The truth of the matter is that the true political spectrum is far more than right and left.

Check out this site. The Political Compass good info and a fairly decent political spectrum 'test'

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That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

Who were right wing nut cases.

You know what, if that is what you choose to believe, then so be it. I would think that a good liberal or democrat would appreciate the dangers of stereotyping and generalizations. I would also think that one who wants to be appreciated in any discussion wouldn't summarily dismiss other opinions and ignore facts when presented.

The truth of the matter is that the true political spectrum is far more than right and left.

Check out this site. The Political Compass good info and a fairly decent political spectrum 'test'


Was that chart put together by a chimp?
Wallace was a segregationist that renounced those views. Fits right in with todays right wings. FDR was a racist anti-semite as well. Harry Truman was also a racist. Do you even read about these things?

The true reactionary racists these days are Prog Dems who keep poor blacks as government dependents living in poverty on Urban Plantations.

Just sayin'.

only in psycho world where they pay for an autograph from someone who stalked and killed an unarmed young man for walking while black would anyone call "progressive democrats" reactionary.

the poster should probably learn what reactionary means and divine the difference between a "progressive" as opposed to other democrats.

but wing nuts in the bubble aren't capable of doing that.

Pay for his autograph or pay for books and get angry over his cancelled radio show, tell me, what is the difference between Mumia Abu-Jamal and Zimmerman? The left surrounds him and coddles him. Both minorities who killed others, one embraced by the left the other the right...

Unless one counts all the movies made about Jamal by the left trying to convince us he is a good guy.
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That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

Who were right wing nut cases.

You know what, if that is what you choose to believe, then so be it. I would think that a good liberal or democrat would appreciate the dangers of stereotyping and generalizations. I would also think that one who wants to be appreciated in any discussion wouldn't summarily dismiss other opinions and ignore facts when presented.

The truth of the matter is that the true political spectrum is far more than right and left.

Check out this site. The Political Compass good info and a fairly decent political spectrum 'test'


What is that supposed to be?

BTW I am not a good anything. I dont fit neatly into any political category. Racism is a far right ideology. Google it.
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That is an assertion only made by the left in an effort to demonize their political foes. Racists are racists and their ideology is unique to that of being a racist. As for the KKK being are delusional. The KKK has historically been democrats...Southern democrats.

the kkk hasn't been dem since the civil rights act. they're yours now.

stop lying.

HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?
Who were right wing nut cases.

You know what, if that is what you choose to believe, then so be it. I would think that a good liberal or democrat would appreciate the dangers of stereotyping and generalizations. I would also think that one who wants to be appreciated in any discussion wouldn't summarily dismiss other opinions and ignore facts when presented.

The truth of the matter is that the true political spectrum is far more than right and left.

Check out this site. The Political Compass good info and a fairly decent political spectrum 'test'


What is that supposed to be?

BTW I am not a good anything. I dont fit neatly into any political category. Racism is a far right ideology. Google it.
The political spectrum is not linear. Left and right is the simple version people use to attack their opponents or garner support from like minded people.
the kkk hasn't been dem since the civil rights act. they're yours now.

stop lying.

HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

You may want to ask Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Gary Franks, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Niger innis, Wallace Jefferson, Alan Keyes, Alveda King, Mia Love, Star Parker, Jesse Lee Peterson, Condi Rice, Tim Scott, Thomas Sowell, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, J.C. Watts, and Alan West to start with.
HillBillyJilly....They were Democrats until 2010!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:


So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

You may want to ask Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Gary Franks, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Niger innis, Wallace Jefferson, Alan Keyes, Alveda King, Mia Love, Star Parker, Jesse Lee Peterson, Condi Rice, Tim Scott, Thomas Sowell, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, J.C. Watts, and Alan West to start with.
I can't ask them, I will ask you. Do you think blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

That is what you are implying by disagreeing with Robert Byrd.
So the official GOP stance is that blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

You may want to ask Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Gary Franks, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Niger innis, Wallace Jefferson, Alan Keyes, Alveda King, Mia Love, Star Parker, Jesse Lee Peterson, Condi Rice, Tim Scott, Thomas Sowell, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, J.C. Watts, and Alan West to start with.
I can't ask them, I will ask you. Do you think blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

That is what you are implying by disagreeing with Robert Byrd.

As with whites, Asians, Hispanics, and any other race, as long as they stand for our traditional values, borders, language, culture, I would welcome them with open arms, as they then would be truly Americans.
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You may want to ask Herman Cain, Ben Carson, Larry Elder, Gary Franks, James Golden, Amy Holmes, Niger innis, Wallace Jefferson, Alan Keyes, Alveda King, Mia Love, Star Parker, Jesse Lee Peterson, Condi Rice, Tim Scott, Thomas Sowell, Michael Steele, Clarence Thomas, J.C. Watts, and Alan West to start with.
I can't ask them, I will ask you. Do you think blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

That is what you are implying by disagreeing with Robert Byrd.

As with whites, Asians, Hispanics, and any other race, as long as they stand for our traditional values, borders, language, culture, I would welcome them with open arms, as they then would be truly Americans.

Not many blacks, asians, or hispanics stand for those things in America, maybe in their countries, or for their own race, but not for America.

Did you see any non-whites stand for traditional American values and culture by standing with the Bundy family in Nevada against federal tyranny?
I can't ask them, I will ask you. Do you think blacks have been good for America, and more would be desirable?

That is what you are implying by disagreeing with Robert Byrd.

As with whites, Asians, Hispanics, and any other race, as long as they stand for our traditional values, borders, language, culture, I would welcome them with open arms, as they then would be truly Americans.

Not many blacks, asians, or hispanics stand for those things in America, maybe in their countries, or for their own race, but not for America.

Did you see any non-whites stand for traditional American values and culture by standing with the Bundy family in Nevada against federal tyranny?

I never really thought about it, or looked, as race, creed, color played no part in my judgment. Were their any of the above on the BLM side, as I also didn't take note!
As with whites, Asians, Hispanics, and any other race, as long as they stand for our traditional values, borders, language, culture, I would welcome them with open arms, as they then would be truly Americans.

Not many blacks, asians, or hispanics stand for those things in America, maybe in their countries, or for their own race, but not for America.

Did you see any non-whites stand for traditional American values and culture by standing with the Bundy family in Nevada against federal tyranny?

I never really thought about it, or looked, as race, creed, color played no part in my judgment. Were their any of the above on the BLM side, as I also didn't take note!

Well, you should take note of it, and stop being color blind, especially if you are going to support the idea of a multiracial society. You should see if other races believe in the notion of traditional values, borders, language, and culture like the Whites that stood with Bundy did.
Not many blacks, asians, or hispanics stand for those things in America, maybe in their countries, or for their own race, but not for America.

Did you see any non-whites stand for traditional American values and culture by standing with the Bundy family in Nevada against federal tyranny?

I never really thought about it, or looked, as race, creed, color played no part in my judgment. Were their any of the above on the BLM side, as I also didn't take note!

Well, you should take note of it, and stop being color blind, especially if you are going to support the idea of a multiracial society. You should see if other races believe in the notion of traditional values, borders, language, and culture like the Whites that stood with Bundy did.

I believe that list of decent blacks that I posted would concur with my thoughts on the subject. If they don't believe in our culture, and traditional values, what good are they to a cohesive country... we've seen how letting in the world has affected our economy, and traditions by those let in NOT wanting to be Americans, but takers

Teddy Roosevelt, our first PROGRESSIVE president said it well, IMHO...

We should insist that if the immigrant who comes here does in good faith become an American and assimilates himself to us he shall be treated on an exact equality with every one else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed or birth-place or origin.

But this is predicated upon the man's becoming in very fact an American and nothing but an American. If he tries to keep segregated with men of his own origin and separated from the rest of America, then he isn't doing his part as an American. There can be no divided allegiance here. . . We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality, and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding-house; and we have room for but one soul loyalty, and that is loyalty to the American people.

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