Three teens murder for the fun of it.


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The Oklahoma teens who face first-degree murder charges have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones.

It comes as Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said he had secured the confession of the 17-year-old who summoned investigators to his jail cell and claimed he and the younger boys were bored "so they decided to kill somebody".

"He said he was the driver of the car," Chief Ford said.

"They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back.

"He said the 16-year-old fired the shot."

The three teenagers are being held in the Stephens County Jail in Duncan.

Chief Ford said the three teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves'' and were on their way to another house to murder a second, unrelated victim when they were arrested.

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.
Middle thug, is that Obama son? He looks like he could be so Obama is right. If Obama had a son he would look just like this murderering POS>
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids killing a white person, the right wingers/KKK would get a giant hard-on over this.

Have fun, wingnuts.
What image do you have of racial violence in the U.S.? What type of person do you think commits interracial or "hate" crime? If you get your information from the mass media (TV, radio, major newspapers, and popular magazines), you probably have an image of a vicious, ignorant, gun-loving, hate-filled, skinhead, Klansman, or militiaman - all white of course, that is a completely false stereotype. The truth is exactly the opposite!

The media, protected class minorities, and anti-white politicians expect you to twist in anguish over black-on-black crime or the rare but well-publicized white-on-black crime, but they never mention the much greater amount of black-on-white crime? Yes, blacks commit more crime against whites (1.58 million crimes per year) than they do against other blacks (1.34 million crimes per year)! It's a virtual war of black criminals and white victims!

We never read the facts in the national media! Why?

Neil Sheehan, an Australian reporter, dug out the following information for an article in the Sydney Morning Herald , May 2, 1995. Sheehan based his statistics on crime data compiled by the FBI and partially reported each year in The FBI Uniform Crime Report. These reports can be researched at the FBI's website, FBI ? Homepage.

Since the FBI doesn't distinguish between Hispanics and whites, Sheehan's statistics don't adequately reflect the black-white crime situation. Only about 10-15% of Hispanics are white, with the rest being Indian or a mixture of white, American Indian, and blacks. Hispanic crime rates are almost as high as black crime rates. This means that the data Sheehan compiled on inter-racial crime is probably grossly understated since a considerable portion of the "white against black" crime actually is Hispanic against black crime. (Information about this aspect of inter-racial crime will be presented in a related article.) Here is the information Sheehan uncovered in his analysis of the FBI's crime reports:

Blacks murder more than 1,600 whites each year.

Blacks murder whites at 18 times the rate whites murder blacks.

Blacks murdered, raped, robbed, or assaulted about one million whites in 1992.

In the last 30 years, blacks committed 170 million violent and non-violent crimes against whites.

Blacks under 18 are more than 12 times more likely to be arrested for murder than whites under 18.

About 90% of the victims of interracial crimes are white.

Blacks commit 7.5 times more violent interracial crimes than whites, although whites outnumber blacks by 7 to 1.

On a per capita basis, blacks commit 50 times more violent crime than whites.

Black neighborhoods are 35 times more violent than white neighborhoods.

Of the 27 million nonviolent robberies in 1992, 31% (8.4 million) were committed by blacks against whites. Less than 2% were committed by whites against blacks.

Of the 6.6 million violent crimes, 20% (1.3 million) were interracial.

Of the the 1.3 million interracial violent crimes, 90% (1.17 million) are black against white.

In the past 20 years, violent crime increased four times faster than the population.

In the last 30 years (1964-94), more than 45,000 people were killed in interracial murders compared to 38,000 killed in Korea and 58,000 in Vietnam.

Sheehan commented that the contents of his article could not possibly be published or discussed in the U.S. mainstream media.

In the last 50 years, the white part of the American population has declined from 90% to 72%. The U.S. now has about 33 million blacks and 25 million Hispanics (legal and illegal). By the year 2050, American whites will be a minority, just 49%. By 2100, whites will be 25% of the population.

What will life for whites be like in the future?
Aussie officials seem to think the gun was legally owned and want to boycott the USA until we repeal the 2nd amendment
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The Oklahoma teens who face first-degree murder charges have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones.

It comes as Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said he had secured the confession of the 17-year-old who summoned investigators to his jail cell and claimed he and the younger boys were bored "so they decided to kill somebody".

"He said he was the driver of the car," Chief Ford said.

"They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back.

"He said the 16-year-old fired the shot."

The three teenagers are being held in the Stephens County Jail in Duncan.

Chief Ford said the three teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves'' and were on their way to another house to murder a second, unrelated victim when they were arrested.

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

Li'l Trayvon would be writhing with gut wrenching envy.
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids killing a white person, the right wingers/KKK would get a giant hard-on over this.

Have fun, wingnuts.

The KKK is a strong arm of the Democratic party. Get your facts straight dumbass!!
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids killing a white person, the right wingers/KKK would get a giant hard-on over this.

Have fun, wingnuts.

The KKK is a strong arm of the Democratic party. Get your facts straight dumbass!!

While technically correct that is stil incorrect since the parties essentially flipped in the south in the 1960's.
We are facing a social phenomenon where certain individuals believe they have a right to commit the worst kind of crimes and that's what has to stop otherwise we are building a monster.

The three teens who beat up a white kid on a school bus does not think they did anything wrong. The father of one of them said his son did nothing wrong. His kid is a drug dealer and he thinks his son did nothing wrong. The 14 year old that was shot by a police officer after he had already shot another child and pointed the gun at the police did nothing wrong. His mother said he did nothing wrong. Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong when he smashed George Zimmerman's head into the concrete. Now these three were just having fun. They wanted to continue their fun by killing someone else.

That's where the problem is. The only part race plays is that the ones who are justified in killing in the name of fun are primarily black. The ones whose parents think they did nothing wrong are black. The color of one's skin does not confer a license to kill others in the name of your feeling good about yourself.
We are facing a social phenomenon where certain individuals believe they have a right to commit the worst kind of crimes and that's what has to stop otherwise we are building a monster.

The three teens who beat up a white kid on a school bus does not think they did anything wrong. The father of one of them said his son did nothing wrong. His kid is a drug dealer and he thinks his son did nothing wrong. The 14 year old that was shot by a police officer after he had already shot another child and pointed the gun at the police did nothing wrong. His mother said he did nothing wrong. Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong when he smashed George Zimmerman's head into the concrete. Now these three were just having fun. They wanted to continue their fun by killing someone else.

That's where the problem is. The only part race plays is that the ones who are justified in killing in the name of fun are primarily black. The ones whose parents think they did nothing wrong are black. The color of one's skin does not confer a license to kill others in the name of your feeling good about yourself.

I hate to say it but you are right, the common denominator in all of these cases is the parents all swear up and down their kids are good quiet kids and well behaved.
This is what happens when families are systematically destroyed. You didn't see black folks doing this kind of stuff in the 60's very much did you? It also doesn't help when certain people stoke racial tensions.

Come on Al Sharpton, come on down to Oklahoma and try to sleaze some money out of this.
This is what happens when families are systematically destroyed. You didn't see black folks doing this kind of stuff in the 60's very much did you? It also doesn't help when certain people stoke racial tensions.

Come on Al Sharpton, come on down to Oklahoma and try to sleaze some money out of this.

You have a point there, the family structure was much stronger than plus drugs weren't as rampant as they are now. The big thing is, kids could be disciplined in the 60s, physically if need be. Nowadays not so much, these kids grow up without really being spanked or discplined and this is what you get.

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