CDZ Three unanswered yet interesting questions pertaining to life

I get this might not necassarily belong in CDZ, but since I can't stand any of the other forums, this is where I'm posting it. I hope that this becomes a fun conversation

First question: How did chemicals from lifeless reactions, turn into life?

Second: How did the early simple, single cell prokaryotic forms of life that had reached their available energy threshold, jumped to a higher energy threshold and turn into a eukaryotic form. A much more complex cell, that becomes the building block for complex life.

Finally: How did the jump happen from standard animal intelligence to human consciousness? Sure there are some smart animals out there, but they do not hold a candle to human intelligence.
Right place, right time, right conditions.

See number 1


There are animals out there that are smarter than humans. You are being a human chauvinist. One may say that animals are all smarter than humans. Humans are the only animals that mess up their environment intentionally.
Life is all over the universe. We are just too small and stupid to find it.

NASA just announced the discovery of 1,284 new alien planets

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope mission has just announced the discovery of 1,284 new exoplanets - nine of which are considered potentially habitable.

This is the most new planets announced at any one time, and almost doubles the number of confirmed exoplanets out there in the Universe, which makes it a pretty huge deal.
Why did some animals evolve and some not?
Why are there no animals in "between" stages of evolution?
Check again in 200,000 years. Maybe some animals are "in between." There is nothing to go on but what we've got already, so how do we know animals and we aren't evolving?
well that is the bottom line that we just don't know.
therefore, we should all keep opened minds about all possibilities.

I mean if you want to put your stakes int he ground on a theory or belief there is nothing wrong with that.
but live and let live otherwise.
I get this might not necassarily belong in CDZ, but since I can't stand any of the other forums, this is where I'm posting it. I hope that this becomes a fun conversation

First question: How did chemicals from lifeless reactions, turn into life?

Second: How did the early simple, single cell prokaryotic forms of life that had reached their available energy threshold, jumped to a higher energy threshold and turn into a eukaryotic form. A much more complex cell, that becomes the building block for complex life.

Finally: How did the jump happen from standard animal intelligence to human consciousness? Sure there are some smart animals out there, but they do not hold a candle to human intelligence.
Right place, right time, right conditions.

See number 1


There are animals out there that are smarter than humans. You are being a human chauvinist. One may say that animals are all smarter than humans. Humans are the only animals that mess up their environment intentionally.
Life is all over the universe. We are just too small and stupid to find it.

NASA just announced the discovery of 1,284 new alien planets

NASA's Kepler Space Telescope mission has just announced the discovery of 1,284 new exoplanets - nine of which are considered potentially habitable.

This is the most new planets announced at any one time, and almost doubles the number of confirmed exoplanets out there in the Universe, which makes it a pretty huge deal.
Carbon is a pretty common chemical element. I'm almost positive there is life on other planets given the right conditions.
well that is the bottom line that we just don't know.
therefore, we should all keep opened minds about all possibilities.

I mean if you want to put your stakes int he ground on a theory or belief there is nothing wrong with that.
but live and let live otherwise.
I love your new pic.
Why did some animals evolve and some not?
Why are there no animals in "between" stages of evolution?
Check again in 200,000 years. Maybe some animals are "in between." There is nothing to go on but what we've got already, so how do we know animals and we aren't evolving?
Actually, we have found fossils in the transition stage

List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Archaeopteryx is one of the most famous transitional fossils and gives evidence for the evolution of birds fromtheropod dinosaurs.
Why did some animals evolve and some not?
Why are there no animals in "between" stages of evolution?
Check again in 200,000 years. Maybe some animals are "in between." There is nothing to go on but what we've got already, so how do we know animals and we aren't evolving?
Actually, we have found fossils in the transition stage

List of transitional fossils - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Archaeopteryx is one of the most famous transitional fossils and gives evidence for the evolution of birds fromtheropod dinosaurs.
We have ourselves as living proof. Humans are much larger than they were just a few centuries ago.
Probably has more to do with what we eat and our environment than evolution.
But once again, no sure fire proof.
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Probably has more to do with what we eat and our environment than evolution.
But once again, not sure fire proof.
Evolution is prompted by our environment including what we eat. For example the predecessors to humans used fire to cook food(meat) which made our brains evolve and the environment caused them to evolve to have dark skin prior to that.
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At this point you should probably stop digging your own grave. I never said I was either a theist or an atheist (by the way, I'm neither) and you are blatantly resorting to ad hominem attacks from your increasingly indefensible position. The only reason you have given us for your belief system is, "I can only prove I believe in a creator by saying so" you literally point towards yourself "saying so" as reason that you believe something.

I mean, with that in mind, "I am Superman."
You're a liar, you said "This is verifiably false. I also "believe" that I am not operated by a miniature tin man inside my body telling me what to think and do. I mean I haven't cut my body open to check, in fact, nobody has, so until they do...HOW DO THEY REALLY KNOW?"

Now it's "I believe I am the reason I believe in a creator"? Those aren't my arguments. When did I say anything like that? The fact that you think you can get away with it while the words are still there demonstrates, not only your lack of integrity or intellectual honesty but a stupid thought process as well. You tried to put me in a cubby hole you could argue against and put words into my mouth. You and bobo both tried it and got nasty when you couldn't get away with it.

The point is that you need these dishonesty ways to uphold your beliefs. An honest person would examine what they thought and why instead of trying to twist someone else's words to feel better about their own.

No wonder your political outlook is so effed up.
I pulled a direct quote from your post, post number #230 in this thread which was...and I again DIRECTLY QUOTE, "I can only prove I believe in a creator by saying so." I'm not putting words in your mouth. I'm not misrepresenting your words. I'm directly quoting what YOU TOLD US. If you cannot follow my logic chain on how your claim was obviously false, then you should probably stop replying. It would mean you either lack the basic intellect and knowledge required to follow my pretty straight forward line of reasoning or logic...or you are too emotionally attached to your absurd claims to even try to understand the basic point I've illustrated (in this case I've tried to simplify the philosophical concept that we all work off of assumptions, but that some claims are well founded based off of commonly held assumptions (like anatomy) while other claims (like the tin man) are held to be false by the vast majority of logic based thinkers...which would require a massive amount of "faith" to believe in).

Again, at this point you should probably stop digging your own grave. Your consistent ad hominem attacks (you aren't even trying to make a point based argument anymore) are indicative of the horrible position that you have put yourself in.
You should quit proving your breathtakingly low IQ and trying to make up for it with puffing and chest pounding. It's kinda sad, really.

I said I can only prove I believe in God by my own words and you couldn't understand what that meant.

You proved my point that yours is a belief, trying to massage it with "we all do that" doesn't change the fact. I'm honest about having faith that God exists, you are dishonest about believing God doesn't exist. This is obviously well over your head.
Probably has more to do with what we eat and our environment than evolution.
But once again, not sure fire proof.
What something eats may play a factor in how we evolve.

Just like when we left the trees and started walking more it led to us standing up and not walking on all four legs. And when we started walking more we started picking things up more and using our hands/brains more.

You seem to think that we are going to evolve into something different no matter what. That's not true. If we sent people into space to find other planets and they lived gave birth and died in space, they would evolve to be much different than the humans they left back on earth.
Why is the theist honest?
That was answered numerous times.

I don't recall you answering that and I'm not going to go back and re read everything.

You said, "The difference is the theist and atheist have a belief by faith and the theist is honest, the atheist is a liar.

Maybe you can explain this again. I understand what you are trying to say. You're trying to say both theists and atheists are going off of faith. BUT, what I don't understand is why are theists honest and athiests are liars?

Do you mean theists admit they are going off faith? Are you suggesting that theists admit they don't know for sure god exists? Because they claim to KNOW god exists. That's not honest. It doesn't even dawn on them that Mary was a whore who cheated on her husband and not a virgin.

And as far as us atheists are concerned, we admit you can't know for sure either way. So if I'm not mistaken, that would make us atheists right and theists liars. Because most of them claim this god character visited their ancestors and they claim to believe it as a fact.
I explained it in toddler sized pieces. Your cognitive dissonance is preventing you from grasping what you don't already to believe.

You have no evidence of a secular cause.
You believe in a secular cause.
That is a declaration of faith, not science.

It's impossible to break it down any simpler. I suggest you find someone to walk you through it. Before you bong up for the morning.
Probably has more to do with what we eat and our environment than evolution.
But once again, not sure fire proof.
Evolution is prompted by our environment including what we eat. For example the predecessors to humans used fire to cook food(meat) which made our brains evolve and the environment caused them to evolve to have dark skin prior to that.
I just explained that to her too.
Why is the theist honest?
That was answered numerous times.

I don't recall you answering that and I'm not going to go back and re read everything.

You said, "The difference is the theist and atheist have a belief by faith and the theist is honest, the atheist is a liar.

Maybe you can explain this again. I understand what you are trying to say. You're trying to say both theists and atheists are going off of faith. BUT, what I don't understand is why are theists honest and athiests are liars?

Do you mean theists admit they are going off faith? Are you suggesting that theists admit they don't know for sure god exists? Because they claim to KNOW god exists. That's not honest. It doesn't even dawn on them that Mary was a whore who cheated on her husband and not a virgin.

And as far as us atheists are concerned, we admit you can't know for sure either way. So if I'm not mistaken, that would make us atheists right and theists liars. Because most of them claim this god character visited their ancestors and they claim to believe it as a fact.
I explained it in toddler sized pieces. Your cognitive dissonance is preventing you from grasping what you don't already to believe.

You have no evidence of a secular cause.
You believe in a secular cause.
That is a declaration of faith, not science.

It's impossible to break it down any simpler. I suggest you find someone to walk you through it. Before you bong up for the morning.
Since you did such a piss poor job of explaining your ignorant self, I won't even bother reading your shit or responding then. Because I feel like conversating with you about this is just a huge waste of time.

So basically you are saying religious people admit that they believe in virgin birth stories because they have blind ignorant faith? I mean for someone to believe that, you can't honestly tell me they are telling or believing any truth and you can't possibly say it's faith for me to NOT believe a virgin gave birth.

Does it take the same amount of faith to believe a virgin can't get pregnant as it does to believe one can? I think not you ignorant sad stupid silly bastard.
Why is the theist honest?
That was answered numerous times.

I don't recall you answering that and I'm not going to go back and re read everything.

You said, "The difference is the theist and atheist have a belief by faith and the theist is honest, the atheist is a liar.

Maybe you can explain this again. I understand what you are trying to say. You're trying to say both theists and atheists are going off of faith. BUT, what I don't understand is why are theists honest and athiests are liars?

Do you mean theists admit they are going off faith? Are you suggesting that theists admit they don't know for sure god exists? Because they claim to KNOW god exists. That's not honest. It doesn't even dawn on them that Mary was a whore who cheated on her husband and not a virgin.

And as far as us atheists are concerned, we admit you can't know for sure either way. So if I'm not mistaken, that would make us atheists right and theists liars. Because most of them claim this god character visited their ancestors and they claim to believe it as a fact.
I explained it in toddler sized pieces. Your cognitive dissonance is preventing you from grasping what you don't already to believe.

You have no evidence of a secular cause.
You believe in a secular cause.
That is a declaration of faith, not science.

It's impossible to break it down any simpler. I suggest you find someone to walk you through it. Before you bong up for the morning.
Are you sure you know what cognitive dissonance means? Because the way I learned it, it means a person who on one hand doesn't believe a virgin can get pregnant, but then they've been brainwashed by a church to believe that mary was a virgin who gave birth. Anyone who believes the Mary story is experiencing Cognitive dissonance. Can you explain and give me an example of my cognitive dissonance? What are my two conflicting/contradictory thoughts?
Why is the theist honest?
That was answered numerous times.

I don't recall you answering that and I'm not going to go back and re read everything.

You said, "The difference is the theist and atheist have a belief by faith and the theist is honest, the atheist is a liar.

Maybe you can explain this again. I understand what you are trying to say. You're trying to say both theists and atheists are going off of faith. BUT, what I don't understand is why are theists honest and athiests are liars?

Do you mean theists admit they are going off faith? Are you suggesting that theists admit they don't know for sure god exists? Because they claim to KNOW god exists. That's not honest. It doesn't even dawn on them that Mary was a whore who cheated on her husband and not a virgin.

And as far as us atheists are concerned, we admit you can't know for sure either way. So if I'm not mistaken, that would make us atheists right and theists liars. Because most of them claim this god character visited their ancestors and they claim to believe it as a fact.
I explained it in toddler sized pieces. Your cognitive dissonance is preventing you from grasping what you don't already to believe.

You have no evidence of a secular cause.
You believe in a secular cause.
That is a declaration of faith, not science.

It's impossible to break it down any simpler. I suggest you find someone to walk you through it. Before you bong up for the morning.
Since you did such a piss poor job of explaining your ignorant self, I won't even bother reading your shit or responding then. Because I feel like conversating with you about this is just a huge waste of time.

So basically you are saying religious people admit that they believe in virgin birth stories because they have blind ignorant faith? I mean for someone to believe that, you can't honestly tell me they are telling or believing any truth and you can't possibly say it's faith for me to NOT believe a virgin gave birth.

Does it take the same amount of faith to believe a virgin can't get pregnant as it does to believe one can? I think not you ignorant sad stupid silly bastard.
I explained myself quite well, thankyouverymuch. You just wanted to copy/paste some boiler plate argument against theists but I didn't make those claims. What I said wasn't complex.

I said nothing about religion except that I think they're all wrong. You really do need some help.
Why is the theist honest?
That was answered numerous times.

I don't recall you answering that and I'm not going to go back and re read everything.

You said, "The difference is the theist and atheist have a belief by faith and the theist is honest, the atheist is a liar.

Maybe you can explain this again. I understand what you are trying to say. You're trying to say both theists and atheists are going off of faith. BUT, what I don't understand is why are theists honest and athiests are liars?

Do you mean theists admit they are going off faith? Are you suggesting that theists admit they don't know for sure god exists? Because they claim to KNOW god exists. That's not honest. It doesn't even dawn on them that Mary was a whore who cheated on her husband and not a virgin.

And as far as us atheists are concerned, we admit you can't know for sure either way. So if I'm not mistaken, that would make us atheists right and theists liars. Because most of them claim this god character visited their ancestors and they claim to believe it as a fact.
I explained it in toddler sized pieces. Your cognitive dissonance is preventing you from grasping what you don't already to believe.

You have no evidence of a secular cause.
You believe in a secular cause.
That is a declaration of faith, not science.

It's impossible to break it down any simpler. I suggest you find someone to walk you through it. Before you bong up for the morning.
Are you sure you know what cognitive dissonance means? Because the way I learned it, it means a person who on one hand doesn't believe a virgin can get pregnant, but then they've been brainwashed by a church to believe that mary was a virgin who gave birth. Anyone who believes the Mary story is experiencing Cognitive dissonance. Can you explain and give me an example of my cognitive dissonance? What are my two conflicting/contradictory thoughts?
LOL, you're pulling our leg, right? Right?
Why is the theist honest?
That was answered numerous times.

I don't recall you answering that and I'm not going to go back and re read everything.

You said, "The difference is the theist and atheist have a belief by faith and the theist is honest, the atheist is a liar.

Maybe you can explain this again. I understand what you are trying to say. You're trying to say both theists and atheists are going off of faith. BUT, what I don't understand is why are theists honest and athiests are liars?

Do you mean theists admit they are going off faith? Are you suggesting that theists admit they don't know for sure god exists? Because they claim to KNOW god exists. That's not honest. It doesn't even dawn on them that Mary was a whore who cheated on her husband and not a virgin.

And as far as us atheists are concerned, we admit you can't know for sure either way. So if I'm not mistaken, that would make us atheists right and theists liars. Because most of them claim this god character visited their ancestors and they claim to believe it as a fact.
I explained it in toddler sized pieces. Your cognitive dissonance is preventing you from grasping what you don't already to believe.

You have no evidence of a secular cause.
You believe in a secular cause.
That is a declaration of faith, not science.

It's impossible to break it down any simpler. I suggest you find someone to walk you through it. Before you bong up for the morning.
Are you sure you know what cognitive dissonance means? Because the way I learned it, it means a person who on one hand doesn't believe a virgin can get pregnant, but then they've been brainwashed by a church to believe that mary was a virgin who gave birth. Anyone who believes the Mary story is experiencing Cognitive dissonance. Can you explain and give me an example of my cognitive dissonance? What are my two conflicting/contradictory thoughts?
LOL, you're pulling our leg, right? Right?
the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

A religious person who knows a woman can't get pregnant without getting fucked but also believes the Mary story is experiencing cognitive dissonance, no?

How am I experiencing it? Maybe I am and I just don't know it. You're doing a horrible job explaining yourself.

In fact its very hard to argue with a guy who doesn't claim to believe in God but then argues why there must be one. PFFT.
Random chance that life forms on its' own and not only survives but lives on to multiply and change into endless life forms with a drive for survival so intense it can be found in extremely inhospitable places? I can't muster up that level of faith.
What do you think? More importantly, why do you think this? Sounds to me you believe in a god because you can't imagine there isn't. Is that all you base your faith on? I base my faith on much more. Science. And my faith changes with the facts. If you give me one shred of evidence your god exists, maybe I'll join your faith.
Well I'm not arguing
We just don't know and people will lean one way or the other, and normally take the evidence that leans towards the way they WANT to to think more seriously.

It's always subjective and personal on some level.

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