Three Stooges: Mueller-Rosenstein-Comey

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Roger Stone refers to Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein as the three Amigos. I think the Three Stooges is a more fitting title for the tricky trio. These guys have more connections that you can shake a stick at. Robert Mueller has already broken the law by meeting privately with Comey to prepare him for his Senate testimony. Clear violation of the rules.

Roger Stone: Trump Should Fire Mueller and Rosenstein Immediately
“I refer to Mueller, James Comey, and Rod Rosenstein as the three amigos,” Stone said. “These three guys have worked for both the Clintons and the Bushes. That tells you everything you need to know.”

“This is partisan politics. This isn’t about the law, it’s not about the court, it’s not about the truth. It’s just about removing Donald Trump.”

“Mr. Mueller meeting with Mr. Comey to prepare him for his Senate testimony. Ding, there it is right there,” he said. “Bias. Gone, you’re gone. He broke the rules. Gone. I think you have every reason to fire this guy.”

On May 22, it was reported that Mueller had reviewed Comey’s memos, which Comey said he wrote to make a record of conversations with the president, and that the congressional hearing where Comey was to testify was being postponed until Mueller and Comey had a change to meet.
Stone also noted that the careers of Rosenstein, Comey and Mueller are "intertwined."

Comey previously held Rosenstein's job -- deputy attorney general -- while Mueller preceded Comey as FBI director. All three were previously U.S. attorneys working for the Department of Justice.

"They have no case, based on every legal expert that I respect," said Stone. "But, this is partisan politics. This isn't about the law, it's not about the court, it's not about the truth. It's just about removing Donald Trump and doing what they couldn't do at the ballot box."

The Three Stooges - if it weren't so serious I'd laugh.......
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Here's more on the Three Stooges........
Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey: The Three Amigos from the Deep State

Mueller, Rosenstein, and Comey: The Three Amigos from the Deep State

By Roger Stone

There is a longtime and incestuous relationship between the fixers who have been tasked with taking down President Trump, under the fake narrative of enforcing the law.

James Comey worked in the DOJ directly under Mueller until 2005. Rod Rosenstein and Mueller go even further back.

James Comey wasn’t just some associate of Mueller back then, but rather his protégé. Under the George W. Bush presidency, when Comey was serving as Deputy Attorney General under John Ashcroft, Robert Mueller was Comey’s go-to guy when he needed help.

The two men, as it came to light years later, conspired to disobey potential White House orders to leave Ashcroft alone when he was incapacitated in March of 2004.

These two men, when together, will not obey orders if they think they know better. Being filled with hubris and almost two decades of doing just about anything they want, they always think they know better.

Rod Rosenstein, current Deputy Attorney General under Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is also a member of the Mueller Gang, having worked directly under Robert Mueller at the Department of Justice as far back as 1990. When Comey was still working as the Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the U.S. Attorney’s office in New York, Mueller and Rosenstein were becoming thick as thieves.

We look back at Rod’s loyal work for Hillary Clinton, when he became a clean-up man for the Clinton Administration as an Associate Independent Counsel from 1995 until 1997. He supervised the investigation that found no basis for criminal prosecution of White House officials who had obtained classified FBI background reports.

He did a great job covering for the Team Bill Clinton, including covering for Hillary, as she was one of the people who had access to the reports, and may have even requested them. Convenient for the Clintons, no indictments were filed.
three stooges handed Trump his ass.

fitting legacy ,,
Roger Stone proudly admits to lying regularly for the sake of scoring political points.
three stooges handed Trump his ass.

fitting legacy ,,
I think we all know that hasn't happened but Clinton's Three Stooges are going to get their own fitting legacy when this is all over. You can count on it.
Roger Stone refers to Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein as the three Amigos. I think the Three Stooges is a more fitting title for the tricky trio. These guys have more connections that you can shake a stick at. Robert Mueller has already broken the law by meeting privately with Comey to prepare him for his Senate testimony. Clear violation of the rules.

Roger Stone: Trump Should Fire Mueller and Rosenstein Immediately
“I refer to Mueller, James Comey, and Rod Rosenstein as the three amigos,” Stone said. “These three guys have worked for both the Clintons and the Bushes. That tells you everything you need to know.”

“This is partisan politics. This isn’t about the law, it’s not about the court, it’s not about the truth. It’s just about removing Donald Trump.”

“Mr. Mueller meeting with Mr. Comey to prepare him for his Senate testimony. Ding, there it is right there,” he said. “Bias. Gone, you’re gone. He broke the rules. Gone. I think you have every reason to fire this guy.”

On May 22, it was reported that Mueller had reviewed Comey’s memos, which Comey said he wrote to make a record of conversations with the president, and that the congressional hearing where Comey was to testify was being postponed until Mueller and Comey had a change to meet.
Stone also noted that the careers of Rosenstein, Comey and Mueller are "intertwined."

Comey previously held Rosenstein's job -- deputy attorney general -- while Mueller preceded Comey as FBI director. All three were previously U.S. attorneys working for the Department of Justice.

"They have no case, based on every legal expert that I respect," said Stone. "But, this is partisan politics. This isn't about the law, it's not about the court, it's not about the truth. It's just about removing Donald Trump and doing what they couldn't do at the ballot box."
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The Three Stooges - if it weren't so serious I'd laugh.......
it's pretty bizarre. i hope it's not a glimpse of the future.
REPORT: Robert Mueller Was FBI Director When Agency Hid Evidence On Clinton-Russia Connection

Lawyer Sidney Powell: Prosecutor's Record Destroys Credibility of Mueller Probe


In a trial rife with
prosecutorial misconduct obviously calculated to win at any cost, Weissmann helped rewrite crucial jury instructions defining the "crime" and the intent required. Three years later, a unanimous Supreme Court reversed the conviction. All the justices agreed that Andersen's conduct was not a crime, and it was "shocking how little criminal culpability the jury instructions required.

In plain English, Mr. Weissmann concocted a crime, destroyed a company and 85,000 jobs, spent millions of tax dollars, and obtained a wrongful conviction — all for nothing. The prosecutors were so over-reaching that the judge even allowed Mr. Duncan to withdraw his guilty plea"


'Determined to "send a message to Wall Street," Weissmann supervised the prosecution of four Merrill Lynch executives on charges that were unprecedented.

Like a character from the TV series
The Blacklist, Weissmann himself often made multiple phone calls to lawyers for potential defense witnesses, threatening the indictment of anyone who might testify for the defense — including in-house legal counsel.

To top it off, Weissmann and team actually yellow-highlighted evidence that was favorable to the defense before the Barge trial, but
hid it for six years while four Merrill executives served a year in prison on an indictment that failed to allege a crime as charged.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed 12 out of 14 counts of conviction, acquitted one defendant completely, and later held that the prosecutors "
plainly suppressed evidence" favorable to the defense and provided misleading summaries instead.'

Weissmann and Mueller (and Comey) should not be investigating anything or prosecuting anyone any more. They should be in jail for a very long time....yet they are the ones trying to 'get Trump'.
Roger Stone refers to Mueller, Comey and Rosenstein as the three Amigos. I think the Three Stooges is a more fitting title for the tricky trio. These guys have more connections that you can shake a stick at. Robert Mueller has already broken the law by meeting privately with Comey to prepare him for his Senate testimony. Clear violation of the rules.

Roger Stone: Trump Should Fire Mueller and Rosenstein Immediately
“I refer to Mueller, James Comey, and Rod Rosenstein as the three amigos,” Stone said. “These three guys have worked for both the Clintons and the Bushes. That tells you everything you need to know.”

“This is partisan politics. This isn’t about the law, it’s not about the court, it’s not about the truth. It’s just about removing Donald Trump.”

“Mr. Mueller meeting with Mr. Comey to prepare him for his Senate testimony. Ding, there it is right there,” he said. “Bias. Gone, you’re gone. He broke the rules. Gone. I think you have every reason to fire this guy.”

On May 22, it was reported that Mueller had reviewed Comey’s memos, which Comey said he wrote to make a record of conversations with the president, and that the congressional hearing where Comey was to testify was being postponed until Mueller and Comey had a change to meet.
Stone also noted that the careers of Rosenstein, Comey and Mueller are "intertwined."

Comey previously held Rosenstein's job -- deputy attorney general -- while Mueller preceded Comey as FBI director. All three were previously U.S. attorneys working for the Department of Justice.

"They have no case, based on every legal expert that I respect," said Stone. "But, this is partisan politics. This isn't about the law, it's not about the court, it's not about the truth. It's just about removing Donald Trump and doing what they couldn't do at the ballot box."
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The Three Stooges - if it weren't so serious I'd laugh.......
Roger Stone is a criminal and a traitor to the United States of America. Of course you’re simpatico with him.

You can make all the caricatures of Mueller you want but there’s not one person in the Dump White House with 1/1,000 th the integrity that Bob Mueller has.

I love it that you rats are scared out of your minds that Mueller is closing in on the inner circle in the White House.

Next two indictments: Kushner and Don Jr.

It so sucks to be you.
Everybody knows that the original foundation (non criminal) allegations about "collusion with Russia" have dried up so what's the point? We have the arrogant FBI refusing to answer legitimate questions from congress and a FBI agent on Mueller's staff engaging in what comes close to treason by trying to undermine the Commander in Chief. What more evidence does (chicken shit?) Sessions need to terminate the witch hunt?
The FBI has not only been proven to be criminal but has been proven to have been so for over a decade.

Weissmann, Mueller, and Comey have been exposed as being criminal, having engaged in prosecutorial misconduct - in some cases crimes - to send innocent people to jail. They have ruined lives without care. In short, they belong on the OTHER side of the bars, not on this side with any influence in sending others to jail.

Their appointment to Trump's 'Inquisition' is all the proof anyone needs to understand the Democrats are engaged in wholesale sedition.
Everybody knows that the original foundation (non criminal) allegations about "collusion with Russia" have dried up so what's the point? We have the arrogant FBI refusing to answer legitimate questions from congress and a FBI agent on Mueller's staff engaging in what comes close to treason by trying to undermine the Commander in Chief. What more evidence does (chicken shit?) Sessions need to terminate the witch hunt?
The old “ everybody knows” bullshit.
Bob MUeller hasnt said one word since the investigation started but this headcase thinks the “ allegations have dried up.” Lol
Don Jr perjured himself yesterday..Sessions claimed “ I can’t recall “ 89 times but the cultists still pimp for their cult leader.
Roger Stone is a crook. His words mean nothing. Typical Trump type conspiracy blather.

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