Thugs continue to attack Jews in Crown Heights


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn
Jews are going to be forced into realizing that blacks are not and never will be their friends. Ever. Blacks will go out of their way to harm Jews. Looking at it realistically, the neo nazis, the skin heads, the white supremacists sit around and yammer nonsense. They post crappola on the internet. But they do NOT attack Jews. They don't go into the streets, into their stores, it's blacks that do that having learned from their muzz friends. Jews better wake up. These infernals are NOT their friends.
Jews are going to be forced into realizing that blacks are not and never will be their friends. Ever. Blacks will go out of their way to harm Jews. Looking at it realistically, the neo nazis, the skin heads, the white supremacists sit around and yammer nonsense. They post crappola on the internet. But they do NOT attack Jews. They don't go into the streets, into their stores, it's blacks that do that having learned from their muzz friends. Jews better wake up. These infernals are NOT their friends.

A good deal of Jews do think Blacks are their friends, however.
Jews are going to be forced into realizing that blacks are not and never will be their friends. Ever. Blacks will go out of their way to harm Jews. Looking at it realistically, the neo nazis, the skin heads, the white supremacists sit around and yammer nonsense. They post crappola on the internet. But they do NOT attack Jews. They don't go into the streets, into their stores, it's blacks that do that having learned from their muzz friends. Jews better wake up. These infernals are NOT their friends.

A good deal of Jews do think Blacks are their friends, however.

I know and it is something that would be to their benefit to get over.
American Jews are as different from their Israeli cousins as some Detroit street cracky is from a Nigerian villager.
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn
I remember seeing this as the lead story on CNN...nope...I was mistaken. Oh yes, Mika and Joe? .....nope, nope, nope,...they are cowards. New York Times that’s what it coverage.
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn
I remember seeing this as the lead story on CNN...nope...I was mistaken. Oh yes, Mika and Joe? .....nope, nope, nope,...they are cowards. New York Times that’s what it coverage. has been going on a long while....not important to msm.....the coverup of the crimes of one particular minority continues un-abated.....just another facet of fake news aka....journalists that do not report the facts, journalists that put a liberal spin on practically everything they report on. We need a congressional investigtions on America's fith column....the msm.
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn

Which begs the question- why do racists like yourself think that American Jews should think like you do?

The Democratic Party stands up for the Constitution- to protect all Americans - which is why most Jewish Americans reject the Republican Party and support the Democratic Party.

And your post is a really good example of why they do.

Police have opened an investigation into the attack as an assault motivated by bias.

It was the second attack against Jewish men in the neighborhood within a week.

Last Friday night a Jewish man was assaulted in the Crown Heights near 770 Eastern Parkway, the international headquarters of the Chabad movement.

The Anti-Defamation League announced on Sunday that it is offering $5,000 rewards for information leading to the arrests and convictions of the individuals responsible for both attacks.

“We unequivocally condemn these senseless assaults,” said Evan R. Bernstein, ADL New York regional director. “We appreciate the leadership of the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force who are investigating these assaults as hate crimes. Hopefully these rewards will encourage anyone who may have seen something to come forward.”
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn
So I presume you are talking about Negroes then ?!
Jews are going to be forced into realizing that blacks are not and never will be their friends. Ever. Blacks will go out of their way to harm Jews. Looking at it realistically, the neo nazis, the skin heads, the white supremacists sit around and yammer nonsense. They post crappola on the internet. But they do NOT attack Jews. They don't go into the streets, into their stores, it's blacks that do that having learned from their muzz friends. Jews better wake up. These infernals are NOT their friends.
Any personal theories of your own why Negroes focus on Jews?

My guess is that it is simply because Jews are easy meat.

A Negro is not dumb enough to attack a big strong white boy from the Neo clan.

I don't Jewish has anything to do with it.

Easy target is what it is all about.
American Jews are as different from their Israeli cousins as some Detroit street cracky is from a Nigerian villager.

So, it's shocking that Jews want different for the Goyim, than for themselves?
Israelis aren't goys. Neither are American Jews. Yet they are as different from each other as a Detroit street cracky is from an Igbu villager.

Jews are going to be forced into realizing that blacks are not and never will be their friends. Ever. Blacks will go out of their way to harm Jews. Looking at it realistically, the neo nazis, the skin heads, the white supremacists sit around and yammer nonsense. They post crappola on the internet. But they do NOT attack Jews. They don't go into the streets, into their stores, it's blacks that do that having learned from their muzz friends. Jews better wake up. These infernals are NOT their friends.
Any personal theories of your own why Negroes focus on Jews?

My guess is that it is simply because Jews are easy meat.

A Negro is not dumb enough to attack a big strong white boy from the Neo clan.

I don't Jewish has anything to do with it.

Easy target is what it is all about.

Easy target yes...These kinds of thugs definitelly go after easy targets.....the handicapped, women, the elderly, etc.etc. and so on and so forth.....yet it is known they also hate jews ....probably because they realize how superior the Jews are to them...their wealth, intelligence etc. Do they even know the Jews have done more for their particular minority than any other group in America...doubtful or maybe they just do not care about that.
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn
So I presume you are talking about Negroes then ?!

Out of the mouth of babes.
Where is Meir Kanane now? Oh my bad....he was killed by a palestinian. Anyhow years ago he organized the Jewish Defense Leage to prevent the sort of thing that is now going on in Crown Heights. One other note these thugs cannot be identified....though if you closely watch the video and have good eyesight you can identify the group.....of course most know who they are anyhow....the usual the amish, not the chinese, not the KKK, not the skin heads....who is left? What a easy question....the only minority that is protected by the Feds like they are an endangered species...not to forget the fallacious liberal narrative of them being the victims. Which begs the question why are the majority of jews in NYC liberal democrats when that party protects their attackers?

Video Shows Violent Anti-Semitic Assault on Jewish Man in Brooklyn

Which begs the question- why do racists like yourself think that American Jews should think like you do?

The Democratic Party stands up for the Constitution- to protect all Americans - which is why most Jewish Americans reject the Republican Party and support the Democratic Party.

And your post is a really good example of why they do.

Police have opened an investigation into the attack as an assault motivated by bias.

It was the second attack against Jewish men in the neighborhood within a week.

Last Friday night a Jewish man was assaulted in the Crown Heights near 770 Eastern Parkway, the international headquarters of the Chabad movement.

The Anti-Defamation League announced on Sunday that it is offering $5,000 rewards for information leading to the arrests and convictions of the individuals responsible for both attacks.

“We unequivocally condemn these senseless assaults,” said Evan R. Bernstein, ADL New York regional director. “We appreciate the leadership of the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force who are investigating these assaults as hate crimes. Hopefully these rewards will encourage anyone who may have seen something to come forward.”

It is not a matter of thinking like I do(well maybe it is)it is a matter of thinking correctly....anyone who feeds their enemies, anyone who supports those who helps their enemies etc.etc. and so on and so forth is a fool. The democratic party has been taken over by radicals and they want to destroy America....aka they want to fundamentally change America......the reason most American jews are democratic is because they follow in the footsteps of their parents....not really understanding how that party has transformed into a group that no longer supports Israel....liberals couch their bias against Israel in terms of just being anti-zionist but there is much more to it than that. Modern day anti-semitism has found a comfortable niche in the democratic party. Modern day Jewish liberals would have fallen to Maccabee swords.

Chanukah, is not just about the miracle that a jar of oil to light the candelabra in the Jewish Temple lasted eight days instead of the one day it would normally last. Chanukah is the commemoration of the courageous victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks that took not just eight days, but decades (it took over two decades before the Maccabees finally defeated the Greeks and the Hellenists and were victorious). And it’s not just the miracle of the Maccabees defeating King Antiochus and his forces, it’s the spiritual fight that the Maccabees fought that left many Jews dead as well.

.Those Jews were the Hellenists who gave up traditional Judaism for something less spiritual, more material. And the Maccabees slaughtered many of them as well, as was their duty. Sadly, today, the Jewish people in NYC are dominated by Hellenism on steroids. Another phrase for them is “Obama voters.” These are JINOs–Jews In Name Only, who long ago gave up spiritual Judaism for liberalism and an “ethnic” or “cultural” Judaism that really isn’t historically or religiously Jewish, such as eating deli food, giving their lives for the rights of Blacks who hate them, and pandering to Muslims and hosting Israel-haters at synagogues. All of these Jews would have been eliminated by the Maccabees, as they did then in order to reclaim Judaism from a virus of Hellenists.
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Why are Orthodox Jews (who are low IQ and generally do not have jobs except at racist pawn shop type establishments that only hire Orthodox Jews) and Negros (who do not have jobs and are seeming incapable of anything except violent crime) in Brooklyn at all? Bizarre. Very expensive for White people. Sure the Jews take welfare and have an array of scams that fleece American taxpayers and Blacks simply have welfare and side jobs like selling dope, but still.
Why are Orthodox Jews (who are low IQ and generally do not have jobs except at racist pawn shop type establishments that only hire Orthodox Jews) and Negros (who do not have jobs and are seeming incapable of anything except violent crime) in Brooklyn at all? Bizarre. Very expensive for White people. Sure the Jews take welfare and have an array of scams that fleece American taxpayers and Blacks simply have welfare and side jobs like selling dope, but still.

You need to get are only half way there. Jews have the highest average i.q.'s of any race of people.

Jewish Genius - Commentary Magazine

a harvard study on the average IQ per religious group was done..... and here are the results:

Muslims: 68
Christians: 75
Pagan: 78
Hindu: 83
Non-religious: 123
Jews: 134
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