Three teens murder for the fun of it.

I hate to say it but you are right, the common denominator in all of these cases is the parents all swear up and down their kids are good quiet kids and well behaved.
And therein lies the tale.

It is understandable why those Blacks who were exposed to and brutalized by the institutions of slavery and Jim Crow segregation would harbor murderous hatred of Whites. But while current and recent generations of American Blacks have had no such exposure there are (largely dysfunctional) families and political factions within the Black community who retain and who propagate what may be called a genetic loathing for the White race.

Racially motivated murders of this kind and other violent acts of retribution for history, while not widely publicized, are not uncommon and seem to be increasing in frequency. The obvious question is what will be done about it?
When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids

The sad thing about it, for me anyway..was I knew too.
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids killing a white person, the right wingers/KKK would get a giant hard-on over this.

Have fun, wingnuts.

Bullshit....what you knew when you saw the headline was that it was a black on white HATE know it, we all know it.
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I hate to say it but you are right, the common denominator in all of these cases is the parents all swear up and down their kids are good quiet kids and well behaved.
And therein lies the tale.

It is understandable why those Blacks who were exposed to and brutalized by the institutions of slavery and Jim Crow segregation would harbor murderous hatred of Whites. But while current and recent generations of American Blacks have had no such exposure there are (largely dysfunctional) families and political factions within the Black community who retain and who propagate what may be called a genetic loathing for the White race.

Racially motivated murders of this kind and other violent acts of retribution for history, while not widely publicized, are not uncommon and seem to be increasing in frequency. The obvious question is what will be done about it?

They should be persecuted to the fullest extent of the law and they should be charged with hate crimes as well, just like if it were whites doing this to Blacks. Its the same thing.
We are facing a social phenomenon where certain individuals believe they have a right to commit the worst kind of crimes and that's what has to stop otherwise we are building a monster.

The three teens who beat up a white kid on a school bus does not think they did anything wrong. The father of one of them said his son did nothing wrong. His kid is a drug dealer and he thinks his son did nothing wrong. The 14 year old that was shot by a police officer after he had already shot another child and pointed the gun at the police did nothing wrong. His mother said he did nothing wrong. Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong when he smashed George Zimmerman's head into the concrete. Now these three were just having fun. They wanted to continue their fun by killing someone else.

That's where the problem is. The only part race plays is that the ones who are justified in killing in the name of fun are primarily black. The ones whose parents think they did nothing wrong are black. The color of one's skin does not confer a license to kill others in the name of your feeling good about yourself.

I hate to say it but you are right, the common denominator in all of these cases is the parents all swear up and down their kids are good quiet kids and well behaved.

The common denominator is an ingrained, perceived, right to commit these kinds of acts. Race doesn't matter. Give that ingrained, perceived, right to anyone and this will occur. This is the kind of ingrained, perceived right that killed Emmet Till. It's the same idea that dragged James Byrd to death. The idea that for some reason what the person is doing isn't wrong, it's right, reasonable and explainable at least as having fun. They have a right to pursuit of happiness. It's in the Constitution. The parents have it, the children have it and their children will have it too.
We are facing a social phenomenon where certain individuals believe they have a right to commit the worst kind of crimes and that's what has to stop otherwise we are building a monster.

The three teens who beat up a white kid on a school bus does not think they did anything wrong. The father of one of them said his son did nothing wrong. His kid is a drug dealer and he thinks his son did nothing wrong. The 14 year old that was shot by a police officer after he had already shot another child and pointed the gun at the police did nothing wrong. His mother said he did nothing wrong. Trayvon Martin did nothing wrong when he smashed George Zimmerman's head into the concrete. Now these three were just having fun. They wanted to continue their fun by killing someone else.

That's where the problem is. The only part race plays is that the ones who are justified in killing in the name of fun are primarily black. The ones whose parents think they did nothing wrong are black. The color of one's skin does not confer a license to kill others in the name of your feeling good about yourself.

I hate to say it but you are right, the common denominator in all of these cases is the parents all swear up and down their kids are good quiet kids and well behaved.

The common denominator is an ingrained, perceived, right to commit these kinds of acts. Race doesn't matter. Give that ingrained, perceived, right to anyone and this will occur. This is the kind of ingrained, perceived right that killed Emmet Till. It's the same idea that dragged James Byrd to death. The idea that for some reason what the person is doing isn't wrong, it's right, reasonable and explainable at least as having fun. They have a right to pursuit of happiness. It's in the Constitution. The parents have it, the children have it and their children will have it too.

The Pursuit of Happiness doesn't give you the right to kill.
Not sure what the race of the perpetrators are and I have to say that really, I don't think it matters. We will find out very shortly though, because I'm sure that the pictures of the suspects will be posted all over the news once they are arraigned on first degree murder charges.

Oklahoma is one of the states that believes in the death penalty. These three individuals are pariahs of the highest order and if anyone deserves the death penalty, they do. They will see there 20's, but not much more if justice is truly served. And before someone whines the lie that 'their deaths will not deter anyone', let me say that it will most certainly deter three individuals from killing more innocent victims. That IS the primary and the ONLY purpose of the death penalty. It prevents someone from getting out and killing again.

I do not think that there is anything that could make this more tragic and unnecessary. Is the value of life so cheap that mere teenagers now consider cold blooded murder a way to 'pass the time?' I have to say that I am truly very concerned about our society and what we as a nation are becoming.
Bring back the JOBS that used to be available to all races...BLUE COLLAR...without hope there is despair...that's what you must do.....refuse to buy anything not made in America until the corporate boys get the message....these kids parents are no different then any other parents...they don't want to believe their kid turned into an reflects on them. Repeat....bring back the JOBS....when there is some money in the bank, there's some time for the kids' dreams to be heard. Anything that doesn't start with JOBS is never going to work.
I hate to say it but you are right, the common denominator in all of these cases is the parents all swear up and down their kids are good quiet kids and well behaved.

The common denominator is an ingrained, perceived, right to commit these kinds of acts. Race doesn't matter. Give that ingrained, perceived, right to anyone and this will occur. This is the kind of ingrained, perceived right that killed Emmet Till. It's the same idea that dragged James Byrd to death. The idea that for some reason what the person is doing isn't wrong, it's right, reasonable and explainable at least as having fun. They have a right to pursuit of happiness. It's in the Constitution. The parents have it, the children have it and their children will have it too.

The Pursuit of Happiness doesn't give you the right to kill.

There are three teens out there who think it does. These two boys thought so too. But their sane mother turned them in.

Teen neighbors charged with killing NJ girl, 12, for bike -
The common denominator is an ingrained, perceived, right to commit these kinds of acts. Race doesn't matter. Give that ingrained, perceived, right to anyone and this will occur. This is the kind of ingrained, perceived right that killed Emmet Till. It's the same idea that dragged James Byrd to death. The idea that for some reason what the person is doing isn't wrong, it's right, reasonable and explainable at least as having fun. They have a right to pursuit of happiness. It's in the Constitution. The parents have it, the children have it and their children will have it too.

The Pursuit of Happiness doesn't give you the right to kill.

There are three teens out there who think it does. These two boys thought so too. But their sane mother turned them in.

Teen neighbors charged with killing NJ girl, 12, for bike -

Wow, good on the mother for turning them in.
Bring back the JOBS that used to be available to all races...BLUE COLLAR...without hope there is despair...that's what you must do.....refuse to buy anything not made in America until the corporate boys get the message....these kids parents are no different then any other parents...they don't want to believe their kid turned into an reflects on them. Repeat....bring back the JOBS....when there is some money in the bank, there's some time for the kids' dreams to be heard. Anything that doesn't start with JOBS is never going to work.

Pfft, in your dreams.
Bring back the JOBS that used to be available to all races...BLUE COLLAR...without hope there is despair...that's what you must do.....refuse to buy anything not made in America until the corporate boys get the message....these kids parents are no different then any other parents...they don't want to believe their kid turned into an reflects on them. Repeat....bring back the JOBS....when there is some money in the bank, there's some time for the kids' dreams to be heard. Anything that doesn't start with JOBS is never going to work.

Pfft, in your dreams.

Do the math....since NAFTA and joining the WTO we've lost 22,000,000 jobs and are being asked to amnesty 12,000,000 mehicans and central americans....where is a black boy going to find a job? BTW, there were random shootings in Phoenix almost every day in the mid-90s from latins being jumped into, you're in....for life...try to leave they drop a dime on ya. It stopped when they swept the barrios and put away the OGs..... I don't buy crap from slants....I figure I keep one American employed throughout the year....if enough of you practiced that, china would be back on their communes trying to figure out a new "5 year leap forward".....we can do it....all it takes is to vote with your wallet.
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When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids killing a white person, the right wingers/KKK would get a giant hard-on over this.

Have fun, wingnuts.

The KKK is a strong arm of the Democratic party. Get your facts straight dumbass!!

While technically correct that is stil incorrect since the parties essentially flipped in the south in the 1960's.
Hate to tell you this but the 3 white guys at the VFW that still hates them "*******" all voted for LBJ and still vote for democrats in most elections. One even said he wouldnt be voting for the ****** and was ashamed his party put him in the WH but would never support the Republicans for giving the ******* the same rights as white people. In the south, the democrats are the racists. Its either black democrats only voting for blacks and white democrats voting for white democrats. Yet in South Carolina and GA you have white republicans supporting black men Herman Cain and Tim Scott.
No Cookies | Herald Sun

The three killers are black. The victim white. The teens no doubt expected to get away with it.

When I first saw this headline, there was no mention of race in the story; however, I knew that if it involved black kids killing a white person, the right wingers/KKK would get a giant hard-on over this.

Have fun, wingnuts.

The truth is that even though you didn't KNOW the race of the people in the story, even you knew the odds were good that the victim was white and the perpetrators were black.
Bring back the JOBS that used to be available to all races...BLUE COLLAR...without hope there is despair...that's what you must do.....refuse to buy anything not made in America until the corporate boys get the message....these kids parents are no different then any other parents...they don't want to believe their kid turned into an reflects on them. Repeat....bring back the JOBS....when there is some money in the bank, there's some time for the kids' dreams to be heard. Anything that doesn't start with JOBS is never going to work.
I agree.
Bring back the JOBS that used to be available to all races...BLUE COLLAR...without hope there is despair...that's what you must do.....refuse to buy anything not made in America until the corporate boys get the message....these kids parents are no different then any other parents...they don't want to believe their kid turned into an reflects on them. Repeat....bring back the JOBS....when there is some money in the bank, there's some time for the kids' dreams to be heard. Anything that doesn't start with JOBS is never going to work.

Pfft, in your dreams.

Do the math....since NAFTA and joining the WTO we've lost 22,000,000 jobs and are being asked to amenesty 12,000,000 mehicans and central americans....where is a black boy going to find a job? BTW, there were random shootings in Phoenix almost every day in the mid-90s from latins being jumped into, you're in....for life...try to leave they drop a dime on ya. It stopped when they swept the barrios and put away the OGs..... I don't buy crap from slants....I figure I keep one American employed throughout the year....if enough of you practiced that, china would be back on their communes trying to figure out a new "5 year leap forward".....we can do it....all it takes is to vote with your wallet.

Dude, I'm not arguing with you, I'm simply being pragmatic. There is no way those are coming back via a dysfunctional, corporate owned, fake republic. The shit is going to have to hit the fan before any of this is possible. You can't vote a fix for this.

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