Three teens murder for the fun of it.

When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids

The sad thing about it, for me anyway..was I knew too.

And what makes it even more sad is that you knew that precisely because no race WAS mentioned in the headline. Dog bites man? No story. Man bites dog? Big story. Black guy kills white guy. Ho hum. White guy kills black guy? Huge story.

Somebody earlier in the thread suggested, at least by implication, that white on black crime is rooted in irrational prejudice, bigotry, racism. Conversely, black on white crime is rooted in dysfunctional families due to a history of slavery and teaching, by default, justification for deep seated hatred of white people. I think however, such a conclusion is highly insulting to black and white people.

Those teens did not kill Christopher Lane because they were black. They killed him because they were sociopathic and bored. However, a society that automatically condemns a white skinned person for crime while automatically looking for a cause or excuse for a dark skinned person is certainly contributing to such skewed values.


I wonder who President Obama will identify with this time?

condemns? What utter bullshit. Thats why you have more black people in the prison system than whites.

I assume Obama wont with any of them because the cases are not the same.
Yet then again you fucking partisan hacks who need to make everything into a political football knew this.

This isnt a partisan issue. This shouldnt be made into a left vs right issue. You literally cheapen the mans death by doing this. Id tell you that you should feel ashamed of yourselves, but you don't.
They shot him in the back like the cowards they are. He didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. You won't hear from Sharpton.
The killer has parents who are in a deep state of denial, and he has confessed he was the shooter according to one article I read today. :evil:

They think their kid is going to walk because they deny his crimes. What a crock.

Parents are not the best source during these events. They are very Bias, and can not typically grasp the scope sometimes.
Give them a break you harpy.

And seriously you fucking retards, there is zero need for Jackson or sharpton to be here. This isnt like the Zimmerman case at all. Stop trying to cheapen Zimmerman with you retarded hack attempts.

These kids confessed, end of story.

The point is, there is zero need for Jackson or Sharpton to be involved in almost every thing they stick their damn noses into, but they certainly stay silent when a white is the victim and a black is perpetrator, even a blind man can see that.
They shot him in the back like the cowards they are. He didn't have a snowball's chance in hell. You won't hear from Sharpton.
The killer has parents who are in a deep state of denial, and he has confessed he was the shooter according to one article I read today. :evil:

They think their kid is going to walk because they deny his crimes. What a crock.

Parents are not the best source during these events. They are very Bias, and can not typically grasp the scope sometimes.
Give them a break you harpy.

And seriously you fucking retards, there is zero need for Jackson or sharpton to be here. This isnt like the Zimmerman case at all. Stop trying to cheapen Zimmerman with you retarded hack attempts.

These kids confessed, end of story.
No need to get so excited you have to use Freudian inflammatory rhetoric. You poor, poor pathetic creature.
dysfunctional youth regardless of race is the problem

it will be interesting learning the family and back ground of these three

and what led them to be who they are

I think I can guess. There might be some variations but pretty much the same thing every time.

All I know for certain--is that if you start off with negativity, lack of trust and everything else and hold onto to that you are setting yourself up for consequences of some kind.

To even consider teaching these days you'd have to almost have the mindset of someone going into law enforcement.

you would think that we would have had enough of this by now

it is more then negativity and lack of trust

many kids these days do not know what a family is

do not have a support system

and are just left to run the streets

preaching to the choir--

I conclude that this is part of the reason for negativity and lack of trust.

It's beyond me. Yet there are success stories.

Last Saturday CNN featured 'The Atlanta Child Murders' I have seen that before but it was a slow night and I watched again. Kasim Reed, now mayor of Atlanta, was around 9/10--seemed to have had a stable family. His father was in law enforcement or perhaps even an attorney. Fairly certain the family attended church and participated in civic events--he said his older brothers were protective--that helped him deal with fears about the serial killer.
What a shame. This guy comes to the US to fulfill a dream and loses his life. For what??? :(

Damned murdering punks.
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The Oklahoma teens who face first-degree murder charges have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones.

It comes as Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said he had secured the confession of the 17-year-old who summoned investigators to his jail cell and claimed he and the younger boys were bored "so they decided to kill somebody".

"He said he was the driver of the car," Chief Ford said.

"They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back.

"He said the 16-year-old fired the shot."

The three teenagers are being held in the Stephens County Jail in Duncan.

Chief Ford said the three teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves'' and were on their way to another house to murder a second, unrelated victim when they were arrested.

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

Australia is pissed. They are saying to not come here as a tourist. They make good points about the chances of being shot and killed here vice there though.
When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids

The sad thing about it, for me anyway..was I knew too.

And what makes it even more sad is that you knew that precisely because no race WAS mentioned in the headline. Dog bites man? No story. Man bites dog? Big story. Black guy kills white guy. Ho hum. White guy kills black guy? Huge story.

Somebody earlier in the thread suggested, at least by implication, that white on black crime is rooted in irrational prejudice, bigotry, racism. Conversely, black on white crime is rooted in dysfunctional families due to a history of slavery and teaching, by default, justification for deep seated hatred of white people. I think however, such a conclusion is highly insulting to black and white people.

Those teens did not kill Christopher Lane because they were black. They killed him because they were sociopathic and bored. However, a society that automatically condemns a white skinned person for crime while automatically looking for a cause or excuse for a dark skinned person is certainly contributing to such skewed values.


I wonder who President Obama will identify with this time?

They killed him because he was white, they have been quoted on face book as saying 90% of white people are nasty I hate em. That reminds me of someone like the dude I've quoted in my signature line.
The killer has parents who are in a deep state of denial, and he has confessed he was the shooter according to one article I read today. :evil:

They think their kid is going to walk because they deny his crimes. What a crock.

Parents are not the best source during these events. They are very Bias, and can not typically grasp the scope sometimes.
Give them a break you harpy.

And seriously you fucking retards, there is zero need for Jackson or sharpton to be here. This isnt like the Zimmerman case at all. Stop trying to cheapen Zimmerman with you retarded hack attempts.

These kids confessed, end of story.
No need to get so excited you have to use Freudian inflammatory rhetoric. You poor, poor pathetic creature.

oh there is nothing Freud about you being a fucking retard. Its a known fact.
the only pathetic thing i see here is old bag of bones trying to play political football with a mans death.

You are and the others are literally the thing you whine about with Sharpton and Jackson. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.
Parents are not the best source during these events. They are very Bias, and can not typically grasp the scope sometimes.
Give them a break you harpy.

And seriously you fucking retards, there is zero need for Jackson or sharpton to be here. This isnt like the Zimmerman case at all. Stop trying to cheapen Zimmerman with you retarded hack attempts.

These kids confessed, end of story.
No need to get so excited you have to use Freudian inflammatory rhetoric. You poor, poor pathetic creature.

oh there is nothing Freud about you being a fucking retard. Its a known fact.
the only pathetic thing i see here is old bag of bones trying to play political football with a mans death.

You are and the others are literally the thing you whine about with Sharpton and Jackson. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.
No need to get so excited you have to use Freudian inflammatory rhetoric. You poor, poor pathetic creature.

oh there is nothing Freud about you being a fucking retard. Its a known fact.
the only pathetic thing i see here is old bag of bones trying to play political football with a mans death.

You are and the others are literally the thing you whine about with Sharpton and Jackson. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.

no i really didnt play football with Zimmerman, but then again this is why you are a fucking moron.

My stance on zimmerman was the court system worked, The evidence didnt support him being guilty. Case closed.

Same thing here. Evidence will support these teens killing this man, and thus they should be tried as adults and locked away for at least life ( for who ever shot the gun).

No unlike you i don't cheapen a mans death to score points like a loser.
No need to get so excited you have to use Freudian inflammatory rhetoric. You poor, poor pathetic creature.

oh there is nothing Freud about you being a fucking retard. Its a known fact.
the only pathetic thing i see here is old bag of bones trying to play political football with a mans death.

You are and the others are literally the thing you whine about with Sharpton and Jackson. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.

Sounds like someone hit a nerve.
oh there is nothing Freud about you being a fucking retard. Its a known fact.
the only pathetic thing i see here is old bag of bones trying to play political football with a mans death.

You are and the others are literally the thing you whine about with Sharpton and Jackson. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.

Sounds like someone hit a nerve.

i just wish i could run her off here like another place.
oh there is nothing Freud about you being a fucking retard. Its a known fact.
the only pathetic thing i see here is old bag of bones trying to play political football with a mans death.

You are and the others are literally the thing you whine about with Sharpton and Jackson. You are just too fucking stupid to see it.

what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.

no i really didnt play football with Zimmerman, but then again this is why you are a fucking moron.

My stance on zimmerman was the court system worked, The evidence didnt support him being guilty. Case closed.

Same thing here. Evidence will support these teens killing this man, and thus they should be tried as adults and locked away for at least life ( for who ever shot the gun).

No unlike you i don't cheapen a mans death to score points like a loser.

Ha Ha! go sell that shit somewhere that they're a buying.
what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.

no i really didnt play football with Zimmerman, but then again this is why you are a fucking moron.

My stance on zimmerman was the court system worked, The evidence didnt support him being guilty. Case closed.

Same thing here. Evidence will support these teens killing this man, and thus they should be tried as adults and locked away for at least life ( for who ever shot the gun).

No unlike you i don't cheapen a mans death to score points like a loser.

Ha Ha! go sell that shit somewhere that they're a buying.

go read my posts on this very board you sack of shit. i should perhaps start calling you Mrs jackson now.
what a hypocrite you assholes played politics with the Martin Zimmerman case, and that was a case of one on one. this is three murderous disgusting pigs who shot a man in the back in cold blood just for the fucking fun of it. I daresay you have no room to preach to anyone least of all conservatives. Deal it with it scumbag.

Sounds like someone hit a nerve.

i just wish i could run her off here like another place.

Posted at the other place. numbnutz
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The Oklahoma teens who face first-degree murder charges have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones.

It comes as Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said he had secured the confession of the 17-year-old who summoned investigators to his jail cell and claimed he and the younger boys were bored "so they decided to kill somebody".

"He said he was the driver of the car," Chief Ford said.

"They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back.

"He said the 16-year-old fired the shot."

The three teenagers are being held in the Stephens County Jail in Duncan.

Chief Ford said the three teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves'' and were on their way to another house to murder a second, unrelated victim when they were arrested.

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.
Looked to me like one white, one hispanic, and one black.

Three Oklahoma boys charged in killing of Australian student
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The Oklahoma teens who face first-degree murder charges have been named as Chancey Luna, James Edwards and Michael Jones.

It comes as Duncan Police Chief Danny Ford said he had secured the confession of the 17-year-old who summoned investigators to his jail cell and claimed he and the younger boys were bored "so they decided to kill somebody".

"He said he was the driver of the car," Chief Ford said.

"They saw Christopher jog by the house they were at, they chose him to be the target, they got in the car, drove up behind him and shot him in the back.

"He said the 16-year-old fired the shot."

The three teenagers are being held in the Stephens County Jail in Duncan.

Chief Ford said the three teens had no motive other than to ''make a name for themselves'' and were on their way to another house to murder a second, unrelated victim when they were arrested.

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.
Looked to me like one white, one hispanic, and one black.

Three Oklahoma boys charged in killing of Australian student

looks to me like two black one mixed which as we all know = black.
The evidence doesn't need to show anything these guys are quite proud of themselves and what they did. The oldest, the 17 year old, is yapping to anyone who will listen as to how much fun killing this white guy was. If the other two want to go to trial with him testifying against them it will be a real short trial.

They will try to work a deal for life in a fairly decent prison close enough for their parents to visit.

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