Thursday Repeal/Replace Vote in the House

It's not any where near what I wanted so I hope it doesn't pass. I didn't vote for these assholes saying they would repeal obiecare and put in market driven systems so they could pass a lighter version of obiecare.
Doesn't go far enough...for sure get rid of the "essential benefits"...that's MY job to decide what essential benefits I want to pay for. As is? It's better than Obamacare, but that isn't saying which is better, amputation at the ankle or the knee, sure, one's theoretically better, but they both suck.

As it stands, I hope it fails and they go back and try again.
It's no "repeal replace" It's a step, but it's mostly a joke.

Dig deeper, Congress.

I bet the house shoots it down. My prediction.
What Ryan is selling is a Christmas tree in the senate so it can go to reconciliation. Whether that can be put together by McConnell I don't know, Ryan is having problems but it looks like he can get a one vote majority. But what gets me is that no one including Ryan and McConnell knows what kind of bill will emerge from reconciliation.
This should get the blood pressure up across the board. So, what do you think will happen?
I think the GOP clones in the US House will pass Trump-Care.

I think the far right GOP clones in the Senate will reject it together with 100% of the DEMs.

Then there will be no change to ACA for the foreseeable future just as Ryan has threatened.
What Ryan is selling is a Christmas tree in the senate so it can go to reconciliation. Whether that can be put together by McConnell I don't know, Ryan is having problems but it looks like he can get a one vote majority. But what gets me is that no one including Ryan and McConnell knows what kind of bill will emerge from reconciliation.
Nothing is going to reconciliation.

Because nothing is passing in the Senate.

There are 6 GOP votes against Trump-Care in the Senate together with 48 Dem votes against it there.

So 54 to 46 it goes down to defeat. No reason to drag VP Pence from The White House to break any ties.
It's no "repeal replace" It's a step, but it's mostly a joke.

Dig deeper, Congress.

I bet the house shoots it down. My prediction.
Too bad we can't bet money on this.

It is a great horserace.

If it was, we won!.

The question is: Who lost?

Ryan? Lost respect. He's probably done in politics.

The people when they have to deal with Obamacare another year?

(Trump neutered Obamacare as much as possible with what power he has on inauguration day)

The Republicans?

The Democrats?

My vote goes to Ryan for crafting teh fail. He's a goat bigger than being an NFL goat in the Superbowl, seriously.

Like a kicker that misses a field goal at the last minute from 18 yards and his team would have won but they lost.

Ryan is that x5 right now.

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